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...( Info )...
Blondie - Autoamerican [FLAC] Autoamerican is the fifth studio album by the American rock band Blondie. It was released in November 1980[5] and reached No. 3 in the UK charts, No. 7 in the US, and No. 8 in Australia. The album was a radical departure for the band, with opening track "Europa" setting the pace. The track is a dramatic instrumental overture featuring orchestral arrangements and ending with vocalist Debbie Harry declaiming a passage about automobile culture over an electronic soundtrack. Besides rock and pop tracks, the band explored a wide range of other musical genres: "Here's Looking at You" and "Faces" show jazz and blues influences, the reggae hit "The Tide Is High" was a cover of The Paragons' 1967 Jamaican ska hit, whereas "Rapture" combined funk, rock, jazz, and even saw them embracing the then emerging genre of rap. The closing track, "Follow Me", was a cover of a torch song from Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe's 1960 Broadway musical Camelot. ...( TrackList )... 1. "Europa" 2. "Live It Up" 3. "Here's Looking at You" 4. "The Tide Is High" 5. "Angels on the Balcony" 6. "Go Through It" 7. "Do the Dark" 8. "Rapture" 9. "Faces" Harry" 10. "T-Birds" 11. "Walk Like Me" Destri 12. "Follow Me" 13. "Call Me (Original Long Version)" 14. "Suzy & Jeffrey" (B-side to "The Tide Is High" single) 15. "Rapture (Special Disco Mix)" ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-04 16:05:32
Rozmiar: 482.32 MB
Peerów: 63
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : Paul Weller Album : On Sunset (Deluxe) Year: 2020 Genre: Indie Pop, Britpop, Singer-Songwriter Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Mirror Ball (7:37) 02. Baptiste (3:05) 03. Old Father Tyme (3:56) 04. Village (3:19) 05. More (6:55) 06. On Sunset (6:34) 07. Equanimity (3:55) 08. Walkin' (3:57) 09. Earth Beat (4:18) 10. Rockets (4:21) 11. 4th Dimension (5:36) 12. Ploughman (3:15) 13. I’ll Think Of Something (4:07) 14. On Sunset (Orchestral Mix) (3:59) 15. Baptiste (Instrumental) (3:06) ![]()
Seedów: 14
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-03 21:14:46
Rozmiar: 156.73 MB
Peerów: 12
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : Willie Nelson Album : First Rose of Spring Year: 2020 Genre: Country, Folk, Singer-Songwriter Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. First Rose of Spring (3:41) 02. Blue Star (4:35) 03. I'll Break Out Again Tonight (2:50) 04. Don't Let the Old Man In (3:08) 05. Just Bummin' Around (3:15) 06. Our Song (3:51) 07. We Are the Cowboys (4:03) 08. Stealing Home (3:41) 09. I'm the Only Hell My Mama Ever Raised (4:12) 10. Love Just Laughed (4:34) 11. Yesterday When I Was Young (Hier Encore) (3:34) ![]()
Seedów: 72
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-03 21:14:35
Rozmiar: 96.65 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
Katherine Jenkins - Cinema Paradiso (2020) Classical crossover 00:59:27 FLAC ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. When You Wish Upon A Star (From "Pinocchio") 02. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) (From "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence") 03. Cinema Paradiso (From "Cinema Paradiso") [with Alberto Urso] 04. I'll Never Love Again (From "A Star Is Born") 05. Moon River (From "Breakfast At Tiffany's") 06. Singin' In The Rain (From "Singin' In The Rain") 07. West Side Story (Somewhere/Tonight) (From "West Side Story") [with Luke Evans] 08. Danny Boy (From "Memphis Belle") 09. Schindler’s List (From "Schindler's List") 10. The Rose (From "The Rose") [with ] 11. May It Be (From "Lord Of The Rings") 12. Here’s To The Heroes (From "Dances With Wolves") 13. The Rose (From "The Rose") [with Shaun Escoffrey] 14. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) (From "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence") [with Sarah Alainn] 15. Cinema Paradiso (From "Cinema Paradiso") ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-03 16:34:54
Rozmiar: 285.33 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
Willie Nelson - First Rose Of Spring (2020) Country, folk, singer-songwriter 00:41:25 FLAC ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. First Rose of Spring 02. Blue Star 03. I'll Break Out Again Tonight 04. Don't Let the Old Man In 05. Just Bummin' Around 06. Our Song 07. We Are the Cowboys 08. Stealing Home 09. I'm the Only Hell My Mama Ever Raised 10. Love Just Laughed 11. Yesterday When I Was Young (Hier Encore) ![]()
Seedów: 18
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-03 16:30:40
Rozmiar: 235.66 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
Performer = Lady Sovereign
Origin = Wembley, London, England Genre = Hip Hop/UK Garage/Grime Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2006 - Public Warning 9 to 5 A little bit of shhh Blah blah Fiddle with the volume Gatheration Hoodie Love me or hate me Love me or hate me (Remix) (ft Missy Elliott) My England Public Warning Random Tango Those were the days 2009 - Jigsaw Bang bang Food play Guitar I got the goods I got you dancing! Jigsaw Let's be mates Pennies So human Student union Mixed - Pretty vacant (Sex Pistols). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lady Sovereign, właśc. Louise Amanda Harman (ur. 19 grudnia 1985 w Wembley) – angielska MC. Jej matką jest Lynette Parsons, a ojcem Aden Harman. Ma również dwójkę rodzeństwa − starszą siostrę Chloe i młodszego brata Richie'go. W dzieciństwie trenowała piłkę nożną, jednak poważna kontuzja w szkole średniej pozbawiła ją możliwości dalszego grania. W wieku czternastu lat zaczęła pisać rapowe utwory i umieszczała je w Internecie, na forum fanów brytyjskiej grupy So Solid Crew. Dzięki temu poznała DJ-a Frampstera, z którym wkrótce zaczęła współpracować. Dwa lata później wyrzucono ją ze szkoły. Wzięła udział w serialu opowiadającym o młodych MC, dzięki czemu zainteresował się nią londyński producent Medasyn. Jej debiutancki album Public Warning wydała hip-hopowa wytwórnia Def Jam Recordings. Drugi album raperki, Jigsaw, został wydany w kwietniu 2009 przez wytwórnię Midget Records. Na początku 2010 wzięła udział w siódmej z kolei brytyjskiej edycji reality show Celebrity Big Brother, w którym uczestniczą gwiazdy show-biznesu. Została wyeliminowana po dwóch tygodniach, w klasyfikacji ogólnej uplasowała się na dziesiątym miejscu. W trakcie programu wyznała, że ma za sobą związki lesbijskie. ![]()
Seedów: 9
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:58:14
Rozmiar: 85.70 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = The Wallflowers / Jacob Dylan
