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...( Info )...
Performer = UB40 Origin = Birmingham, England Genre = Reggae/Pop/Dub Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... Present Arms [1981] UB40 - Don't let it pass you by UB40 - Don't slow down UB40 - Don't walk on the grass UB40 - Dr. X UB40 - Lambs bread UB40 - One in ten UB40 - Present Arms UB40 - Sardonicus UB40 - Silent witness UB40 - Wild cat Labour Of Love [1983] UB40 - Cherry oh baby UB40 - Guilty UB40 - Johnny too bad UB40 - Keep on moving UB40 - Many rivers to cross UB40 - Please don't make me cry UB40 - Red red wine UB40 - She caught the train UB40 - Sweet sensation UB40 - Version girl Baggariddim [1985] UB40 - Demonstrate UB40 - Don't break my heart UB40 - Fight Fe come in Mk.2 UB40 - Hip Hop lyrical robot UB40 - Hold your position Mk.3 UB40 - I got you babe UB40 - Lyric Officer Mk.2 UB40 - Mi Spliff UB40 - Style Mk.4 UB40 - The buzz feeling UB40 - The King Step Mk.1 UB40 - Two in a one Mk.1 UB40 - V's version Labour Of Love II [1989] UB40 - Baby UB40 - Groovin' UB40 - Here I am (Come and take me) UB40 - Homely girl UB40 - Impossible love UB40 - Just another girl UB40 - Kingston Town UB40 - Singer man UB40 - Stick by me UB40 - Sweet Cherrie UB40 - Tears from my eyes UB40 - The way you do the things you do UB40 - Wear you to the ball UB40 - Wedding day Promises And Lies [1993] UB40 - Bring me your cup UB40 - C'est la vie UB40 - Desert sand UB40 - Higher ground UB40 - (I can't help) Falling in love with you UB40 - It's a long long way UB40 - Now and then UB40 - Promises And Lies UB40 - Reggae music UB40 - Sorry UB40 - Things ain't like they used to be ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UB40 – brytyjski zespół muzyczny grający muzykę reggae. Nazwa zespołu pochodzi od oznaczenia brytyjskiego formularza wydawanego osobom pobierającym zasiłek dla bezrobotnych (ang. Unemployment Benefit, Form 40). Powstał w 1978 w Birmingham, największą popularność zdobył w składzie: Ali Campbell (wokalista i gitarzysta) Robin Campbell (gitarzysta i wokalista) Michael Virtue (klawiszowiec) Brian Travers (saksofonista) Norman Lamount Hassan (puzonista) Terence Astro Wilson (trębacz) Earl Falconer (basista) James Brown (perkusista) Członkowie zespołu tworzyli efektownie aranżowane piosenki, bazujące na wzorcu rytmicznym reggae (np. King, Food For Thought, My Way Of Thinking, The Earth Dies Screaming, Don't Slow Down, One In Ten), nagrywał też własne wersje znanych przebojów (m.in. I Think It's Going To Rain Today R. Newmana, Red Red Wine Neila Diamonda, Please Don't Make Me Cry W. Tuckera, Many Rivers To Cross Jimmy’ego Cliffa, Can’t Help Falling in Love Elvisa Presleya i I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Boba Dylana). Muzycy UB40 współpracowali m.in z Robertem Palmerem, Pato Bantonem, Bittym McLeanem, Chrissie Hynde, Madness, Hunterz. W 2008 wokalista Ali Campbell opuścił grupę i postanowił skoncentrować się na swojej karierze solowej. ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-11-14 21:16:12
Rozmiar: 225.77 MB
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Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: The Best of The Ultimate Reggae & Dancehall, Vol. 1 2007 - 2013 Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... CD 1 01. Ras Penco - Thousand Miles 02. Buju Banton - Things a Come Up 03. Buju Banton - Time and a Place 04. Beres Hammond - Try If You Want 05. Jah Cure - You Deserve the Best 06. Tami Chin - Forever Yours 07. Shaggy - Can't Fight This Feeling 08. Jah Mason - Joyful 09. Turbulence - X-Girlfriend 10. Gregory Isaacs - Hush Darling 11. Teflon - Yard of Love 12. Chuckle Berry - Good Life 13. Terry Linen - Holiday Inn 14. Da'ville - When I'm with You 15. Fanton Mojah - Never Too Late 16. Richie Spice, Alison Hinds - King & Queen 17. Jah Mason - Love is The Answer 18. Anthony B - Guns Down 19. George Nooks, Beenie Man - Money in My Pocket 20. Gramps Morgan - Wash the Tears 21. Tanya Stephens - Rescue 22. Mykal Rose - Serve Jah 23. Ray Darwin - People's Choice 24. Sugar Minott - Mr.DC 25. Mykal Rose - Shoot Out 26. Chezidek - Wrong Law 27. Konshens - Rasta Imposter 28. Queen Ifrica - Mi Nah Rub 29. Beenie Man - Some a Sell Out 30. Richie Spice - Don't Call Me No Dog 31. Richie Spice - Lu-la-lay 32. Prezident Brown - Win Some, Lose Some 33. Jah Cure, Jahranimo - I'm Free 34. Perfect - Babylon a Bun Up 35. Gregory Isaacs - Hard Drugs 36. Gregory Isaacs - Crackhead 37. Queen Ifrica - Nuff Vibes 38. Perfect - Rasta Dub Plate 39. Jah Mason, Nico D - Ruff Times CD 2 01. Mr. Vegas - I'm Blessed 02. Vybz Kartel - Hustle the Money 03. Mavado - Cyaan Hold Mi Again 04. I-Octane - Buss a Blank 05. I-Octane - Love Di Vibes 06. Demarco - Nuh Dirt 07. Mavado - Clean Everyday 08. Mavado - Pepper 09. Shabba Ranks - None a Dem 10. Cobra - Teeth a Pull 11. Mavado - In This World 12. Agent Sasco (Assasin) - Talk How Me Feel 13. Busy Signal - Nah Go a Jail Again 14. Vybz Kartel - Me a Pree 15. Vybz Kartel - Party Me Sey 16. Charly Black - Bubbling Party 17. Vybz Kartel - Lighter 18. Vybz Kartel - Summertime 19. Mavado - Million Dollar Man 20. Konshens - No Hesitation 21. Mavado - Agony 22. Mavado, Karian Sang - Take It 23. Vybz Kartel - Love You Enuh 24. Popcaan - Only Man She Want 25. Lady Saw - Bun Fi Bun 26. Lady Saw - Two Man 27. Mavado - Tek Weh Yuh Gal 28. Mavado - Star Bwoy 29. Potential Kid - A Yah So Nice She Say 30. Anthony B - Tease Her 31. Baby Cham, O - Wine 32. Baby Cham, O - Tun Up 33. Aidonia - Yuh Can Wine 34. Aidonia - Fi Di Jockey 35. Konshens, Darrio - Gyal Siddung 36. Aidonia - Bruki 37. Demarco - Continue Wine 38. RDX - Kotch 39. Baby Cham - Drop It 40. Vybz Kartel - Convertible 41. Vybz Kartel, Gaza Indu - Come Breed Me 42. Buju Banton - Nah Do Weh Dem a Do 43. Aidonia - Kush Inna Mi Brain 44. Mavado - March Out 45. Popcaan - Nah Sell Out 46. Vybz Kartel - Colouring Book 47. Mavado - Live My Life 48. I-Octane - My Story 49. Mavado - Mine How Yuh Dis Mi 50. Vybz Kartel, Mavado - Happiest Days ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-10-24 22:45:04
Rozmiar: 726.56 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Performer = Don Drummond Year = 1969 Genre = Ska Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... Don Drummond - Dearest (ft Dotty & Bonnie) Don Drummond - Dr. Decker Don Drummond - Feeling fine Don Drummond - Garden of love Don Drummond - Green Island Don Drummond - Knock out punch Don Drummond - Latin goes Ska Don Drummond - Let George do it Don Drummond - Occupation Don Drummond - Silver Dollar (& The Skatalites) Don Drummond - Street corner (& The Skatalites) Don Drummond - Woman a come (ft Margarita) Greatest Hits (1969) (Front) 03.png ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don Drummond, znany również jako Don Cosmic (ur. 12 marca 1932 w Kingston, zm. 6 maja 1969 tamże) – jamajski puzonista i kompozytor, muzyk sesyjny Studia One, współzałożyciel i autor wielu kompozycji zespołu The Skatalites, przez George’a Shearinga nazwany jednym z pięciu najlepszych puzonistów wszech czasów; jeden z prekursorów muzyki ska. Urodził się i dorastał w Trenchtown, największych slumsach na przedmieściach stolicy Jamajki. Podjął naukę w szkole Alpha Boys School, prowadzonej przez katolickie siostry zakonne, której to absolwentami była cała rzesza znanych muzyków, m.in. trójka przyszłych