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..::OPIS::.. O Galusie wspominaliśmy wam zanim jego mistrzowski bit pojawił się na albumie HIFI Bandy i zanim zrobił cały, bardzo twórczy muzycznie, a jednocześnie mocno czerpiący z korzeni hip-hopu album z Hadesem. Ci którzy pamiętają takie rzeczy jak opisywane u nas w Przegapifszy "Retro Lyrics" wiedzą, że Pokój Czarnych Płyt to nie tylko produkcja bitów dla raperów, ale też muzyka instrumentalna. Chwilami eksperymentalna, a czasem wręcz zniewalająca swoimi pięknymi comebackami do korzeni. Splatająca nowoczesność nowoczesność i tradycję w sposób zupełnie naturalny, a przez to tak imponujący. Minął rok, a Galus nie tylko jest znacznie bardziej rozpoznawalny jako beatmaker, ale też ma na koncie kolejne autorskie cacko, tym razem wydane przez UKnowMe Records. Premiery "Nowe Dobro To Zło" i "Futury" zbiegały się po części w czasie, dlatego można było się zastanowić czy produkcje będą jakkolwiek połączone, komplementarne czy raczej stworzone na zasadzie "to przy czym nie mogłem poszaleć na jednym projekcie, zrobię sobie na drugim". Jak to wygląda w przypadku "Futury"? Niezwykle ciekawie, choć ponownie nierówno. Dla Galusa pod pewnymi względami rozwiązania instrumentalne mogą być korzystniejsze. Potrafi zainteresować ciekawą aranżacją, ale też ma (wysoko cenioną przeze mnie) skłonność do sięgania po muzyczne rozwiązania, które swoim klimatem same opowiadają historie. Nie brakuje w tym dynamiki, bo np. otwierająca album, tytułowa "Futura" to rzecz nie tylko bujająca mocną, bardzo fajnie brzmiącą perkusją, ale rzecz potężnie wkręcająca poprzez samplowane motywy. Fantastyczny motyw wokalny, ale też chwilami wrażenie, że trochę brakuje pomysłów na aranżację. No właśnie... Bywa tutaj, że w produkcji dzieje się niewiele i o ile w niektórych przypadkach moc głównego motywu może stanowić wymówkę, o tyle np. przy "Valium" można się trochę zniecierpliwić. Dodanie pojedynczych, często aż nazbyt wykręconych dźwięków do głównej pętli to trochę mniej niż można było się spodziewać. Nie jest to na szczęście regułą, raczej rzadkością. Cieszy to, że Galus nie jest raczej gościem, który oldschoolowym podejściem usprawiedliwia się przed postawieniem kroku naprzód i próby swoich sił w bardziej eksperymentalnej muzyce. To dobrze. Z drugiej strony, nie wszystkie z nich na tej płycie trzymają poziom, a kiedy się robi wosk to lepiej taki, żeby słuchacz łykał go na raz bez mrugnięcia okiem. Każdy z numerów ma w sobie coś intrygującego, ale nie każdy wytrzymuje próbę 2-3 minutowej aranżacji, która zainteresuje słuchacza nie mniej niż np. wokal Hadesa. Nie warto pominąć faktu, że Galus po raz kolejny daje nam trochę muzyki przed którą można tylko chylić czoła i bić brawa. Pierwsza piątka otwierająca płytę to coś niemalże idealnego. "Purple Rain" z tym niesamowicie użytym wokalnym fragmentem i strasznie "długą" perkusją czy fantastycznie zbasowane i przez to morderczo głębokie "Remember Me". Nie gorzej jest ze "Spaceway" i mistrzowskim "Lost Accordion" w które to numery można po prostu wsiąknąć. Na wiele godzin. Sprawdźcie ten album, choćby z ciekawości. Jestem pewien, że zostanie w waszej pamięci na długi czas, jeśli nawet nie pojedyncze produkcje to ten analogowy, wykręcony klimat całości, który z jednej strony miło koajrzy się z Madlibem czy Dillą, z drugiej sporo własnych pomysłów i rozwiązań, które tworzą unikalny klimat muzyki z Pokoju Czarnych Płyt. Nie jest idealnie, ale na czwórkę z plusem zasługuje co najmniej. Daniel Wardziński ..::TRACK-LIST::.. 1. Futura 03:10 2. Purple Rain 02:53 3. Remember Me 02:51 4. Spaceway 02:21 5. Lost Accordion 03:04 6. Cubism 00:53 7. Sicking Suite 03:42 8. Aquarius 02:06 9. Door to the Mind 02:36 10. Bombay Child 02:38 11. Valium 02:14 12. Odyssey 03:04 ..::OBSADA::.. Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By - Rafał 'Galus' Gałaszewski Saxophone - Dominik Gałązka (tracks: 5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvRhaGEXo70 SEED 15:00-22:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 0
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2025-02-23 13:46:53
Rozmiar: 74.31 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Fallen_Angel