Origin = Los Angeles, California, USA Genre = Rock/Roots Rock/Alternative Rock Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1992 - The Wallflowers 1996 - Bringing Down The Horse 2000 - (Breach) 2002 - Red Letter Days 2005 - Rebel, Sweetheart 2008 - Seeing Things [Jacob Dylan] 2009 - Collected: 1996-2005 2010 - Women + Country [Jacob Dylan] 2012 - Glad All Over Other - Heroes, I'm looking through you, I started a joke & Lawyers, guns and money. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Wallflowers to amerykański zespół rockowy założony w Los Angeles w 1989 roku przez piosenkarza i kompozytora Jakoba Dylana oraz gitarzystę Tobi Millera. Zespół przeszedł szereg zmian personalnych, ale nadal koncentrował się na Dylanie. Po wydaniu tytułowego debiutanckiego albumu w 1992 roku Wallflowers wydali album, który stał się ich najbardziej znanym i najlepiej sprzedającym się albumem, Bringing Down the Horse w 1996 roku, na którym znalazły się utwory „One Headlight” i „6th Avenue Heartache”. Przed przerwą wydali jeszcze trzy albumy. W 2012 roku Wallflowers ponownie się wydali, aby wydać swój szósty album studyjny, Glad All Over. Wallflowers zdobyły dwie nagrody Grammy: najlepszy rockowy występ duetu lub grupy z wokalem i najlepszy utwór rockowy za „One Headlight” w 1998 roku. „One Headlight” znajduje się również na 58. miejscu listy 100 największych piosenek pop Rolling Stone. ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:58:07
Rozmiar: 993.73 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2016 Genre = Electronic/Hardstyle Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Years Dirty Workz Since 2006 (CD 1) Coone and da Tweekaz - D.W.X. (10 Years Dirty Workz mix) Coone - Faye (ft David Spekter) Coone - Riot (ft E-Life) Cyber - Look for the light (ft Phrantic) Cyber - Lost Town Deepack - Madness (ft MC DL) Denza - Broken light DJ Isaac - Bitches 2016 (ft Technoboy & Tuneboy) Dr Rude - Snpr Hard Driver - To the bone Hard Driver - Welcome Josh - Believe (ft Wesz) Mandy - Here we go Neilio - Feel so alive (ft Ohwin) NSCLT - Do it Phuture Noize - Walls crashin' down Psyko Punkz - Ninja (ft Massive New Krew) Public Enemies - Six million ways Refuzion & Noiseshock - Another world Sephyx & Bonnie X Clyde - Where it hurts Sub Zero Project - Let the pistol go Sylence - All you need Unsenses - Home Wasted Penguinz - Locked out Wave Pressure - Back to you 10 Years Dirty Workz Since 2006 (CD 2) Ambassador Inc. - Put this on YouTube (Wildstylez remix) Audiofreq - Guardians of time Coone - Mayday dream (Bonzai tribute) (vs. Deepack) Coone - Words from the gang (2014 remix) Da Tweekaz - Become (ft Marion Kelly) Da Tweekaz - Break the spell (ft Oscar) Da Tweekaz - The groove DJ Isaac - DJ, ease my mind Dr Rude - Break the floor (ft Villain) Hard Driver - Bass drops Hard Driver - Pow! Inner Heat - 2gether In-Phase - Spark Josh - Retrospect (ft Wesz) Neilio - WINMY (Wish I never met you) (ft Ohwin) NSCLT - Freight train Outlander - Our world Phuture Noize - Firepower Psyko Punkz - After MF Psyko Punkz - BassBoom Psyko Punkz - Rock ya attitude Refuzion - Without you Sub Zero Project - Funky shit Sylence - Each other (ft Cyber) Wasted Penguinz - Wait for you (ft Vegas) ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:58
Rozmiar: 146.96 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2019 Genre = Rock Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 Greatest Classic Rock Songs (2019) (Front).jpeg 100 Greatest Classic Rock Songs (2019) (Front) 02.png Alanis Morissette - You oughta know (2015 remaster) Alannah Myles - Black Velvet Alice Cooper - School's out Aztec Camera - Walk out to Winter Babyshambles - Fall from grace Bad Company - Bad Company Bad Company - Feel like makin' love (2015 remaster) Biffy Clyro - Mountains Billy Talent - Red flag Blackfoot - Highway song Blues Image - Ride captain ride Bread - The guitar man Buffalo Springfield - For what it's worth (Stop, hey what's that sound) BulletBoys - Smooth up in ya Chicago - If you leave me now Chicago - You're the inspiration Christopher Cross - All right Crazy Horse - I don't want to talk about it Daft Punk - Robot Rock David Lee Roth - California girls Deep Purple - Black night Disturbed - Down with the sickness Dr. Feelgood - Milk and alcohol Dr. Feelgood - Roxette Echo & the Bunnymen - The cutter Echo & the Bunnymen - The killing Moon Elvis Costello - The other side of Summer Faces - Ooh la la Faces - Stay with me Faith No More - Epic Faith No More - Falling to pieces Fleetwood Mac - Don't stop Fleetwood Mac - The chain (2004 remaster) Foghat - Slow ride Foreigner - Cold as ice Foreigner - Hot blooded (Single version) Germs - Lexicon devil Goo Goo Dolls - Iris Grateful Dead - Touch of grey Hard-Fi - Hard to beat Harry Chapin - Cat's in the cradle (45 version) Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (45 version) Jane's Addiction - Jane says Jet - Are you gonna be my girl Jethro Tull - Aqualung Joy Division - Disorder (2007 remaster) Joy Division - Love will tear us apart Joy Division - New dawn fades Killswitch Engage - Holy diver Little Feat - Willin' Love - Alone again or Marc Cohn - Walking in Memphis Marillion - Kayleigh (2017 remaster) MC5 - Kick out the jams Neil Young - Down by the river (2009 remaster) (ft Crazy Horse) Neil Young - Rockin' in the free world Nickelback - How you remind me Nickelback - Rockstar Panic! at the Disco - I write sins not tragedies (Edit) Pantera - I'm broken Ramones - Blitzkrieg bop (2016 remaster) Ramones - I wanna be your boyfriend Royal Blood - Figure it out Royal Blood - Out of the black Skid Row - Monkey business Stevie Nicks - Edge of seventeen (2016 remaster) Television - Prove it The Black Keys - Remember when (Side B) The Cars - My best friend's girl The Darkness - I believe in a thing called love (Single version) The Donnas - Dancing with myself The Doobie Brothers - China grove The Doobie Brothers - Listen to the music The Georgia Satellites - Keep your hand to yourself The Hollies - Long cool woman (In a black dress) The Jesus and Mary Chain - April skies The Noise Next Door - Calendar girl The Pretenders - Back on the chain gang The Pretenders - Brass in pocket (2006 remaster) The Smiths - How soon is now. (Edit) The Smiths - Panic (2011 remaster) The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out (2011 remaster) The Stooges - I wanna be your dog The Stooges - No fun The Stranglers - Golden brown The Stranglers - No more heroes The Velvet Underground - Rock & Roll Thunder - Love walked in (2009 remaster) Tony Joe White - Polk salad Annie Twisted Sister - I wanna Rock Van Halen - Jump (2015 remaster) Van Halen - Panama (2015 remaster) Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London White Lion - When the children cry Whitesnake - Here I go again (USA remix) Yes - Owner of a lonely heart (2008 remaster) Yes - Roundabout (Single edit; 45 version) Young Knives - Fit 4 U ZZ Top - La grange ZZ Top - Sharp dressed man (2008 remaster) ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:55