współzałożycieli The Skatalites: Lester "Ska" Sterling, Tommy McCook i Johnny "Dizzy" Moore. Tam dostrzeżono jego niezwykły talent muzyczny i pozwolono szlifować grę na puzonie w szkolnym zespole. Gdy ukończył ostatni rok nauki, objął zaoferowaną mu przez władze placówki posadę nauczyciela muzyki. Wśród jego wychowanków znaleźli się m.in. Rico Rodriguez, Joe Harriott czy też Vincent Gordon, ze względu na łudząco podobny styl gry znany również pod pseudonimem "Don Drummond Jr". Karierę na scenie muzycznej rozpoczął w pierwszej połowie lat 50., występując ze słynnym jazzowym big-bandem Erica Deansa; w późniejszych latach przewinął się także przez kilka innych mniej znanych zespołów. Od roku 1956 był regularnie angażowany jako muzyk sesyjny przez dwóch najważniejszych wówczas na wyspie producentów: Duke'a Reida i Clementa "Sir Coxsone'a" Dodda. Drugi z nich, po otwarciu w roku 1962 swojego własnego, legendarnego dziś Studia One, postanowił spośród najlepszych pracujących dla niego muzyków utworzyć mającą je wesprzeć supergrupę. Późną wiosną 1964 roku formacja ta przyjęła swój ostateczny kształt – wśród dziewięciorga tworzących ją instrumentalistów znalazł się także Drummond – i tak narodzili się The Skatalites, najsłynniejszy zespół ska wszech czasów, który mimo iż istniał tylko przez niewiele ponad rok, zdołał w tym czasie zrewolucjonizować całą muzykę jamajską. Najważniejszą przyczyną rozpadu The Skatalites była tragedia, jaka dotknęła grupę właśnie za sprawą cierpiącego na poważne zaburzenia psychiczne Drummonda. W noc sylwestrową 1964/65 muzycy grali podczas zabawy w klubie La Parisienne w dzielnicy Harbour View; brakowało wśród nich Drummonda, który nie czuł się najlepiej i postanowił zostać w domu. Tej nocy, będąc pod wpływem nagłego ataku szału, puzonista zadźgał nożem swoją narzeczoną, tancerkę rumby i wokalistkę Anitę "Margueritę" Mahfood. Nazajutrz w Nowy Rok sam zgłosił się na policję, gdzie początkowo przyznał się do wszystkiego, jednak wkrótce zmienił zeznania, utrzymując że jego partnerka popełniła samobójstwo. W lutym 1965 roku został uznany przez sąd za niepoczytalnego i skierowany do zamkniętego ośrodka odosobnienia w szpitalu psychiatrycznym Bellevue w Kingston. Tam też zmarł 6 maja 1969 roku; jako oficjalną przyczynę zgonu podano samobójstwo, jednak jako że nie przeprowadzono żadnej sekcji zwłok a pogrzeb zorganizowano po cichu i w tajemnicy, do dziś krążą różne spekulacje na temat prawdziwych okoliczności śmierci muzyka. Te najczęściej powtarzane mówią o brutalnym zamordowaniu go przez personel ośrodka, celowym działaniu władz wymierzonym w nieprzychylną rządzącym niezależną scenę muzyczną stolicy lub też zemście gangsterów za śmierć Marguerity, rzekomo córki jednego z bossów lokalnej mafii. ![]()
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-10-21 18:39:17
Rozmiar: 38.81 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Album: The Capitol Session '73 Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae Format/Quality: FLAC 24 bit/48000Hz ...( TrackList )... 01. You Can't Blame The Youth (Live) 02. Rastaman Chant (Live) 03. Duppy Conqueror (Live) 04. Slave Driver (Live) 05. Burnin' And Lootin' (Live) 06. Midnight Ravers (Live) 07. Put It On (Live) 08. Stop That Train (Live) 09. Kinky Reggae (Live) 10. Stir It Up (Live) 11. No More Trouble (Live) 12. Get Up Stand Up (Live) ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-09-18 02:58:21
Rozmiar: 735.40 MB
Peerów: 3
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: Reggae Box Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps Preview: https://amzn.to/3iPqUKO ...( TrackList )... CD 1 01. John Holt - Vaya Con Dios (03:18) 02. The Heptones - Three Coins In The Fountain (03:43) 03. Laurel Aitken - Blowin ́ In The Wind (04:26) 04. Curley David - Reggae Fever (03:28) 05. Don Carlos - Rivers Of Babylon (03:25) 06. Jimmy Cliff - You Can Get If You Really Want (02:40) 07. Healing Fever - Let ́s Stay Together (03:19) 08. Jamaica Combination - We Are The World (04:39) 09. Rudy Grant - Spanish Harlem (03:41) 10. Gregory Isaacs - Black And White (03:21) 11. Greyhound - Unchained Melody (04:03) 12. Johnny Kingston - Sweat (A La La La La Long) (03:48) 13. Boris Gardiner - I Wanna Wake Up With You (04:05) 14. Bob Marley - Soul Rebel (reworked version) (03:33) CD 2 01. Desmond Dekker - Israelites (02:40) 02. Soulful Dynamics - Daddy Don't Go (03:23) 03. Uptown Wailers - One Love (03:09) 04. Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking (03:56) 05. Georgie Fame - I Love Jamaica (03:55) 06. Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire (03:36) 07. Antigua - Rikki, Don't Lose That Number (04:34) 08. The Alto Velos - Mary's Boy Child (03:44) 09. Rudy Grant - Diana (04:23) 10. Bruce Ruffin - Mad About You (03:30) 11. John Holt - Let You Love Flow (03:53) 12. Billy Ocean - Can You Feel It (03:27) 13. Prince Muhammed - Burnin' Love (04:19) 14. Bob Marley - Soul Shake Down Party (03:01) CD 3 01. Pat Kelly - I Started A Joke (03:27) 02. Owen Gray - Candida (03:08) 03. Cynthia Master Cliff - No Woman No Cry (02:39) 04. Lou Thomm - Green Green Grass Of Home (05:04) 05. Soulful Dynamics - I Show You How To Reggae (03:11) 06. Errol Dunkley - O.K. Fred (03:00) 07. Baby Rasta Band - In The Summertime (03:45) 08. Freddie Notes & The Rudies - Montego Bay (02:26) 09. The Beat - Tears Of A Clown (02:41) 10. Melanie - Brand New Key (03:35) 11. Peter Tosh - Get Up Stand Up (03:30) 12. Johnny Wakelin - Black Superman (03:35) 13. Out Of Jamaica - Don't Worry Be Happy (04:01) 14. U Brown - Please Mr. Dj (03:25) CD 4 01. Surama K - A Whiter Shade Of Pale (05:38) 02. Rudy Grant - Ebony And Ivory (03:25) 03. The Heptones - Yesterday (03:18) 04. Sly & Robbie - Before The Next Teardrop Falls (04:20) 05. Clint Eastwood - Stop That Train (03:16) 06. Dave Collins - Double Barrel (02:51) 07. Yellowman - The Girl Is Mine (03:47) 08. Cornell Campbell - Duke Of Earl (03:43) 09. Georgie Fame - Uptight (04:16) 10. Bob Marley - Go Tell It On The Mountain (03:09) 11. Errol Dunkley - Betcha By Golly Wow (03:26) 12. Alton Ellis - Baby I Love You (02:11) 13. Dillinger - Cool Operator (02:49) 14. Michael Prophet - Reggae Music All Night Long (03:36) CD 5 01. Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking (03:51) 02. Junior Murvin - Police And Thieves (03:59) 03. Sophia George - Girlie Girlie (03:07) 04. Jimmy Cliff - Wonderful World, Beautiful People (03:14) 05. Desmond Dekker - The Israelites (02:36) 06. Millie - My Boy Lollipop (02:03) 07. The Pioneers - Long Shot Kick De Bucket (02:51) 08. Chaka Demus & Pliers - Tease Mi (04:08) 09. Alton Ellis - Remember That Sunday (02:39) 10. Matumbi - Man In Me (03:31) 11. Sugar Minott - River Jordan (03:12) 12. Peter Tosh - Stepping Razor (03:19) 13. Ken Boothe - Crying Over You (03:27) 14. Culture - Stop The Fussing And Fighting (04:47) 15. Johnny Clarke - None Shall Escape The Judgement (03:16) 16. Dennis Brown - Concentration (02:30) 17. Grace Jones - Private Life (05:07) 18. Keith Rowe - Groovy Situation (03:30) 19. Sly & Robbie - Unmetered Taxi (03:19) 20. The Gladiators - Mix Up (03:01) CD 6 01. Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) (03:18) 02. Aswad - Shine (03:41) 03. Pato Banton & The Reggae Revolution - Baby Come Back (03:52) 04. Maxi Priest - Wild World (03:37) 05. The Pioneers - Let Your Yeah Be Yeah (03:09) 06. Harry J. All Stars - Liquidator (02:56) 07. Bob & Marcia - Young, Gifted And Black (03:09) 08. Dillinger - Cocaine In My Brain (03:52) 09. UB40 - One In Ten (04:32) 10. The Techniques - You Don't Care (a.k.a. You'll Want Me Back) (02:37) 11. Cynthia Schloss - Words (Are Impossible) (03:55) 12. George Faith - To Be A Lover (Have Mercy) (06:02) 13. Marie Pierre - Nothing Gained From Loving You (03:10) 14. Ken Boothe - Silver Words (02:38) 15. Slim Smith - The Time Has Come (04:13) 16. Chosen Few - In The Rain (03:28) 17. The Silvertones - African Dub (04:24) 18. Steel Pulse - Ku Klux Klan (03:43) 19. Poet and the Roots - Dread Beat An' Blood (02:59) 20. The Upsetters - Dread Lion (04:31) ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-09-08 20:53:29
