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...( Info )...
Artist: SZA Album: Ctrl (Deluxe) Year: 2022 Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Supermodel 02. Love Galore 03. Doves In The Wind 04. Drew Barrymore 05. Prom 06. The Weekend 07. Go Gina 08. Garden (Say It Like Dat) 09. Broken Clocks 10. Anything 11. Wavy (Interlude) 12. Normal Girl 13. Pretty Little Birds 14. 20 Something 15. Love Galore (Alt Version) 16. 2AM 17. Miles 18. Percolator 19. Tread Carefully 20. Awkward 21. Jodie
Seedów: 33
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-06-09 23:58:18
Rozmiar: 161.36 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: SZA Album: Ctrl (Deluxe) Year: 2022 Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk Format/Quality: FLAC 24-bit/44100Hz ...( TrackList )... 01. Supermodel 02. Love Galore 03. Doves In The Wind 04. Drew Barrymore 05. Prom 06. The Weekend 07. Go Gina 08. Garden (Say It Like Dat) 09. Broken Clocks 10. Anything 11. Wavy (Interlude) 12. Normal Girl 13. Pretty Little Birds 14. 20 Something 15. Love Galore (Alt Version) 16. 2AM 17. Miles 18. Percolator 19. Tread Carefully 20. Awkward 21. Jodie
Seedów: 48
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-06-09 23:58:13
Rozmiar: 750.75 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: NOW Yearbook 1982 Year: 2022 Genre: Pop, Rock, R&B, Soul, Funk Total Tracks: 84 Total Size: 824 MB Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... Disc: 1 01. Wham! - Young Guns (Go for It!) 02. Adam Ant - Goody Two Shoes 03. ABC - The Look Of Love, Pt.1 04. Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf 05. Spandau Ballet - Instinction 06. Haircut 100 - Love Plus One 07. Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me 08. ABBA - Under Attack 09. Bucks Fizz - The Land of Make Believe 10. Tight Fit - Fantasy Island 11. Dollar - Videotheque 12. Madness - House of Fun 13. Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen 14. The Jam - Town Called Malice 15. Bow Wow Wow - Go Wild in the Country 16. Fun Boy Three, Bananarama - It Ain't What You Do It's the Way That You Do It 17. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie 18. Fat Larry's Band - Zoom 19. Dionne Warwick - Heartbreaker 20. Lionel Richie - Truly 21. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing 22. Donna Summer - State of Independence Disc: 2 01. Paul McCartney - Ebony And Ivory 02. Irene Cara - Fame 03. Shalamar - A Night to Remember 04. Odyssey - Inside Out 05. Evelyn "Champagne" King - Love Come Down 06. Kool & The Gang - Get Down On It 07. Carly Simon - Why 08. Malcolm McLaren - Buffalo Gals 09. Rockers Revenge, Donnie Calvin - Walking on Sunshine 10. Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes off You 11. Patrick Cowley, Sylvester - Do You Wanna Funk? 12. Imagination - Just An Illusion 13. Soft Cell - Torch 14. Tears for Fears - Mad World 15. The Human League - Mirror Man 16. A Flock of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You) 17. Visage - The Damned Don't Cry 18. Simple Minds - Promised You A Miracle 19. Ultravox - Reap the Wild Wind 20. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Maid Of Orleans (The Waltz Joan Of Arc) 21. Japan - Ghosts Disc: 3 01. Survivor - Eye of the Tiger 02. Meat Loaf, Cher - Dead Ringer for Love 03. The J. Geils Band - Centerfold 04. Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra 05. Pretenders - Back on the Chain Gang 06. Daryl Hall & John Oates - I Can't Go for That (No Can Do) 07. Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do) 08. Chicago - Hard to Say I'm Sorry 09. Foreigner - Waiting for a Girl like You 10. Roxy Music - Avalon 11. The Stranglers - Golden Brown 12. Siouxsie and The Banshees - Fireworks 13. The Clash - Rock the Casbah 14. The Jam - Beat Surrender 15. Madness - Our House 16. Toyah - Brave New World 17. Altered Images - See Those Eyes 18. Haysi Fantayzee - John Wayne Is Big Leggy 19. The Associates - Party Fears Two 20. New Order - Temptation Disc: 4 01. ABBA - The Day Before You Came 02. Elton John - Blue Eyes 03. Duran Duran - Save a Prayer 04. ABC - All Of My Heart 05. The Kids From "Fame" - Starmaker 06. Bucks Fizz - My Camera Never Lies 07. Dollar - Mirror Mirror 08. Bardo, Steve Fisher - One Step Further 09. Kim Wilde - View From a Bridge 10. Haircut 100 - Fantastic Day 11. Modern Romance - Best Years of Our Lives 12. Blondie - Island Of Lost Souls 13. Tight Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight 14. Shakin' Stevens - Oh Julie 15. Mari Wilson - Just What I Always Wanted 16. Nicole - A Little Peace 17. Charlene - I've Never Been To Me 18. Clannad - Theme from Harry's Game 19. Ph.d. - I Won't Let You Down 20. Japan - I Second That Emotion 21. Soft Cell - Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-01-11 22:40:28
Rozmiar: 824.39 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Performer = Prince Born = June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Died = April 21, 2016 (aged 57) in Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA Genre = Funk/Rock/Pop/New Wave/R&B/Minneapolis Sound/Soul Format = Opus ~128 ...( TrackList )... Prince - 1+1+1 is 3 Prince - 3rd eye Prince - 4ever Prince - Beautiful strange Prince - Black sweat Prince - Call my name Prince - Dream factory Prince - Dreamer Prince - Eye love U, but eye don't trust U anymore Prince - Future Soul song Prince - Chaos and disorder Prince - Emancipation Prince - Gold Prince - Musicology.opus | Prince - Musicology.mp4 Prince - Northside Prince - Strays of the world Prince - The greatest romance ever sold Prince - Ol' skool company Prince - The love we make Prince - Chelsea Rodgers Prince - Crucial Prince - Empty room (Live 2002) Prince - Endorphinmachine Prince - Guitar Prince - Muse 2 the Pharaoh Prince - Dinner with Delores Prince - Eye hate U (LP version) Prince - P. control Prince - Shhh Prince - The work, pt. 1 Prince - U make my Sun shine Prince - Somewhere here on Earth Prince - U're gonna C me Prince - We march Prince - West Prince - When eye lay my hands on U Prince - Xpedition ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince, właśc. Prince Rogers Nelson (ur. 7 czerwca 1958 w Minneapolis, zm. 21 kwietnia 2016 w Chanhassen) – amerykański muzyk, piosenkarz, kompozytor i autor tekstów, przedstawiciel wielu stylów, w tym R&B, funk, jazz, soul, rock, disco i pop. Należał do najbardziej nowatorskich i ekscentrycznych postaci na amerykańskiej scenie popowej i rockowej. Nazywany „Księciem Popu”, wpłynął znacząco na rozwój muzyki rozrywkowej i był jedną z głównych postaci sceny muzycznej, zwłaszcza w latach 90. XX wieku. Był postrzegany jako jedna z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych postaci sceny muzycznej. Jego zachowanie na scenie i ubiór początkowo były uważane za obsceniczne. Uznawany przez prasę także za symbol seksu i artystę, który ukształtował swoją karierę, często walcząc z przyjętymi praktykami muzycznymi. Był uważany za wirtuoza gitary elektrycznej, grał także na instrumentach klawiszowych i perkusyjnych. Od swojego debiutu w 1978 wydał ponad 40 albumów, które szacunkowo rozeszły się w ponad 100 mln egzemplarzy na świecie. Za sprzedaż albumów w USA otrzymał jedną diamentową płytę, jedną poczwórnie platynową, sześć podwójnie platynowych, siedem platynowych i osiem złotych. Do jego największych przebojów należą: „Little Red Corvette”, „When Doves Cry”, „Let’s Go Crazy”, „Purple Rain”, „Raspberry Beret”, „Kiss”, „U Got the Look”, „Batdance”, „Cream” i „The Most Beautiful Girl in the World”. Poza działalnością solową współpracował także z innymi artystami. Występował na scenie m.in. z Eryką Badu, Alicią Keys czy Steviem Wonderem. Był producentem albumu Like a Prayer (1989) Madonny oraz współpracował przy tworzeniu płyty Kate Bush pt. The Red Shoes (1993). W swoich repertuarach utwory autorstwa Prince’a mieli m.in. Tom Jones oraz Sinéad O’Connor („Nothing Compares 2 U”). Zdobył siedem nagród Grammy, a w 2004 został włączony do Galerii Sław Rock&Rolla. Zajmował się także produkcją muzyczną i aranżacją swoich utworów. Urodził się w Minneapolis, w stanie Minnesota, w rodzinie afroamerykańskiej z Luizjany. jako syn Mattie Shaw, piosenkarki jazzowej i pracownika opieki społecznej, oraz Johna L. Nelsona (zm. w sierpniu 2001), autora tekstów piosenek i pianisty. Jego matka była Amerykanką włoskiego pochodzenia, a ojciec czarnoskórym muzykiem jazzowym, grającym na fortepianie w trio The Prince Rogers Band. Prince miał siostrę Tikę Evene oraz przyrodnie rodzeństwo: brata, Duana Nelsona i siostrę Sharon. Zafascynowany jednym z koncertów ojca, na który wybrał się z matką, gdy miał sześć lat, także postanowił związać życie z muzyką. Podjął samodzielną naukę gry na fortepianie, a w wieku siedmiu lat skomponował swój pierwszy utwór – „Funkmachine”. Ojciec miał pewien wpływ na przyszłą twórczość Prince’a, który w swoich piosenkach wykorzystywał używane przez niego sekwencje akordów, a w kilku utworach Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Kompozytorów, Autorów i Wydawców uznaje go za ich współautora. Jednocześnie ojciec nadużywał przemocy fizycznej wobec syna, co ten potwierdził m.in. w dokumencie Purpurowy deszcz oraz piosence „Papa”. Rodzice Prince’a rozwiedli się w 1968, a jego matka wkrótce ponownie wyszła za mąż. Niespokojne relacje Prince’a ojczymem, Haywardem Bakerem, doprowadziły do ucieczki chłopaka z domu. Pomieszkiwał u ojca, później u ciotki, Olivii Nelson, ostatecznie wprowadził się do szkolnego przyjaciela, Andrégo Andersona. Uczył się w gimnazjum Bryanta i liceum Centrum High. W tym okresie był prześladowany przez rówieśników ze względu na charakterystyczny sposób ubierania się oraz nieśmiałość. Prince był samoukiem: w młodości samodzielnie opanował grę na fortepianie, gitarze i perkusji. Wraz z André Andersonem i Charlesem Smithem w wieku 14 lat założył zespół Grand Central, przemianowym później na Grand Central Corporation, a następnie na Champagne. Brali udział w sesji nagraniowej w studiu Moonsound Chrisa Moona, który wkrótce zaproponował Prince’owi solową współpracę, obejmującą skomponowanie melodii do jego tekstów. W 1976, nagrawszy pierwsze muzyczne demo, odrzucił ofertę nowojorskiej wytwórni Tiffany Entertainment, która zaproponowała mu przeniesienie na firmę praw do jego pierwszych autorskich piosenek – „Baby”, „Soft & Wet”, „Love Is Forever” i „Aces”. Po powrocie do Minneapolis nawiązał współpracę z Owenem Husneyem z The Ad Company, który wkrótce powołał do życia firmę American Artists Inc, zajmującą się opieką artystyczną nad Prince’em. W grudniu 1976 rozpoczął nagrania kolejnego, solowego demo w studiu Sound 80. Ponadto do 1978 pracował jako muzyk sesyjny z zespołem 94 East, którego nie był jednak oficjalnym członkiem. W czerwcu 1977 podpisał kontrakt z Warner Bros., a trzy miesiące później rozpoczął nagrania debiutanckiej płyty w studiu Sound 80 w Minneapolis oraz Record Plant w Sausalito. 