Rozmiar: 381.17 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2020 Genre = Rock Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 Rock Classics (2020) (Front).jpg 100 Rock Classics (2020) (Front) 02.png 999 - Homicide Airrace - I don't care Alannah Myles - Black Velvet Alice Cooper - I'm eighteen Alien - Only one woman Andy McCoy - Too much ain't enough Axe - Rock 'N' Roll party in the streets Babe Ruth - Wells fargo Badfinger - Come down hard Baton Rouge - Walks like a woman Blackfoot - Train, train Blues Image - Pay my dues Brave Belt - Another way out Bread - Make it with you Brownsville Station - Smokin' in the boys room Buffalo Springfield - For what it's worth (Stop, hey what's that sound) Cactus - Evil (Single version) Canned Heat - Bagful of Boogie Cate Brothers - Union man Clear Light - Sand Daryl Hall & John Oates - Beanie G. and the rose tattoo Deep Purple - Speed King Dexys Midnight Runners - Thankfully not living in Yorkshire it doesn't apply (Manchester Square demo) Diesel Park West - Like princes do Dirty Looks - Cool from the wire Dog Eat Dog - Who's the King. Dokken - Alone again Echo & the Bunnymen - Lips like sugar Eric Martin Band - Sucker for a pretty face Faces - Ooh la la Faith No More - Epic Fanny - Charity ball (Single version) Faster Pussycat - House of pain Foghat - Slow ride Foreigner - I want to know what love is Grateful Dead - Casey Jones Hawkwind - Silver machine (Single version) Honeymoon Suite - New girl now Hüsker Dü - Don't want to know if you are lonely Iron Butterfly - Easy rider (Let the wind pay the way) Jackson Browne - Running on empty James Gang - Cruisin' down the highway Jane's Addiction - Stop! Jet - Are you gonna be my girl Kid Rock - All Summer long Kix - Cold blood L7 - Pretend we're dead Lou Gramm - Lost in the shadows (from ''The Lost Boys'') Love - Alone again or Lynch Mob - Wicked sensation Man - Taking the easy way out again (Single version) MC5 - Baby won't ya Montrose - Rock the nation Murderdolls - White wedding New Model Army - Better than them Pantera - Walk Pete Brown and Piblokto! - Aeroplane head woman Poco - Ghost Town Ramones - I wanna be sedated Ronnie Hawkins - Who do you love (Single version) Rush - Driven Skid Row - 18 and life Streetheart - Under my thumb Streets - If love should go Television - Marquee Moon The Association - Windy The Del-Lords - A lifetime of trouble The Distillers - Beat your heart out The Doobie Brothers - Long train runnin' (Full Guitar mix) The Gods - Towards the skies The Impossibles - Plan B The Judybats - Native son The Lively Ones - Surf rider The Pandoras - That's your way out The Posies - I guess you're right The Replacements - Androgynous The Sports - Who listens to the radio The Stooges - T.V. eye The Sunsets - Uptight, out of sight The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane The Wildhearts - I wanna go where the people go The Yardbirds - Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor (Mono) They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in your soul Third Eye Blind - Crystal baller Tom Robinson Band - Long hot Summer Tuff Darts - Fun City Twisted Sister - We're not gonna take it Utopia - Love in action Vanilla Fudge - STRA (Illusions of my childhood-Part one) - You keep me hanging on - WBER (Illusions of my childhood-Part two) Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London Weddings, Parties, Anything. - Away, away Wednesday Week - Missionary Ween - Beacon light White Flag - Launch window White Lion - Radar love Whitesnake - Guilty of love Yes - Owner of a lonely heart Yngwie Malmsteen - Cry no more Zebra - Tell me what you want ZZ Top - Sleeping bag ![]()
Seedów: 6
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:47
Rozmiar: 396.75 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2011 Genre = Electronic Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elektro Diskow (CD 1) B.E.F. - Groove thang (2006 remastered version) Devo - Out of sync Fad Gadget - King of the flies Heaven 17 - Play (7'' version) Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Messages (10'' single version) (2003 remastered version) Our Daughter's Wedding - Lawnchairs Rheingold - Dreiklangsdimensionen Roxy Music - Angel eyes (Extended remix) Silicon Teens - State of shock (Part two) Snowy Red - Euroshima (Wardance) Talk Talk - Talk Talk (Extended mix) Telex - Moskow Diskow (French extended version) Telex - Réalité The League Unlimited Orchestra - Things that dreams are made of (Instrumental) (Remix) The Normal - Warm leatherette Elektro Diskow (CD 2) Arto Lindsay - Let's be adult Duet Emmo - Heart of hearts (Or so it seems) Fad Gadget - Collapsing new people (Berlin mix) Japan - Visions of China (2003 remastered version) Laid Back - White horse (U.S. edit) Nacht und Nebel - Beats of love Nitzer Ebb - Join in the chant (Lies! Instrumental) Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Tesla girls (Extended mix) Pet Shop Boys - In the night (Extended) Savage Progress - Heart begin to beat (An Extended Mad mix) The Assembly - Stop start The Human League - (Keep feeling) Fascination (Improvisation) Vicious Pink - Cccan't you see Yazoo - Situation (Original US Dub) ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:30
Rozmiar: 130.33 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2020 Genre = Various Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adriano Celentano - Ciao ti dirò Bruno Rosettani - Zucchero e pepe (ft Trio Joyce) Carla Boni - Acque amare Carla Boni - Jezebel Carlo Buti - Ritorna amor Edoardo Vianello - Guarda come dondolo Gino Latilla - Tutte le mamme Gino Paoli - Non occupatemi il telefono Italian Summer Day (2020) (Front).jpg Italian Summer Day (2020) (Front) 02.jpg Johnny Dorelli - Boccuccia di rosa Little Tony and his Brothers - Hey little girl Luciana Gonzales - La vita è un Paradiso di bugie Luciano Tajoli - Sei stata tu Luciano Tajoli - Terra straniera Mina - Briciole di baci Nilla Pizzi - Amico Tango (ft Gino Latilla) Nilla Pizzi - Anema e core Nilla Pizzi - Vola colomba Nino Taranto - Chella llà Renato Rascel - Arrivederci Roma Renato Rascel - Merci beaucoup Renato Rascel - Un pò di cielo Roberto Murolo - Aggio perduto 'o suonno Sophia Loren - Sophia Loren Tonina Torrielli - Amami se vuoi Vittorio De Sica - Parlami d'amore Mariù ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:25