Rozmiar: 882.07 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
Bednarek - Inaczej (2021) Pop, Reggae SPACE RECORDS 56:46 MP3-320 kbps ..::(TrackList)::.. 1. Mmxxi... 2. Wyjeaue 3. Pull Up 4. Bądź przy mnie 5. Dla brata 6. Momenty 7. Prosto w twarz 8. Od nowa 9. Wojownik światła 10. S.O.S. 11. Tęskniąc 12. Pocałunek prawdy 13. Asq Intermezzo 14. W matni Bonus Tracks: 15. List (Live Session) 16. Oaza Spokoju (Live Session) ..::(Opis)::.. https://www.empik.com/inaczej-bednarek,p1275904284,muzyka-p ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-08-23 03:22:43
Rozmiar: 133.33 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
UB40 - Bigga Baggariddim (2021) Reggae SoNo Recording Group LLC / Evo Music Ltd Mp3 -320 kbps ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. Good Vibes Tonight 02. On The Road 03. Gravy Train Is Coming 04. Rebel Love 05. Did You See That? 06. You Don't Call Anymore 07. Me Nah Leave Yet 08. Love You Now 09. Mi Life Action 10. My Best Friend's Girlfriend 11. Message Of Love 12. I'm Alright 13. Show And Prove 14. Whatever Happened To The Have Nots? 15. Roots Rock Reggae ![]()
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-06-24 22:02:55
Rozmiar: 133.54 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: xdktkmhc
...( Info )...
Artist: The Specials Album: Ghost Town (2021 Remaster) Year: 2021 Genre: Alternative / Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Ghost Town (Extended Version / 2021 Remaster) 02. Why? (Extended Version / 2021 Remaster) 03. Friday Night, Saturday Morning (2021 Remaster) 04. Ghost Town (Single Version / 2021 Remaster) ![]()
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-06-13 21:42:42
Rozmiar: 40.47 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Title: Dread Lion Dub Artist: VA Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae, Riddim, Dub, Ska Length: 04:27:44 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 Kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Max Romeo - Chi Chi Bud 02. Prince Fatty - Black Rabbit 03. Mad Professor - Dub Dread 04. Dennis Brown - Easy, Take It Easy 05. Laroz - Tabasco 06. Zion I Kings - Negus Rock Dub 07. Black Ark Players - In The Valley 08. Gary Clail - Leroy, Leroy 09. Jesse Royal - Weight On Your Shoulders 10. The Wailers - Stand Firm Inna Babylon 11. Ini Kamoze - Call Di Police 12. Alton Ellis - We\'re Gonna Climb 13. Chezidek - Inna Dem Eye 14. Buju Banton - Memories 15. Principal\'s - Strange Land Dub 16. Naughty Don - Waiting For My Ruca 17. Gregory Isaacs - A Lonely Soldier 18. Bukkha feat. Don Fe - War Flute 19. Lnp Roots Family - Je Ne Voterai Pas 20. Carl Murphy - Lick I Pipe 21. Hubert Lee - There Is Something On Your Mind 22. Gary Clail - House Building 23. Chezidek - Ungrateful People 24. The Ziggens , Bert Susanka - Big Salty Tears 25. Tappa Zukie - Malaria 26. Busy Signal - Great Men 27. Black Uhuru - Stronger 28. Trevor Young - Santeria 29. Augustus Pablo - Zion Way Dub 30. Iration - Djs 31. Difrenz - Trap À Crêpes 32. Mystikal Man - Justice 33. Fayuca - Caress Me Down 34. Difrenz - Oh Diable ! 35. Rastaveli MC - Weed Satisfaction 36. Black Ark Players - Money 37. Alter Echo & E3 - Secrets 38. Lila Ike - Thy Will 39. Larry Marshall - Freedom Song 40. Dennis Brown - Caress Me Girl 41. Conscious Sounds - Church Street Dub 42. Los Gaiteros - La Puya De Damián 43. Raymond Wright - My Lord 44. The Expanders - Scarlet Begonias 45. Lloyd & Gerald - Thy Man Look Into Thyself 46. Shaggy - 12 Days Of Christmas 47. The Impact All Stars - Java 48. Lloyd Parks - Stars 49. Bumpin Uglies - Same In The End 50. Joe Sambo - Ball And Chain 51. Zaar - Churro 52. Kbong - Foolish Fool 53. Lloyd Anderson - The Lion Has Returned 54. Mortimer - Fight The Fight 55. Al Campbell - I Was Born A Free Man 56. King Earthquake Meets - Myself Dub 57. Ras 1 - Right Back 58. Flying Vipers - Devil\'s Harvest 59. Christos Dc - Upward Looking Down Dub 60. The Ethiopians - Me Want Gal 61. Soundstylers - Make Some Noise 62. Buju Banton - Champion 63. Yabby You - Big Youth Fights Against Capitalist 64. Jah Lloyd - Bad Man\'s Skank 65. Radikal Guru, Baptiste - Beyond The Borders 66. Paolo Baldini - Selassie I Great 67. Brahim - Ce Feeling 68. Partial Crew - Empire Version 69. Common Kings - Garden Grove 70. Shuga - Children Of The Jungle 71. Mungo\'s Hi Fi X Marina P - Nice To Meet You 72. Flying Vipers - Willy\'s Wonder 73. Val Bennett - Something 74. Descendents - Hope 75. Dennis Brown - Meet Me At The Corner ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-05-18 16:27:00
Rozmiar: 619.90 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Performer = The Melodians Year = 1997 Genre = Reggae/Rocksteady Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... The Melodians - A day seems too long The Melodians - Black man Kingdom come The Melodians - Come on little girl The Melodians - Everybody brawlin The Melodians - I could be a King The Melodians - I'll get along without you The Melodians - It comes and goes The Melodians - It's my delight The Melodians - It took a miracle The Melodians - Let's join hands (Together) The Melodians - Little nut tree The Melodians - Lock love away The Melodians - Passion love The Melodians - Personally speaking The Melodians - Ring of gold The Melodians - Rivers of Babylon The Melodians - Say darling say The Melodians - Sweet Rose The Melodians - Sweet sensation The Melodians - Swing and dine The Melodians - When there is you The Melodians - You are my only love The Melodians - You don't need me The Melodians - You have caught me The Melodians - Your destiny The Melodians - You've got it ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-05-16 23:25:22