..::OPIS::.. O Galusie wspominaliśmy wam zanim jego mistrzowski bit pojawił się na albumie HIFI Bandy i zanim zrobił cały, bardzo twórczy muzycznie, a jednocześnie mocno czerpiący z korzeni hip-hopu album z Hadesem. Ci którzy pamiętają takie rzeczy jak opisywane u nas w Przegapifszy "Retro Lyrics" wiedzą, że Pokój Czarnych Płyt to nie tylko produkcja bitów dla raperów, ale też muzyka instrumentalna. Chwilami eksperymentalna, a czasem wręcz zniewalająca swoimi pięknymi comebackami do korzeni. Splatająca nowoczesność nowoczesność i tradycję w sposób zupełnie naturalny, a przez to tak imponujący. Minął rok, a Galus nie tylko jest znacznie bardziej rozpoznawalny jako beatmaker, ale też ma na koncie kolejne autorskie cacko, tym razem wydane przez UKnowMe Records. Premiery "Nowe Dobro To Zło" i "Futury" zbiegały się po części w czasie, dlatego można było się zastanowić czy produkcje będą jakkolwiek połączone, komplementarne czy raczej stworzone na zasadzie "to przy czym nie mogłem poszaleć na jednym projekcie, zrobię sobie na drugim". Jak to wygląda w przypadku "Futury"? Niezwykle ciekawie, choć ponownie nierówno. Dla Galusa pod pewnymi względami rozwiązania instrumentalne mogą być korzystniejsze. Potrafi zainteresować ciekawą aranżacją, ale też ma (wysoko cenioną przeze mnie) skłonność do sięgania po muzyczne rozwiązania, które swoim klimatem same opowiadają historie. Nie brakuje w tym dynamiki, bo np. otwierająca album, tytułowa "Futura" to rzecz nie tylko bujająca mocną, bardzo fajnie brzmiącą perkusją, ale rzecz potężnie wkręcająca poprzez samplowane motywy. Fantastyczny motyw wokalny, ale też chwilami wrażenie, że trochę brakuje pomysłów na aranżację. No właśnie... Bywa tutaj, że w produkcji dzieje się niewiele i o ile w niektórych przypadkach moc głównego motywu może stanowić wymówkę, o tyle np. przy "Valium" można się trochę zniecierpliwić. Dodanie pojedynczych, często aż nazbyt wykręconych dźwięków do głównej pętli to trochę mniej niż można było się spodziewać. Nie jest to na szczęście regułą, raczej rzadkością. Cieszy to, że Galus nie jest raczej gościem, który oldschoolowym podejściem usprawiedliwia się przed postawieniem kroku naprzód i próby swoich sił w bardziej eksperymentalnej muzyce. To dobrze. Z drugiej strony, nie wszystkie z nich na tej płycie trzymają poziom, a kiedy się robi wosk to lepiej taki, żeby słuchacz łykał go na raz bez mrugnięcia okiem. Każdy z numerów ma w sobie coś intrygującego, ale nie każdy wytrzymuje próbę 2-3 minutowej aranżacji, która zainteresuje słuchacza nie mniej niż np. wokal Hadesa. Nie warto pominąć faktu, że Galus po raz kolejny daje nam trochę muzyki przed którą można tylko chylić czoła i bić brawa. Pierwsza piątka otwierająca płytę to coś niemalże idealnego. "Purple Rain" z tym niesamowicie użytym wokalnym fragmentem i strasznie "długą" perkusją czy fantastycznie zbasowane i przez to morderczo głębokie "Remember Me". Nie gorzej jest ze "Spaceway" i mistrzowskim "Lost Accordion" w które to numery można po prostu wsiąknąć. Na wiele godzin. Sprawdźcie ten album, choćby z ciekawości. Jestem pewien, że zostanie w waszej pamięci na długi czas, jeśli nawet nie pojedyncze produkcje to ten analogowy, wykręcony klimat całości, który z jednej strony miło koajrzy się z Madlibem czy Dillą, z drugiej sporo własnych pomysłów i rozwiązań, które tworzą unikalny klimat muzyki z Pokoju Czarnych Płyt. Nie jest idealnie, ale na czwórkę z plusem zasługuje co najmniej. Daniel Wardziński ..::TRACK-LIST::.. 1. Futura 03:10 2. Purple Rain 02:53 3. Remember Me 02:51 4. Spaceway 02:21 5. Lost Accordion 03:04 6. Cubism 00:53 7. Sicking Suite 03:42 8. Aquarius 02:06 9. Door to the Mind 02:36 10. Bombay Child 02:38 11. Valium 02:14 12. Odyssey 03:04 ..::OBSADA::.. Producer, Recorded By, Mixed By - Rafał 'Galus' Gałaszewski Saxophone - Dominik Gałązka (tracks: 5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvRhaGEXo70 SEED 15:00-22:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 0
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2025-02-23 13:44:06
Rozmiar: 197.74 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Fallen_Angel