7 kwietnia 1978 wydał album pt. For You, na który sam skomponował, zaaranżował i wyprodukował właściwie cały materiał, mimo że do nagrania użyto 23 instrumentów. Pierwszy singiel, „Soft & Wet”, który wydał 7 czerwca 1978, trafił na 12. miejsce Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs i został po latach wykorzystany w scenie dreszczowca M. Nighta Shyamalana Niezniszczalny (2000) z Robin Wright i Bruce’em Willisem. Sam album dotarł do 21. miejsca billoardowej listy Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. W ramach promocji albumu Prince odbył krótką trasę promocyjną po Karolinie Północnej. Latem 1978 skompletował swój zespół koncertowy, z którym zadebiutował na scenie 5 stycznia 1979 w Capri Theater w Minneapolis. W tym okresie nowym menedżerem Prince’a został Steve Fargnoli. Od kwietnia do maja pracował w studiu Alpha Studio w Los Angeles nad materiałem na swój drugi album. Przy nagraniu płyty, zatytułowanej po prostu Prince, pomógł mu dodatkowy zespół muzyków, co okazało się dobrym pomysłem zarówno pod względem muzycznym, jak i komercyjnym. Album ukazał się 19 października 1979 i dotarł do trzeciego miejsca listy Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. Za sprzedaż wydawnictwa uzyskał status platynowej płyty. Album promował dwoma singlami: „I Wanna Be Your Lover” i „Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?”, które stały się przebojami i były wysoko plasowane na listach przebojów. Jednocześnie pracował nad pobocznym projektem – rockowym zespołem The Rebels, jednak szybko zawiesił pracę ze względu na niezadowolenie z jakości nagranych dziewięciu piosenek. Wkrótce po wydaniu płyty Prince wyruszył w trasę koncertową, m.in. lutym 1980 występował jako support przed koncertami Ricka Jamesa w ramach jego trasy pt. „Fire It Up”. ... W 2006 przy wsparciu wytwórni Universal wydał album pt. 3121, z którym dotarł do pierwszego miejsca listy Billboard 200. Płytę promował singlem „Te amo corazón” oraz występami w programach telewizyjnych, m.in. na gali rozdania Brit Awards 2006. Album uzyskał głównie pozytywne recenzje oraz osiągnął duży sukces komercyjny, debiutując na pierwszym miejscu na liście Billboard 200 z wynikiem 183 tys. sprzedanych egzemplarzy płyt w pierwszym tygodniu po premierze. Również w 2006 premierę miała piosenka „Song of the Heart”, którą napisał na potrzeby ścieżki dźwiękowej do filmu animowanego Happy Feet: Tupot małych stóp. Utwór przyniósł mu Złoty Glob za najlepszą piosenkę. Oprócz tego 12 czerwca 2006 otrzymał Webby Award za całokształt dokonań. W sezonie 2006–2007 odbył serię koncertów pod hasłem „3121 Jazz Cuisine” w Las Vegas. 2 lutego 2007 wystąpił w przerwie meczu Super Bowl XLI, prezentując 12-minutową mieszankę swoich przebojów; minikoncert zebrał wiele pochwalnych recenzji. W lipcu wypuścił na rynek linię perfum 3121 oraz wydał album pt. Planet Earth, który ukazał się jako bezpłatny dodatek do niedzielnego wydania brytyjskiego dziennika „Mail on Monday”. W ramach promocji płyty zagrał cieszącą się dużym zainteresowaniem serię 21 koncertów pod hasłem „21 Nights in London” w hali O2 Arena w Londynie. 8 listopada wypuścił cyfrowo utwór „PFUnk” (później przemianowany na „F.U.N.K.”, będący jego odpowiedzią na zawarcie się fanowskiej koalicji „Prince Fans United”, która sprzeciwiała się działaniom artysty wobec prób blokowania wszelkiej działalności jego wielbicieli w sieci, w tym m.in. udostępniania amatorskich zdjęć i nagrań z jego koncertów na forach i dedykowanych muzykowi stronach intetnetowych. W grudniu 2007 podobno zagrał koncert na prywatnym przyjęciu urodzinowym przedsiębiorcy Jeffreya Soffera, za co miał zainkasować 2 mln dol. W pierwszych miesiącach 2008 występował gościnnie wraz z zespołem Blind Boys Of Alabama i grał kameralne koncerty w klubach „77” i „The Green Door”. 25 kwietnia 2008 w programie Tonight Show with Jay Leno zaśpiewał premierowy utwór „Turn Me Loose”, a dzień później zagrał koncert na Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, za co miał zarobić 4,8 mln dol.. We wrześniu premierę miała książka pt. 21 Nights, która dokumentowała trasę w O2 Arenie na zdjęciach autorstwa Randee St. Nicholas oraz zawierała dodatkową płytę pt. Indigo Nights z zarejestrowanymi występami Prince’a w sali IndigO2, które dawał po koncertach w O2 Arenie. 17 grudnia 2008 na antenie radia Indie 103 zaprezentował single „Crimson & Clover”, „Colonized Mind” i „Wall of Berlin”, zapowiadającego premierę jego trzypłytowego zestawu – LotusFlow3r/MPLSound/Elixer, który ukazał się na początku 2009 i był dystrybuowany w USA przez ogólnokrajową sieć sklepów Target. Album Lotus Flow3r zadebiutował na drugim miejscu na liście Billboard 200. 24 marca 2009 otworzył nową stronę internetową lotusflow3r.com, którą promował najnowsze wydawnictwo. W ramach promocji albumu zagrał trzy koncerty w Live Nokia Center w Los Angeles, 18 lipca wystąpił na festiwalu Montreux Jazz, 11 października zagrał dwa koncerty w Grand Palais w Paryżu, a 24 października wystąpił w swoim studiu Paisley Park w ramach akcji charytatywnej „Love 4 One Another”. W styczniu 2010 wypuścił utwór „Purple and Gold”, który napisał z myślą o drużynie Minnesota Vikings. Miesiąc później wypuścił utwór „Cause and Effect”, a jego premiera zbiegła się z zawarciem pozasądowej ugody z firmą Promoters MCD, która pozwała artystę za odwołanie koncertu na stadionie Dublin’s Croke Park na 10 dni przed wydarzeniem. W czerwcu wydał utwór „Hot Summer” oraz odebrał nagrodę za całokształt twórczości na gali Black Entertainment Television. Miesiąc później wydał album pt. 20Ten, który był dołączany jako darmowy dodatek do wybranych europejskich gazet. W ramach promocji płyty odbył minitrasę koncertową, obejmującą osiem występów w Europie. 19 kwietnia 2018 niewydane wcześniej oryginalne nagranie „Nothing Compares 2 U” z 1984 zostało wydane jako singiel przez Warner Bros. Records. Najdłużej współpracował z grupami The Revolution oraz The New Power Generation (występującą także pod nazwą NPG Orchestra), ale także z solowymi artystami, takimi jak m.in.: Stevie Nicks, Madonna, Alicia Keys, Erykah Badu, Nikka Costa, George Clinton, Chaka Khan, Candy Dulfer, Larry Graham i Stevie Wonder. Na początku lat 80. stworzył zespół The Time, którego wszystkie cztery płyty – The Time (1981), What Time Is It? (1982), Ice Cream Castle (1984) i Pandemonium (1990), weszły do notowań list przebojów. W 1982 na rynku zadebiutował jego kolejny zespół – girlsband Vanity 6, który po zmianach personalnych wynikających z odejścia Vanity został przemianowany w Apollonia 6. Tworząc utwory dla zespołów, posługiwał się pseudonimem Jamie Starr. W 1983 uformował zespół The Family, dla którego napisał m.in. utwór „Nothing Compares 2 U”, a dwa lata później – grupę The Flesh, która nagrała kilka piosenek, w tym m.in. „Junk Music”, wykorzystaną w ścieżce dźwiękowej do Zakazanej miłości. Na przełomie 1986 i 1987 stworzył jazzowo-funkowy zespół Madhouse, który występował przed nim jako support na koncertach i który w 1986 wydał dwa albumy: 8 i 16. Wylansował także piosenkarkę Carmen Electrę. W 1985 założył własną wytwórnię muzyczną – Paisley Park Records, którą w latach 90. przemianował na NPG Records (New Power Generation). Prince pisał też piosenki dla innych artystów, takich jak m.in. Sheila E., Sheena Easton oraz grupy The Bangles. Covery piosenek Prince’a znalazły się w repertuarze m.in. Chaki Khan, Toma Jonesa, The Art of Noise, Sinéad O’Connor oraz Milesa Davisa. W dzieciństwie był zafascynowany muzyką Jamesa Browna, poza tym – dzięki lokalnej rozgłośni radiowej KUXL – miał możliwość poznania twórczości białych wykonawców funkowych i soulowych. Na początku kariery często określany był mianem „następcy Steviego Wondera”. Tworzył pod inspiracją muzyki Jimiego Hendrixa. W latach 80. zafascynował się także jazzową twórczością Milesa Davisa. Na pierwszym albumie For You umieścił piosenki głównie w stylu R&B, nagrane z wykorzystaniem m.in. syntezatorów i zaśpiewane wysokimi dźwiękami. Na płycie Prince znalazło się więcej rockowych brzmień. Kolejne dwa albumy – Dirty Mind i Controversy – zawierały brzmienia nowofalowe i funkowe, a także ballady. Płyta Purple Rain zawierała nastrojowe ballady oraz szybkie utwory taneczne, a teksty piosenek były znacznie ugrzecznione w porównaniu z materiałem z poprzednich albumów. Albumem Around the World in a Day zwrócił się ku psychodelicznym brzmieniom i muzyce rockowej lat 60., a krytycy zauważali w utworach wyraźne inspiracje twórczością zespołu The Beatles, czemu sam Prince zaprzeczał. Na płycie Parade słychać wpływ inspiracji jazzem, ponadto podczas nagrywania albumu Prince zrezygnował z syntezatorów na rzecz dźwięków prawdziwej perkusji i instrumentów dętych. Od czasu pracy nad tym albumem komunikował się z pozostałymi twórcami wyłącznie mailowo, rezygnując ze spotkań z nimi w studiu nagrań. Płytę Sign ’O’ the Times zdominowały brzmienia funkowe. Wydawnictwem The Black Album włączył do swojej muzyki więcej elementów funku i R&B. Piosenki z płyty Lovesexy miały charakter klubowy. Album Diamonds and Pearls został utrzymany w stylu R&B-owo–popowym, zawierał także elementy reggae, hip-hopu, rocka, funku, jazzu i muzyki tanecznej. Na krążku Emancipation powrócił do muzyki R&B oraz po raz pierwszy w karierze umieścił covery piosenek innych artystów (m.in. „One of Us” Joan Osbourne). Na epce 1999: The New Master umieścił materiał dance’owo-hip-hopowy. Krążek One Nite Alone… zawiera piosenki w akustycznej, fortepianowej odsłonie. Na albumach Musicology i 3121 ponownie zaprezentował się w mieszance styli, od funku po rock i jazz. Brzmienia funk i disco oraz ballady umieścił także na kolejnej płycie – Planet Earth. Na albumie LotusFlow3r zaprezentował materiał z instrumentalnym jazzem, a wydana w tym samym czasie płyta MPLSound zawierała piosenki utrzymane w stylu elektro-funk. Spotykał się z piosenkarkami: Vanity, Susan Moonsie, Jill Jones i Susannah Melvoin, której – zgodnie z doniesieniami prasy – miał oświadczyć się w sierpniu 1985. W trakcie trwania związku z Melvoin miał romans z aktorką Kristin Scott Thomas, o której napisał utwór „Better with Time”. Na przełomie 1989 i 1990 spotykał się z aktorką Kim Basinger, która zaśpiewała w piosence „Scandalous” ze ścieżki dźwiękowej do Batmana. 14 lutego 1996 poślubił Mayte Jannell Garcię, która w wieku 17 lat dołączyła do jego zespołu jako tancerka. Mieli syna Boya Gregory’ego (ur. 16 października 1996, zm. w październiku 1996 na zespół Pfeiffera). W maju 2000 małżeństwo zostało anulowane. 31 grudnia 2001 poślubił Manuelę Testolini. 24 maja 2006 złożyła wniosek o rozwód. W 2007 spotykał się z projektantką mody Chelsea Rodgers oraz siostrami-bliźniaczkami: Mayą i Nandy McClean, które były tancerkami w jego zespole. Prasa często spekulowała wokół orientacji seksualnej Prince’a, który w swoich piosenkach prowokacyjnie śpiewał: „Nie jestem kobietą, nie jestem mężczyzną / Jestem czymś, czego nigdy nie zrozumiesz” („I’m not a woman, I’m not a man / I am something that you’ll never understand”).