Rozmiar: 72.55 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: Best of Reggae Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps Preview: https://amzn.to/3xJJeKL ...( TrackList )... 01. The Wailers - Get Up, Stand Up 02. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers - Tomorrow People 03. UB40 - Kingston Town 04. The Wailers - Stir It Up 05. Jimmy Cliff - Wonderful World, Beautiful People (Single Version) 06. Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse 07. UB40 - (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You 08. Maxi Priest - Close To You 09. Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking (Remastered) 10. The Wailers - I Shot The Sheriff 11. Junior Murvin - Police & Thieves 12. Maxi Priest - Wild World 13. Chimarruts - Saber Voar (Live From Brazil/2007) 14. The Wailers - Burnin' And Lootin' 15. Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock 16. Gregory Isaacs - Cool Down The Pace 17. Chimarruts - Versos Simples (Live From Brazil/2007) 18. Toots & The Maytals - Pressure Drop (Single Version) 19. Maxi Priest - Just A Little Bit Longer (Radio Edit) 20. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie 21. UB40 - Red Red Wine 22. Althea & Donna - No More Fighting (2001 Digital Remaster) 23. Toots & The Maytals - Pressure Drop '72 24. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers - Look Who's Dancin' 25. Chaka Demus & Pliers - Tease Me 26. The Heptones - Book Of Rules 27. Johnny Clarke - Declaration Of Rights (Remastered 2000) 28. U-Roy - Chalice In The Palace (1990 Digital Remaster) 29. Bunny Wailer - Dream Land 30. The Wailers - Hallelujah Time 31. Stephen Marley, Melanie Fiona - No Cigarette Smoking (In My Room) 32. Junior Murvin - Police & Thieves (Single Version) 33. Buju Banton - Murderer 34. The Abyssinians - Meditation (Remastered 2002) 35. Max Romeo, The Upsetters - Chase The Devil 36. Toots & The Maytals - 54-46 Was My Number 37. Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock 38. Toots & The Maytals - Funky Kingston 39. Damian Marley, Nas - Road To Zion 40. Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy 41. Culture - The International Herb 42. Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey 43. UB40, Chrissie Hynde - I Got You Babe 44. Jimmy Cliff - The Harder They Come (From "The Harder They Come" Soundtrack) 45. Toots & The Maytals - 54-46 (Was My Number) 46. Damian Marley, Stephen Marley - Medication 47. Bunny Wailer - Mellow Mood 48. Steel Pulse - Ku Klux Klan 49. Chaka Demus & Pliers - Murder She Wrote 50. Stephen Marley, Capleton - Break Us Apart 51. Aswad - Don't Turn Around 52. Third World - Now That We've Found Love (Single Version) 53. Pato Banton - Go Pato 54. Stephen Marley, Mos Def - Hey Baby 55. U-Roy - Natty Rebel (Remaster 1990) 56. Julian Marley - Boom Draw 57. Max Romeo, The Upsetters - War Ina Babylon 58. UB40 - Here I Am (Come And Take Me) 59. Damian Marley - Me Name Jr. Gong 60. Gregory Isaacs - Universal Tribulation 61. UB40 - The Way You Do The Things You Do 62. Shaggy, Rayvon - In The Summertime ![]()
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-05-03 23:37:11
Rozmiar: 567.38 MB
Peerów: 11
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: 100 Hit Tracks The Ultimate Collection: Reggae & Ska Legends Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae, Ska Total Tracks: 100 Total Size: 1.50 GB Quality: FLAC 16-bit/44kHz ...( TrackList )... Disc: 1 01. Desmond Dekker - Israelites 02. Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking 03. Dandy Livingstone - Rudy, A Message To You 04. The Harry J All Stars - Liquidator 05. Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel 06. Toots & The Maytals - 54-46 Was My Number 07. John Holt - Help Me Make It Through the Night 08. Nicky Thomas - Love of the Common People 09. Bob Andy, Marcia Griffiths - Pied Piper 10. Greyhound - Black and White 11. The Pioneers - Let Your Yeah Be Yeah 12. Ken Boothe - Everything I Own 13. Boris Gardiner - I Want To Wake Up With You 14. Dennis Brown - Money in My Pocket 15. Bruce Ruffin - Mad About You 16. The Ethiopians - Train to Skaville 17. Freddie Notes, The Rudies - Guns of Navarone 18. The Upsetters - Return of Django 19. Madness - The Prince 20. Bob Marley & The Wailers, Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining Disc: 2 01. Bob & Marcia - To Be Young Gifted and Black 02. Derrick Harriott - Eighteen with a Bullet 03. Toots & The Maytals - Pressure Drop 04. John Holt, The Tommy McCook All Stars - Sister Big Stuff 05. The Uniques - Watch This Sound (For What It's Worth) 06. The Melodians - Rivers of Babylon 07. The Hot Shots - Snoopy vs. The Red Baron 08. Greyhound - I Am What I Am 09. Ken Boothe - Crying Over You 10. Boris Gardiner - You're Everything to Me 11. Gregory Isaacs - Rock On 12. Horace Faith - Black Pearl 13. The Sensations - Born To Love You 14. Dandy Livingstone - Suzanne Beware of the Devil 15. Big Youth - Tipper Tone Rock 16. Rico & The Rudies - Brixton Cat 17. The Slickers - Johnny Too Bad 18. Junior Byles - Beat Down Babylon 19. Dobby Dobson - (I'm A) Loving Pauper 20. Desmond Dekker - It Mek Disc: 3 01. Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp 02. Dave & Ansel Collins - Monkey Spanner 03. The Pioneers - Long Shot Kick De Bucket 04. Dandy - Let's Do Rock Steady 05. Toots & The Maytals - Monkey Man 06. Tommy McCook & The Supersonics - Reggae Merengue 07. Lord Tanamo - I'm In the Mood for Love 08. Justin Hinds & The Dominoes - Carry Go Bring Come 09. Duke Reid's All Stars - The Rude Boy 10. Dave Barker - Shocks of Mighty 11. Harry J Allstars - Hang 'Em High 12. The Baba Brooks Band - Watermelon Man 13. Alton Ellis - Rock Steady 14. The Ethiopians - Everything Crash 15. Desmond Dekker - 007 (Shanty Town) 16. The Uniques - My Conversation 17. The Kingstonians - Sufferer 18. Rudy Mills - John Jones 19. Boris Gardiner, The Love People - Elizabethan Reggae 20. Lee "Scratch" Perry - People Funny Boy Disc: 4 01. Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really Want 02. Marcia Griffiths - Put a Little Love In Your Heart 03. The Paragons - The Tide Is High 04. Horace Andy - Ain't No Sunshine 05. Freddie Notes, The Rudies - Montego Bay 06. Greyhound - Moon River 07. The Melodians - I'll Get Along Without You 08. Dennis Brown - Wichita Lineman 09. Susan Cadogan - Fever 10. I-Roy - The First Cut Is the Deepest 11. Joya Landis - Angel of the Morning 12. John Holt - Mr. Bojangles 13. Nicky Thomas - Have a Little Faith 14. Lord Creator - Kingston Town 15. Tony Tribe - Red Red Wine 16. Winston Groovy - Please Don't Make Me Cry 17. Johnny Osbourne - Come Back Darling 18. U-Roy, The Paragons - Wear You to the Ball 19. Ken Boothe - Is It Because I'm Black? 20. The Pioneers - Papa Was a Rolling Stone Disc: 5 01. Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) 02. Susan Cadogan - Hurt so Good 03. Sophia George - Girlie Girlie 04. Errol Dunkley - OK Fred 05. Dennis Brown - Silhouettes 06. Gregory Isaacs - Sinner Man 07. Horace Andy - Skylarking 08. Rupie Edwards - Ire Feelings (Skanga) 09. Sugar Minott - Man Hungry 10. Bruce Ruffin - Rain 11. Ken Boothe - Freedom Street 12. Carl Dawkins - Satisfaction 13. The Viceroys - Rise In the Strength of Jah 14. Zap Pow - Last War (Jah Jah Children Arise) 15. Sly & The Revolutionaries, Jah Thomas - White Rum 16. The Vulcans - Star Trek 17. The Heptones - Hypocrite 18. Brother Dan All Stars - Eastern Organ 19. Tito Simon - This Monday Morning Feeling 20. Big Youth - Screaming Target ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-05-03 03:09:47
Rozmiar: 1.50 GB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Indubious Album: The Bridge Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Calling 02. Love Is A Bridge 03. The Offering 04. Neva Bow 05. The Throne 06. Heal All Life 07. Ease and Flow 08. Life Joyful 09. Bless The Water 10. Worth 11. I Can Breathe 12. Undeniable 13. Calling Reprise ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-04-25 03:14:07
