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...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: Orchestrion Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 2010 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - 01 Orchestrion 2. Pat Metheny - 02 Entry Point 3. Pat Metheny - 03 Expansion 4. Pat Metheny - 04 Soul Search 5. Pat Metheny - 05 Spirit Of The Air ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-03-01 10:01:06
Rozmiar: 1.03 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía Album: Saturday Night In San Francisco (Impex) Genre: Fusion, Jazz Year: 2022 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version: reference libFLAC 1.4.0 20220909 Quality: Lossless, (avg. compression: 64 %) ...( TrackList )... 1. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - Bill Graham Introduction 2. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - Splendido Sundance 3. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - One Word 4. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - Trilogy Suite 5. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - Monasterio De Sal 6. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - El Pañuelo 7. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucía - Meeting Of The Spirits ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-28 14:19:01
Rozmiar: 984.38 MB
Peerów: 5
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Nguyên Lê Album: Silk and Sand Year: 2023 Genre: jazz, prog-rock Country: Paris, France Format: FLAC ...( TrackList )... 01 - Red City 02 - Silk and Sand 03 - Onety-One 04 - Moonstone 05 - The Waters of Ortiglia 06 - Baraka 07 - Thar Desert Dawn 08 - Tiger's Dance 09 - Becoming Water ![]()
Seedów: 13
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-28 10:00:45
Rozmiar: 274.21 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: New Chautauqua Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 1979 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - New Chautauqua 2. Pat Metheny - Country Poem 3. Pat Metheny - Long Ago Child / Fallen Star 4. Pat Metheny - Hermitage 5. Pat Metheny - Sueño Con Mexico 6. Pat Metheny - Daybreak ![]()
Seedów: 6
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-27 00:45:28
Rozmiar: 681.13 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: Zero tolerance for silence Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 1994 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - part 1 2. Pat Metheny - part 2 3. Pat Metheny - part 3 4. Pat Metheny - part 4 5. Pat Metheny - part 5 Playing Time.........: 39:16 ![]()
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-27 00:45:13
Rozmiar: 246.07 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: One Quiet Night Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 2003 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - One Quiet Night (Album Version) 2. Pat Metheny - Song for the Boys (Album Version) 3. Pat Metheny - Don't Know Why (Album Version) 4. Pat Metheny - Another Chance (Album Version) 5. Pat Metheny - Time Goes On (Album Version) 6. Pat Metheny - My Song (Album Version) 7. Pat Metheny - Peace Memory (Album Version) 8. Pat Metheny - Ferry Cross the Mersey (Album Version) 9. Pat Metheny - Over on 4th Street (Album Version) 10. Pat Metheny - I Will Find the Way (Album Version) 11. Pat Metheny - North to South, East to West (Album Version) 12. Pat Metheny - Last Train Home (Album Version) 13. Pat Metheny - In All We See (Non-LP Track) Playing Time.........: 01:11:56 ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-27 00:44:59
Rozmiar: 342.04 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: What's It All About Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 2011 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - The Sound of Silence 2. Pat Metheny - Cherish 3. Pat Metheny - Alfie 4. Pat Metheny - Pipeline 5. Pat Metheny - Garota de Ipanema 6. Pat Metheny - Rainy Days and Mondays 7. Pat Metheny - That's the Way I've Always Heard It Should Be 8. Pat Metheny - Slow Hot Wind 9. Pat Metheny - Betcha by Golly, Wow 10. Pat Metheny - And I Love Her ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-27 00:44:47
Rozmiar: 992.90 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist...............: Miles Davis Album................: Dig Genre................: Jazz Source...............: WEBQ Year.................: 1964-2023 Ripper...............: & Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.4.2 20221022 Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 28 %) Channels.............: Stereo / 192000 HZ / 24 Bit Tags.................: - Information..........: Prestige ...( TrackList )... 1. Miles Davis - Dig 2. Miles Davis - It's Only A Paper Moon 3. Miles Davis - Denial 4. Miles Davis - Bluing 5. Miles Davis - Out Of The Blue Playing Time.........: 35:01 Total Size...........: 636,39 MB ![]()
Seedów: 34
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-23 21:59:42
Rozmiar: 636.48 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: From This Place Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 2020 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - America Undefined 2. Pat Metheny - Wide and Far 3. Pat Metheny - You Are 4. Pat Metheny - Same River 5. Pat Metheny - Pathmaker 6. Pat Metheny - The Past in Us 7. Pat Metheny - Everything Explained 8. Pat Metheny - From This Place 9. Pat Metheny - Sixty-Six 10. Pat Metheny - Love May Take Awhile Playing Time.........: 01:16:37 ![]()
Seedów: 22
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-23 10:59:52
Rozmiar: 1.31 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Pat Metheny Album: Road to the Sun Genre: Jazz Fusion Year: 2021 Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) ...( TrackList )... 1. Pat Metheny - Four Paths of Light, Pt. 1 2. Pat Metheny - Four Paths of Light, Pt. 2 3. Pat Metheny - Four Paths of Light, Pt. 3 4. Pat Metheny - Four Paths of Light, Pt. 4 5. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 1 6. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 2 7. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 3 8. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 4 9. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 5 10. Pat Metheny - Road to the Sun, Pt. 6 11. Pat Metheny - Für Alina (arr. by Pat Metheny for 42-string guitar) Playing Time.........: 56:39 ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-23 10:59:39