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-11-22 19:20:29
Rozmiar: 222.76 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Cat Stevens – A Classic Concert Tea For The Tillerman Live (2008) [DVD5 PAL]
Etichetta:Umbrella Music DVD – DAVID0668 Formato:DVD, DVD-Video, PAL Paese:Australia & New Zealand Uscita:2008 Genere:Rock Stile:Folk Rock, Pop Rock Steven Demetre Georgiou (July 21, 1948 - July 04, 1978), Yusuf Islam (July 04, 1978 - present) Profilo: British singer/songwriter, born Steven Demetre Georgiou in London on July 21, 1948. His musical career was interrupted in 1969 when he contracted tuberculosis. Stevens converted to Islam in 1977, adopting the name Yusuf Islam the following year. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2014. There has been a strong controversy regarding his support of the death fatwa of Salman Rushdie. He repeatedly stated that Rushdie had to be killed or that he wanted him burned. Later, he declared these statements as "stupid and offensive jokes" made "in bad taste." Tracks: 1 Moonshadow 2 On The Road To Find Out 3 Where Do The Children Play? 4 Wild World 5 Miles From Nowhere 6 Longer Boats 7 Father And Son 8 Hard Headed Woman Animated Short Film 9 Teaser And The Firecat
Seedów: 8
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-05-29 08:02:51
Rozmiar: 1.32 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: xdktkmhc
...( Info )...
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers Album: Devotion to Emotion (live) Year: 2021 Genre: Rock / Soul & Funk Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Higher Ground (live) 02. Knock Me Down (live) 03. Castles Made Of Sand (live) 04. Me And My Friends / Strip My Mind (live) 05. Love Trilogy (live) 06. Organic Anti Beat Box Band (live) 07. Bullet Proof (live) 08. Suck My Kiss (live) 09. Give It Away (live) 10. Blood Sugar Sex Magik (live) 11. Crosstown Traffic (live)
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-04-03 16:30:21
Rozmiar: 91.23 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: 70s Funk Classics Year: 2021 Genre: R&B / Soul & Funk Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps Preview: https://amzn.to/3phxsle ...( TrackList )... 01. Bootsy Collins - Roto-Rooter 02. The Spinners - The Rubberband Man 03. Kc & The Sunshine Band - Sound Your Funky Horn 04. Tony Wilson - Legal Paper 05. Leroy Hutson - Classy Lady 06. The Staple Singers - Chica Boom 07. Donny Hathaway - Voice Inside (Everything Is Everything) 08. Chic - Good Times 09. Charles Wright - Soul Train 10. The Meters - People Say (Single Version) 11. Larry Graham & Graham Central Station - Love and Happiness 12. Curtis Mayfield - Future Shock 13. Allen Toussaint - Night People 14. Al Jarreau - Sweet Potato Pie 15. King Curtis - Wet Funk (Low Down and Dirty) 16. Baby Huey & The Baby Sitters - Mama Get Yourself Together 17. The Impressions - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) 18. Slave - Just a Touch of Love 19. Peter Brown - Do You Wanna Get Funky with Me (Long Version) 20. Tower of Power - You Got to Get Funkifize 21. Dr. John - What Comes Around (Goes Around) 22. David Newman - Front Money 23. Banda Black Rio - Baião 24. Gloria Jones - Cry Baby
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-02-21 02:06:13
Rozmiar: 258.45 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Genre: Funk / Soul Release producer: UMG Recordings Year of publication: 2020 Audio codec: MP3 Rip Type: tracks Audio bitrate: 320 kbps Duration: 02:10:20 ...( TrackList )... 1. James Brown - Papa\'s Got A Brand New Bag (Pts.1 & 2 / Single Version) (4:17) 2. Commodores - Brick House (3:26) 3. Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground (3:42) 4. Marvin Gaye - Got To Give It Up (Pt. 1) (4:12) 5. Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft (Single Version) (3:17) 6. Lyn Collins - Think (About It) (Single Version) (3:22) 7. Kool & The Gang - Funky Stuff (3:04) 8. Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back) (3:18) 9. Rick James - Glow (Single Version) (5:40) 10. Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) (5:46) 11. The Bar-Kays - Shake Your Rump To The Funk (Single Version) (3:28) 12. Barry White, The Love Unlimited Orchestra - What A Groove (4:03) 13. James Brown - Bodyheat (1977 Album Version) (9:22) 14. Kool & The Gang - Good Time Tonight (5:00) 15. Stevie Wonder - Superstition (4:27) 16. Cameo - Word Up (6:02) 17. James Brown - Soul Power (4:08) 18. Rick James - Give It To Me Baby (4:07) 19. Commodores - Machine Gun (2:44) 20. Roy Ayers - Running Away (3:57) 21. Dazz Band - Let It Whip (Single Version) (4:06) 22. Ohio Players - Fire (4:30) 23. Parliament - P-Funk (Wants To Get Funked Up) (7:41) 24. Dyke & The Blazers - Let A Woman Be A Woman - Let A Man Be A Man (3:13) 25. Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine (Single Version) (2:36) 26. The Brothers Johnson - Stomp! (Single Version) (4:06) 27. Diana Ross - I\'m Coming Out (3:53) 28. Rufus, Chaka Khan - Dance Wit Me (3:58) 29. L.T.D. - (Every Time I Turn Around) Back In Love Again (4:44) 30. Stevie Wonder - I Wish (4:11)
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-02-03 00:08:02
Rozmiar: 298.99 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( TrackList )...
01. Lianne La Havas - Bittersweet (Radio Edit) 02. Joesef - I Wonder Why 03. Cory Henry - Happy Days 04. Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Here I Am Baby 05. Alicia Keys - You Save Me 06. John Legend - Bigger Love 07. Tom Misch - Tidal Wave 08. Ledisi - Where I Am 09. Black Pumas - Colors 10. Jose James - No Tellin' (I Need You) 11. Jacob Collier - In Too Deep 12. Anderson .Paak - Lockdown 13. Sault - Wildfires 14. Lee Fields & The Expressions - Regenerate 15. SYRA - Secret Location 16. Dojo Cuts - Take Me Away (feat. The Faithful Brothers) 17. Selah Sue - You (Rework) 18. Terrace Martin - Freeze Tag 19. UMI - Introspection 20. Vulfpeck - 3 on E 21. Bootsy Collins - The Power of the One 22. MonoNeon - Invisible 23. Nik West - Catch Me If You Can 24. Cory Wong - Click Bait (feat. The Hornheads) 25. Anderson .Paak - JEWELZ 26. Scary Pockets - Like a Virgin 27. Maceo Parker - Cross The Track 28. The Fearless Flyers - Nate Smith Is the Ace of Aces 29. Bruno Major - Old Fashioned 30. Aloe Blacc - My Way 31. Joesef - Glitter (Cover - Recorded at home for Deezer) 32. CeeLo Green - For You 33. Raveena - Heartbeat 34. Giveon - WORLD WE CREATED 35. Free Nationals - Eternal Light 36. Brittany Howard - Stay High 37. Dornik - Do You Wanna_ (feat. Gavin Turek) 38. Bosco - Greenlight 39. Kali Uchis - vaya con dios 40. St. Panther - These Days 41. Gregory Porter - Dad Gone Thing 42. The James Hunter Six - Can't Help Myself 43. Moses Sumney - Keeps Me Alive 44. Frazey Ford - Azad 45. Don Bryant - Is It Over 46. U.S. Girls - Overtime 47. Marcus King - Break 48. MAC MILLER - Circles 49. Yellow Days - The Curse (feat. Mac Demarco) 50. Jessie Ware - Remember Where You Are
Seedów: 15
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2021-01-01 17:31:03
Rozmiar: 418.12 MB
Peerów: 5
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
The Cranberries Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (1993) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz PBTHAL Vinyl Rip allmusic.com... Title aside, what the Cranberries were doing wasn't that common at the time, at least in mainstream pop terms; grunge and G-funk had done their respective big splashes via Nirvana and Dr. Dre when Everybody came out first in the U.K. and then in America some months later. Lead guitarist Noel Hogan is in many ways the true center of the band at this point, co-writing all but three songs with O'Riordan and showing an amazing economy in his playing, and having longtime Smiths/Morrissey producer Stephen Street behind the boards meant that the right blend of projection and delicacy still held sway. One can tell he likes Johnny Marr and his ability to do the job just right: check out the quick strums and blasts on "Pretty" or the concluding part of the lovely "Waltzing Back." O'Riordan herself offers up a number of romantic ponderings and considerations lyrically (as well as playing perfectly fine acoustic guitar), and her undisputed vocal ability suits the material perfectly. The two best cuts were the deserved smashes: "Dreams," a brisk, charging number combining low-key tension and full-on rock, and the melancholic, string-swept break-up song "Linger." If Everybody is in the end a derivative pleasure -- and O'Riordan's vocal acrobatics would never again be so relatively calm in comparison -- a pleasure it remains nonetheless, the work of a young band creating a fine little synthesis. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-12-22 20:17:35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: The Cranberries / Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR13 -0.70 dB -16.06 dB 3:18 01-I Still Do DR13 -1.08 dB -16.11 dB 4:32 02-Dreams DR13 -0.84 dB -17.28 dB 3:32 03-Sunday DR15 -1.58 dB -19.07 dB 2:16 04-Pretty DR14 -1.78 dB -18.74 dB 3:38 05-Waltzing Back DR13 -1.02 dB -16.83 dB 4:20 06-Not Sorry DR12 -2.00 dB -17.25 dB 4:36 07-Linger DR13 -0.70 dB -15.91 dB 2:08 08-Wanted DR13 -2.13 dB -16.41 dB 3:40 09-Still Can't... DR13 -1.25 dB -17.18 dB 2:43 10-I Will Always DR12 -1.44 dB -15.55 dB 2:52 11-How DR12 -1.17 dB -15.74 dB 3:31 12-Put Me Down Number of tracks: 12 Official DR value: DR13 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 2847 kbps Codec: FLAC
Seedów: 44
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-30 05:25:48
Rozmiar: 850.47 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
War Greatest Hits (1976) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz PBTHAL Vinyl Rip allmusic.com... L.A. band who backed Animals frontman Eric Burdon before popularizing their fusion of funk, R&B, rock, and Latin music in the 1970s. One of the most popular funk groups of the '70s, War were also one of the most eclectic, freely melding soul, Latin, jazz, blues, reggae, and rock influences into an effortlessly funky whole. Although War's lyrics were sometimes political in nature (in keeping with their racially integrated lineup), their music almost always had a sunny, laid-back vibe emblematic of their Southern California roots. War kept the groove loose, and they were given over to extended jamming; in fact, many of their studio songs were edited together out of longer improvisations. Even if the jams sometimes got indulgent, they demonstrated War's truly group-minded approach: no one soloist or vocalist really stood above the others (even though all were clearly talented), and their grooving interplay placed War in the top echelon of funk ensembles. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-12-02 20:44:27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: War / Greatest Hits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR14 -1.00 dB -20.79 dB 4:04 01-All Day Music DR14 -3.55 dB -21.49 dB 3:50 02-Slippin' Into Darkness DR15 -3.18 dB -22.02 dB 4:09 03-The World Is A Ghetto DR15 -1.98 dB -19.15 dB 3:51 04-The Cisco Kid DR13 -4.09 dB -21.24 dB 5:23 05-Gypsy Man DR16 -1.00 dB -19.54 dB 3:30 06-Me And Baby Brother DR16 -2.76 dB -20.90 dB 3:58 07-Southern Part Of Texas DR14 -2.77 dB -19.67 dB 3:51 08-Why Can't We Be Friends? DR15 -2.15 dB -20.29 dB 3:13 09-Low Rider DR15 -1.67 dB -19.83 dB 6:39 10-Summer Number of tracks: 10 Official DR value: DR15 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 2852 kbps Codec: FLAC
Seedów: 11
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-21 21:11:50