Rozmiar: 120.78 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Quality-Lossless Release-2019 File Size- 1400 MB Samplerate: 44100 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 16 Codec: Flac Reggae ...( TrackList )... Album: Natty Rebel Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Run Time:0h52m Tracklist: 01 Nice Time - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:46) 02 Sugar Sugar - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:47) 03 Give Me A Ticket (The letter) - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:00) 04 Rocking Steady - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:05) 05 There She Goes - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:33) 06 Love - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:55) 07 Brand New Second Hand - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:58) 08 Jah Is Mighty - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:27) 09 Treat You Right - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:18) 10 The World Is Changing - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:38) 11 Soul Rebel - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:53) 12 Love Light - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:58) 13 Down Pressor - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:15) 14 Hold On To The Feeling - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:56) 15 Mr. Chatter Box - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:39) 16 Run For Cover - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:15) 17 Long Long Winter - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:04) 18 What Goes Around Comes Around - Bob Marley & The Wailers (4:15) Album: Soul Revolution Part II Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Run Time:0h34m Tracklist: 01 Keep On Moving - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:10) 02 Don't Rock My Boat - Bob Marley & The Wailers (4:34) 03 Put It On - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:35) 04 Fussing And Fighting - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:30) 05 Duppy Conqueror - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:26) 06 Memphis - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:11) 07 Riding High - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:47) 08 Kaya - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:40) 09 African Herbsman - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:26) 10 Stand Alone - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:13) 11 Sun Is Shining - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:13) 12 Brain Washing - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:42) Album: Small Axe Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Run Time:0h52m Tracklist: 01 You Thing I Have No Feelings - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:45) 02 I'm Hurting Inside - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:41) 03 Lonesome Feeling - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:11) 04 How Many Times - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:38) 05 Touch Me - Bob Marley & The Wailers (4:37) 06 Nice Time - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:25) 07 Selassie Is The Chapel - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:53) 08 Bend Down Low (UB40 Version) - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:45) 09 The Lord Will Make A Way - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:15) 10 Dance Do The Reggae - Bob Marley & The Wailers (4:35) 11 Put It On - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:47) 12 Thank You Lord - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:22) 13 Chances Are - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:22) 14 Stranger On The Shore - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:36) 15 Mellow Mood - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:24) Album: The Lee Scratch Perry Master Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Run Time:0h50m Tracklist: 01 African Herbsman - Bob Marley (2:22) 02 Sun Is Shining - Bob Marley (2:09) 03 Don't Rock My Boat - Bob Marley (4:26) 04 Fussin' & Fightin' - Bob Marley (2:25) 05 Mr. Brown - Bob Marley (3:26) 06 Soul Rebel - Bob Marley (3:42) 07 Duppy Conqueror - Bob Marley (3:26) 08 Soul Almighty (Dub) - Bob Marley (3:18) 09 Kaya - Bob Marley (2:28) 10 Put It On - Bob Marley (3:03) 11 Keep On Moving - Bob Marley (3:03) 12 Stand Alone - Bob Marley (2:05) 13 Memphis - Bob Marley (2:54) 14 Brain Washing - Bob Marley (2:35) 15 Riding High - Bob Marley (2:44) 16 Redder Than Red (Dub) - Bob Marley (2:47) 17 Thank You Lord (Dub) - Bob Marley (3:42) Album: Rasta Revolution Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Run Time:0h47m Tracklist: 01 Mr. Brown - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:34) 02 Soul Rebel - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:20) 03 Try Me - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:48) 04 It's Alright - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:37) 05 No Sympathy - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:16) 06 My Cup - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:36) 07 Duppy Conqueror - Bob Marley & The Wailers (3:44) 08 Rebel's Hop - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:40) 09 Corner Stone - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:31) 10 400 Years - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:34) 11 No Water - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:10) 12 Reaction - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:43) 13 Soul Almighty - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:42) 14 Lively Up Yourself - Bob Marley & The Wailers (5:12) 15 Trench Town Rock - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:58) 16 African Herbsman - Bob Marley & The Wailers (2:28) ![]()
Seedów: 3
Data dodania:
2021-04-17 14:58:51
Rozmiar: 1.32 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: 100 Hit Tracks The Ultimate Collection: Reggae & Ska Legends Year: 2021 Genre: Reggae, Ska Total Tracks: 100 Total Size: 738 MB Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... Disc: 1 01. Desmond Dekker - Israelites 02. Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking 03. Dandy Livingstone - Rudy, A Message To You 04. The Harry J All Stars - Liquidator 05. Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel 06. Toots & The Maytals - 54-46 Was My Number 07. John Holt - Help Me Make It Through the Night 08. Nicky Thomas - Love of the Common People 09. Bob Andy, Marcia Griffiths - Pied Piper 10. Greyhound - Black and White 11. The Pioneers - Let Your Yeah Be Yeah 12. Ken Boothe - Everything I Own 13. Boris Gardiner - I Want To Wake Up With You 14. Dennis Brown - Money in My Pocket 15. Bruce Ruffin - Mad About You 16. The Ethiopians - Train to Skaville 17. Freddie Notes, The Rudies - Guns of Navarone 18. The Upsetters - Return of Django 19. Madness - The Prince 20. Bob Marley & The Wailers, Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining Disc: 2 01. Bob & Marcia - To Be Young Gifted and Black 02. Derrick Harriott - Eighteen with a Bullet 03. Toots & The Maytals - Pressure Drop 04. John Holt, The Tommy McCook All Stars - Sister Big Stuff 05. The Uniques - Watch This Sound (For What It's Worth) 06. The Melodians - Rivers of Babylon 07. The Hot Shots - Snoopy vs. The Red Baron 08. Greyhound - I Am What I Am 09. Ken Boothe - Crying Over You 10. Boris Gardiner - You're Everything to Me 11. Gregory Isaacs - Rock On 12. Horace Faith - Black Pearl 13. The Sensations - Born To Love You 14. Dandy Livingstone - Suzanne Beware of the Devil 15. Big Youth - Tipper Tone Rock 16. Rico & The Rudies - Brixton Cat 17. The Slickers - Johnny Too Bad 18. Junior Byles - Beat Down Babylon 19. Dobby Dobson - (I'm A) Loving Pauper 20. Desmond Dekker - It Mek Disc: 3 01. Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp 02. Dave & Ansel Collins - Monkey Spanner 03. The Pioneers - Long Shot Kick De Bucket 04. Dandy - Let's Do Rock Steady 05. Toots & The Maytals - Monkey Man 06. Tommy McCook & The Supersonics - Reggae Merengue 07. Lord Tanamo - I'm In the Mood for Love 08. Justin Hinds & The Dominoes - Carry Go Bring Come 09. Duke Reid's All Stars - The Rude Boy 10. Dave Barker - Shocks of Mighty 11. Harry J Allstars - Hang 'Em High 12. The Baba Brooks Band - Watermelon Man 13. Alton Ellis - Rock Steady 14. The Ethiopians - Everything Crash 15. Desmond Dekker - 007 (Shanty Town) 16. The Uniques - My Conversation 17. The Kingstonians - Sufferer 18. Rudy Mills - John Jones 19. Boris Gardiner, The Love People - Elizabethan Reggae 20. Lee "Scratch" Perry - People Funny Boy Disc: 4 01. Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really Want 02. Marcia Griffiths - Put a Little Love In Your Heart 03. The Paragons - The Tide Is High 04. Horace Andy - Ain't No Sunshine 05. Freddie Notes, The Rudies - Montego Bay 06. Greyhound - Moon River 07. The Melodians - I'll Get Along Without You 08. Dennis Brown - Wichita Lineman 09. Susan Cadogan - Fever 10. I-Roy - The First Cut Is the Deepest 11. Joya Landis - Angel of the Morning 12. John Holt - Mr. Bojangles 13. Nicky Thomas - Have a Little Faith 14. Lord Creator - Kingston Town 15. Tony Tribe - Red Red Wine 16. Winston Groovy - Please Don't Make Me Cry 17. Johnny Osbourne - Come Back Darling 18. U-Roy, The Paragons - Wear You to the Ball 19. Ken Boothe - Is It Because I'm Black? 20. The Pioneers - Papa Was a Rolling Stone Disc: 5 01. Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) 02. Susan Cadogan - Hurt so Good 03. Sophia George - Girlie Girlie 04. Errol Dunkley - OK Fred 05. Dennis Brown - Silhouettes 06. Gregory Isaacs - Sinner Man 07. Horace Andy - Skylarking 08. Rupie Edwards - Ire Feelings (Skanga) 09. Sugar Minott - Man Hungry 10. Bruce Ruffin - Rain 11. Ken Boothe - Freedom Street 12. Carl Dawkins - Satisfaction 13. The Viceroys - Rise In the Strength of Jah 14. Zap Pow - Last War (Jah Jah Children Arise) 15. Sly & The Revolutionaries, Jah Thomas - White Rum 16. The Vulcans - Star Trek 17. The Heptones - Hypocrite 18. Brother Dan All Stars - Eastern Organ 19. Tito Simon - This Monday Morning Feeling 20. Big Youth - Screaming Target ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-04-15 16:23:14
Rozmiar: 738.29 MB
Peerów: 10
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Sean Paul Album: Live N Livin Year: 2021 Genre: Pop / Reggae Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Buss a Bubble (Remix) (feat. Sotto Bless, Looga Man, Ras Ajai & Chi Ching Ching) 02. Boom 03. Space Ship (feat. Suku Ward) 04. Real Steel (feat. Intence) 05. The Plug (feat. Chi Ching Ching) 06. Dem Nuh Ready Yet 07. Crazy 08. Schedule (feat. Damian Jr Gong Marley) 09. Money Bag (feat. Govana) 10. Protect Me (feat. Serani) 11. Lion Heart (Radio Edit) 12. Guns of Navarone (Remix) (feat. Jesse Royal, Mutabaruka & Stonebwoy) 13. Danger Zone (feat. Sotto Bless & Bugle) 14. Life We Livin (feat. Squash) 15. I'm Sanctify (Remix) (feat. Mavado & Assassin aka Agent Sasco) 16. Everest (feat. Masicka & Skillibeng) ![]()
Seedów: 16
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-03-16 01:30:35
Rozmiar: 123.76 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
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01. Maluma - Hawái 02. Sech - Relación (Remix) 03. Sech - Relación 04. Farruko - La Tóxica 05. Bad Bunny - TE MUDASTE 06. Maluma - Parce (feat. Justin Quiles) 07. Lele Pons - Se Te Nota 08. Rauw Alejandro - Tattoo (Remix with Camilo) 09. Ozuna - Caramelo (Remix) 10. Karol G - Ay, DiOs Mío! 11. Bad Bunny - Si Veo a Tu Mamá 12. Rauw Alejandro - Reloj 13. J Balvin - Azul 14. Ozuna - Despeinada 15. Bad Bunny - Safaera 16. Dalex - Hola (Remix) 17. Jerry Di - Mi Cuarto 18. J Balvin - Rojo 19. Bad Bunny - Yo Perreo Sola 20. Ozuna - Caramelo 21. Wisin - Mi Nin?a 22. Justin Quiles - Jeans 23. Bad Bunny - Ignorantes 24. Feid - PORFA (Remix) 25. Ozuna - Una Locura 26. Maluma - Hawái 27. Nio Garcia - La Jeepeta (Remix) 28. Jay Wheeler - La Curiosidad 29. Myke Towers - Diosa 30. Bad Bunny - Ignorantes 31. Reik - Si Me Dices Que Sí 32. Bad Bunny - La Santa 33. Daddy Yankee - Don Don 34. Nicky Jam - Muévelo 35. Greeicy - Los Besos 36. Lunay - Victoria 37. Llane - Será 38. Beele - De 0 a Siempre 39. Justin Quiles - PAM 40. Justin Quiles - Ponte Pa' Mi 41. Daddy Yankee - Definitivamente 42. Farruko - Loco (Remix) 43. Anuel Aa - Bandido 44. Thony Wilson - Tentándome 45. Nicky Jam - Polvo 46. Feid - FERXXO X ÑEJO 47. Kevin Roldan - Hasta Abajo 48. Rauw Alejandro - De Cora 3 49. Andy Rivera - La Oficial (Remix) 50. Jowell & Randy - Anaranjado ![]()
Seedów: 29
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-01-01 17:36:33
Rozmiar: 424.31 MB
Peerów: 7
Dodał: Uploader
...( TrackList )...
01. Kabaka Pyramid - Nice Up The Dance 02. Biga_Ranx - Sunset Cassette 03. Marcus Gad - Rhythm of Serenity 04. Queen Ifrica - Silly Thoughts 05. Busy Signal - Jamaica Jamaica 06. H.E.R. - Do To Me 07. Chronixx - Same Prayer 08. Reggae Roast - Never B4 (feat. Mr. Williamz) (Gentleman's Dub Club Remix) 09. Blakkamoore - Skyscrapers 10. Buju Banton - Yes Mi Friend 11. Mellow Mood - Mr. Global (feat. Kabaka Pyramid) 12. Christopher Martin - Little Green Apples 13. Kiko Bun - Bad Boy Tenor 14. Skip Marley - Higher Place 15. Skip Marley - No Love 16. Etana - Bubble 17. Allyawan - Smugglaren 18. Jaz Karis - Let Me Down 19. Tarrus Riley - Remember Me 20. Green Lion Crew - Keep Blazin' 21. Busy Signal - Watch Me 22. Sevana - If You Only Knew 23. Roro - Mood Forever 24. Skip Marley - Slow Down 25. Collie Buddz - Brighter Days 26. Collie Buddz - Ooh La La 27. Luciano - The Music 28. Jah Cure - Oh Jah 29. Toots & The Maytals - Got To Be Tough 30. Soom T - Sold Out to the Devil 31. Pachyman - Friday 32. Stand High Patrol - Along the River 33. Koffee - Pressure 34. Reggae Roast - Bad Company (feat. Earl 16) 35. Alborosie - Unprecedented Time ![]()
Seedów: 17
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-01-01 17:31:34
Rozmiar: 299.79 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
Buju Banton - 'Til Shiloh (25th Anniversary Edition) (2020) Reggae, Dancehall Island Records Mp3 - 320 kbps ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. Shiloh 02. 'Til I'm Laid To Rest 03. Murderer 04. Champion 05. Untold Stories 06. Not An Easy Road 07. Only Man 08. Complaint 09. Chuck It So 10. How Could You 11. Wanna Be Loved 12. It's All Over 13. Hush Baby Hush 14. What Ya Gonna Do? 15. Rampage 16. Sensimilla Persecution 17. Champion (Remix) 18. Wanna Be Loved (Remix) 19. Come Inna The Dance 20. Not An Easy Road (Remix) ..::(Opis)::.. https://www.amazon.com/Shiloh-25th-Anniversary-Buju-Banton/dp/B08KRXVNKX https://www.reggae-vibes.com/news/2020/11/buju-banton-til-shiloh-25th-anniversary-edition-new-album/ ![]()
Seedów: 15
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-18 10:19:12
Rozmiar: 177.96 MB
Peerów: 3
Dodał: xdktkmhc
...( Info )...