Rozmiar: 754.39 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Opis )... Niżej podpisany w pełni zgadza się z komentarzem autora okładki niniejszego wydawnictwa – legendarnym projektantem Rosławem Szaybo – że jego zawartość: „to najbliższa Komedzie muzyka, jaka powstała od 30 lat”. Mocne wrażenie robił już występ Kwintetu Mazolewskiego na ostatnim Festiwalu Muzyki Filmowej im. Krzysztofa Komedy, gdzie ten repertuar został przedstawiony z większym ogniem. To nieco zaskakujące, że gustujący raczej w muzycznych prowokacjach Mazolewski i jego zgrani kompani trafiają formą swych absolutnie współczesnych prezentacji najbliżej Komedowskiego ducha, a przecież nie mieli okazji słyszeć jego muzyki wykonywanej na żywo. Być może jest to wynikiem, że pracowano nad albumem aż trzy lata. Mazolewski starał się nie tylko dotrzeć do nut oryginałów i książek o Komedzie, ale skontaktował się z jego przyjaciółmi, zobaczył gdzie zamieszkiwał, aby jak najbardziej poznać osobowość naszego najwspanialszego kompozytora muzyki jazzowej i filmowej. Dociekliwość lidera grupy przyniosła doskonałe rezultaty. Mimo bogactwa aranżacyjnego na płycie nie spotykamy udziwnień, co zawsze też cechowało twórczość Komedy. Mimo wielu zaskakujących rozwiązań zaproponowanych przez grupę Mazolewskiego, cały ten projekt jest owiany duchem romantyzmu i słowiańskiej rzewności tak charakterystycznym dla mistrza Komedy. Album rozpoczyna się utworem tytułowym w dość minorowym nastroju, by wraz ze zdecydowanym wejściem dęciaków w introdukcji do Roman II wywołać zaskoczenie; dalej niepokojąca aura została przejęta przez skoczną sekcję rytmiczną. Są oczywiście na płycie utwory o charakterze balladowym jak: Le Depart, Dwaj ludzie z szafą, Bariera i Alleluja, ale najczęściej ekscytujący rytm perkusji czy ostrzejsze akordy fortepianu i basu wnoszą istotny element fermentu. Mazolewski świetnie wyczuł, że Komeda, choć był wizjonerem, to za fortepianem nie był awangardzistą za wszelką cenę, natomiast cenił w swych zespołach niespokojne duchy muzyczne, jak Tomasz Stańko, Rune Carlson, Zbigniew Namysłowski czy Michał Urbaniak. Najbardziej rozbudowaną formę przybrał Astigmatic (choć znacznie krótszy niż w oryginale), w którym odwzorowano najistotniejsze motywy tego wielowątkowego utworu. Tu w partiach solowych zabłysnęli Duda, Török i Pospieszalski. Natomiast Mazolewski zręcznie wplótł w swój melancholijny popis fragment ze Sleep Safe and Warm. Forma tematu Crazy Girl zyskała najbardziej abstrakcyjną oprawę intrygujących akcentów perkusjonaliów i fortepianu do leniwie kreślącego temat saksofonu. W tanecznym rytmie dęciaki grają melodię Ja nie chcę spać, by dać potem pole do czujnej wymiany myśli pomiędzy elokwentnym saksofonem i fortepianem elektrycznym. Oparty na porywistym rytmie Memory of Bach świetnie się broni wysmakowanymi solówkami i zbiorowym finałem. Najbardziej dosłownie przytoczonym tematem jest Sleep Safe and Warm, po którym następuje splot efektów elektroakustycznych towarzyszących solu Qby Janickiego, perkusja, perkusjonalia; fortepian elektryczny, przenoszą klimat wypowiedzi całkowicie w wymiar abstrakcji. Ortodoksów może oburzyć finał (Ballad for Bernt), bowiem w dancingowym rytmie ska pląsa cały Kwintet. Jednakże, puszczając wodze fantazji, jeśliby Roman Polański miał więcej taśmy, nie można wykluczyć, że „Dwaj ludzie z szafą” trafiliby też na arenę cyrkową z jakimś absurdalnym numerem, a wtedy Komeda zaproponowałby do takiej sceny kawałek muzyczny właśnie w takim stylu. Kto wie? Cezary Gumiński Chciałbym, żeby to był dwupłytowy album, nie mogę się od tej muzyki oderwać. https://www.cgm.pl/recenzje/wojtek-mazolewski-quintet-when-angels-fall-recenzja/ https://audio.com.pl/muzyka/recenzje/jazz/27331-wojtek-mazolewski-quintet-when-angels-fall ...( TrackList )... 1. When Angels Fall 04:13 2. Roman II 03:10 3. Le Depart 03:55 4. Dwaj ludzie z Szafą (Two Men and a Wardrobe) 03:11 5. Astigmatic 08:34 6. Crazy Girl 04:21 7. Ja Nie Chcę Spać 05:00 8. Memory of Bach 02:05 9. Bariera 05:55 10. Sleep Safe and Warm 04:26 11. Alleluja 03:30 ...( Obsada )... Wojtek Mazolewski - double bass Oskar Torok - trumpet, electronics Oba Janicki - Drums, percussion Joanna Duda -Wurlitzer, piano Marek Pospieszalski - tenor saxophone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C83HDj6s3kQ 'Głupi ludzie wierzą w głupie bzdury, Mądrzy ludzie wierzą w mądre bzdury' CHURCH IS GIVING MORE LIGHT ONLY WHEN IT'S BURNING. SEED 14:30-23:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-20 22:01:05
Rozmiar: 299.40 MB
Peerów: 5
Dodał: Uploader
...( Opis )... Album charakteryzuje unikatowe, eksperymentalne podejście zespołu do warstwy rytmicznej, zainspirowane dokonaniami Sun Ra i Art Ensemble Of Chicago. Jest ono niezwykle ważne dla zrozumienia idei albumu. Partie instrumentów perkusyjnych nagrywali wszyscy muzycy Quintetu, a część z nich – bez muzyki w odsłuchu. W ten sposób musieli intuicyjnie podchwycić rytm i puls. Wojtek Mazolewski podkreśla: 'TEN EKSPERYMENT UCZYNIŁ BRZMIENIE WMQ JESZCZE BOGATSZYM. TWORZĄC JE, ŚWIETNIE SIĘ BAWILIŚMY. TO ZBLIŻYŁO NAS DO SIEBIE NA NOWO I OBUDZIŁO W NAS ZMYSŁ PRZYGODY. JAKO ZESPÓŁ NAPRAWDĘ NARODZILIŚMY SIĘ NA NOWO'. W ekspresyjnych dźwiękach wybrzmiewają niepokój i ból towarzyszące nam w ostatnim czasie, równocześnie niosą one jednak nadzieję i wsparcie. Ta muzyka przynosi antidotum na niełatwe czasy. Spirit To All is the latest record by Polish bassist and composer Wojtek Mazolewski and his famed Quintet (WMQ). Mazolewski’s distinctive voice and vision are highly lauded and widely recognized for his contribution to the resurgence in Polish jazz and improv music on a global, crossover