Rozmiar: 72.14 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2018 Genre = Various Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NRJ Summer Hits Only 2018 (CD 1) Amir - Les rues de ma peine Ariana Grande - No tears left to cry Aya Nakamura - Djadja Bruno Mars - Finesse Charlie Puth - How long Dadju - Bob Marley David Guetta - Flames (ft Sia) Dennis Lloyd - Nevermind Dua Lipa - IDGAF Ed Sheeran - Perfect Hoshi - Ta marinière Jahyanaï King - Who mad again (ft Bamby) Julian Perretta - On the line Kataleya - J'en peux plus L'Algérino - Va bene Naestro - Bella ciao (ft Maître Gims, Vitaa, Dadju & Slimane) Ofenbach - P.A.R.T.Y. (vs. Lack of Afro ft Wax & Herbal T) Portugal. The Man - Live in the moment Ridsa - Désabonné Rudimental - These days (ft Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen) Zedd - The middle (ft Maren Morris & Grey) NRJ Summer Hits Only 2018 (CD 2) Bad Wolves - Zombie Basada - Good vibes (ft Camden Cox) Becky G - Mayores (ft Bad Bunny) CamelPhat - Cola (ft Elderbrook) Christine and the Queens - Damn, dis-moi (ft Dâm-Funk) Diplo - Worry no more (ft Lil Yachty & Santigold) El Profesor - Bella ciao (Hugel remix) Jen Jis - Keep us apart (ft Feder & Bright Sparks) Keen'V - Tu réalises. Kendji Girac - Maria Maria Louane - Immobile Marshmello - Friends (ft Anne‐Marie) MC Fioti - Bum bum tam tam (Remix) (ft Future, J Balvin, Stefflon Don & Juan Magán) Rita Ora - Anywhere Sara'h - Je me souviens de tout (ft Annalisa) Sean Paul - Mad again (ft David Guetta & Becky G) Shawn Mendes - In my blood Slimane - Viens on s'aime Sofía Reyes - 1, 2, 3 (ft Jason Derulo & De La Ghetto) The Chainsmokers - Sick boy Tom Walker - Leave a light on Vitaa - Un peu de rêve (ft Claudio Capéo) NRJ Summer Hits Only 2018 (CD 3) Alex Hepburn - I believe Bebe Rexha - Meant to be (ft Florida Georgia Line) Ben'Do - Pareil Bigflo & Oli - Papa (ft Notre père Fabian) Bob Sinclar - I believe (ft Tonino Speciale) Flo Rida - Gotta get it (Dancer) G‐Eazy - Sober (ft Charlie Puth) Inna & DJ Sem - La roulette (ft Matt Houston) Jax Jones - Breathe (ft Ina Wroldsen) Lost Frequencies - Melody (ft James Blunt) Maître Gims - La même (ft Vianney) Maruv - Drunk groove (ft Boosin) Maxime Manot - Parlez à mes fesses Mono Mind - Save me a place P!nk - Whatever you want Post Malone - Psycho (ft Ty Dolla $ign) Sasha - Je danse Selena Gomez - Wolves (ft Marshmello) Tal - Mondial Tujamo - Riverside (ft Sidney Samson) Vegedream - La rue Vianney - Le fils à papa (Remix) ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:19
Rozmiar: 218.74 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2019 Genre = Pop Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Radio 2 - Zomerhit 2019 (CD 1) Bart Herman - Op het eerste gezicht Belle Pérez - Indirectas Dana Winner - Waar jij ook bent De Geest - Horizon (ft Aurélie) Frimout - Copacabana Gio Kemper - Hoe je loopt Günther Neefs - On the road again Hooverphonic - Looking for stars Ibe - Table of fools Isabelle A - 2 seconden Kommil Foo - Stilte na de storm (Live) Laura Tesoro - Thinking about you all the time (Live) Mathias Vergels - Helena Metejoor - Horizontaal Milow - Help Niels Destadsbader - Mee naar boven Regi - Summer life (ft Jake Reese & OT) Sam Feldt - Gold (X Kate Ryan) Sasha & Davy - Radio Slongs - Wat overdag Ni Mag The Starlings - Never alone #LikeMe Cast - Vlaanderen m'n land Radio 2 - Zomerhit 2019 (CD 2) Amaryllis Temmerman - Omdat het niet anders kan (ft Nol Havens) Bart Kaëll - Ik moet je nog wat zeggen Celien - Jij en ik Coco Jr. - Don't let me be misunderstood David Vandyck - Heel alleen (ft Thomas Berge) Dean - Ik wil het Ertebrekers - Shimokitazawa Eveline Cannoot - De Zomer van jou en mij Gene Thomas - Je ne pense plus qu'à toi John Leo - Altijd Zomer Jonas Winterland - Plaats onder de Zon (ft Chantal Acda) Laura Lynn - Leven voor twee Lindsay - Pak maar m'n hand (ft Lissa Lewis) Lost Frequencies - Truth never lies (ft Aloe Blacc) Luc Steeno - De hele Zomer Micha Marah - Turks fruit Milo Meskens - Memory card OT - Bad advice Sabien Tiels - Dans Tourist LeMC - Oprechte leugens (ft Alice on the Roof) Willy Sommers - Eeuwige dromers Wim Soutaer - Et ça bouge ![]()
Seedów: 9
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:14
Rozmiar: 152.04 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2007 Genre = Synth Pop/New Wave Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is Opus? https://opus-codec.org/ Opus ~128 vs Original Lossless Audio: https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/06/30/Opus-128-Lossy-vs.-ALAC-Losslessf2a481e70a163441.jpg 24 bit/192 kHz Music downloads are very silly indeed: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html Software used for audio conversion, which the source audio can come from these formats = FLAC, ALAC, APE, CD. soundKonverter -> https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1126634/ Why is not the Bitrate set to 320 kbps? http://wiki.hydrogenaud.io/index.php?title=Opus#Music_encoding_quality https://extraimage.net/images/2020/01/01/2ecb8e06877d9763aa3050dbdf12918d.png Why are audio files set to 48kHz instead of 44.1kHz? https://wiki.xiph.org/OpusFAQ#How_do_I_use_44.1_kHz_or_some_other_sampling_rate_not_directly_supported_by_Opus.3F How to remove/add a wide variety of information into the audio/video tags: Picard -> https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ How to check if there are duplicate files: FSlint -> https://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ How to find and remove duplicate photos on your Windows OS: Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder -> http://www.duplicate-finder.com/photo.html Always check the audio quality, cause even a Lossless format like FLAC can have poor quality everything depends on how and where it was obtained: Spek -> http://spek.cc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABC - The look of love (Special remix) A Flock of Seagulls - I ran (So far away) (Original 12'' version) Alphaville - Forever young (Special Dance version) Blancmange - Waves (Remix) Duran Duran - Hungry like the wolf (Night version) Freur - Doot-Doot (Special extended 12'' mix) Heaven 17 - Let me go (Extended version) Kissing the Pink - One step (Original 12'' version) Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't it be good (Special extended mix) Romantic Klub80 (2007) (Front) 02.png Soft Cell - Where did our love go (Maxi version) Spandau Ballet - Communication (Club mix) Talk Talk - It's my life (Extended version) Ultravox - We came to dance (Extended version) ![]()
Seedów: 9
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:57:10
Rozmiar: 78.11 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Release Type: Compilation Genre (s): Drum & Bass, Liquid funk Date of publication: 2020.05.04 Publisher (label): Prestige Music Group Part Number: PMGCOMP01 Audio Codec: MP3 Rip Type: tracks Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Atlantic Connection - Smokey Blue [00:06:03] 02. Beta 2 - Close Call [00:06:48] 03. Sinistarr - Ascii [00:07:02] 04. Sevin - No Wonder [00:05:32] 05. Random Movement & Dave Owen - Child\'s Play [00:05:34] 06. Switch - Your Love [00:05:40] 07. RoyGreen & Protone - Joyride [00:06:03] 08. Jam Thieves - Zimbabwe [00:05:12] 09. Velocity - Ronin [00:05:35] 10. Malaky - My Dreams [00:06:30] 11. Zero T - Roundwood [00:05:20] 12. Level 2 - Good Love [00:05:43] 13. Altitude - Wounded [00:05:36] 14. Andrezz & DJ Chap - Talks To Me [00:05:37] 15. Nymfo - Modern World [00:05:56] 16. Flaco - Believe It [00:04:51] 17. Brain & Novaglitch - Ghosts [00:05:05] 18. Satl - Not Ordinary Music [00:05:39] 19. Redeyes - Native Land [00:04:49] 20. Phase - Anything For You (feat. Astrid) [00:05:23] 21. Silence Groove - Frost Heaves [00:04:59] 22. Ben Soundscape - The Upside Down [00:06:02] 23. Joakuim - Take My Place (feat. Arnaud Ve) [00:06:02] 24. Fields - Who Is Jack [00:05:14] 25. Bungle - Physical Dub [00:06:00] ![]()