Rozmiar: 877.65 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Heatwave Title: Gold Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Crimson / CRIMCD677 Genre: Funk, Disco, Soul Quality: FLAC (tracks,cue,m3u,scans) Source: 3 x CD Total Time: 03:52:38 Total Size: 1.48 GB Album Info Crimson presents Heat wave 'Gold', the only Heat wave compilation you'll ever need. Heat wave are a British funk and disco band formed in 1975. The group arrived on the scene with their debut album 'too Hot too handle' In 1976. The album featured heatwave's first hit single 'boogie nights' Which charted at #2 in both the US and UK and was the first in a string of hit Records for the group. Heatwave's influential funk-disco sound led to member Rod temperton working on tracks for Michael Jackson's 'off the wall' Album and later writing the iconic 'thriller'. This new compilation features tracks from across heatwave's career including all of the hit singles and a third CD of disco mixes. Cd 1 kicks things off with the band's mid-'70s classics including the smash hit 'boogie nights', 'ain't no half Steppin'', and 'always and Forever' Which went on to be covered by numerous artists including Luther Vandross, whistle, and Johnny Mathis. Cd 2 covers the group's later hits including UK Top twenty single 'gangsters of the groove' And 'jitterbugging''. Cd 3 rounds off this new compilation with a collection of some of heatwave's finest disco mixes. Highlights include a selection of Mike maurro remixes plus a variety of 12" Mixes. ...( TrackList )... CD1 01. Boogie Nights (5:04) 02. Ain't No Half Steppin' (3:25) 03. Too Hot To Handle (3:46) 04. Always and Forever (6:18) 05. The Groove Line (4:24) 06. Eyeballin' (3:55) 07. Super Soul Sister (3:59) 08. Mind Blowing Decisions (4:20) 09. Razzle Dazzle (4:14) 10. Central Heating (4:50) 11. Party Poops (3:54) 12. Slip Your Disc To This (3:50) 13. One Night Tan (3:57) 14. Turn Out The Lamplight (4:51) 15. Happiness Togetherness (4:03) 16. All You Do Is Deal (4:12) 17. Raise A Blaze (3:57) 18. Put The Word Out (6:36) CD2 01. Gangsters Of The Groove (4:22) 02. Letting It Out (4:20) 03. Jitterbuggin' (4:14) 04. The Big Guns (5:12) 05. Therm Warfare (6:45) 06. The Star Of A Story (5:49) 07. Turn Around (4:56) 08. Goin' Crazy (5:53) 09. All Talked Out (4:36) 10. Dreamin' You (4:00) 11. Birthday (3:53) 12. Look After Love (5:35) 13. Where Did I Go Wrong (4:21) 14. Find It In Your Heart (4:41) 15. Posin' Till Closin' (5:02) 16. Disco (3:44) CD3 01. The Groove Line (The Mike Maurro Remix) (8:43) 02. Boogie Nights (The Mike Maurro Remix) (8:21) 03. Too Hot To Handle (The Mike Maurro Remix) (6:44) 04. Always And Forever (The Mike Maurro Remix) (9:18) 05. Mind Blowing Decisions (12' Disco Version) (7:34) 06. Ain't No Half Steppin' (Album Version) (5:12) 07. Eyeballin' (12' Version) (6:40) 08. Gangsters Of The Groove (12' Version) (5:50) 09. Turn Around (Single Version) (4:03) 10. Lettin' It Loose (12' Version) (6:13) 11. The Groove Line (12' Disco Version) (7:26)
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-11 14:51:22
Rozmiar: 1.48 GB
Peerów: 34
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Heatwave Title: Gold Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Crimson / CRIMCD677 Genre: Funk, Disco, Soul Quality: MP3 320kbps (m3u,scans) Source: 3 x CD Total Time: 03:52:38 Total Size: 537.01 MB Album Info Crimson presents Heat wave 'Gold', the only Heat wave compilation you'll ever need. Heat wave are a British funk and disco band formed in 1975. The group arrived on the scene with their debut album 'too Hot too handle' In 1976. The album featured heatwave's first hit single 'boogie nights' Which charted at #2 in both the US and UK and was the first in a string of hit Records for the group. Heatwave's influential funk-disco sound led to member Rod temperton working on tracks for Michael Jackson's 'off the wall' Album and later writing the iconic 'thriller'. This new compilation features tracks from across heatwave's career including all of the hit singles and a third CD of disco mixes. Cd 1 kicks things off with the band's mid-'70s classics including the smash hit 'boogie nights', 'ain't no half Steppin'', and 'always and Forever' Which went on to be covered by numerous artists including Luther Vandross, whistle, and Johnny Mathis. Cd 2 covers the group's later hits including UK Top twenty single 'gangsters of the groove' And 'jitterbugging''. Cd 3 rounds off this new compilation with a collection of some of heatwave's finest disco mixes. Highlights include a selection of Mike maurro remixes plus a variety of 12" Mixes. ...( TrackList )... CD1 01. Boogie Nights (5:04) 02. Ain't No Half Steppin' (3:25) 03. Too Hot To Handle (3:46) 04. Always and Forever (6:18) 05. The Groove Line (4:24) 06. Eyeballin' (3:55) 07. Super Soul Sister (3:59) 08. Mind Blowing Decisions (4:20) 09. Razzle Dazzle (4:14) 10. Central Heating (4:50) 11. Party Poops (3:54) 12. Slip Your Disc To This (3:50) 13. One Night Tan (3:57) 14. Turn Out The Lamplight (4:51) 15. Happiness Togetherness (4:03) 16. All You Do Is Deal (4:12) 17. Raise A Blaze (3:57) 18. Put The Word Out (6:36) CD2 01. Gangsters Of The Groove (4:22) 02. Letting It Out (4:20) 03. Jitterbuggin' (4:14) 04. The Big Guns (5:12) 05. Therm Warfare (6:45) 06. The Star Of A Story (5:49) 07. Turn Around (4:56) 08. Goin' Crazy (5:53) 09. All Talked Out (4:36) 10. Dreamin' You (4:00) 11. Birthday (3:53) 12. Look After Love (5:35) 13. Where Did I Go Wrong (4:21) 14. Find It In Your Heart (4:41) 15. Posin' Till Closin' (5:02) 16. Disco (3:44) CD3 01. The Groove Line (The Mike Maurro Remix) (8:43) 02. Boogie Nights (The Mike Maurro Remix) (8:21) 03. Too Hot To Handle (The Mike Maurro Remix) (6:44) 04. Always And Forever (The Mike Maurro Remix) (9:18) 05. Mind Blowing Decisions (12' Disco Version) (7:34) 06. Ain't No Half Steppin' (Album Version) (5:12) 07. Eyeballin' (12' Version) (6:40) 08. Gangsters Of The Groove (12' Version) (5:50) 09. Turn Around (Single Version) (4:03) 10. Lettin' It Loose (12' Version) (6:13) 11. The Groove Line (12' Disco Version) (7:26)
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-12-11 14:51:15
Rozmiar: 537.01 MB
Peerów: 45
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists Title: Ministry Of Sound: 80s Soul Jams Vol. 1 & 2 Year Of Release: 2018-2019 Label: Ministry Of Sound Genre: Funk, Disco, Soul Quality: FLAC (tracks,log,cue,m3u,scans) Total Time: 8:02:26 Total Size: 3.32 GB 80s Soul Jams 80s Soul Jams Vol.2 Showcasing a groove born from a generation of disco, 80s Soul Jams is a collection of dance-floor anthems from the funkiest period of club music history; featuring the golden hits from the legends – Luther Vandross, Aretha Franklin, Cheryl Lynn, Marvin Gaye, The Jacksons, Gwen McCrae, George Benson, Grace Jones, Jocelyn Brown, Colonel Abrams, The Whispers and many, many more. So ladies and gentleman, soul brothers and soul sisters, pull up to the bumper and let’s groove all night long to 3CDs of pure 80s Soul Jams power! ...( TrackList )... VA - Ministry Of Sound: 80s Soul Jams [3CD] (2018)[ CD1 1. I Feel for You - Chaka Khan 2. Encore - Cheryl Lynn 3. Automatic - The Pointer Sisters 4. Love Come Down - Evelyn "Champagne" King 5. All This Love That I'm Giving - Gwen McCrae 6. I Found Lovin' - The Fatback Band 7. Roses Are Red - Mac Band 8. Ain't Nothin' Goin' on But the Rent - Gwen Guthrie 9. I Wonder If I Take You Home - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam with Full Force 10. You're the One for Me - D Train 11. A Night to Remember - Shalamar 12. Let's Groove - Earth, Wind & Fire 13. Who's Zoomin' Who? - Aretha Franklin 14. Love Town - Booker Newberry III 15. All Night Long - Mary Jane Girls 16. Act Like You Know - Fat Larry's Band 17. Feel So Real - Steve Arrington 18. Crush On You - The Jets 19. You Can't Hide (Your Love from Me) - David Joseph 20. Body Talk - Imagination CD2 1. Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown 2. Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Khan 3. Midas Touch - Midnight Star 4. Change of Heart - Change 5. I Can't Wait - Nu Shooz 6. Behind the Groove - Teena Marie 7. Hangin' On a String - Loose Ends 8. Going Back to My Roots - Odyssey 9. Give Me the Night - George Benson 10. I'm In Love - Evelyn "Champagne" King 11. It's a Love Thing - The Whispers 12. Pull Up to the Bumper - Grace Jones 13. Funkin' for Jamaica - Tom Browne 14. Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life - Indeep 15. Trapped - Colonel Abrams 16. Southern Freeez - Freeez 17. Don't Stop the Music - Yarbrough & Peoples 18. Roses - Haywoode 19. This Beat Is Mine - Vicky D 20. Candy - Cameo CD3 1. Human Nature - Michael Jackson 2. Never Too Much - Luther Vandross 3. Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye 4. Smooth Operator - Sade 5. Come into My Life - Joyce Sims 6. Don't Look Any Further - Dennis Edwards feat. Siedah Garrett 7. Juicy Fruit - Mtume 8. Outstanding - The Gap Band 9. The Glow of Love - Change 10. Always - Atlantic Starr 11. The Rain - Oran 'Juice' Jones 12. Nights Over Egypt - The Jones Girls 13. Sugar Free - Juicy 14. Risin' to the Top - Keni Burke 15. Computer Love - Zapp 16. Between the Sheets - The Isley Brothers 17. Shake You Down - Gregory Abbott 18. Just a Touch of Love - Slave 19. Say You Love Me Girl - Breakwater 20. Do It to the Music - Raw Silk VA - Ministry Of Sound: 80s Soul Jams Vol II [3CD] (2019)[ CD1 1. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson 2. Get Down on It - Kool & The Gang 3. I Can Make You Feel Good - Shalamar 4. Criticize - Alexander O'Neal 5. Forget Me Nots - Patrice Rushen 6. Good Times - Chic 7. Give It to Me Baby - Rick James 8. Never Give Up on a Good Thing - George Benson 9. Taste of Bitter Love - Gladys Knight & The Pips 10. Let's Go Round Again - Average White Band 11. Jump (For My Love) - The Pointer Sisters 12. Teardrops - Womack & Womack 13. Caribbean Queen (No More Love On the Run) - Billy Ocean 14. Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations 15. Let the Music Play - Shannon 16. Never Give You Up - Sharon Redd 17. Don't Tell Me, Tell Her - Phyllis Hyman 18. If You Feel It - Thelma Houston 19. Riding on a Train - The Pasadenas 20. In the Night - Delegation CD2 01. Jump to It - Aretha Franklin 02. Can You Feel It - The Jacksons 03. Word Up! - Cameo 04. Bourgie', Bourgie' - Gladys Knight & The Pips 05. I Really Didn't Mean It - Luther Vandross 06. Upside Down - Diana Ross 07. Dare Me - The Pointer Sisters 08. Music - D-Train 09. Take Your Time (Do It Right), Pt. 1 - The S.O.S. Band 10. Inside Out - Odyssey 11. Why - Carly Simon 12. Fool's Paradise - Meli'sa Morgan 13. Music and Lights - Imagination 14. Tribute (Right On) - The Pasadenas 15. (You Are My) All and All - Joyce Sims 16. Thighs High (Grip Your Hips and Move) - Tom Browne 17. Searching - Change 18. Thinking About Your Love - Skipworth & Turner 19. Happy - Surface 20. Got to Have Your Love - Mantronix feat. Wondress CD3 01. All Night Long (All Night) - Lionel Richie 02. Sweet Love - Anita Baker 03. Saving All My Love for You - Whitney Houston 04. The Sweetest Taboo - Sade 05. Give Me the Reason - Luther Vandross 06. Turn on Some Music - Marvin Gaye 07. I Can't Go for That (No Can Do) - Daryl Hall & John Oates 08. Sign Your Name - Terence Trent D'Arby 09. I Want to Be Your Man - Zapp & Roger 10. How 'Bout Us - Champaign 11. Love T.K.O. - Teddy Pendergrass 12. Zoom - Fat Larry's Band 13. Just an Illusion - Imagination 14. Looking Up to You - Michael Wycoff 15. Gonna Get Along Without You Now - Viola Wills 16. Suddenly - Billy Ocean 17. Hold Me Tighter in the Rain - Billy Griffin 18. Do What You Do - Jermaine Jackson 19. Gangsters of the Groove - Heatwave 20. How Do You Stop - James Brown
Seedów: 28
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-25 06:05:47