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Tytus Wojnowicz - Ocalić od zapomnienia --------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist.......: Tytus Wojnowicz Album........: Ocalić od zapomnienia Genre........: Pop Source.......: CD Year.........: 1997 Ripper.......: EAC (Secure mode) & Lite-On iHAS124 Codec........: (FLAC) Quality......: Lossless, (avg. bitrate: 64 %kbps) Channels.....: Stereo / 44100 HZ / 16 Bit Tags.........: VorbisComment Included.....: NFO, PLS, M3U, CUE Covers.......: Front Back --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracklisting --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tytus Wojnowicz - Takie ładne oczy [03:45] 2. Tytus Wojnowicz - Ocalić od zapomnienia [04:56] 3. Tytus Wojnowicz - Zima [04:41] 4. Tytus Wojnowicz - Sen o Warszawie [04:25] 5. Tytus Wojnowicz - Jej portret [05:13] 6. Tytus Wojnowicz - Na pierwszy znak [04:03] 7. Tytus Wojnowicz - Groszki i róże [04:07] 8. Tytus Wojnowicz - Kulig [02:39] 9. Tytus Wojnowicz - Historia pewnej znajomości [04:10] 10. Tytus Wojnowicz - Sen Alika [05:11] 11. Tytus Wojnowicz - Dolce farniente [03:46] 12. Tytus Wojnowicz - Od nocy do nocy [04:31] Playing Time.........: 51:31 Total Size...........: 328,74 MB ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2025-02-20 13:53:50
Rozmiar: 336.89 MB
Peerów: 8
Dodał: rajkad
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Marek & Wacek - Złote Przeboje --------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist...............: Marek & Wacek Album................: Złote Przeboje Genre................: Classical Source...............: CD Year.................: 2004 Ripper...............: Exact Audio Copy (Secure mode) & Lite-On iHAS124 Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 57 %) Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 HZ / 16 Bit Tags.................: VorbisComment Included.............: NFO, PLS, M3U, CUE Covers...............: Front Back CD --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracklisting --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marek & Wacek - Prząśniczka [02:42] 2. Marek & Wacek - Oczy czarne [03:05] 3. Marek & Wacek - San Francisco [02:56] 4. Marek & Wacek - Massachussetts [02:18] 5. Marek & Wacek - Ostatni walc [03:08] 6. Marek & Wacek - Gdy wrócisz [03:23] 7. Marek & Wacek - Komm, Lieber mai [03:17] 8. Marek & Wacek - Chciałabym, a boję się [02:20] 9. Marek & Wacek - Łabędź [03:42] 10. Marek & Wacek - Allegretto [03:03] 11. Marek & Wacek - Karzełki [02:39] 12. Marek & Wacek - Preludium As-dur [03:54] 13. Marek & Wacek - Symfonia nr 4 'włoska' [02:51] 14. Marek & Wacek - Słowik [03:42] 15. Marek & Wacek - Koncert a-moll [03:06] 16. Marek & Wacek - Cyrulik sewilski [02:24] 17. Marek & Wacek - Wesoły wieśniak [02:16] 18. Marek & Wacek - Labirynt [02:20] 19. Marek & Wacek - Ragtime klonowego liścia [02:41] 20. Marek & Wacek - Świat z Tobą [02:58] Playing Time.........: 58:53 Total Size...........: 335,20 MB ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2025-02-20 13:53:43
Rozmiar: 335.93 MB
Peerów: 8
Dodał: rajkad
..::OPIS::.. Drummer, composer, lyricist, improviser, cultural theorist and the individual largely responsible for the existence of ReR/Recommended records, Chris Cutler (like his longtime musical sparring partner Fred Frith) has cast a long shadow over avant rock for over 30 years. He first came to prominence when he joined Henry Cow in 1971, but he had been active on London's psychedelic/underground scene since the mid 60s, and in the early 70s formed the Ottawa Music Company (a large collective of rock composers) with sometime Egg/Hatfields keyboards player Dave Stewart. When Henry Cow ceased working in 1978, he was instrumental in setting up Recommended Records along with Nick Hobbs, Henry Cow's ex-manager, initially as a distribution service and subsequently as a label in its own right. He also formed the excellent Art Bears with Fred Frith and Dagmar Krause, in which he was lyricist as well as the drummer. Since then he has been involved in a bewildering number of projects, often simultaneously, including The Residents, Pere Ubu, News From Babel, Cassiber, Aqsak Maboul, The EC Nudes and