Bob Marley & The Wailers Burnin' (1973) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz DE PBTHAL Vinyl Rip allmusic.com... The Wailers' fourth album overall, Burnin', was their second for Island Records, released only six months after its predecessor, Catch a Fire. Given that speed, it's not surprising that several tracks -- "Put It On," "Small Axe," and "Duppy Conqueror" -- are re-recordings of songs dating back a few years. But they fit in seamlessly with the newer material, matching its religious militancy and anthemic style. The confrontational nature of the group's message is apparent immediately in the opening track, "Get Up, Stand Up," as stirring a song as any that emerged from the American Civil Rights movement a decade before. The Wailers are explicit in their call to violence, a complete reversal from their own 1960s "Simmer Down" philosophy. Here, on "Burnin' and Lootin'," they take issue with fellow Jamaican Jimmy Cliff's song of the previous year, "Many Rivers to Cross," asking impatiently, "How many rivers do we have to cross/Before we can talk to the boss?" "I Shot the Sheriff," the album's most celebrated song, which became a number one hit in the hands of Eric Clapton in 1974, claims self-defense, admits consequences ("If I am guilty I will pay"), and emphasizes the isolated nature of the killing ("I didn't shoot no deputy"), but its central image is violent. Such songs illuminated the desperation of poor Jamaican life, but they also looked forward to religious salvation, their themes accentuated by the compelling rhythms and the alternating vocals of the three singers. Bob Marley was a first among equals, of course, and after this album his partners, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, quit the group, which thereafter was renamed Bob Marley and the Wailers. The three bonus tracks on the 2001 reissue are all by Tosh and Wailer, though recorded at the album's sessions, suggesting the source of their frustration. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-12-12 12:01:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Bob Marley & The Wailers / Burnin' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR13 -1.00 dB -15.95 dB 3:20 01-Get Up, Stand Up DR12 -2.13 dB -16.68 dB 3:31 02-Hallelujah Time DR13 -2.44 dB -17.50 dB 4:41 03-I Shot The Sheriff DR12 -3.18 dB -18.27 dB 4:14 04-Burnin' And Lootin' DR14 -1.64 dB -18.31 dB 3:59 05-Put It On DR13 -1.00 dB -16.75 dB 4:02 06-Small Axe DR13 -1.16 dB -17.15 dB 3:35 07-Pass It On DR12 -1.55 dB -17.14 dB 3:48 08-Duppy Conqueror DR13 -1.30 dB -16.42 dB 3:43 09-One Foundation DR14 -1.55 dB -17.43 dB 3:47 10-Rasta Man Chant Number of tracks: 10 Official DR value: DR13 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 2722 kbps Codec: FLAC ![]()
Seedów: 22
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-16 05:54:51
Rozmiar: 788.62 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Album: Bob Marley Legacy: Punky Reggae Party Year: 2020 Genre: Reggae Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Punky Reggae Party (Jamaican 12" Version) (9:19) 02. Could You Be Loved (12" Mix) (5:25) 03. Get Up, Stand Up (Live At Rainbow Theatre, London / 1977 / Remastered 2020) (4:49) 04. Concrete Jungle (4:13) 05. Stop That Train (Jamaican Version) (3:54) 06. Satisfy My Soul (Kaya 40 Mix) (4:35) ![]()
Seedów: 13
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-11 14:52:27
Rozmiar: 74.94 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2020 Genre = Reggae Format = Opus ~128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggae Sunshine (CD 1) Bad Manners - Lip up fatty Barrington Levy - Warm & Sunny day Beenie Man - Foundation Cat Coore - Hold me tight Desmond Dekker & The Aces - It Mek Eddy Grant - Walking on Sunshine Errol Dunkley - O.K. Fred Greyhound - Unchained melody Healing Fever - Let's stay together Jackie Edwards - Let it be me (& Hortense Ellis) KJ - Soul rebel (Remix) (ft Bob Marley) Ky-Mani Marley - Yesterday Out Of Jamaica - Don't worry, be happy Prince Don David - I'm still waiting Sly & Robbie - Too much (ft Teisha & Fiona) Sugar Minott - Say yes The Heptones - Suddenly The Monitors - The tears of a clown The Pioneers - Rock my soul Third World - Sleep walk Reggae Sunshine (CD 2) Aug. Pablo - Tender love song (& Combined Black Sounds) Baby Rasta Band - Limbo Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers - Redder than red Boris Gardiner - I wanna wake up with you Clint Eastwood - Love story Club Jamaica - Sittin' on a dock of the bay Cornell Campbell - Duke of Earl Desmond Dekker - Coomyah Desmond Dekker - Everybody join hands Eddy Grant - I don't wanna dance Fred Locks - Black star liners Georgie Fame - Uptight Jamaica Connection - What becomes of the broken hearted Jimmy Cliff - Samba Reggae Melanie - Brand new key (ft Jimmy Cliff) Osibisa - Pata pata Prince Lincoln & the Royal Rasses - Babylon is falling Sly & Robbie - No good girl (ft Cornell Campbell) Soulful Dynamics - Mademoisell Ninette Soulful Dynamics - Mr. Reggaeman ![]()
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-10 06:31:54
Rozmiar: 152.62 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Bob Marley & The Wailers Album: Bob Marley Legacy Rhythm of the Game Year: 2020 Genre: Reggae Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Jamming (B Is For Bob Version) (04:26) 02. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Three Little Birds (B Is For Bob Version) (03:20) 03. Bob Marley & The Wailers - One Drop (03:54) 04. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Is This Love (Bill Laswell Remix) (04:31) 05. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Exodus (Live At Music Hall, Boston / 1978) (07:01) 06. Bob Marley - Rastaman Chant (04:18) ![]()
Seedów: 17
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-05 20:31:02
Rozmiar: 63.98 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Gentleman - Blaue Stunde (2020) Reggae Kingstone Records 49:35 Mp3 320 kbps ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. Ahoi 02. Zwischen den Stühlen 03. Garten 04. Time Out 05. Gentleman & Sido & Jugglerz - Schöner Tag 06. Devam (feat. Luciano, Ezhel) 07. Dunkelblaues Boot 08. Wo auch immer 09. Bruder (feat. Summer Cem) 10. So nah 11. Staubsauger 12. Feierwahn 13. Bei Dir sein 14. Wieder gehen 15. Mehr als ich 16. Ich komm zurück ![]()
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-25 12:21:50
Rozmiar: 114.51 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
...( Info )...