Rozmiar: 3.12 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Grand Funk We're An American Band (1973) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz PBTHAL Vinyl allmusic.com... Having made several changes in their business and musical efforts in 1972, Grand Funk Railroad made even more extensive ones in 1973, beginning with their name, which was officially truncated to "Grand Funk." And keyboardist Craig Frost, credited as a sideman on Phoenix, the previous album, was now a full-fledged bandmember, filling out the musical arrangements. The most notable change, however, came with the hiring of Todd Rundgren to produce the band's eighth album. Rundgren, a pop/rock artist in his own right, was also known for his producing abilities, and he gave Grand Funk exactly what they were looking for: We're an American Band sounded nothing like its muddy, plodding predecessors. Sonically, the record was sharp and detailed and the band's playing was far tighter and more accomplished. Most important, someone, whether the band or Rundgren, decided that gruff-voiced drummer Don Brewer should be employed as a lead singer as often as guitarist Mark Farner. Brewer also contributed more as a songwriter, and the results were immediate. The album's title song, an autobiographical account of life on the road written and sung by Brewer, was released in advance of the album and became a gold-selling number one hit, Grand Funk's first really successful single. Despite the band's previous popularity, for many, it must have been the first Grand Funk record they either heard or bought. Elsewhere on the album, Farner contributed his usual wailing vocals and guitar, singing of his heartfelt, if simpleminded, political concerns. But We're an American Band really belonged to Brewer and Rundgren, and its success constituted a redefinition of Grand Funk that came just in time. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-11-07 11:01:06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Grand Funk / We're An American Band -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR12 -0.70 dB -14.44 dB 3:27 01-We're An American Band DR13 -0.70 dB -15.99 dB 4:54 02-Stop Lookin' Back DR13 -2.20 dB -17.26 dB 7:04 03-Creepin' DR12 -1.24 dB -15.37 dB 4:47 04-Black Licorice DR12 -0.80 dB -15.17 dB 6:14 05-The Railroad DR12 -1.04 dB -15.04 dB 4:27 06-Ain't Got Nobody DR12 -1.13 dB -14.92 dB 4:07 07-Walk Like A Man DR11 -0.70 dB -13.90 dB 5:19 08-Loneliest Rider Number of tracks: 8 Official DR value: DR12 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 2810 kbps Codec: FLAC
Seedów: 18
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-11 06:02:03
Rozmiar: 858.59 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Parliament Mothership Connection (1975) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz PBTHAL Vinyl allmusic.com... The definitive Parliament-Funkadelic album, Mothership Connection is where George Clinton's revolving band lineups, differing musical approaches, and increasingly thematic album statements reached an ideal state, one that resulted in enormous commercial success as well as a timeless legacy that would be compounded by hip-hop postmodernists, most memorably Dr. Dre on his landmark album The Chronic (1992). The musical lineup assembled for Mothership Connection is peerless: in addition to keyboard wizard Bernie Worrell; Bootsy Collins, who plays not only bass but also drums and guitar; the guitar trio of Gary Shider, Michael Hampton, and Glen Goins; and the Brecker Brothers (Michael and Randy) on horns; there are former J.B.'s Fred Wesley and Maceo Parker (also on horns), who were the latest additions to the P-Funk stable. Besides the dazzling array of musicians, Mothership Connection boasts a trio of hands-down classics -- "P-Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up)," "Mothership Connection (Star Child)," "Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker)" -- that are among the best to ever arise from the funk era, each sampled and interpolated time and time again by rap producers; in particular, Dr. Dre pays homage to the former two on The Chronic (on "The Roach" and "Let Me Ride," respectively). The remaining four songs on Mothership Connection are all great also, if less canonical. Lastly, there's the overlapping outer-space theme, which ties the album together into a loose escapist narrative. There's no better starting point in the enormous P-Funk catalog than Mothership Connection, which, like its trio of classic songs, is undoubtedly among the best of the funk era. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-11-07 14:18:14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Parliament / Mothership Connection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR14 -0.70 dB -19.93 dB 7:38 01-P. Funk (Wants To Get Funked Up) DR14 -1.66 dB -17.39 dB 6:10 02-Mothership Connection (Star Child) DR13 -1.43 dB -16.89 dB 4:22 03-Unfunky UFO DR15 -1.13 dB -18.04 dB 5:03 04-Supergroovalisticprosifunkstication DR14 -1.47 dB -17.78 dB 4:02 05-Handcuffs DR15 -1.47 dB -18.01 dB 5:45 06-Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) DR15 -1.40 dB -18.22 dB 5:11 07-Night Of The Thumpasorus Peoples Number of tracks: 7 Official DR value: DR14 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 3117 kbps Codec: FLAC
Seedów: 83
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Data dodania:
2020-11-11 05:58:50
Rozmiar: 818.58 MB
Peerów: 1
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Funkadelic Maggot Brain (1971) FLAC LOSSLESS 24bit-96kHz PBTHAL Vinyl allmusic.com... It starts with a crackle of feedback shooting from speaker to speaker and a voice intoning, "Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time, for y'all have knocked her up" and talking about rising "above it all or drown in my own sh*t." This could only have been utterly bizarre back in 1971 and it's no less so decades later; though the Mothership was well on its way already, Maggot Brain really helped it take off. The instrumental title track is the key reason to listen, specifically for Eddie Hazel's lengthy, mind-melting solo. George Clinton famously told Hazel to play "like your momma had just died," and the resulting evocation of melancholy and sorrow doesn't merely rival Jimi Hendrix's work, but arguably bests a lot of it. Accompanied by another softer guitar figure providing gentle rhythm for the piece, the end result is simply fantastic, an emotional apocalypse of sound. Maggot Brain is bookended by another long number, "Wars of Armageddon," a full-on jam from the band looping in freedom chants and airport-departure announcements to the freak-out. In between are a number of short pieces, finding the collective merrily cooking up some funky stew of the slow and smoky variety. There are folky blues and gospel testifying on "Can You Get to That" (one listen and a lot of Primal Scream's mid-'90s career is instantly explained) and wry but warm reflections on interracial love on "You and Your Folks, Me and My Folks," its drum hits distorted to give a weird electronic edge to the results. "Super Stupid" is a particular killer, pounding drums and snarling guitar laying down the boogie hard and hot, while "Hit It and Quit It" has a great chorus and Bernie Worrell getting in a fun keyboard solo to boot. foobar2000 1.4.3 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1 log date: 2020-11-07 14:16:38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzed: Funkadelic / Maggot Brain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Duration Track -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...( TrackList )... DR12 -2.24 dB -19.16 dB 10:07 01-Maggot Brain DR13 -1.88 dB -16.94 dB 2:48 02-Can You Get To That DR12 -0.70 dB -15.73 dB 3:46 03-Hit It And Quit It DR12 -1.35 dB -16.36 dB 3:33 04-You And Your Folks, Me And My Folks DR14 -2.65 dB -18.87 dB 3:56 05-Wars Of Armageddon DR16 -1.42 dB -19.25 dB 2:38 06-Super Stupid DR16 -1.56 dB -21.08 dB 9:32 07-Back In Our Minds Number of tracks: 7 Official DR value: DR14 Samplerate: 96000 Hz Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Bitrate: 2725 kbps Codec: FLAC
Seedów: 108
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-11 05:58:46
Rozmiar: 727.12 MB
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Performer = Various Artists
Year = 1988 Genre = Funk/Soul/Disco Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 All Time Classic Dance Hits Of The 1970s (CD 1) Average White Band - Pick up the pieces Billy Paul - Only the strong survive Curtis Mayfield - Move on up Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Satisfaction guaranteed (Or take your love back) Isaac Hayes - Theme from Shaft Jackie Wilson - I get the sweetest feeling Jackie Wilson - (Your love keeps lifting me) Higher and higher James Brown - Get up (I feel like being a) Sex machine Johnny Bristol - Hang on in there baby Johnny Johnson and the Bandwagon - Blame it on the Pony Express Limmie & Family Cookin' - You can do magic Mr. Bloe - Groovin' with Mr. Bloe New York City - I'm doin' fine now Osibisa - Sunshine day Sly and the Family Stone - Family affair The Blackbyrds - Walking in rhythm The Isley Brothers - Summer breeze The Isley Brothers - That lady, pts. 1 & 2 The O'Jays - Back stabbers The Staple Singers - I'll take you there The Tymes - Ms. Grace 100 All Time Classic Dance Hits Of The 1970s (CD 2) 5000 Volts - Doctor Kiss Kiss Andrea True Connection - More, more, more Archie Bell & the Drells - Soul city walk Disco-Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes - Get dancin' Disco-Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes - I wanna Dance wit' Choo (Doo Dat Dance) Gladys Knight & the Pips - Come back and finish what you started James Gilstrap - Swing your daddy Jesse Green - Nice and slow Joe Tex - Ain't gonna bump no more (with No Big Fat Woman) Johnny Johnson and the Bandwagon - Sweet inspiration Labelle - Lady Marmalade Lou Rawls - You'll never find another love like mine Odyssey - Native New Yorker Shirley & Company - Shame, shame, shame The Hues Corporation - Rock the boat The O'Jays - Love train The Real Thing - You to me are everything The Three Degrees - Take good care of yourself The Three Degrees - When will I see you again William DeVaughn - Be thankful for what you got 100 All Time Classic Dance Hits Of The 1970s (CD 3) Barry White - Let the music play Barry White - You're the first, the last, my everything David Parton - Isn't she lovely Dee Clark - Ride a wild horse Garnet Mimms - What it is Gloria Gaynor - Never can say goodbye Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Don't leave me this way Jimmy James and the Vagabonds - Now is the time Melba Moore - This is it The Chi-Lites - Too good to be forgotten The Chi-Lites - You don't have to go The Fatback Band - (Are you ready) Do the bus stop The Impressions - First impression The Moments - Dolly my love The Trammps - Hold back the night The Trammps - Sixty minute man The Tymes - You little trustmaker Van McCoy - The shuffle Viola Wills - Gonna get along without you now Yvonne Elliman - If I can't have you 100 All Time Classic Dance Hits Of The 1970s (CD 4) 5000 Volts - I'm on fire Earth, Wind & Fire - September Evelyn ''Champagne'' King - Shame Gene Chandler - Get down Herbie Hancock - I thought it was you Jimmy James and the Vagabonds - I'll go where the music takes me Kool & the Gang - Ladies night Limmie & Family Cookin' - A walkin' miracle Linda Carr & The Love Squad - Highwire M. & O. Band - Let's do the Latin hustle McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't no stoppin' us now Sweet Sensation - Sad sweet dreamer The Brothers Johnson - Strawberry letter 23 The Drifters - There goes my first love The Drifters - You're more than a number in my little red book The Fatback Band - (Do the) Spanish hustle The Moments - Jack in the box The Real Thing - Can't get by without you The Stylistics - Sing baby sing The Stylistics - Sixteen bars Van McCoy & the Soul City Symphony - The hustle 100 All Time Classic Dance Hits Of The 1970s (CD 5) Amii Stewart - Knock on wood Amii Stewart - Light my fire Anita Ward - Ring my bell Baccara - Yes sir, I can Boogie Earth, Wind & Fire - Got to get you into my life Edwin Starr - Contact Edwin Starr - H.A.P.P.Y. radio Frantique - Strut your Funky stuff Gloria Gaynor - I will survive Herbie Hancock - You bet your love Musique - In the bush Patrick Juvet - I love America Quincy Jones - Stuff like that (ft Chaka Khan and Ashford & Simpson) Ray Parker Jr. & Raydio - Jack and Jill Sarah Brightman and Hot Gossip - I lost my heart to a starship trooper Sylvester - You make me feel (Mighty real) The Brothers Johnson - Ain't we funkin' now The Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's delight