P53. He has also worked as an improviser, notably with Fred Frith (see seperate entry), Thomas DiMuzio and Zeena Parkins. Further to all this, he has also developed a unique electric drum kit - to quote from the man himself: "There are no samples, pads or triggers, just acoustic drums amplified and modified with standard electronic processors ... All this is run into a small 16 channel mixer and out through various standard pedals and guitar effects" (from the sleevenotes to Solo). More details can be found on his website. At various points in its evolution, this kit can be heard on all his post Henry Cow recordings. To date there have been only 2 Cutler solo releases; Solo is live improvisations on the electric drumkit, while Twice Around The World is an album of soundscapes created for London based Resonance FM and described as 'an experiment in listening'. The discography also includes 2 albums recorded with electronics performer Thomas DiMuzio (who has also worked with 5UUs) and one with Zeena Parkins (News From Babel, Skeleton Crew). A masterful and highly original drummer, he is well worth catching live where his unique style can be seen as well as heard. All of his albums can be recommended, but his collaborations with Thomas DiMuzio are perhaps the best place to start, in particular the masterful Dust. See also Cutler/Frith. A seminal figure in the RIO scene, Cutler's solo and collaborative works are an essential addition to the RIO/Avant prog category. 10 CDs, 1 DVD, 80pp booklet and box. To make public a mass of unreleased material I decided to wrap this musical collection into a box. These 10 CDs (and a DVD) include over five hours of unreleased materials, my three previously released solo CDs (‘solo’, ‘twice around the earth’ and ‘there and back again’); plus a double CD collection of tracks spanning 50 years of official recordings (It Makes Sense to Me), as well as the 22-hour radio programme I made for Radio Art Zone last year (that’s on the DVD). 36 hours. Comes with 2 fat books of documentation, artwork, photographs, published and unpublished texts. for the avoidance of all confusion: of the 5 CDs of 'unreleased materials', 100 copies of 4 of them were privately printed for japan (as CC100, 200, 300 & 400), so a few of you may have them. CC500, the two books and the DVD appear for the first time. The subscription edition is numbered and signed and comes with an extra CD not otherwise available. A companion to 'Twice around the Earth, 'There and Back Again' uses 44 environmental recordings to explore - amongst other things - the way memory works, and how the experience of passing time is constructed. Mainly it's just meant to be good to listen to: surprising, serendipitous, mundane - but alien, the commonplace transfigured - an agglomeration of inadvertent sounds made haphazardly by the world and some of its inhabitants that were never meant to survive, and certainly not to be listened to repeatedly. And yet - they seem to add up. I listened to this many times and it keeps changing, though it can't. I don't understand it, but I like it. As a whole it's very different from 'Twice', though both share some locations (taken at different points) making reading across the two CDs another dimension of listening. ..::TRACK-LIST::.. There And Back Again (Volume 2: On Memory): 1. Blue Radio Introduction 2 - 45 There and Back Again SEED 15:00-22:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 0
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2024-12-29 11:19:38
Rozmiar: 115.10 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Fallen_Angel