scale. Leading his long-time quintet of Joanna Duda, Marek Pospieszalski, Oskar Török and Qba Janicki, Spirit To All is Mazolewski’s third Whirlwind Recordings release following Polka – Worldwide Deluxe Edition and When Angels Fall. “Spirit To All was created as an answer to our spiritual needs,” explains Mazolewski, “during my preparations for recording I felt simultaneous connection between myself and everything around me. There was this urge within me to express my unity with the surroundings. The very same need was strongly felt by the band and the best way to express it was through the music.” From the start Mazolewski had clear intentions for the album: “Until 2020 we were touring the world and despite all the travel limitations that followed, we wanted to say: we are here, we are all in it together. This album is about spiritual needs, limitless and loving understanding, about compassionate development.” The seven-piece record opens with title track ‘Spirit To All’. Inspired by spirituality, the melody contains both sad and joyous moments, mirroring the same juxtaposition of life. ‘Ghost Town’ is a sonic tale of a deserted place, focusing on the subtle consonance of the instruments. “It’s all about articulation, sonority and playing with sound,” explains Mazolewski. ‘The Power Of The People’ acts as a reminder of our strength and potential. This idea is manifested by cacophonous sections and robust melodies. In contrast, ‘Slavic Spirits’ is a subtle atmospheric track. “‘Harmony’ is all we need to find best solutions for our future,” says Mazolewski and the track is a liberating realisation of that sentiment. ‘The Year Of Magical Thinking’ is a title borrowed from Joan Didion’s book about life’s suffering and how to use it to our gain. “This piece is about life’s journey - spiritual, internal and psychedelic at times,” reflects Mazolewski. ‘My Heart’ is gentle and “expresses our gratitude for life, closeness and love,” he says. Speaking to the spirit in which the album was recorded, Mazolewski says: “I love the abstract arrhythmic sonic backgrounds of Sun Ra and Art Ensemble of Chicago, but there weren’t any other musicians available, so I decided that we would record all percussion instruments ourselves. In the recording room, some of us had instruments, some of us sang, but only a few of us were wearing headphones hearing the music. This meant the others had to intuitively find and feel the pulse. The experiment made the WMQ sound even richer and we had such great fun doing it.” Having played together for over 10 years, WMQ share a deep and innate connection that’s palpable throughout their music. Spirit To All is a cathartic manifestation of Mazolewski’s inspiring intentions, “It made us come together again and reawaken the sense of adventure. We feel truly reborn as a band.” ...( TrackList )... 1. Spirit To All 2. Crayday 3. The Power Of The People 4. Slavic Spirits 5. Harmoney 6. The Year Of Magical Thinking 7. My Heart 8. Alchemia ...( Obsada )... Wojtek Mazolewski - double bass, percussion Marek Pospieszalski - tenor saxophone, percussion Oskar Török - trumpet, percussion Joanna Duda - grand piano, percussion Qba Janicki - drums, percussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_70_p5bxnI 'Głupi ludzie wierzą w głupie bzdury, Mądrzy ludzie wierzą w mądre bzdury' CHURCH IS GIVING MORE LIGHT ONLY WHEN IT'S BURNING. SEED 14:30-23:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-20 22:01:01
Rozmiar: 274.92 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist...............: Miles Davis Album................: Nefertiti (2023 Remaster) Genre................: Jazz Source...............: WEBQ Year.................: 1968 Ripper...............: & Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.4.2 20221022 Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 69 %) Channels.............: Stereo / 192000 HZ / 24 Bit Tags.................: - Information..........: Universal Music Enterprises ...( TrackList )... 1. Miles Davis - Nefertiti (2023 Remaster) 2. Miles Davis - Fall (2023 Remaster) 3. Miles Davis - Hand Jive (2023 Remaster) 4. Miles Davis - Madness (2023 Remaster) 5. Miles Davis - Riot (2023 Remaster) 6. Miles Davis - Pinocchio (2023 Remaster) Playing Time.........: 39:14 Total Size...........: 1790,63 MB ![]()
Seedów: 31
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-19 16:35:22
Rozmiar: 1.75 GB
Peerów: 10
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Fred Hersch Album: Alive at the Village Vanguard Year: 2023 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: FLAC 24 bit/96000Hz ...( TrackList )... 01. But Not for Me 02. Dream of Monk 03. Little Suede Shoes 04. Girl Talk 05. Evidence 06. Some Other Time 07. Loro 08. A Wish ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-19 13:53:55
Rozmiar: 1.12 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist...............: Various Artists Album................: Genre................: Jazz Source...............: WEBQ Year.................: 2023 Ripper...............: & Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.4.2 20221022 Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 67 %) Channels.............: Stereo / 96000 HZ / 24 Bit Tags.................: - Information..........: Verve ...( TrackList )... 1. Nina Simone - Feeling Good 2. Nina Simone - I Put A Spell On You 3. Nina Simone - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 4. Nina Simone - Ne Me Quitte Pas 5. Nina Simone - Tell Me More And More And Then Some 6. Nina Simone - Lilac Wine 7. Nina Simone - Take Care Of Business 8. Nina Simone - See-Line Woman 9. Nina Simone - Four Women 10. Nina Simone - Wild Is The Wind 11. Nina Simone - I Loves You Porgy (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) 12. Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) Playing Time.........: 43:06 Total Size...........: 959,10 MB ![]()
Seedów: 20
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-18 02:25:15