Seedów: 43
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-10-06 05:52:07
Rozmiar: 355.32 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Album: Funk Essentials Year: 2020 Genre: Soul, Funk Total Tracks: 100 Total Size: 1 GB Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 001. Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) 002. James Brown - The Payback 003. Prince - Kiss 004. Ohio Players - Fire 005. Stevie Wonder - Superstition 006. Sly & The Family Stone - I Want to Take You Higher 007. Average White Band - Pick Up the Pieces 008. The Bar-Kays - Shake Your Rump To The Funk 009. Kool & The Gang - Jungle Boogie 010. Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star 011. Curtis Mayfield - Superfly 012. The J.B.'s - Pass The Peas 013. Funkadelic - One Nation Under a Groove 014. The Isley Brothers - It's Your Thing 015. Aretha Franklin - Rock Steady 016. The Meters - Look-Ka Py Py 017. Commodores - Brick House 018. Zapp & Roger - More Bounce to the Ounce 019. Brick - Dazz (Dazz Disco Mix) 020. Cameo - Word Up 021. Rick James - Give It To Me Baby 022. The Gap Band - You Dropped A Bomb On Me 023. George Clinton - Atomic Dog 024. The Brothers Johnson - Get The Funk Out Ma Face 025. The O'Jays - For the Love of Money 026. Mandrill - Fencewalk 027. James Brown - Get On The Good Foot (Pt.1 & 2) 028. Dr. John - Right Place Wrong Time 029. Galactic - Go Go 030. Prince - Sexy M.F 031. Tom Browne - Funkin' for Jamaica 032. Con Funk Shun - Ffun 033. Marvin Gaye - Got To Give It Up (Pt. 1) 034. War - Low Rider 035. LaBelle - Lady Marmalade 036. Allen Toussaint - Goin' Down (Remastered Version) 037. Rufus - Tell Me Something Good 038. Cymande - Bra 039. Curtis Harding - Need Your Love 040. Graham Central Station - The Jam 041. Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster 042. Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different 043. Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground 044. Osibisa - Wango Wango 045. The Meters - Cissy Strut 046. Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music 047. Earth, Wind & Fire - Mighty Mighty 048. Kool & The Gang - Hollywood Swinging 049. B.T. Express - Do It ('Til You're Satisfied) 050. Parliament - Flash Light 051. THE FATBACK BAND - Backstrokin' 052. The J.B.'s - Doing It To Death (Pts. 1 & 2) 053. Rufus Thomas - Do The Funky Chicken 054. Sly & The Family Stone - Thank You 055. The Bar-Kays - Shut The Funk Up 056. Cameo - Shake Your Pants (Original 12_ Club Mix) 057. David Bowie - Fame (2016 Remaster) 058. Betty Davis - Nasty Gal 059. Jean Knight - Mr. Big Stuff 060. Herbie Hancock - Fat Mama 061. The Beginning of the End - Funky Nassau - , Part 1 062. Bootsy Collins - Stretchin' Out (In a Rubber Band) 063. Dazz Band - Let It Whip 064. Switch - We Like To Party...Come On 065. Ohio Players - Skin Tight 066. Carl Carlton - She's A Bad Mama Jama (She's Built, She's Stacked) 067. Lakeside - Your Love Is On the One 068. Mary Jane Girls - In My House (12_ Version) 069. Slave - Stellar Fungk 070. Parliament - Up For The Down Stroke 071. The Isley Brothers - Fight the Power (Pt. 1 & 2) 072. Mandrill - Mango Meat 073. Graham Central Station - Earthquake 074. James Brown - Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A Sex Machine, Pts. 1 & 2 075. Billy Preston - Creature Feature 076. Mavis Staples - Son Of A Preacher Man 077. Lee Dorsey - Everything I Do Gohn Be Funky (From Now On) 078. The Sugarman 3 - Take It As It Come 079. Tower of Power - What Is Hip_ (Remastered) 080. The Meters - Hand Clapping Song 081. Mutiny - Lump 082. The Gap Band - Early In The Morning 083. Prince - Erotic City 084. Mtume - Juicy Fruit 085. Rufus & Chaka Khan - Do You Love What You Feel 086. The Bar-Kays - Do It (Let Me See You Shake) 087. Zapp - Dance Floor 088. Maceo And The Macks - Soul Power 74 089. Rick James - Love Gun 090. Commodores - Machine Gun 091. Bootsy Collins - Bootzilla 092. Lafayette Afro Rock Band - Darkest Light (Remastered) 093. The Watts 103rd. Street Rhythm Band - Till You Get Enough (Remastered Version) 094. Allen Toussaint - Soul Sister (Remastered Version) 095. Yvonne Fair - Say Yeah Yeah 096. Cameo - Rigor Mortis (12_ Version) 097. The Pharaohs - Somebody's Been Sleeping 098. Sly & The Family Stone - Let Me Have It All 099. Eddie Hazel - California Dreamin' 100. James Brown - Papa Don't Take No Mess
Seedów: 18
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-10-05 06:01:57
Rozmiar: 1.10 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : James Brown Album : The Godfather Year: 2020 Genre: Funk, Soul, R&B Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Chonnie-On-Chon 02. Begging, Begging 03. I Don't Know 04. Gonna Try 05. I Feel That Old Feeling Coming On 06. I Walked Alone 07. I Won't Plead No More 08. Just Won't Do Right 09. Love Or A Game 10. Let's Make It 11. Messing With The Blues 12. No, No, No, No 13. That Dood It 14. Please Please Please 15. That's When I Lost My Heart 16. You're Mine, You're
Seedów: 67
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-09-23 21:06:40
Rozmiar: 92.49 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Rick James Title: The Complete Motown Albums Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Gordy / Motown Records Genre: Funk, Soul, Disco Quality: MP3 320kbps Total Time: 09:40:48 Total Size: 1.30 GB ...( TrackList )... CD1 - Come Get It! 01. Stone City Band, Hi! (3:29) 02. You and I (8:06) 03. Sexy Lady (3:51) 04. Dream Maker (5:16) 05. Be My Lady (4:48) 06. Mary Jane (4:57) 07. Hollywood (7:33) 08. Stone City Band, Bye! (1:09) 09. You and I (Extended M+M Mix) (9:58) 10. You and I (Extended M+M Mix Instrumental) (9:13) CD2 - Bustin' Out of L Seven 01. Bustin' Out (On Funk) (5:19) 02. High on Your Love Suite / One Mo Hit (Of Your Love) (7:28) 03. Love Interlude (2:03) 04. Spacey Love (5:10) 05. Cop 'N' Blow (5:03) 06. Jefferson Ball (7:20) 07. Fool on the Street (7:50) 08. Bustin' Out (12" Extended Mix) (7:22) 09. Bustin' Out (12" Instrumental) (5:22) CD3 - Fire It Up 01. Fire It Up (4:01) 02. Love Gun (5:46) 03. Lovin' You Is a Pleasure (4:07) 04. Love in the Night (6:46) 05. Come Into My Life (7:09) 06. Stormy Love (2:08) 07. When Love Is Gone (7:35) 08. Love Gun (12" Extended Mix) (10:49) CD4 - Garden of Love 01. Big Time (6:27) 02. Don't Give Up on Love (6:09) 03. Island Lady (4:09) 04. Gettin' It on (In the Sunshine) (3:03) 05. Summer Love (6:18) 06. Mary-Go-Round (7:00) 07. Gettin' It on (In the Sunshine) (Reprise) (1:40) 08. Big Time (Extended Version) (11:41) 09. Gypsy Girl (Demo Version) (3:42) CD5 - Street Songs 01. Give It to Me Baby (4:08) 02. Ghetto Life (4:21) 03. Make Love to Me (4:48) 04. Mr. Policeman (4:17) 05. Super Freak (3:24) 06. Fire and Desire (7:18) 07. Call Me Up (3:53) 08. Below the Funk ( Pass the J ) (2:36) 09. Give It to Me Baby (12" Version) (5:43) 10. Super Freak (12" Version) (7:06) CD6 - Throwin' Down 01. Dance Wit' Me (7:20) 02. Money Talks (4:51) 03. Teardrops (4:51) 04. Throwdown (3:19) 05. Standing on the Top (3:52) 06. Hard to Get (4:08) 07. Happy (5:30) 08. She Blew My Mind (69 Times) (4:13) 09. My Love (2:53) 10. Standing on the Top (Long Version) (9:50) 11. Hard to Get (12" Instrumental) (4:13) 12. She Blew My Mind (69 Times) (12" Extended Mix) (6:30) 13. She Blew My Mind (69 Times) (12" Instrumental) (7:28) CD7 - Cold Blooded 01. U Bring the Freak Out (4:08) 02. Cold Blooded (5:59) 03. Ebony Eyes (5:08) 04. 1, 2, 3 (U, Her and Me) (4:07) 05. Doin' It (5:05) 06. New York Town (4:02) 07. P.I.M.P. the S.I.M.P. (4:32) 08. Tell Me (What You Want) (5:07) 09. Unity (1:57) 10. Cold Blooded (12" Instrumental) (5:53) 11. U Bring the Freak Out (12" Extended Mix) (7:55) 12. U Bring the Freak Out (Instrumental) (6:54) CD8 - Glow 01. Can't Stop (6:10) 02. Spend the Night with Me (4:12) 03. Melody Makes Me Dance (5:16) 04. Somebody (The Girl's Got) (5:10) 05. Glow (5:43) 06. Moonchild (4:21) 07. Sha La La La La (Come Back Home) (5:23) 08. Rock and Roll Control (4:38) 09. Glow (Reprise) (1:44) 10. Glow / Glow (Reprise) (6:59) 11. Glow (12" Instrumental) (8:20) 12. Spend the Night with Me (12" Extended Version) (7:21) 13. Spend the Night with Me (12" Instrumental) (7:34) 14. Can't Stop (Instrumental) (6:13) 15. 17 (6:45) 16. 17 (12" Instrumental) (5:40) 17. Oh What a Night (4 Luv) (5:05) 18. You Turn Me On (4:45) 19. You Turn Me on (12" Long Version) (5:30) 20. You Turn Me on (12" Long Version Instrumental) (5:34) CD9 - The Flag 01. Freak Flag (Intro) (0:32) 02. Forever and a Day (4:22) 03. Sweet and Sexy Thing (4:24) 04. Free to Be Me (4:45) 05. Save It for Me (4:19) 06. Freak Flag (Cue) (0:06) 07. R U Experienced (4:30) 08. Funk in America/Silly Little Man (5:54) 09. Slow and Easy Interlude (2:18) 10. Slow and Easy (4:54) 11. Rick's Raga (0:32) 12. Painted Pictures (4:55) 13. Freak Flag (Reprise) (0:28) 14. Sweet and Sexy Thing (12" Extended Mix) (9:07) 15. Sweet and Sexy Thing (12" Instrumental) (8:09) 16. Sweet and Sexy Thing (12" Version) (7:41) 17. Forever and a Day (12" Extended Mix) (7:37) 18. Forever and a Day (Instrumental) (7:34)
Seedów: 6
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-08-27 05:18:49
Rozmiar: 1.30 GB
Peerów: 7
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : Toni Braxton Album : Home All Alone Year: 2020 Genre: R&B, Soul, Funk Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 1. Do It 2. Dance 3. Long As I Live 4. FOH 5. Where Did We Go Wrong? 6. I Hope That You're Okay 7. Deadwood 8. Sweat
Seedów: 25
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-08-18 17:07:20
Rozmiar: 72.74 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : VA Album : Funk Essentials Year: 2020 Genre: Soul & Funk Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag (Pts.1 & 2 _ Single Version) 02. Commodores - Brick House 03. Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground 04. Marvin Gaye - Got To Give It Up (Pt. 1) 05. Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft (Single Version) 06. Lyn Collins - Think (About It) (Single Version) 07. Kool & The Gang - Funky Stuff 08. Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back) 09. Rick James - Glow (Single Version) 10. Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) 11. The Bar-Kays - Shake Your Rump To The Funk (Single Version) 12. Barry White - What A Groove 13. James Brown - Bodyheat (1977 Album Version) 14. Kool & The Gang - Good Time Tonight 15. Stevie Wonder - Superstition 16. Cameo - Word Up 17. James Brown - Soul Power 18. Rick James - Give It To Me Baby 19. Commodores - Machine Gun 20. Roy Ayers - Running Away 21. Dazz Band - Let It Whip (Single Version) 22. Ohio Players - Fire 23. Parliament - P-Funk (Wants To Get Funked Up) 24. Dyke & The Blazers - Let A Woman Be A Woman - Let A Man Be A Man 25. Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine (Single Version) 26. The Brothers Johnson - Stomp! (Single Version) 27. Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out 28. Rufus - Dance Wit Me 29. L.T.D. - (Every Time I Turn Around) Back In Love Again 30. Stevie Wonder - I Wish