..::OPIS::.. Drummer, composer, lyricist, improviser, cultural theorist and the individual largely responsible for the existence of ReR/Recommended records, Chris Cutler (like his longtime musical sparring partner Fred Frith) has cast a long shadow over avant rock for over 30 years. He first came to prominence when he joined Henry Cow in 1971, but he had been active on London's psychedelic/underground scene since the mid 60s, and in the early 70s formed the Ottawa Music Company (a large collective of rock composers) with sometime Egg/Hatfields keyboards player Dave Stewart. When Henry Cow ceased working in 1978, he was instrumental in setting up Recommended Records along with Nick Hobbs, Henry Cow's ex-manager, initially as a distribution service and subsequently as a label in its own right. He also formed the excellent Art Bears with Fred Frith and Dagmar Krause, in which he was lyricist as well as the drummer. Since then he has been involved in a bewildering number of projects, often simultaneously, including The Residents, Pere Ubu, News From Babel, Cassiber, Aqsak Maboul, The EC Nudes and P53. He has also worked as an improviser, notably with Fred Frith (see seperate entry), Thomas DiMuzio and Zeena Parkins. Further to all this, he has also developed a unique electric drum kit - to quote from the man himself: "There are no samples, pads or triggers, just acoustic drums amplified and modified with standard electronic processors ... All this is run into a small 16 channel mixer and out through various standard pedals and guitar effects" (from the sleevenotes to Solo). More details can be found on his website. At various points in its evolution, this kit can be heard on all his post Henry Cow recordings. To date there have been only 2 Cutler solo releases; Solo is live improvisations on the electric drumkit, while Twice Around The World is an album of soundscapes created for London based Resonance FM and described as 'an experiment in listening'. The discography also includes 2 albums recorded with electronics performer Thomas DiMuzio (who has also worked with 5UUs) and one with Zeena Parkins (News From Babel, Skeleton Crew). A masterful and highly original drummer, he is well worth catching live where his unique style can be seen as well as heard. All of his albums can be recommended, but his collaborations with Thomas DiMuzio are perhaps the best place to start, in particular the masterful Dust. See also Cutler/Frith. A seminal figure in the RIO scene, Cutler's solo and collaborative works are an essential addition to the RIO/Avant prog category. 10 CDs, 1 DVD, 80pp booklet and box. To make public a mass of unreleased material I decided to wrap this musical collection into a box. These 10 CDs (and a DVD) include over five hours of unreleased materials, my three previously released solo CDs (‘solo’, ‘twice around the earth’ and ‘there and back again’); plus a double CD collection of tracks spanning 50 years of official recordings (It Makes Sense to Me), as well as the 22-hour radio programme I made for Radio Art Zone last year (that’s on the DVD). 36 hours. Comes with 2 fat books of documentation, artwork, photographs, published and unpublished texts. for the avoidance of all confusion: of the 5 CDs of 'unreleased materials', 100 copies of 4 of them were privately printed for japan (as CC100, 200, 300 & 400), so a few of you may have them. CC500, the two books and the DVD appear for the first time. The subscription edition is numbered and signed and comes with an extra CD not otherwise available. A companion to 'Twice around the Earth, 'There and Back Again' uses 44 environmental recordings to explore - amongst other things - the way memory works, and how the experience of passing time is constructed. Mainly it's just meant to be good to listen to: surprising, serendipitous, mundane - but alien, the commonplace transfigured - an agglomeration of inadvertent sounds made haphazardly by the world and some of its inhabitants that were never meant to survive, and certainly not to be listened to repeatedly. And yet - they seem to add up. I listened to this many times and it keeps changing, though it can't. I don't understand it, but I like it. As a whole it's very different from 'Twice', though both share some locations (taken at different points) making reading across the two CDs another dimension of listening. ..::TRACK-LIST::.. There And Back Again (Volume 2: On Memory): 1. Blue Radio Introduction 2 - 45 There and Back Again SEED 15:00-22:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 0
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2024-12-29 11:16:25
Rozmiar: 276.11 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Fallen_Angel
...( Info )...