Seedów: 6
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:55:53
Rozmiar: 328.04 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Genre: Psytrance Country of the performer (group): Different countries Label: Phantom Unit Year of publication: 2020 Audio Codec: MP3 Rip Type: tracks Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps Duration: 01:17:02 ...( TrackList )... 01. Fractal Joke And Sakyamuni - Machinery (Original Mix) 02. Atmosfire And Akashic - Radiate (Original Mix) 03. Back2Beat And Flick Magic - Mystical Thread (Original Mix) 04. Mantrix And Arcanjo - Om Shanti (Original Mix) 05. Doctor Hartmann And Morfej - Don\'t Scream (Original Mix) 06. Greentech And Parode - Lucid Dreamers (Original Mix) 07. Back2Beat And Vhorus - Confusing Times (Original Mix) 08. Hakai And Horst And Tchulles - Spaceship (Original Mix) 09. Basso And Saturn Six - Music Mafia (Original Mix) 10. Bagre And Urban Noise - Old Experience (Original Mix) 11. MP Groove And Exactmind - Killer Toy (Original Mix) ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:55:38
Rozmiar: 177.12 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Band: Black Widow Album: Return to the Sabbath/Sacrifice Release: 1969-70 Genre: Psych Prog Rock Origin: UK Quality: Mp3, CBR 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 1969 - Return to the Sabbath 01. In ancient days (9:28) 02. Way to power (4:08) 03. Come to the Sabbath (4:11) 04. Conjuration (5:53) 05. Seduction (4:41) 06. Attack of the demon (3:57) 07. Sacrifice (10:48) 1970 - Sacrifice 01. In ancient days (7:40) 02. Way to power (3:58) 03. Come to the Sabbath (4:56) 04. Conjuration (5:45) 05. Seduction (5:38) 06. Attack of the demon (5:37) 07. Sacrifice (11:10) https://youtu.be/LbfZyYLX8Lk ![]()
Seedów: 5
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:54:49
Rozmiar: 203.24 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: New Music Releases Week 26 of 2020 Genre: Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Dance, Electronic, Latin, R&B Released Time: Week 26 of 2020 Total Tracks: 294 Format/Quality: Mp3 320 Kbps Total Size: 2.32 GB *Album Art For Each Song* ...( TrackList )... 01. Megan Thee Stallion - Girls in the Hood 02. Usher - I Cry 03. BLACKPINK - How You Like That 04. Charlie Puth - Girlfriend 05. Becky Hill - Heaven On My Mind 06. Dixie Chicks - March March 07. Dermot Kennedy - Giants 08. Bring Me the Horizon - Parasite Eve 09. Lil Mosey - Back At It (feat. Lil Baby) 10. Dominic Fike - Chicken Tenders 11. Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure? 12. Trevor Daniel & Selena Gomez - Past Life 13. Lauv - Love Somebody 14. Emily Burns - Curse 15. Haim - Gasoline 16. Jack Harlow - WHATS POPPIN (feat. DaBaby, Tory Lanez & Lil Wayne) (Remix) 17. Curtis Waters - System 18. Jonas Blue - Naked 19. DJ Snake - Trust Nobody 20. Bankrol Hayden - Drop A Tear (feat. Lil Baby) 21. Beyoncé - BLACK PARADE 22. Kenzie - EXHALE (feat. Sia) 23. park hye jin - Can you 24. Kideko - The Fire 25. City Girls - Jobs 26. Juicy J - HELLA FUCKIN' TRAUMA (ENOUGH IS ENOUGH) 27. Lil Durk - Watch Yo Homie 28. Rexx Life Raj - Stimulus Check 29. Lynks Afrikka - How to Be Successful 30. Umi - Bet 31. Louis The Child - Big Love 32. Kygo - How Would I Know 33. BOYBAND - tattoo 34. INNA - Nobody 35. G-Eazy - Had Enough 36. BODYWORX - The Squat Song (with MOTi) 37. Tom Wax - Terminator 38. Going Deeper - Into You 39. Fixupboy - I Can't Love the Same 40. Conor Matthews - Drunk 41. Natanael Cano - Dime Pa Que 42. Lecrae - Deep End 43. Rah Swish - We Can Do It 44. Rence - Sometimes Things Just Fall Apart 45. GABIFUEGO - Contigo Tengo Feeling 46. Marc Benjamin - Genie In a Bottle 47. Jake Tarry - Only You (feat. Hayley May) 48. Carlie Hanson - Stealing All My Friends 49. Alicia Raye - Love Wins 50. Eden Prince - Memories 51. Caylee Hammack - Redhead 52. Keanu Silva - Troubles 53. Ehrling - Tonight 54. Brohug - Gold On My Crown (feat. Born I) 55. Whu Else - Big Brain Man 56. Victor Porfidio - Karma (Sidney Samson Remix) 57. Che Lingo - Spaghetti 58. DubVision - Sign 59. Calboy - Rounds 60. Reece - BOY, DON'T CRY 61. IDK - END OF DISCUSSION (feat. PnB Rock) 62. salem ilese - Mad at Disney 63. Jean Dawson - CLEAR BONES 64. Sons Of Maria - We Are Young 65. Mc Zaac - Desce Pro Play (PA PA PA) 66. Chris Tomlin - Thank You Lord 67. GLN - Stay All Night 68. The Streets - Falling Down 69. Nevada - Lie To Me 70. Besomorph - Dead To Me 71. Duskus - Rising 72. Remi Wolf - Hello Hello Hello 73. Sam Feldt - Far Away From Home (feat. Leony) (MOTi Club Mix) 74. Tayo Sound - Cold Feet 75. Peach Tree Rascals - Deer 76. Pixa - Portoriko 77. B Young - Catch Me Outside 78. Taiki Nulight - Back 2 U 79. Kokiri - Disco Tool 80. Sarcastic Sounds - Laugh 81. Rema - Alien 82. Etc!Etc! - Bootypocalypse (feat. Kstylis) 83. Jahmed - TWOTEN 84. King Arthur - Never Let You Down (Maddow Remix) 85. Vigiland - Follow 86. Sticky M.a. - Ya No 87. Matt OX - Beam Me Up 88. Novo Amor - Decimal 89. One Day Hero - Fire (MOGUAI Edit) 90. Jp Saxe - Hey Stupid, I Love You 91. August Alsina - Work To Do 92. Mike Candys - When You're Dancing 93. Maddix - Electric 94. Makasi - King of Kings 95. Ridney - Gotta Have (Glen Horsborough Remix) 96. Sander van doorn - The World 97. AYOR - Crime Day 98. CARO - Part of Me 99. UNIIQU3 - DIGITAL DIVA 2.0 100. Nox Holloway - Separate Ways 101. Joel Blackmon - Morning 102. Redondo - Give A Little More 103. Bailey Bryan - play w_ me 104. Matilda Mann - As It Is 105. JP Cooper - Too Close 106. J Alvarez - Mátame 107. Crazy Cousinz - Outline (feat. Julie Bergan) (OFFAIAH Remix) 108. Willie J Healey - Fashun 109. Kameron Marlowe - Burn 'Em All 110. Joan - want u back 111. Dr. Fresch - Work (feat. Chetta) 112. Jubel - Dancing in the Moonlight (Nathan Dawe Remix) 113. Klaus - Cortina 114. Holly Humberstone - Overkill 115. Guapdad 4000 - Lil Scammer That Could (feat. Denzel Curry) 116. Atmosphere - GodLovesUgly (Remix) 117. Sebastian Paul - CRUSH 118. Dan Owen - Boys Don't Cry 119. EDX - Umoja 120. twst - Are You Filming Me 121. DJ Licious - You Only 122. DJ Phantasy - Piece of Your Heart (DJ Phantasy Remix) 123. Hayden James - Right Time (Ferreck Dawn Remix) 124. Tom Ferry - I Think That I Like You (Low Steppa Remix) 125. Danny Howard - Pumpin? (Archie Hamilton Remix) 126. CONOR MAYNARD - Nothing but You 127. Jutes - When You're Around 128. Joyryde - YARDIE 129. SNF.JT - Changes 130. Daxson - Echoes In Eternity 131. 