Rozmiar: 959.18 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Artist: Nina Simone Album: Great Women Of Song: Nina Simone Year: 2023 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps Tracklist: 01. Feeling Good 02. I Put A Spell On You 03. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 04. Ne Me Quitte Pas 05. Tell Me More And More And Then Some 06. Lilac Wine 07. Take Care Of Business 08. See-Line Woman 09. Four Women 10. Wild Is The Wind 11. I Loves You Porgy (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) 12. Mississippi Goddam (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-17 16:25:35
Rozmiar: 100.82 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Genre: blues, jazz Country: USA Format: FLAC Format/Info: Free Lossless Audio Codec, 16-bit PCM Bit rate mode: Variable Sampling rate: 44.1 KHz Bit depth: 16 bits ...( TrackList )... 01. Cheek To Cheek 02. Stormy Monday 03. Bridge Over Troubled Water 04. Fine And Mellow 05. People Get Ready 06. Blue Skies 07. Tall Trees In Georgia 08. EFields Of Gold 09. Autumn Leaves 10. Honeysuckle Rose 11. Take Me To The River 12. What A Wonderful World 13. Oh, Had I A Golden Thread ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-12 00:25:18
Rozmiar: 335.05 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Artist: VA Title: The Jazz Inspiration Year: 2023 Genre: Jazz, Blues Duration: 09:19:07 Format/Codec: MP3 Audio Bitrate: 320 Kbps ..::TRACK-LIST::.. 001. Chris Joris - Eventide 002. Lucy Yeghiazaryan - Love Isn't Everything 003. S.W. - Mr. Sanders 004. The Sorcerers - End Credits 005. Brandon Coleman - Blast Off 006. Franca Barone - Be Kind 007. Nina Simone - You Made Me Care 008. James Newton - Arkansas Suite 009. Vijay Iyer & Stephan Crump - Bode 010. Jamie Cullum - Sleigh Ride 011. Ice One - Baroque Night In Brasil 012. Francisco Mora Catlett - Afra Jum 013. Jimmy Dorsey - If You Build A Better Mousetrap 014. Tommy Dorsey - Down With Love 015. Ice One - Dreaming Of Rio 016. The Delle Haensch Band - Girl's Shop 017. Bob Keene Septet - I Won't Dance 018. D'andy;melania - Quizás, Quizás, Quizás 019. Nico Gomez - Garota De Ipanema 020. P. A. Jeron - Simply Major 021. John Plonsky Quintet - Just In Time 022. Ely Bruna - Yo Vengo A Ofrecer Mi Corazon 023. Sessa - Sereia Sentimental 024. Sly5Thave & Roberto Verástegui - Past Thoughts 025. Eli Sundelson - Rockridge Kids 026. Tommy Dorsey - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 027. Soulstance - My Poem 028. Dj Farrapo & Cico - The Dream Becomes Dirty 029. Jamie Cullum - Let No Walls Divide 030. Silvia Donat - Toda Colorida 031. Anduze - How To Love A Good Man 032. Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit 033. Banda Maje - Fornellesse 034. The Amazing Keystone Big Band - Let It Snow! 035. Madone - Rouge 036. Tom Gaebel - Such A Happy Day 037. Marcus Anderson - The Sunflower 038. Club Des Belugas - Crazy Lazy Friday Afternoon 039. Vito Lalinga - Brasilek 040. Living Room - Portuguese Beach Cafe 041. Arianna Finelli - The Mermaid Call 042. Vaudou Game - Zorromi 043. Anduze - Mary Is A Womanizer 044. Lũpḁganggang - Yesterday Didn't Matter 045. Saltpond City Band - Adom Wura 046. Blair Bryant - Relentless 047. Fieldfunk - P.S. 048. Alex Sammarini - Anyway You Want 049. Marcus Anderson - Praise Belongs To You 050. Andrew De La Foix - Misfit 051. Dom Um Romao - Lake Of Perseverance 052. Lamont Butler - Ungodly War 053. Bev Lee Harling - Beautiful Life 054. Ohm Guru - You're Not Alone 055. Glam Sam And His Combo - The Gospel 056. Alfredo Bochicchio - I Just Called To Say I Love You 057. Omar Sosa - Elrababa 058. Around Midnight - Skylent 059. Alex Hitchcock - Move 060. Avishai Cohen - Two Roses 061. Dave Koz - Medley: Getaway 062. Jean Carne - Come As You Are 063. Zouzoulectric - Too Hot To Tango 064. Ana Flora - Wave 065. Oneness Of Juju - Nooky 066. Dave Koz - So Very Hard To Go 067. Lucid Lucia - Pigeons 068. The Brkn Record Feat. Dylema - Assimilation 069. Lehmanns Brothers - Another Place 070. Silvia Donati - Loosing My Religion 071. Ana Flora - Chega De Saudade 072. Moondisko - She's On Fire 073. Roberto Rossi - Sambacatu 074. The L.A Propinquity - That Someone's U 075. Ely Bruna;papik - The Year Of The Cat 076. The Soultrend Orchestra - Outstanding 077. Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra - Calypso & Soda 078. Bobby Sparks Ii - Love 079. Tumi Mogorosi - The Fall 080. Papik - Sunny 081. Kaigo - Babe Get Ready 082. Anne Paceo - Here And Everywhere 083. Mariva Cory - Nature Boy 084. Gyedu-Blay Ambolley - Yekor Ye A Yeaba 085. An Pierlé Quartet - Slippery Fish 086. Inner Soul - Another Place, Another Time 087. Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra - The Man With The Bag 088. Lo Greco Bros - Celebrations 089. Moca - Downhill 090. George Vachnadze - I Want More 091. Vincent Peirani - River 092. Nadia Straccia - Money's Too Tight 093. Lostinwhite - The Week 094. The Soultrend Orchestra & Frankie Pearl - Shiver 095. Michela Gazzolo - I Love Your Love 096. Billie Holiday - I Get A Kick Out Of You 097. Akusmi - Neo Tokyo 098. Braxton Cook - Black Mona Lisa 099. Index - Made In Voyage 100. Sarah Jane Morris - Jericho 101. Kimberley Lawson - Save The Children 102. Nduduzo Makhathini - Nyonini Le? 103. Filippo Perbellini - Billie Jean 104. Alexander Zonjic - Angel Of The Night 105. Fab Samperi & Stabfinger - Old Town 106. The Four Sounds - Seven Steps Lament 107. Silva Kallionpää Quartet - Stretching Time 108. The Shaolin Afronauts - Dust 109. Tutu Amuse - Gaia 110. Thelonious Monk - Rhythm-A-Ning 111. Idris Ackamoor - Spiritual Rebirth 112. Carlo Conti Afro Cuban Quintet - Orango Tango 113. Those Boys & Mr. Lee - Lots More 114. Jestofunk - Can We Live 115. Jaziacs - Destinys 116. Christian De Mesones - Dekalb & Flatbush 117. Wendell Harrison - How Do We End All Of This Madness 118. Sfjazz Collective - Throw It Away 119. Men From Nobu - Seasons 120. Miles Davis - Santana ![]()
Seedów: 5
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-01-20 12:48:41
Rozmiar: 1.26 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Xsonar
...( Info )...