Seedów: 12
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-17 06:21:03
Rozmiar: 300.67 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist : CeeLo Green Album : CeeLo Green Is Thomas Callaway Year: 2020 Genre: Soul, R&B, Funk Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 1. For You 2. Lead Me 3. Little Mama 4. Don’t Lie 5. I Wonder How Love… 6. People Watching 7. You Gotta Do It All 8. Doing It All Together 9. Slow Down 10. Down With The Sun 11. Thinking Out Loud 12. The Way
Seedów: 25
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-09 03:18:39
Rozmiar: 95.77 MB
Peerów: 9
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
James Brown 20 All Time Greatest Hits! (1991) allmusic.com... The best showman and one of the most influential singers of the 20th century, who transformed R&B into funk with his tight, driving style. While Brown's 30-track, 40-track, and even 50-track collections are excellent choices as well, this fine hits package is the best one for Brown neophytes looking for a way in. Covering his prime stretch from the late '50s through the early '70s, 20 All-Time Greatest Hits! includes early R&B milestones ("Please, Please, Please"), epochal '60s sides ("Papa's Got a Brand New Bag, Pt. 1"), and latter-day funk classics ("Papa Don't Take No Mess, Pt. 1"). And that's not to mention such perennials as "Mother Popcorn," "Hot Pants," "Cold Sweat," and "Think." Start your Brown obsession here. FLAC LOSSLESS 16bit-44kHz Dynamic Range 12 Polydor 314 511 326-2 ...( TrackList )... 01.-I Got You (I Feel Good) 02.-Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine, Part 1 03.-I Got The Feelin' 04.-Mother Popcorn, Part 1 05.-Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose 06.-Make It Funky, Part 1 07.-Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, Part 1 08.-Think 09.-It's A Man's Man's Man's World 10.-Try Me 11.-Night Train 12.-Cold Sweat, Part 1 13.-Get On The Good Foot 14.-Papa Don't Take No Mess, Part 1 15.-The Payback 16.-Say It Loud (I'm Black And I'm Proud), Part 1 17.-Super Bad, Parts 1 & 2 18.-Hot Pants, Part 1 19.-Get Up Offa That Thing 20.-Please, Please, Please
Seedów: 61
Data dodania:
2020-05-31 11:07:10
Rozmiar: 381.97 MB
Peerów: 15
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists Title: Roots Of Funk 1947-1962 Vol. 1-3 Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Crazy Warthog Media Genre: Funk, Soul, Blues, Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) 24bits - 44.1kHz Total Time: 03:32:07 Total Size: 2.02 GB ...( TrackList )... Vol.1 01. Tanga (Part 1) - da Machito & His Afro-Cuban Orchestra 02. Abaniquito - da Tito Puente And His Orchestra 03. Baboule Dance (Bamboula Rhythm) - da Vaudou congregation 04. Babalu - da Slim Gaillard And His Orchestra 05. Hill and Gully Ride_Mandeville Road - da Lord Composer & The Silver Seas Hotel Orchestra 06. Po' drapeaux (petro mazonnei) - da Vaudou congregation 07. Mambo Baby - da Ruth Brown And His Rhythmakers 08. Ayizan Marche (zepaules) - da Vaudou congregation 09. El Loco Cha Cha - da René Touzet & his Orchestra 10. Louie Louie - da Richard Berry & The Pharaohs 11. Compay Cucu - da Dioris Valladares Y Su Conjunto Tipico 12. Me Dog Can't Bark - da Monty Reynolds and The Shaw Park Calypso Band 13. Bo Diddley - da Bo Diddley 14. Limbo (Take 1) - da Lord Tickler With The Jamaican Calypsonians 15. Limbo (Take 2) - da The Wrigglers 16. Limbo (Take 3) - da Bo Diddley 17. Limbo (Take 4) - da Reuben McCoy & The Hamiltonians 18. Java - da A. Toussaint 19. Contre Danse N°4 - da Jean Baptiste Nemours Et Son Ensemble 20. Me and You - da A. Toussaint 21. Olla De for Olla - da Mongo Santamaria 22. Severa - da Milito Perez W/luis Quintero Y Su Conjunto Alma Cibaena 23. Pantalon - da Ensemble De Quadrille Guadeloupeen Vol.2 01. Early in the Morning - da Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five 02. Manteca - da Dizzy Gillespie & His Orchestra 03. Tin Tin Deo - da James Moody Et Son Bopmen 04. Moondog's Symphony (Part 1 Timberwolf) - da Louis Thomas Hardin 05. Yo Yo Yo - da Slim Gaillard And His Orchestra 06. Monk's Dream - da Thelonious Monk Trio 07. Hambone - da Red Saunders And His Orchestra With Dolores Hawkins And The Hambone Kids 08. Opus de Funk - da The Horace Silver Trio 09. Montevideo - da Duke Ellington 10. Old Devil Moon - da Mickey Baker 11. Call for All Demons - da Sun Ra 12. Moanin' - da Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers 13. Slop - da Charles Mingus Septet 14. This Here - da BobTimmons 15. Hold It - da James Brown Presents His Band 16. New Day - da Sun Ra 17. First Gone - da Count Ossie and the Wareikas 18. Watermelon Man - da Herbie Hancock 19. Dem Tambourines - da B. Higgins Vol.3 01. Mardis Gras in New Orleans - da Professor Longhair & His Shuffling Hungarians 02. I've Got a Home - da The Blind Boys Of Alabama 03. Half Pint of Whiskey - da Johnny "Guitar" Watson 04. Mardi Gras Mambo - da Art Neville 05. Bo Diddley - da Bo Diddley 06. Shrimp and Gumbo - da Dave Bartholomew 07. Clothes Line (Wrap It Up) [Shoppin' for Clothes] - da Boogaloo And The Gallant Crew 08. Blue Funk - da Ray Charles 09. My Baby Just Cares for Me - da Nina Simone 10. Cha Dooky Doo - da Neville, Art 11. Crawfish - da Elvis Presley 12. Arabian Love Call - da Art Neville 13. Cause I Love You - da Rufus Thomas 14. Signifying Blues - da Bo Diddley 15. Back Door Man - da Howlin' Wolf 16. And I Do Just What I Want - da James Brown 17. Can You Shimmy - da Bo Diddley 18. Messed Around (and Fell in Love) - da Allen Toussaint 19. Check Mr. Popeye (Part 1) - da Eddie Bo 20. Now Let's Popeye (Part 2) - da Eddie Bo 21. I Found You [I Got You (I Feel Good)] - da Yvonne Fair and the James Brown Band 22. Mashed Patatoes U.S.A. - da James Brown And His Famous Flames 23. I've Got Money - da James Brown And His Famous Flames 24. Roamin' Itis - da Eddie Bo
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-05-22 21:02:03
Rozmiar: 2.02 GB
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Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists Title: Roots Of Funk 1947-1962 Vol. 1-3 Year Of Release: 2015 Label: Crazy Warthog Media Genre: Funk, Soul, Blues, Jazz Quality: MP3 320kbps stereo Total Time: 03:32:07 Total Size: 494.49 MB ...( TrackList )... Vol.1 01. Tanga (Part 1) - da Machito & His Afro-Cuban Orchestra 02. Abaniquito - da Tito Puente And His Orchestra 03. Baboule Dance (Bamboula Rhythm) - da Vaudou congregation 04. Babalu - da Slim Gaillard And His Orchestra 05. Hill and Gully Ride_Mandeville Road - da Lord Composer & The Silver Seas Hotel Orchestra 06. Po' drapeaux (petro mazonnei) - da Vaudou congregation 07. Mambo Baby - da Ruth Brown And His Rhythmakers 08. Ayizan Marche (zepaules) - da Vaudou congregation 09. El Loco Cha Cha - da René Touzet & his Orchestra 10. Louie Louie - da Richard Berry & The Pharaohs 11. Compay Cucu - da Dioris Valladares Y Su Conjunto Tipico 12. Me Dog Can't Bark - da Monty Reynolds and The Shaw Park Calypso Band 13. Bo Diddley - da Bo Diddley 14. Limbo (Take 1) - da Lord Tickler With The Jamaican Calypsonians 15. Limbo (Take 2) - da The Wrigglers 16. Limbo (Take 3) - da Bo Diddley 17. Limbo (Take 4) - da Reuben McCoy & The Hamiltonians 18. Java - da A. Toussaint 19. Contre Danse N°4 - da Jean Baptiste Nemours Et Son Ensemble 20. Me and You - da A. Toussaint 21. Olla De for Olla - da Mongo Santamaria 22. Severa - da Milito Perez W/luis Quintero Y Su Conjunto Alma Cibaena 23. Pantalon - da Ensemble De Quadrille Guadeloupeen Vol.2 01. Early in the Morning - da Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five 02. Manteca - da Dizzy Gillespie & His Orchestra 03. Tin Tin Deo - da James Moody Et Son Bopmen 04. Moondog's Symphony (Part 1 Timberwolf) - da Louis Thomas Hardin 05. Yo Yo Yo - da Slim Gaillard And His Orchestra 06. Monk's Dream - da Thelonious Monk Trio 07. Hambone - da Red Saunders And His Orchestra With Dolores Hawkins And The Hambone Kids 08. Opus de Funk - da The Horace Silver Trio 09. Montevideo - da Duke Ellington 10. Old Devil Moon - da Mickey Baker 11. Call for All Demons - da Sun Ra 12. Moanin' - da Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers 13. Slop - da Charles Mingus Septet 14. This Here - da BobTimmons 15. Hold It - da James Brown Presents His Band 16. New Day - da Sun Ra 17. First Gone - da Count Ossie and the Wareikas 18. Watermelon Man - da Herbie Hancock 19. Dem Tambourines - da B. Higgins Vol.3 01. Mardis Gras in New Orleans - da Professor Longhair & His Shuffling Hungarians 02. I've Got a Home - da The Blind Boys Of Alabama 03. Half Pint of Whiskey - da Johnny "Guitar" Watson 04. Mardi Gras Mambo - da Art Neville 05. Bo Diddley - da Bo Diddley 06. Shrimp and Gumbo - da Dave Bartholomew 07. Clothes Line (Wrap It Up) [Shoppin' for Clothes] - da Boogaloo And The Gallant Crew 08. Blue Funk - da Ray Charles 09. My Baby Just Cares for Me - da Nina Simone 10. Cha Dooky Doo - da Neville, Art 11. Crawfish - da Elvis Presley 12. Arabian Love Call - da Art Neville 13. Cause I Love You - da Rufus Thomas 14. Signifying Blues - da Bo Diddley 15. Back Door Man - da Howlin' Wolf 16. And I Do Just What I Want - da James Brown 17. Can You Shimmy - da Bo Diddley 18. Messed Around (and Fell in Love) - da Allen Toussaint 19. Check Mr. Popeye (Part 1) - da Eddie Bo 20. Now Let's Popeye (Part 2) - da Eddie Bo 21. I Found You [I Got You (I Feel Good)] - da Yvonne Fair and the James Brown Band 22. Mashed Patatoes U.S.A. - da James Brown And His Famous Flames 23. I've Got Money - da James Brown And His Famous Flames 24. Roamin' Itis - da Eddie Bo
Seedów: 2
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-05-22 21:01:46
Rozmiar: 494.49 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Marvin Gaye Title: The Master 1961-1984 Year Of Release: 1995/2018 Label: Uni/Motown Genre: Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Funk Quality: FLAC (tracks) Total Time: 05:00:17 Total Size: 1.68 GB A fitting tribute to the most spellbinder of Motown artists, The Master 1961-1984 is an amazing and detailed overview of the life and career of Marvin Gaye. From his first hits as a romantic lead, Stubborn Kind of Fellow and Hitch Hike to his final hit, Sexual Healing, this 89-track collection follows Gaye as he moves from being an interpreter of simple love songs to being a troubled eco-cosmic warrior and finally to being the love man's love man, singing songs of sex, religion and passion in equal measure. Stepped in Soul and later, saturated in Funk, Gaye's work is often stimulating and occasionally disquieting, and is presented delightfully on this lavish 4-CD Book Set with sumptuous illustrations and detailed annotaion. This box set is a must for any serious soul fan. It is perhaps a little much for the casual Marvin Gaye fan, but for those who want to hear a bit more than just the usual big hits it is ideal. ...