Artist: Shaggy Album: Christmas in the Islands Year: 2020 Genre: Reggae, Dancehall, Holiday Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. No Icy Christmas (feat. Sanchez) 02. We Got Us (feat. Shenseea and OMI) 03. Take You to the Cool (feat. Richie Stephens & Conkarah) 04. Christmas in the Islands (feat. Rayvon) 05. Holiday in Jamaica (feat. Ne-Yo & DING DONG) 06. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 07. Open Presents (feat. Romain Virgo) 08. Raggamuffin Christmas (feat. Junior Reid & Bounty Killer) 09. Christmas Time (feat. Jamila Falak) 10. 12 Days of Christmas (feat. Beenie Man & Craigy T) 11. Warm & Easy 12. Sunny Celebration (feat. Joss Stone) 13. Catch Myself Some Rays (feat. CARYS) 14. Love When It's Christmas 15. I'll Be Home for Christmas ![]()
Seedów: 28
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-22 07:04:57
Rozmiar: 117.44 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Title: Soul Power-Funky Kingston 2: Reggae Dancefloor Grooves 1968-74 Year Of Release: 2005 Label: Trojan Records Genre: Reggae, Soul, Funk Quality: FLAC (tracks,.cue,log,m3u,scans) Total Time: 01:07:58 Total Size: 393.23 MB ...( TrackList )... 01. Shark Wilson & The Basement Heaters - Make It Reggae - (03:13) 02. The Chosen Few - Funky Buttercup - (02:49) 03. Nicky Thomas - Soul Power - (03:03) 04. The Cimarons - Wicky Wacky - (02:38) 05. Horace Faith - Spinning Wheel - (02:13) 06. James Brown - Do It - (02:00) 07. Jamaica Jam - Sticky Fingers - (02:53) 08. Annetta Jackson - Meditation - (03:30) 09. The Chequers - Get Up, Stand Up - (06:55) 10. Mike Dorane - The Cimarons - Penguin Funk - (02:57) 11. Zap Pow - Funking Skank - (03:02) 12. Tinga Stewart - The Message - (02:55) 13. Bunny Scott - Lee Perry - Kinky Fly - (02:43) 14. The Studio Sound - Give Me Some More - (04:14) 15. The Aquarians - Medusa Parts 1 & 2 - (04:44) 16. Hopeton Lewis - Express Yourself - (02:33) 17. Alton Ellis - It's Your Thing - (02:58) 18. Matumbi - (I Can't Get Enough Of That) Reggae Stuff - (03:00) 19. Greyhound - The Change - (06:02) 20. The Chosen Few - Shaft - (03:38) ![]()
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-14 06:30:14
Rozmiar: 393.24 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Aswad Album: Gold Year: 2020 Genre: Reggae Total Tracks: 40 Total Size: 430 MB Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... Disc: 1 01. Don't Turn Around 02. Shine (7" Beatmasters Mix) 03. Back To Africa 04. Next To You 05. Shy Guy (Aswad And Easther Bennett) 06. Give A Little Love 07. You're No Good (7" Beatmasters Mix) 08. Beauty's Only Skin Deep (U.S. Single Version) 09. So Good 10. Heartbeat 11. Dancehall Mood (Radio Edit) 12. One Shot Chilla (Radio Mix) 13. Deeper Than Deep 14. 54-46 (Was My Number) Disc: 2 01. Dub Fire 02. Can't Stand The Pressure 03. 2 Makes 1 04. I A Rebel Soul 05. Warriors (7" Beatmasters Mix) 06. Judgement Day 07. Day By Day 08. Roxanne 09. If I Was 10. Not Guilty 11. Fever 12. Just A Little Herb 13. Danger In Your Eyes 14. World Of Confusion 15. What I Know Disc: 3 01. Shine (12" Beatmasters Mix) 02. Don't Turn Around (12" Version) 03. Next To You (Jazz Mix) 04. You're No Good (12" Beatmasters Mix) 05. Babylon (12" Mix) 06. Rainbow Culture (12" Mix) 07. Dub Warriors (Beatmasters Dub Mix) 08. Dancehall Mood (Extended Mix) 09. Java (12" Version) 10. Shine (Todd Terry Dance Mix) 11. One Shot Chilla (Underwolves Mix) ![]()
Seedów: 14
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-10 05:57:19
Rozmiar: 430.13 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Title: The Look Of Love Artist: VA Year: 2020 Genre: Reggae, Riddim, Ska Country: All World Length: 05:26:34 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Posh Morris - Ambition 02. Blakkamoore - Amazing Grace 03. C. Jones - Sunshine Dub 04. Laroz - Reparation 05. Prospec - Money And Pumpum 06. Zaahb - Snapchat 07. Nick Manasseh - Brexit Blues (Extended Mix) 08. Vybz Kartel - Adiana 09. Bullwackies All Stars - Shining Star 10. Mixmaster J - Jackpot 11. Nicy - En Vé Paw 12. MC Janik - Woman Foreva 13. Tommy G feat. Rassi - Helpless Rookie 14. Synthdicate Music - Here I Come 15. Swashii - Faker 16. The Wailers - Can\'t Handle The Truth 17. Vitchous - Happy 18. Hot Frass - Top Life 19. Kaution Stylz - Dark And Cruel 20. Admiral T - Caribbean Monster 21. Devon Morgan - One King (Instrumental) 22. Lnp Roots Family - De Toi À Moi 23. Chezidek - Standstill 24. Bullwackies All Stars - Rain From The Cloud 25. Lnp Roots Family - Reste Vrai 26. Sizzla - Sizzla Selects Reggae 27. Difrenz - Le Morceau Long 28. Kingston Express - Stranger Things 29. Shokryme - Wisdom 30. Holy Tongue - Erev 31. The Wailers - Love Will Find You 32. Crocadile - Tremble 33. Junior Tshaka - Encore 34. Tactikal - Lock Di Globe 35. Traqtion - Links 36. Cultura Profйtica - Herida Mortal 37. Difrenz - Minou Mignon 38. Dennis Brown - Praise Without Raise 39. Adin-I - Far Away 40. Boy George - Death Of Samantha 41. G - Life - Gwan Up 42. Krayzona - Fully Pilligin 43. The Wailers - Good Time 44. The Skints - I\'m A Fool 45. Ziggy Marley - Coming In From The Cold 46. Popcaan feat. Masicka - Unda Dirt 47. Frahcess One - Monstrosity 48. Gato Negro Soundsystema - Encendido 49. Sahie - Dream Bout 50. Lybran - Pile Up 51. Laroz - Zion On Earth 52. African Head Charge - Fear Of A Man God 53. Gato Negro Soundsystema - Tu Money 54. Shokryme - Nuff Suh 55. I-Caliba - Clean 56. Zee K - Art Of Badness 57. Buju Banton - Trust 58. Teflon - Star Bwoy Life 59. C. Jones & Ale X - Catch The Vibes Dub 60. Dennis Brown - Satisfaction Feeling 61. Jahsik - Trop Bet 62. Xtra Big - Veyer Zaksyon 63. Dennis Brown - The Look Of Love 64. Cultura Profйtica - Batalla Del Beso 65. Chezidek - Hello Africa 66. Barth - Passion 67. Dramouss Diabaté - Ali, Le Conseils D\'un Sage 68. Sizzla - Burn The Herb 69. Reggae Roast feat. Tippa Irie - Beauty Of Life 70. B.R. Stylers - Conscious Sun Dub 71. Bazragod - Parish 14 Badness 72. Augustus Pablo - Jah D Special 73. Brahim - Addiction 74. R Embassida - Better Tomorrow 75. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Iron Lion Zion ![]()
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-04 14:15:38
Rozmiar: 758.87 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artista: UB40 Titolo: Essential 3CD Anno di pubblicazione: 2020 Genere: Reggae Qualità: Mp3 320 kbps Total Time: 03:36:10 Total Size: 518 MB ...( TrackList )... CD1 01. Red Red Wine 02. Food For Thought 03. One In Ten 04. Kingston Town 05. Breakfast In Bed 06. Dream A Lie 07. Sing Our Own Song 08. If It Happens Again 09. Please Don’t Make Me Cry 10. Maybe Tomorrow 11. Swing Low. Radio Edit 12. Where Did I Go Wrong 13. Tell Me Is It True. Fugees Remix 14. Holly Holy 15. Tyler 16. The Train Is Coming 17. The Way You Do The Things You Do 18. Many Rivers To Cross CD2 01. (I Can’t Help) Falling in Love With You 02. Don’t Break My Heart 03. My Way of Thinking 04. I Think it’s Going To Rain Today 05. The Earth Dies Screaming 06. Don’t Let it Pass You By 07. Come Back Darling 08. Kiss and Say Goodbye 09. So Here I Am 10. C’est La Vie 11. Riddle Me 12. Reggae Music 13. Wear You to the Ball 14. Watchdogs 15. I Would Do For You 16. Promises And Lies. Live In The Uk 1993 CD3 01. I Got You Babe 02. King 03. Cherry Oh Baby 04. Homely Girl 05. Higher Ground 06. Rat In Mi Kitchen 07. Don’t Slow Down 08. Until My Dying Day 09. Bring Me Your Cup 10. All I Want To Do 11. Always There 12. Here I Am (Come And Take Me) 13. Dance With The Devil 14. I Won’t Close My Eyes. Remix 15. I’ve Got Mine. Extended Version 16. Love Is All Is Alright. Remix 17. Impossible Love 18. Since I Met You Lady ![]()
Seedów: 1
Data dodania:
2020-10-15 05:45:02
Rozmiar: 503.53 MB
Peerów: 3
Dodał: Uploader
Sizzla - Million Times (2020) Reggae Mp3 - 320 kbps ..::(TrackList)::.. 01. Feelings (3:32) 02. Lady Lady (3:46) 03. Million Times (3:12) 04. Don't Stop (3:27) 05. Nah Go Happy (4:18) 06. Phone Ring (2:55) 07. Lasting Effect (4:22) 08. With out You (3:26) 09. Girlfriend (3:17) 10. Motivation (3:13) 11. Sizzla, G Mac - Love for Money (3:08) 12. Out of All (3:57) ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-10-02 04:25:38
Rozmiar: 100.34 MB
Peerów: 9
Dodał: xdktkmhc