Artist...............: Ella Fitzgerald Album................: Jazz Mix: Ella Fitzgerald & Etta Jones Genre................: Vocal jazz Source...............: WEBQ Year.................: 2023 Ripper...............: & Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.4.2 20221022 Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 54 %) Channels.............: Stereo / 24000 HZ / 16 Bit Tags.................: - Information..........: Black Barn Music ...( TrackList )... 1. Ella Fitzgerald - But Not For Me 2. Etta Jones - Yes Sir That's My Baby 3. Ella Fitzgerald - Mack The Knife 4. Etta Jones - Something To Remember You By 5. Ella Fitzgerald - The Lady Is A Tramp 6. Etta Jones - Where Or When 7. Ella Fitzgerald - I Didn't Mean A Word I Said 8. Etta Jones - Bye Bye Blackbird 9. Ella Fitzgerald - Get Happy 10. Etta Jones - Don't Go To Strangers 11. Ella Fitzgerald - Petootie Pie 12. Etta Jones - I Love Paris Playing Time.........: 42:00 Total Size...........: 125,65 MB ![]()
Seedów: 12
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-01-18 01:52:45
Rozmiar: 205.00 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Artist: Glenn Miller Orchestra Album: Sunrise Serenade Year: 2023 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: FLAC 16 bit/44100Hz ..::TRACK-LIST::.. 01. Sunrise Serenade 02. Tuxedo Junction 03. The Call of the Canyon 04. Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar 05. Serenade in Blue 06. Make Believe Ballroom Time 07. Perfidia 08. The Nearness of You 09. My! My! 10. Imagination 11. Conchita, Marquita, Lolita, Pepita, Rosita, Juanita Lopez 12. Don't Cry Cherie 13. Alice Blue Gown 14. I Guess I'll Have to Dream the Rest 15. Slumber Song 16. Juke Box Saturday Night 17. From One Love to Another ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-01-03 02:12:35
Rozmiar: 172.60 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Xsonar
1956 - A Garland of Red (1991, Prestige/OJC)
1956 - A Garland of Red (2007, Prestige/Japan) 1957 - All Mornin' Long (1987, Prestige/OJC) 1957 - All Mornin' Long (2001, Prestige/K2) 1957 - All Mornin' Long (2013, Analogue) 1957 - Groovy (1998, Prestige/XRCD) 1957 - Groovy (1999, Prestige/K2) 1957 - Red Garland Revisited! (1998, Prestige/OJC) 1957 - Red Garland's Piano (2006, Prestige/RVG) 1957 - Soul Junction (1990, Prestige/OJC) 1957 - Soul Junction (2007, Prestige/RVG) 1957 - The P.C. Blues (1996, Prestige/OJC) 1957 - High Pressure (w/ John Coltrane) (1989, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - All Kinds of Weather (1990, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - Can't See for Lookin' (1996, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - It's a Blue World (1999, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - Manteca (1990, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - Moodsville, Vol.6 (2014, Prestige/Japan) 1958 - Rojo (2014, Prestige/Japan) 1958 - Dig It! (w/ John Coltrane) (1989, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - Dig It! (w/ John Coltrane) (2001, Prestige/OJC) 1958 - Dig It! (w/ John Coltrane) (2009, Prestige/RVG) 1959 - Red Garland at the Prelude, Vol.1 (1994, Prestige) 1959 - Red Garland Trio at the Prelude (2006, Prestige) {2CD} 1959 - Red in Bluesville (1993, Prestige/OJC) 1959 - Moodsville, Vol.1 (w/ Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis) (1989, Prestige/OJC) 1960 - Blues in the Night (1997, Prestige) 1960 - Red Alone (2004, Prestige/Moodsville/OJC) 1961 - Bright and Breezy (1995, Jazzland/OJC) 1961 - Soul Burnin' (1997, Prestige/OJC) 1961 - The Nearness of You (1999, Jazzland/OJC) 1962 - Red's Good Groove (2001, Jazzland/OJC) 1962 - Solar (1992, Jazzland/OJC) 1962 - When There Are Grey Skies (1992, Prestige/OJC) 1962 - When There Are Grey Skies (2007, Prestige/Japan) 1977 - Red Alert (1991, Galaxy/OJC) 1977 - Crossings (w/ Ron Carter, Philly Joe Jones) (1990, Galaxy/OJC) 1978 - Feelin' Red (1998, 32 Jazz) 1978 - I Left My Heart... (1999, 32 Jazz) 1992 - Rediscovered Masters, Vol.1 (1958) (Prestige/OJC) 1992 - Rediscovered Masters, Vol.2 (1959-1961) (Prestige/OJC) 1998 - Red's Blues (1957-1962) (Prestige) 2011 - Dig It!/High Pressure (w/ John Coltrane) (1957-1958) (2in1) (Poll Winners) 2015 - Swingin' on the Korner: Live at Keystone Korner (1977) (Elemental) {2CD} ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-22 13:47:37
Rozmiar: 11.33 GB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Mummified
...( Info )...