88GLAM - Dance for Me 132. July 7 - Long Time No See 133. Clara Mae - Drunk On Emotions 134. Abel Ramos - Get Down (Radio Edit) 135. Terrace Martin - Freeze Tag 136. Rat City - I Just Wanna Dance (MAKJ Remix) 137. Walk Off the Earth - Oh What A Feeling 138. GRiZ - Medusa 139. Sonny Fodera - Moving Blind 140. 6lack - Know My Rights 141. RAVLAV - Dirty Bass Dancer 142. Young Dolph - Blue Diamonds 143. Fenne Lily - Alapathy 144. Saint Joao - Set It Off 145. Latroit - Don't Give Up 146. Borgeous - Indica Eyes 147. Bellecour - Los Choukarios 148. Dixie D?Amelio - Be Happy 149. Teejayx6 - Punchin' (feat. NLE Choppa) 150. Lilly Ahlberg - Naked 151. Duke Dumont - Nightcrawler (Illyus & Barrientos Remix) 152. Yagiz Ince - Making Love To The Dark 153. Day Sulan - BIG 154. Flume - The Difference (Willaris. K Remix) 155. Deniz Koyu _ KO_YU - Next To You 156. Tora - Escape Room 157. Volac - Super Cute (MKJAY Remix) 158. Kamaal Williams - Hold On 159. Oscar Welsh - Sixteen 160. Rohaan, Tek Genesis - People of Eve 161. CeeLo Green - For You 162. Big Boi - Can't Sleep 163. Jessie Ware - Ooh La La (Honey Dijon Remix) 164. Celaviedmai - Questions (feat. Nealo & Alan Mckee) 165. Kllo - Somehow 166. Alesso - Midnight (Rompasso Remix) 167. Dantec - Right Now (MISERO Remix) 168. Justin Rarri - 2 SEATER 169. Koos - Dirt 170. Micro TDH - Dime Cuantas Veces (Remix) [feat. Justin Quiles] 171. Cheat Codes - Heaven 172. Grace Davies - Just a Girl 173. Danny Howard - Pumpin? 174. Sonn - Rumours 175. Kardox - Give 176. Armin van Buuren - Hollow 177. K-Trap - Shivers 178. CamelPhat - Hypercolour 179. Gattuso - Heart On My Sleeve 180. Ego Ella May - Tonight I'm Drowning 181. Sigma - High On You (Sigma VIP) 182. Paul Woolford - Looking for Me 183. Tana - Ride & Clutch, Pt. 2 184. Turbo - Racing After Me 185. Clueso - Tanzen (VIZE Remix) 186. Cihanback - Hold On To Me (Madindigo Remix) 187. Matisse - Nada 188. Eyelar - Say It With Your Eyes 189. Jauz - Wildlife 190. Ailbhe Reddy - Time Difference 191. chloe moriondo - Manta Rays 192. Burna Boy - Wonderful 193. Nick AM - Wake Up 194. Rohaan - I Found You 195. Tatiana Hazel - Sex Appeal 196. SeeB - Unfamiliar (Club Edit) 197. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Ninja Re Bang Bang (Steve Aoki Remix) 198. Grandson - Identity 199. Overnight Oats - Walls 200. Wolfgang Gartner - Supercars 201. Katy Perry - Daisies (Oliver Heldens Remix) 202. Bassnectar - All Colors (feat. Blakkamoore) 203. Triple M - Bazzline (Thomas Gold Edit) 204. Oh Wonder - Don't You Worry 205. Buju Banton - Cherry Pie 206. Ted Jasper - Higher Plain 207. Illenium - In Your Arms (ARMNHMR Remix) 208. Cmat - Rodney 209. Cash Cash - Gasoline (feat. Laura White) (Felix Cartal Remix) 210. Lolawolf - Not Diana 211. Sam Tompkins - Kings 212. Nothing But Thieves - Real Love Song 213. Tash Sultana - Greed 214. Patricia Lalor - Alone 215. Another Sky - Fell In Love With The City 216. Bright Eyes - Mariana Trench 217. Missio - Wolves 218. Vybz Kartel - Dons & Divas (feat. Danii Boo) [Dons] 219. Modernlove. - If You Wanna See Me 220. Marshmello - Be Kind (Jacques Lu Cont Remix) 221. Jayla Darden - Demonstration 222. Arca - KLK 223. Claudia Valentina - Seven 224. Raleigh Ritchie - Squares 225. destructo - This Is Our Home (Radio Edit) 226. Funk Machine - Wartone 227. DUKI - 24 228. NADDA - My Girl 229. Who's John - Take Me Higher 230. Eladio Carrion - Ponte Linda (Remix) 231. Grey Daze - Morei Sky 232. Blanke - Fragile Violence (yetep Remix) 233. Yungeen Ace - Don Dada 234. Kanine - Lighter Crew 235. The Uk Shapeshifters - Finally Ready (feat. Billy Porter) 236. Quinn XCII - Second Time Around 237. Khruangbin - Dearest Alfred 238. Delilah Montagu - Version of Me 239. Breakbot - Translight 240. Deadmau5 - Pomegranate (Ninajirachi Remix) 241. Tommie Sunshine - Burning With XTC 242. Kristoph Galland - Three Story (Rakafant Remix) 243. Luke Solomon - Love. Hope. Happiness (feat. Amy Douglas & Queen Rose) 244. Joris Voorn - Life (Tone Depth Remix) 245. Patrick Topping - Rocket Fuel (Edit) 246. Malaa - Don't Talk 247. Kelly Lee Owens - On (Edit) 248. Ray LaMontagne - Roll Me Mama, Roll Me 249. Farius - Trancist 250. Jus Jack - Set Me Free 251. Audien - Heaven (feat. Maty Noyes) [Lenno Remix] 252. Dillon Francis - You Do You (DJ Hanzel Remix) 253. GIVVEN - Glue 254. Melanie Martinez - Fire Drill 255. Blake Rose - Ordinary People 256. Hard But Crazy - Vivi Nell? Aria (feat. Miani) (Harris & Ford Remix) 257. HLM - The World 258. Haruka Salt - Pitch 'n Itch (Edit) 259. Tenille Townes - The Way You Look Tonight 260. DJ SK (MA) - Alone 261. Rauw Alejandro - Algo Mágico 262. Kaskade - When I'm With You 263. Brennan Heart - Outcasts (Toneshifterz & Code Black Remix) 264. Goddard. - Player 265. Tydi - Skirmish 266. Klangkarussell - My World (Edit) 267. Big Wild - Touch (Poolside Remix) 268. Alexandra Stan - Take Me Home (Karim Naas Remix) 269. Fubu - Freak Like Me (feat. Kate Wild) [MistaJam Dance NRG Remix] 270. Metrik - Dying Light 271. Bassboy - Thru Your Mind 272. Nadine Shah - Club Cougar 273. Maverick Sabre - Signs 274. Keith Harris Experience - Get It 275. Sueco the Child - Smackdown (feat. TOKYO'S REVENGE) 276. Frederick Alonso - Walk Into The Sun (Original Mix) 277. Greg Kozo - Home Run 278. Steve James - us 279. Pacho El Antifeka - Pa' Morir Se Nace (feat. Wisin, Juanka) (Remix) 280. Kid Fonque - Somewhere (Instrumental) 281. Feid - PORFA (Remix) 282. UNDERHER - Out of Sight (Rony Seikaly Remix) 283. Groove Armada - Get Out on the Dancefloor (feat. Nick Littlemore) 284. Wh0 - Lighta (Night Dub) 285. Lianne La Havas - Weird Fishes 286. Kormak - Let's Talk About It (Extended Mix) 287. Max Marinacci - Smoking Yazz 288. Jess Bays - In This Alone 289. Pierce Fulton - Friday Island 290. Channel Tres - Controller (Walker & Royce Remix) 291. Nocturnal Sunshine - Gravity (feat. RY X) (Emanuel Satie Remix) 292. Thumper - Topher Grace 293. Pig&Dan - Acronym 294. Tourist - Last ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 20:52:39
Rozmiar: 2.33 GB
Peerów: 16
Dodał: Uploader
Title: Italodance Summer Hits 2020