( TrackList )... CD1 1-1 –Marvin Gaye Stubborn Kind Of Fellow 2:45 1-2 –Marvin Gaye Pride And Joy 2:07 1-3 –Marvin Gaye Hitch Hike 2:33 1-4 –Marvin Gaye Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home) 2:15 1-5 –Marvin Gaye What Do You Want With Him 2:37 1-6 –Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells Once Upon A Time 2:32 1-7 –Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells What's The Matter With You Baby 2:23 1-8 –Marvin Gaye Can I Get A Witness 2:48 1-9 –Marvin Gaye Couldn't Ask For More 2:42 1-10 –Marvin Gaye You're Wonderful 2:45 1-11 –Marvin Gaye I Wonder 3:44 1-12 –Marvin Gaye You're A Wonderful One 2:45 1-13 –Marvin Gaye It's Got To Be Love 2:39 1-14 –Marvin Gaye Try It Baby 3:00 1-15 –Marvin Gaye Leavin' 2:22 1-16 –Marvin Gaye My Love For You 3:00 1-17 –Marvin Gaye How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) 2:59 1-18 –Marvin Gaye Baby Don't You Do It 2:33 1-19 –Marvin Gaye Just Like A Man 2:50 1-20 –Marvin Gaye Pretty Little Baby 2:36 1-21 –Marvin Gaye Talk About A Good Feeling 2:24 1-22 –Marvin Gaye I'll Be Doggone 2:51 1-23 –Marvin Gaye Little Darling (I Need You) 2:46 1-24 –Marvin Gaye One More Heartache 2:34 1-25 –Marvin Gaye Ain't That Peculiar 2:59 1-26 –Marvin Gaye You're The One For Me 3:42 1-27 –Marvin Gaye Take This Heart Of Mine 2:44 1-28 –Marvin Gaye Your Unchanging Love 3:03 CD2 2-1 –Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston It Takes Two 2:58 2-2 –Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston I Couldn't Help Falling For You 2:55 2-3 –Marvin Gaye Lonely Lover (Alternate Mix) 2:25 2-4 –Marvin Gaye Without Your Sweet Lovin' 2:30 2-5 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't No Mountain High Enough 2:28 2-6 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If I Could Build My Whole World Around You 2:22 2-7 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Your Precious Love 3:00 2-8 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If This World Were Mine 2:43 2-9 –Marvin Gaye Without You (My World Is Lonely) 2:41 2-10 –Marvin Gaye Together We Stand (Divided We Fall) 2:52 2-11 –Marvin Gaye You 2:26 2-12 –Marvin Gaye Chained 2:36 2-13 –Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through The Grapevine 3:14 2-14 –Marvin Gaye You're What's Happening (In The World Today) 2:20 2-15 –Marvin Gaye This Love Starved Heart Of Mine (It's Killing Me) 2:42 2-16 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 2:17 2-17 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Keep On Lovin' Me Honey 2:30 2-18 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell You're All I Need To Get By 2:40 2-19 –Marvin Gaye Too Busy Thinking About My Baby 2:57 2-20 –Marvin Gaye More Than A Heart Can Stand 2:56 2-21 –Marvin Gaye How Can I Forget 2:04 2-22 –Marvin Gaye That's The Way Love Is 3:37 2-23 –Marvin Gaye Yesterday 3:25 2-24 –Marvin Gaye The End Of Our Road 2:46 2-25 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Good Lovin' Ain't Easy To Come By 2:19 2-26 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell What You Gave Me 2:37 CD3 3-1 –Marvin Gaye What's Going On 3:53 3-2 –Marvin Gaye Save The Children 4:02 3-3 –Marvin Gaye Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 3:16 3-4 –Marvin Gaye Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) 5:29 3-5 –Marvin Gaye I'm Going Home (Alternative Mix) 4:39 3-6 –Marvin Gaye Piece Of Clay 5:11 3-7 –Marvin Gaye You're The Man, Parts I & II 5:46 3-8 –Marvin Gaye Checking Out (Double Clutch) 4:53 3-9 –Marvin Gaye Trouble Man 4:55 3-10 –Marvin Gaye Let's Get It On 4:53 3-11 –Marvin Gaye Come Get To This 2:41 3-12 –Marvin Gaye Just To Keep You Satisfied 4:27 3-13 –Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye Pledging My Love 3:35 3-14 –Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye My Mistake (Was To Love You) 2:55 3-15 –Marvin Gaye Distant Lover (Live) 6:22 3-16 –Marvin Gaye I Want You 4:34 3-17 –Marvin Gaye After The Dance 5:11 3-18 –Marvin Gaye Silence 0:00 CD4 4-1 –Marvin Gaye Got To Give It Up, Part I 4:14 4-2 –Marvin Gaye Here, My Dear 2:49 4-3 –Marvin Gaye When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You 6:16 4-4 –Marvin Gaye Anger 4:02 4-5 –Marvin Gaye Anna's Song 5:55 4-6 –Marvin Gaye A Funky Space Reincarnation 8:18 4-7 –Marvin Gaye When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You (Reprise) 0:45 4-8 –Marvin Gaye She Needs Me 3:31 4-9 –Marvin Gaye Why Did I Choose You 2:37 4-10 –Marvin Gaye Life Is For Learning 3:40 4-11 –Marvin Gaye Funk Me 5:35 4-12 –Marvin Gaye Love Me Now Or Love Me Later 5:00 4-13 –Marvin Gaye Ego Tripping Out 5:13 4-14 –Marvin Gaye The Star Spangled Banner 3:14 4-15 –Marvin Gaye Feat. Gladys Knight I Heard It Through The Grapevine 3:48 4-16 –Marvin Gaye Rockin' After Midnight 6:05 4-17 –Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing 4:04 4-18 –Marvin Gaye The Lord's Prayer 1:55
Seedów: 2
Data dodania:
2020-05-21 20:18:18
Rozmiar: 1.69 GB
Peerów: 11
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Marvin Gaye Title: The Master 1961-1984 Year Of Release: 1995/2018 Label: Uni/Motown Genre: Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Funk Quality: MP3 320kbps stereo Total Time: 05:00:17 Total Size: 689.96 MB A fitting tribute to the most spellbinder of Motown artists, The Master 1961-1984 is an amazing and detailed overview of the life and career of Marvin Gaye. From his first hits as a romantic lead, Stubborn Kind of Fellow and Hitch Hike to his final hit, Sexual Healing, this 89-track collection follows Gaye as he moves from being an interpreter of simple love songs to being a troubled eco-cosmic warrior and finally to being the love man's love man, singing songs of sex, religion and passion in equal measure. Stepped in Soul and later, saturated in Funk, Gaye's work is often stimulating and occasionally disquieting, and is presented delightfully on this lavish 4-CD Book Set with sumptuous illustrations and detailed annotaion. This box set is a must for any serious soul fan. It is perhaps a little much for the casual Marvin Gaye fan, but for those who want to hear a bit more than just the usual big hits it is ideal. ...( TrackList )... CD1 1-1 –Marvin Gaye Stubborn Kind Of Fellow 2:45 1-2 –Marvin Gaye Pride And Joy 2:07 1-3 –Marvin Gaye Hitch Hike 2:33 1-4 –Marvin Gaye Wherever I Lay My Hat (That's My Home) 2:15 1-5 –Marvin Gaye What Do You Want With Him 2:37 1-6 –Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells Once Upon A Time 2:32 1-7 –Marvin Gaye & Mary Wells What's The Matter With You Baby 2:23 1-8 –Marvin Gaye Can I Get A Witness 2:48 1-9 –Marvin Gaye Couldn't Ask For More 2:42 1-10 –Marvin Gaye You're Wonderful 2:45 1-11 –Marvin Gaye I Wonder 3:44 1-12 –Marvin Gaye You're A Wonderful One 2:45 1-13 –Marvin Gaye It's Got To Be Love 2:39 1-14 –Marvin Gaye Try It Baby 3:00 1-15 –Marvin Gaye Leavin' 2:22 1-16 –Marvin Gaye My Love For You 3:00 1-17 –Marvin Gaye How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) 2:59 1-18 –Marvin Gaye Baby Don't You Do It 2:33 1-19 –Marvin Gaye Just Like A Man 2:50 1-20 –Marvin Gaye Pretty Little Baby 2:36 1-21 –Marvin Gaye Talk About A Good Feeling 2:24 1-22 –Marvin Gaye I'll Be Doggone 2:51 1-23 –Marvin Gaye Little Darling (I Need You) 2:46 1-24 –Marvin Gaye One More Heartache 2:34 1-25 –Marvin Gaye Ain't That Peculiar 2:59 1-26 –Marvin Gaye You're The One For Me 3:42 1-27 –Marvin Gaye Take This Heart Of Mine 2:44 1-28 –Marvin Gaye Your Unchanging Love 3:03 CD2 2-1 –Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston It Takes Two 2:58 2-2 –Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston I Couldn't Help Falling For You 2:55 2-3 –Marvin Gaye Lonely Lover (Alternate Mix) 2:25 2-4 –Marvin Gaye Without Your Sweet Lovin' 2:30 2-5 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't No Mountain High Enough 2:28 2-6 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If I Could Build My Whole World Around You 2:22 2-7 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Your Precious Love 3:00 2-8 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell If This World Were Mine 2:43 2-9 –Marvin Gaye Without You (My World Is Lonely) 2:41 2-10 –Marvin Gaye Together We Stand (Divided We Fall) 2:52 2-11 –Marvin Gaye You 2:26 2-12 –Marvin Gaye Chained 2:36 2-13 –Marvin Gaye I Heard It Through The Grapevine 3:14 2-14 –Marvin Gaye You're What's Happening (In The World Today) 2:20 2-15 –Marvin Gaye This Love Starved Heart Of Mine (It's Killing Me) 2:42 2-16 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 2:17 2-17 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Keep On Lovin' Me Honey 2:30 2-18 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell You're All I Need To Get By 2:40 2-19 –Marvin Gaye Too Busy Thinking About My Baby 2:57 2-20 –Marvin Gaye More Than A Heart Can Stand 2:56 2-21 –Marvin Gaye How Can I Forget 2:04 2-22 –Marvin Gaye That's The Way Love Is 3:37 2-23 –Marvin Gaye Yesterday 3:25 2-24 –Marvin Gaye The End Of Our Road 2:46 2-25 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Good Lovin' Ain't Easy To Come By 2:19 2-26 –Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell What You Gave Me 2:37 CD3 3-1 –Marvin Gaye What's Going On 3:53 3-2 –Marvin Gaye Save The Children 4:02 3-3 –Marvin Gaye Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) 3:16 3-4 –Marvin Gaye Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) 5:29 3-5 –Marvin Gaye I'm Going Home (Alternative Mix) 4:39 3-6 –Marvin Gaye Piece Of Clay 5:11 3-7 –Marvin Gaye You're The Man, Parts I & II 5:46 3-8 –Marvin Gaye Checking Out (Double Clutch) 4:53 3-9 –Marvin Gaye Trouble Man 4:55 3-10 –Marvin Gaye Let's Get It On 4:53 3-11 –Marvin Gaye Come Get To This 2:41 3-12 –Marvin Gaye Just To Keep You Satisfied 4:27 3-13 –Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye Pledging My Love 3:35 3-14 –Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye My Mistake (Was To Love You) 2:55 3-15 –Marvin Gaye Distant Lover (Live) 6:22 3-16 –Marvin Gaye I Want You 4:34 3-17 –Marvin Gaye After The Dance 5:11 3-18 –Marvin Gaye Silence 0:00 CD4 4-1 –Marvin Gaye Got To Give It Up, Part I 4:14 4-2 –Marvin Gaye Here, My Dear 2:49 4-3 –Marvin Gaye When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You 6:16 4-4 –Marvin Gaye Anger 4:02 4-5 –Marvin Gaye Anna's Song 5:55 4-6 –Marvin Gaye A Funky Space Reincarnation 8:18 4-7 –Marvin Gaye When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You (Reprise) 0:45 4-8 –Marvin Gaye She Needs Me 3:31 4-9 –Marvin Gaye Why Did I Choose You 2:37 4-10 –Marvin Gaye Life Is For Learning 3:40 4-11 –Marvin Gaye Funk Me 5:35 4-12 –Marvin Gaye Love Me Now Or Love Me Later 5:00 4-13 –Marvin Gaye Ego Tripping Out 5:13 4-14 –Marvin Gaye The Star Spangled Banner 3:14 4-15 –Marvin Gaye Feat. Gladys Knight I Heard It Through The Grapevine 3:48 4-16 –Marvin Gaye Rockin' After Midnight 6:05 4-17 –Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing 4:04 4-18 –Marvin Gaye The Lord's Prayer 1:55
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-05-21 20:18:16
Rozmiar: 689.96 MB
Peerów: 4
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Parliament Funkdelic Title: Discography Year Of Release: 1970-2018 Label: Casablanca Genre: Soul, Funk, Disco, P.Funk Quality: MP3 320kbps stereo Total Time: 31 albums Total Size: 4.50 GB ...( TrackList )... Funkadelic - Discography 1970-2008 1970 - Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow [2005 Remaster] 1970 - Funkadelic 1971 - Maggot Brain 1972 - America Eats Its Young 1973 - Cosmic Slop 1974 - Standing on the Verge of Getting It On 1975 - Let's Take It to the Stage 1976 - Hardcore Jollies 1976 - Tales of Kidd Funkadelic 1978 - One Nation Under a Groove 1979 - Uncle Jam Wants You 1981 - The Electric Spanking of War Babies 1996 - Live - Meadowbrook, Rochester, Michigan - 12th September 1971 1997 - Finest 2003 - Motor City Madness_ The Ultimate Funkadelic Westbound Compilation (2CD) 2005 - Whole Funk & Nothing But The Funk (2CD) 2008 - Toys Parliament - Discography 1970-2018 1970 - Osmiu 1974 - Up for the Down Stroke 1975 - Chocolate City 1975 - Mothership Connection 1976 - The Clones of Dr. Funkenstein 1977 - Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome 1977 - Live_ P.Funk Earth Tour 1978 - Motor Booty Affair 1979 - Gloryhallastoopid (Or Pin the Tail on the Funky) 1980 - Trombipulation 1984 - Parliament's Greatest Hits 1993 - Tear the Roof Off (1974-1980) 1999 - 12 Inch Collection & More 2018 - Medicaid Fraud Dogg
Seedów: 17
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-05-18 21:33:19
Rozmiar: 4.50 GB
Peerów: 11
Dodał: Uploader