Artist: Thelonious Monk Album: Danger In Your Eyes Thelonious Monk Recordings Year: 2022 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: FLAC 16 bit/44100Hz ...( TrackList )... 01. There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie (Take 1) 02. You Took The Words Right Out Of My Heart 03. Ruby, My Dear 04. Round Lights 05. Remember 06. Reflections 07. Pannonica 08. Everything Happens To Me 09. Bluehawk 10. Let's Cool One 11. There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie (Take 2) ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-15 14:21:52
Rozmiar: 170.54 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Performer = Kamasi Washington Born = Los Angeles, California, USA Genre = Contemporary Jazz/Jazz-Funk/Orchestral Jazz Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... Heaven And Earth (CD 1: Earth) Kamasi Washington - Can you hear him Kamasi Washington - Connections Kamasi Washington - Fists of fury Kamasi Washington - Hub-Tones Kamasi Washington - One of one Kamasi Washington - Testify Kamasi Washington - The invincible youth Kamasi Washington - Tiffakonkae Heaven And Earth (CD 2: Heaven) Kamasi Washington - Journey Kamasi Washington - Show us the way Kamasi Washington - Song for the fallen Kamasi Washington - Street fighter mas Kamasi Washington - The psalmnist Kamasi Washington - The space travelers lullaby Kamasi Washington - Vi Lua vi Sol Kamasi Washington - Will you sing Heaven And Earth (CD 3: The Choice) Kamasi Washington - Agents of the multiverse Kamasi Washington - My family Kamasi Washington - Ooh child Kamasi Washington - The secrete of Jinsinson Kamasi Washington - Will you love me tomorrow --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamasi Washington (ur. 1981) to amerykański saksofonista jazzowy, zwykle grający na saksofonie tenorowym. Washington urodził się w 1981 roku i wychował w Los Angeles w Kalifornii. Jest absolwentem Academy of Music of Alexander Hamilton High School w Beverlywood w Los Angeles. Następnie Waszyngton zapisał się na Wydział Etnomuzykologii UCLA, gdzie zaczął grać z członkami wydziału, takimi jak Kenny Burrell, Gerald Wilson i Billy Higgins, który był mentorem kwartetu z Washingtonem, pianistą Cameronem Gravesem i braćmi Stephenem („Thundercat”) i Ronaldem Brunera. Wydali swój debiutancki album Young Jazz Giants w 2004 roku nakładem Birdman Records. Washington dołączył do Gerald Wilson Orchestra przy albumie In My Time z 2005 roku. Washington grał na saksofonie w utworze Kendricka Lamara To Pimp a Butterfly. Jego debiutanckie nagranie solowe, The Epic, ukazało się w maju 2015 roku. Minialbum / EP Harmony of Difference ukazał się we wrześniu 2017 roku. Jego drugi pełnometrażowy album studyjny, Heaven and Earth , ukazał się w czerwcu 2018 roku, a towarzysząca mu EP zatytułowana The Choice ukazała się tydzień później. Washington grał z różnorodną grupą muzyków, w tym Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Horace Tapscott, Lauryn Hill, Nas, Snoop Dogg, George Duke, Chaka Khan, Flying Lotus, Mike Muir, Francisco Aguabella, St. Vincent, Pan Afrikaan People's Orchestra, Run the Jewels i Raphael Saadiq. 25 czerwca 2020 roku Washington, Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper i 9th Wonder ogłosili utworzenie supergrupy Dinner Party. Wydali singiel „Freeze Tag”, a ich debiutanckie rozszerzenie, Dinner Party, ukazało się 10 lipca 2020 roku. 18 czerwca 2021 roku Washington wydał nową piosenkę „Sun Kissed Child” w ramach serii The Undefeated's Music for the Movement. Również w 2021 roku Washington i jego zespół wnieśli cover piosenki Metalliki „My Friend of Misery” do charytatywnego albumu w hołdzie The Metallica Blacklist. ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-14 13:41:01
Rozmiar: 175.39 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Stan Getz Quartet Album: All That Jazz, Vol. 149: Stan Getz in Studio in Warsaw and Live in Paris Year: 2022 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Darn That Dream 02. The Folks That Live on the Hill 03. Cherokee 04. But Not for Me (From "Girl Crazy") 05. Out of Nowhere 06. Lady Bird (Live) 07. Dear Old Stockholm (Live) 08. Theme for Manuel (Live) 09. Our Kind of Sabi (Live) ![]()
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-14 13:38:57
Rozmiar: 148.06 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
CD1 {01:06:19}
01. Seeds of Sin (alternate take) (5:49) 02. Seeds of Sin (5:45) 03. Scourin' (alternate take) (6:15) 04. Scourin' (5:55) 05. Fat Lady (alternate take) (5:24) 06. Fat Lady (5:01) 07. Peaches and Cream (6:51) 08. That's Right (11:35) 09. Running Brook (first version) (6:48) 10. Terrible "T" (first version) (6:56) CD2 {01:12:11} 01. Mogie (first alternate take) (7:32) 02. Mogie (second alternate take) (7:30) 03. Mogie (7:42) 04. Off Spring (alternate take) (6:39) 05. Off Spring (6:19) 06. Bess (alternate take) (6:40) 07. Bess (6:30) 08. Running Brook (alternate take) (6:16) 09. Running Brook (6:08) 10. Terrible "T" (alternate take) (5:41) 11. Terrible "T" (5:14) CD3 {01:10:18} 01. I'm a Fool to Want You (first alternate take) (5:54) 02. I'm a Fool to Want You (5:35) 03. I'm a Fool to Want You (second alternate take) (5:49) 04. Expoobident (alternate take) (5:12) 05. Expoobident (5:02) 06. Fire (alternate take) (5:07) 07. Fire (4:52) 08. Just in Time (alternate take) (5:46) 09. Just in Time (3:34) 10. Triple Track (alternate take) (5:14) 11. Triple Track (5:03) 12. Easy Living (5:59) 13. The