Artist: VA Year: 2020 Genre: Europop, Eurobeat, Euro-NRG, HandsUp, Electronic, Dance Duration: 01:39:05 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps Tracks: 01. FranJ & MArk\'M - In Your Eyes (Bonus Track) [Mark\'M Back To The Future Mix] 5:16 02. Morgana - Getting Over You (Extended Mix) 7:02 03. DJ Hunter feat. Michele Dipalo - Big Bang (Original Mix) 3:48 04. FranJ & MArk\'M - In Your Eyes (FranJ Original Mix) 6:01 05. DJ Cillo feat. Erika Mein - Summer Rave (Extended Mix) 5:09 06. DJ Doddo & DJ Hunter with Andrea Decibel feat. Elisa - Ti Rivedo Nei Miei Sogni (Original Mix) 6:40 07. Luca Ballanti - On The Move (Radio Edit) 3:13 08. Pancho DJ & Ramore Project - Follow Me (Original Mix) 5:31 09. DanzerTraxx - DiscoScontro (Original Mix) 4:26 10. DJ JPedroza - Music Of Our Life (Romantic & Melodic) 6:40 11. Nik DJ & Sir Cristian - Dark House (Mark\'M. Vocal Mix) 4:21 12. Stalin DJ - Back To (Italo Dance Remix) 3:20 13. DJ Doddo - Canta Per Me (Original Mix) 5:11 14. Illogic@l - We\'ve Come Too Far (Original Mix) 5:01 15. H&M Team - Elektro Etnico (Original Mix) 4:52 16. Danceposse - Feel You Love (Original Mix) 4:50 17. DJ Bonie - R U Ready (Original Mix) 4:14 18. Scaffidi - That\'s Magic (Original Mix) 3:17 19. Divij - Feel The Energy (Original Mix) 5:06 20. DJ 491 - Everybody Hands Up (Extended Mix) 5:06 ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 19:58:04
Rozmiar: 230.28 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: wojak999
[Gdy obojętność jest przyzwoleniem, a przyzwolenie jest akceptacją, gdy akceptacja jest tłumaczeniem że sytuacja jest wyższa racją...] RUNNING WILD po wydaniu „Gates of Purgatory” może nie zdobył jeszcze tak szerokiej rzeszy fanów co w okresie piractwa, ale jakoś to Rolfa Kasperka nie przygnębiło i na nagrał właściwie niemal identyczny album zatytułowany „Branded and Exiled”. Dokonano drobnej zmiany na stanowisku gitarzysty gdzie Geralda Wernceke który skupił się na działalności pozamuzycznej, obecnie podbija serca starych fanów za sprawą zespołu THE GATE , a w jego miejsce pojawił się jeden z najbardziej utalentowanych gitarzystów RUNNING WILD, a mianowicie Majk Moti. Choć trzeba przyznać, że trzeba było jeszcze trochę poczekać na jego pOPIS umiejętności. Co ciekawe mamy zmianą personalną, a muzycznie nie ma większych różnic. Klimat podobnie mroczny, zresztą jak teksty, nawet brzmienie jest identyczne. Różnica polega na tym, że jest tutaj jakby oddalenie nieco się od mrocznych, wręcz szatańskich klimatów na rzecz bardziej rycerskich, a najlepiej to słychać w takim metalowym hymnie jak „Chains And Leather”, który jest równie atrakcyjny co słynny „Prisoners Of Our Time”. Oczywiście styl, sposób grania i forma jest bez zmian, to dalej ten sam RUNNING WILD co na debiucie, choć mniej surowy to w dalszym ciągu utrzymany w średnio szybkim tempie, z dużą dawką energii, chwytliwych refrenów czy prostych łatwo w padających w ucho melodii. To że album zbytnio nie odbiega od debiutu zawdzięczamy poniekąd Kasperkowi, który jest odpowiedzialny niemal za cały materiał. Satysfakcja podczas słuchania tego albumu właściwie gwarantowana. Już od pierwszych sekund uderza w słuchacza fala uderzeniowa przesiąknięta niemiecką tradycję w postaci „Branded And Exiled”, który idealnie się sprawdza w postaci koncertowego pobudzenia ludzi. Skoro na debiucie wszystko było ok, to po co kombinować, skoro można podać to jeszcze raz ograniczając się do drobnych zmian, czyli innej melodii i refrenu. Rozpędzony „Gods of Iron” czy porywisty „Realm Of Shades” to przykłady utworów, które spokojnie mogłyby się znaleźć na poprzednim albumie. Podobna konstrukcja, podobna melodyjność, wydźwięk, nawet tak samo rozplanowane solówki. Otóż solówki to coś co pozwoliło przetrwać RUNNING WILD w tej mało oryginalnej formie. To właśnie umiejętność wygrywania atrakcyjnych partii gitarowych, to umiejętność komponowania killerów pozwoliła przetrwać zespołowi ten początkujący okres. Jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych kawałków z tego krążka jest tolkienowski „Mordor” które w przeciwieństwie do reszty jest utrzymany w jednostajnym średnim tempie. Jest mrok, jest zimny klimat, a wszystko jednak nie sprawia wrażenia toporności. Kultowa dla mnie jest solówka w tym utworze i rozwiązanie podobne do „Diabolic Force” gdzie bardzo melodyjna solówka kończy kompozycje. A skoro mowa o „Diabolic Force” to podobnej konstrukcji jest bojowy „Fight The Opression” . Natomiast najsłabiej wypada mroczny „Evil Spirit” napisany przez basistę Borrisa. Pomysł na bardziej ponury, bardziej stonowany utwór udany, ale wykonanie nieco gorsze. I tak jak „Gengis Ghan” tak i „Marching To Die” zwiastuje styl jaki zespół zacznie prezentować na kolejnych albumach. Sposób w jaki został zaaranżowany przypomina to co można usłyszeć na „Under Jolly Roger”. Oprócz jasno sprecyzowanego stylu, oprócz wyrównanego i pełnego przebojów materiału, mamy też zwyżkową formę Kasperka jako wokalisty, a to dopiero początek jego szkolenia w tej dziedzinie. Drobne zmiany kosmetyczne, nieco odświeżyły formułę, nie tracąc swojego naturalnego charakteru. Jednak czy zespół byłby tak znany i popularny, gdyby tak grał cały czas? Raczej nie. Ewolucja w kierunku pirackiego stylu przysporzyła zespołowi więcej sławy i dzięki temu są dziś tak wielkim zespołem. O „Branded and Exiled” złego słowa nie mogę napisać. Ocena : 9/10 (PMW) 1. Branded And Exiled 3:54 2. Gods Of The Iron 4:00 3. Realm Of Shades 4:27 4. Mordor 4:49 5. Fight The Oppression 4:54 6. Evil Spirit 3:19 7. Marching To Die 4:35 8. Chains And Leather 5:41 Bonus Tracks: 9. Branded And Exiled (Re-Recorded Version 1991) 3:49 10. Fight The Oppression (Re-Recorded Version 1991) 4:53 11. Marching To Die (Re-Recorded Version 1991) 4:36 12. Branded And Exiled (Re-Recorded Version 2003) 3:57 13. Mordor (Re-Recorded Version 2003) 4:40 Guitar, Vocals – Majk Lead Guitar – Majk (tracks: 2, 7, 8) Lead Vocals, Guitar – Rock n' Rolf Bass, Vocals – Stephan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79DuTabUDe0 !!! INITIAL SEEDING. SEED 14:30-22:00. POLECAM!!! START WIECZOREM... 100% Antifascist ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 00:52:26
Rozmiar: 448.92 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
Kavus Torabi - Hip to the Jag (2020) Alternative folk, psychedelic rock Believers Roast FLAC ..::(TrackList)::.. Chart The Way Silent The Rotor A Body Of Work The Peacock Throne You Broke My Fall Cemetery Of Light Radio To Their World My Cold Rebirth Where The Eyeless Walk Slow Movements ..::(Opis)::.. https://www.discogs.com/Kavus-Torabi-Hip-To-The-Jag/release/15073542 https://www.amazon.com/Hip-Jag-Kavus-Torabi/dp/B089B8L58F ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 00:52:18
Rozmiar: 227.20 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
Eric Bellinger - Hors D'oeuvres (2020) R&B YFS (Your Favorite Song) & Empire 27:37 Mp3-320 kb/s ..::(TrackList)::.. 01 - Eric Bellinger - Dream 02 - Eric Bellinger - Whatever 03 - Eric Bellinger - No Co-Sign 04 - Eric Bellinger - Eazy Shuffle 05 - Eric Bellinger - Double Standard 06 - Eric Bellinger - Switch It Up 07 - Eric Bellinger - Mamba Mentality 08 - Eric Bellinger - Manifestation 09 - Eric Bellinger - Lifestyle ..::(Opis)::.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hors-Doeuvres-Eric-Bellinger/dp/B089CWZJ1Y ![]()
Seedów: 15
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-02 00:51:06
Rozmiar: 67.23 MB
Peerów: 7
Dodał: xdktkmhc
...( Info )...
ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: NRJ Latino Hits RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2020 COUNTRY: France STYLE: Pop LABEL: Warner Music France DURATION: 01:38:42 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Karol G - Tusa 3:21 02. Bakermat - Baianá 3:02 03. Black Eyed Peas - Mamacita 4:09 04. Pedro Capó - Buena Suerte 2:55 05. M. Pokora - Danse Avec Moi 2:54 06. Demi Lovato - I Love Me 3:24 07. Cnco - De Cero 3:40 08. Anna - Bando 2:48 09. Soprano - Ninja 3:06 10. Alle Farben - As Far As Feelings Go 3:30 11. Dayvi - Baila Conmigo (Willy William Remix) 2:49 12. Dadju - Bobo Au Cœur 3:42 13. Alicia Keys - Underdog 3:28 14. Alan Walker - Alone, Pt. Ii 2:59 15. Felix Jaehn - Close Your Eyes 2:41 16. Tyga - Ayy Macarena 2:12 17. Selena Gomez - Rare 3:41 18. J Balvin - Morado 3:21 19. Justin Bieber - Intentions 3:33 20. Feder - That Girl 2:38 21. Barrio Latino - Dura 3:20 22. Oryane - Love Mi Ladies 2:41 23. Juanes - Bonita 2:28 24. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Boomshakalaka 3:32 25. Kendji Girac - Tu Vas Manquer 3:05 26. Blackbear - Hot Girl Bummer 3:05 27. Gradur - Ne Reviens Pas 3:09 28. Jonas Brothers - What A Man Gotta Do 3:01 29. Charles V Feat. Dany & Jon-Y - Positivo (Positif 2020) 2:54 30. Lartiste - Bomboclaat 3:38 31. Topic - Breaking Me 2:47 32. Aya Nakamura - 40% 2:55 33. Meduza - Lose Control 2:48 34. Major Lazer - Que Calor (Feat. J Balvin & El Alfa) 2:50 ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 22:33:37
Rozmiar: 260.20 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Metallica Title: Metallica (Remastered) Year Of Release: 1991 Label: Virgin EMI Genre: Rock, Metal Quality: 24bit-48kHz FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 62:32 Total Size: 854 MB https://www.highresaudio.com/en/album/view/iae3na/metallica-metallica-remastered ...( TrackList )... 1. Enter Sandman (5:32) 2. Sad But True (5:25) 3. Holier Than Thou (3:48) 4. The Unforgiven (6:27) 5. Wherever I May Roam (6:44) 6. Don't Tread On Me (4:01) 7. Through The Never (4:04) 8. Nothing Else Matters (6:29) 9. Of Wolf And Man (4:17) 10. The God That Failed (5:09) 11. My Friend Of Misery (6:49) 12. The Struggle Within (3:54) Metallica James Hetfield, vocals, rhythm guitar, guitar solo on "Nothing Else Matters" Kirk Hammett, lead guitar Jason Newsted, bass Lars Ulrich, drums, percussion Additional musicians: Michael Kamen, orchestral arrangement on "Nothing Else Matters" Recorded October 6, 1990 – June 16, 1991 at One on One, Los Angeles Produced by James Hetfield, Bob RockLars Ulrich ![]()
Seedów: 70
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 22:26:41
Rozmiar: 805.49 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Toto Title: Fahrenheit (Remastered) Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Columbia Genre: Rock Quality: mp3 Total Time: 43:55 Total Size: 101 GB ...( TrackList )... 1. Till the End (5:27) 2. We Can Make It Tonight (4:16) 3. Without Your Love (4:34) 4. Can't Stand It Any Longer (4:38) 5. I'll Be Over You (3:50) 6. Fahrenheit (4:38) 7. Somewhere Tonight (3:46) 8. Could This Be Love (5:14) 9. Lea (4:30) 10. Don't Stop Me Now (3:05) AllMusic Review by William Ruhlmann After the ballad-deprived Isolation failed to meet the marketplace like its predecessor, Toto IV, Toto returned to making lush, mid-tempo tunes of romantic despair on Fahrenheit, enlisting their third lead singer, Joseph Williams, and calling in chips all over L.A. to score cameos from the likes of Michael McDonald, Don Henley, David Sanborn, and even Miles Davis, who had the closing track, "Don't Stop Me Now," pretty much to himself. Williams was a slightly grittier and more identifiable vocalist than Bobby Kimball or Fergie Frederiksen. But while the return to power ballads had the intended effect on the pop and adult contemporary charts (both "I'll Be over You" and "Without Your Love" scored), the album had a relatively low chart peak and failed to go gold. That kind of disconnection always indicates that the radio audience is failing to identify the songs with the group that made them, and it always means a career in trouble. ![]()
Seedów: 35
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 22:26:35
Rozmiar: 101.53 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Genre: Heavy Prog / Progressive Metal Country of artist (group): UK Year of publication: 2020 Audio Codec: MP3 Rip Type: tracks Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps Duration: 52:00 ...( TrackList )... 01. Prosthetic (5:58) 02. Invasion (6:42) 03. Carousel (10:29) 04. The Strain (5:23) 05. Canary Yellow (4:14) 06. Messiah Complex I: Ivory Tower (3:57) 07. Messiah Complex II: A Glutton for Punishment (3:38) 08. Messiah Complex III: Marigold (2:24) 09. Messiah Complex IV: The Sect (2:02) 10. Messiah Complex V: Ectobius Rex (4:57) 11. Only Stars (2:10) ![]()
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 17:23:27
Rozmiar: 120.03 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Band: Blind Faith Album: Blind Faith Release: 1969 (2008) Genre: Classic Rock, Blues Rock Origin: UK Quality: Mp3, CBR 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Had to Cry Today 08:49 02. Can't Find My Way Home 03:16 03. Well All Right 04:26 04. Presence of the Lord 04:50 05. Sea of Joy 05:23 06. Do What You Like 15:16 07. Exchange And Mart 04:18 08. Spending All My Days 03:03 ![]()
Seedów: 14
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 17:16:07
Rozmiar: 137.08 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Lil Wayne Album: Weezy Flow Year: 2020 Genre: Rap, Hip-Hop Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Lil Wayne & Lil Uzi Vert - Multiple Flows [Explicit] 02. Mahogany [Explicit] 03. Russian Roulette [feat. Benny The Butcher & Conway The Machine] [Explicit] 04. Mama Mi [Explicit] ![]()
Seedów: 30
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 17:12:50
Rozmiar: 34.71 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( TrackList )...
01. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (Acoustic) 02. Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know (Acoustic) 03. Jason Derulo - Whatcha Say (Acoustic) 04. Tyler Hilton - I Believe in You (Acoustic) 05. Lenny Kravitz - Everything (Acoustic) 06. Toby Lightman - Real Love 07. Seal - Crazy (Acoustic) 08. The Corrs - Runaway (MTV Live Unplugged Version) 09. Duran Duran - Ordinary World (Acoustic) 10. Jess Glynne - All I Am (Acoustic) 11. Anne-Marie - Perfect To Me (Acoustic) 12. Lily Allen - Smile (Acoustic) 13. Jess Glynne - My Love (Acoustic) 14. Damien Rice - Cannonball 15. RITA ORA - Your Song (Acoustic) 16. Rudimental - These Days (feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen) (Acoustic) 17. Matoma - False Alarm (Acoustic Version) 18. Seal - Kiss from a Rose (Acoustic) 19. Kwabs - Walk (Live) (Acoustic) 20. Daniel Powter - Bad Day (Acoustic) 21. Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 22. Rod Stewart - I Don't Want to Talk About It (2008 Remaster) 23. America - A Horse with No Name 24. Dua Lipa - New Rules (Acoustic) 25. Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better) (Acoustic) 26. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Radio Edit) 27. Jet - Look What You've Done (Acoustic) 28. Bebe Rexha - Meant to Be (Acoustic) 29. The Goo Goo Dolls - Sympathy 30. Carly Simon - You're so Vain 31. Shinedown - Simple Man (Acoustic) ![]()
Seedów: 12
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-01 17:12:44
Rozmiar: 272.89 MB
Peerów: 8
Dodał: Uploader
1 - 30 | 31 - 60 | 61 - 90 | ... | 17701 - 17730 | 17731 - 17760 | 17761 - 17790 | 17791 - 17820 | 17821 - 17850 | ... | 21931 - 21960 | 21961 - 21990 | 21991 - 22001 |