Hearing (3:38) 14. Lost and Found (3:33) CD4 {01:16:37} 01. Blues a la Carte (alternate take) (5:43) 02. Blues a la Carte (5:40) 03. Harry's Last Stand (alternate take) (5:02) 04. Harry's Last Stand (4:46) 05. Down in the Depths (alternate take) (10:18) 06. Down in the Depths (9:41) 07. Pug Nose (alternate take) (8:15) 08. Pug Nose (6:55) 09. Black Diamond (alternate take) (7:47) 10. Black Diamond (6:06) 11. Mack the Knife (6:24) CD5 {00:59:37} 01. The Ruby and the Pearl (alternate take) (7:39) 02. The Ruby and the Pearl (6:00) 03. Pay as You Go (3:45) 04. Second Genesis (4:13) 05. Mr. Chairman (alternate take) (3:16) 06. Mr. Chairman (3:18) 07. Tenderfoot (alternate take) (2:50) 08. Tenderfoot (3:29) 09. The Albatross (alternate take) (5:15) 10. The Albatross (5:26) 11. Getting to Know You (alternate take) (4:35) 12. Getting to Know You (4:21) 13. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (5:30) CD6 {01:17:15} 01. Black Orpheus (alternate take) (4:42) 02. Black Orpheus (4:38) 03. Dead End (first alternate take) (4:41) 04. Dead End (second alternate take) (5:13) 05. Dead End (4:36) 06. All or Nothing at All (alternate take) (3:02) 07. All or Nothing at All (3:00) 08. Calloway Went That-A-Way (alternate take) (4:00) 09. Calloway Went That-A-Way (4:53) 10. Wayning Moments (first alternate take) (6:21) 11. Wayning Moments (alternate take) (4:23) 12. Wayning Moments (second alternate take) (4:23) 13. Moon of Manakoora (alternate take) (4:50) 14. Moon of Manakoora (3:45) 15. Powder Keg (alternate take) (3:39) 16. Powder Keg (3:14) 17. Devil's Island (alternate take) (4:00) 18. Devil's Island (3:55) ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-05 14:25:01
Rozmiar: 2.57 GB
Peerów: 9
Dodał: Mummified
01 - Bohemia After Dark 06:05
02 - With Apologies To Oscar 05:42 03 - Willow Weep for Me 06:23 04 - A Little Taste 05:11 05 - Caribbean Cutie 07:04 06 - Flamingo 07:01 07 - Spontaneous Combustion 10:06 08 - Hear Me Talkin' To Ya 09:11 09 - Chasm 04:23 10 - Big E 10:41 11 - I Married an Angel 04:33 12 - Late Entry 03:15 ![]()
Seedów: 24
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-05 10:09:18
Rozmiar: 343.17 MB
Peerów: 8
Dodał: Mummified
Jazz Sabbath (2020):
01. Fairies Wear Boots 6:05 02. Evil Woman 5:38 03. Rat Salad 4:29 04. Iron Man 7:15 05. Hand Of Doom 7:14 06. Changes 5:33 07. Children Of The Grave 7:12 Vol. 2 (2022): 01 - Paranoid (00:07:57) 02 - Snowblind (00:06:10) 03 - Behind the Wall of Sleep (00:06:27) 04 - Sabbra Cadabra (00:04:51) 05 - Symptom of the Universe (00:04:37) 06 - N.I.B (00:05:47) 07 - Black Sabbath (00:05:56) ![]()
Seedów: 12
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-05 10:09:14
Rozmiar: 528.37 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Mummified
...( Info )...
Artist: Nancy Wilson Album: Believe - All Night Long Year: 2022 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Let's Live Again 02. Teach Me Tonight 03. Guess Who I Saw Today 04. The Old Country 05. I'm Gonna Laugh You Right Out Of My Life 06. On Green Dolphin Street 07. (They Call It) Stormy Monday 08. He's My Guy 09. Save Your Love For Me 10. The Masquerade Is Over 11. The Things We Did Last Summer 12. All Night Long 13. My Foolish Heart 14. I Wish You Love 15. What A Little Moonlight Can Do 16. Something Wonderful Happens 17. Don't Tell Me 18. Happy Talk 19. The Nearness Of You 20. The Great City 21. This Time The Dream's On Me 22. Ghost Of Yesterday ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-12-03 12:07:36
Rozmiar: 141.65 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Performer = Kay Starr Born = Dougherty, Oklahoma, USA Died = November 3, 2016 (aged 94) in Los Angeles, California, USA Genre = Jazz/Vocal/Country Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... The Ultimate Collection (CD 1) (2007) Kay Starr - Baby, you're flying too high Kay Starr - Believe it, Beloved Kay Starr - Between a kiss and a sigh Kay Starr - Bonaparte's retreat Kay Starr - Break it to me gently Kay Starr - Come-On-A-My house Kay Starr - He's a good man to have around Kay Starr - Honeymoon Kay Starr - Hoop-Dee-Doo Kay Starr - If you don't hug her by nine o'clock Kay Starr - I haven't changed a thing Kay Starr - I'm oh so lonesome tonight Kay Starr - I waited a little too long Kay Starr - Mississippi Kay Starr - Oceans of tears (ft Tennessee Ernie Ford) Kay Starr - Oh babe Kay Starr - Shiv-A-Ree Kay Starr - So tired Kay Starr - Then I'll be tired of you Kay Starr - Then you've never been blue Kay Starr - There ain't no sweet man worth the salt of my tears Kay Starr - Was that the human thing to do? Kay Starr - Wheel of fortune Kay Starr - When you're a long, long way from home Kay Starr - You were only foolin' The Ultimate Collection (CD 2) (2007) Kay Starr - Ain't nobody's business (But my own) Kay Starr - Allez vous en Kay Starr - Am I a toy or a treasure Kay Starr - Changing partners Kay Starr - Comes-A-Long A-Love Kay Starr - Fool, fool, fool (ft The Lancers) Kay Starr - Foolin' around Kay Starr - Half a photograph Kay Starr - He'll have to stay Kay Starr - I cry by night Kay Starr - If you love me Kay Starr - I'll always be in love with you Kay Starr - I'll never be free Kay Starr - Jealous heart Kay Starr - Just for a thrill Kay Starr - Kay's lament Kay Starr - Nobody Kay Starr - Out in the cold again Kay Starr - Side by side Kay Starr - The man upstairs Kay Starr - Trouble in mind Kay Starr - Two brothers Kay Starr - When my dreamboat comes home Kay Starr - Wisdom of a fool Kay Starr - You're my sugar (ft Tennessee Ernie Ford) The Ultimate Collection (CD 3) (2007) Kay Starr - Alone at the table Kay Starr - Bossa Nova Casanova Kay Starr - Cherche la rose Kay Starr - Dancing on my tears Kay Starr - Fly me to the Moon Kay Starr - Friends Kay Starr - Goodbye Charlie Kay Starr - Happy Kay Starr - I forgot to forget Kay Starr - It might work Kay Starr - It's happening all over again Kay Starr - Look on the brighter side Kay Starr - Lorna's here Kay Starr - Make a circle Kay Starr - No regrets Kay Starr - Oklahoma Hills Kay Starr - Precious love Kay Starr - Swingin' at the Hungry O Kay Starr - The good life Kay Starr - The Rock And Roll Waltz Kay Starr - The rough riders Kay Starr - To each his own Kay Starr - Together again Kay Starr - Wabash canon ball Kay Starr - Well I ask ya A Shooting Starr! (2021) Kay Starr - After you've gone Kay Starr - All of me Kay Starr - A woman always understands Kay Starr - Baby won't you please come home Kay Starr - Frying pan Kay Starr - He's funny that way Kay Starr - Honeysuckle rose Kay Starr - I cried for you Kay Starr - If I could be with you (One hour tonight) Kay Starr - I'm confessin' (That I love you) Kay Starr - I'm the lonesomest gal in town Kay Starr - It's whatcha do with whatcha got Kay Starr - I've got my love to keep me warm Kay Starr - Love me or leave me Kay Starr - Please love me Kay Starr - Pretty baby Kay Starr - So tired Kay Starr - St. Louis Blues Kay Starr - Stardust Kay Starr - Stormy weather Kay Starr - Sunday Kay Starr - Sweet Lorraine Kay Starr - Them there eyes Kay Starr - Where or when Kay Starr - Who's foolin' who? Kay Starr - You're just about right for me Kay Starr - You've got to see mama ev'ry night Hits Collection 1948-62 (CD 1) (2021) Kay Starr - Ain't nobody's business but my own Kay Starr - Allez-Vous-En Kay Starr - Angry Kay Starr - Bonaparte's retreat Kay Starr - Come On-A my house Kay Starr - Comes A-Long A-Love Kay Starr - Fool, fool, fool Kay Starr - Game of broken hearts Kay Starr - Half a photograph Kay Starr - Hoop-Dee-Doo Kay Starr - How it lies, how it lies, how it lies Kay Starr - I'll never be free Kay Starr - I waited a little too long Kay Starr - Kay's lament Kay Starr - Mississippi Kay Starr - Ocean of tears Kay Starr - Oh! Babe Kay Starr - Side by side Kay Starr - So tired Kay Starr - Three letters Kay Starr - Wheel of fortune Kay Starr - When my dreamboat comes home Kay Starr - You're my sugar Kay Starr - You were only foolin' Hits Collection 1948-62 (CD 2) (2021) Kay Starr - A little loneliness Kay Starr - Am I a toy or a treasure Kay Starr - Changing partners Kay Starr - Foolin' around Kay Starr - Foolishly yours Kay Starr - Fortune in dreams Kay Starr - Four walls Kay Starr - Good and lonesome Kay Starr - If anyone finds this, I love you Kay Starr - If you love me (Really love me) Kay Starr - I'll never be free Kay Starr - I've changed my mind a thousand times Kay Starr - Jamie boy Kay Starr - Love ain't right Kay Starr - My heart reminds me Kay Starr - Riders in the sky Kay Starr - Second fiddle Kay Starr - Stroll me Kay Starr - Swamp fire Kay Starr - The good book Kay Starr - The man upstairs Kay Starr - The Rock And Roll Waltz Kay Starr - The things I never had Kay Starr - Turn right Kay Starr - Well I ask ya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kay Starr, właśc. Katherine LaVerne Starks (ur. 21 lipca 1922 w Dougherty, zm. 3 listopada 2016 w Los Angeles) – amerykańska piosenkarka. Popularna w latach 50. XX w. Krótko występowała z orkiestrą Glenna Millera, następnie z zespołami Boba Crosby’ego i Charliego Barneta. Najpopularniejsze nagrania: „Hoop-Dee-Doo”, „Oh, Babe!”, „I'll Never Be Free”, „Wheel of Fortune” (1952, Hot 100 #1). ![]()
Seedów: 13
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-11-29 13:11:45
Rozmiar: 389.74 MB
Peerów: 0
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...( Info )...
Artist: Nina Simone Album: Jazz Volume: Nina Simone Year: 2022 Genre: Jazz Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. I Put A Spell On You 02. Feeling Good (Joel Corry Remix) 03. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 04. Take Care Of Business 05. Lilac Wine 06. Ne Me Quitte Pas 07. See-Line Woman (Riton Remix) 08. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out 09. Strange Fruit 10. Love Me Or Leave Me 11. My Baby Just Cares For Me (2009 Remaster) 12. Take Care Of Business (Rudimental Remix) 13. See-Line Woman 14. Be My Husband 15. Four Women 16. Wild Is The Wind 17. Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair 18. Mood Indigo 19. Don't Explain 20. Work Song 21. Feeling Good 22. I'm Going Back Home 23. Little Girl Blue (Live In New York, 1964) 24. Mississippi Goddam (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) 25. July Tree 26. You've Got To Learn 27. Trouble In Mind 28. The Other Woman (Live In New York, 1964) 29. Tomorrow Is My Turn 30. Tell Me More And More And Then Some 31. Take Me To The Water 32. Marriage Is For Old Folks 33. I Loves You Porgy (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York, 1964) 34. One September Day 35. I'm Gonna Leave You 36. Gimme Some 37. Brown Eyed Handsome Man 38. Sinnerman 39. Sinnerman (Felix Da Housecat's Heavenly House Mix) 40. My Baby Just Cares For Me (HONNE Remix) ![]()
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Data dodania:
2022-11-21 02:35:15
Rozmiar: 322.66 MB
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