Artist: Vanessa Mae Title: Discography Year: 1995-2004 Genre: Violin Duration: 11:56:42 Format/Codec: FLAC Audio bitrate: Lossless Rip type: image+.cue ...( TrackList )... 1995. The Violin Player Toccata and Fugue in D minor Contradanza Classical Gas Theme from 'Caravans' Warm Air Jazz Will Eat Itself Widescreen Tequila Mockingbird City Theme Red Hot Classical Gas (Reggae Version) 1996. The Classical Album 1 I Preludio, Johann Sebastian Bach II Loure, Johann Sebastian Bach III Gavotte En Rondeau, Johann Sebastian Bach IV Menuet I, Johann Sebastian Bach V Menuet II, Johann Sebastian Bach VI Bourree, Johann Sebastian Bach VII Gigue, Johann Sebastian Bach Scherzo In C Minor For Violin And Piano, Johannes Brahms Romance №2 In F For Violin And Orchestra, op. 50, Ludwig van Beethoven Introduction - Grave, Max Bruch Adagio Cantabile, Max Bruch Allegro, Max Bruch Adagio, Max Bruch Andante Sostenuto, Max Bruch Finale - Allegro Guerriero, Max Bruch I'm A-Doun For Lack O' Johnnie (A Little Scottish Fantasy), Traditional 1997. Storm Summer Haze Storm Retro Bach Street Prelude Leyenda (I) Can, Can (You?) Happy Valley A Poet's Quest (For A Distant Paradise) Embrasse Moi (You Fly Me Up) Aurora I'm A Doun I Feel Love Hocus Pocus The Blessed Spirits 1997. The Classical Album 2 (China Girl) Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto Violin Fantasy On Puccini's 'Turandot' Happy Valley (The 1997 Re-unification Overture For Violin, Orchestra And Chorus) 1998. The Classical Album 3 (The Original Four Seasons) Allegro, Spriпg Largo E Pianissimo Sempre, Spriпg Allegro, Spriпg, Summer Allegro Non Molto, Summer Adagio, Summer Tempo Impetuoso D'Estate, Autumn Allegro, Autumn Adagio, Autumn La Caccia, Winter Allegro Non Molto, Winter Allegro, Winter Larghetto, Ma Non Troppo, The Devil's Trill Sonata Allegro Moderato, The Devil's Trill Sonata Grave - Allegro Assai - Grave - Allegro Assai - Grave - Allegro Assai - Cadenza - Andante - Largo, The Devil's Trill Sonata Devil's Trill, The Devil's Trill Sonata Reflection, The Devil's Trill Sonata 2000. The Classical Collection, Part 1 CD1: Russian Album Allegro, Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky (Violin Concerto In C, op. 48) Andante, Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky (Violin Concerto In C, op. 48) Vivace Giocoso, Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky (Violin Concerto In C, op. 48) Russian Dance, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsly (Swan Lake) Allegro Moderato, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsly (Violin Concerto In D, op. 35) Canzonetta (Andante), Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsly (Violin Concerto In D, op. 35) Finale (Allegro Vivacissimo), Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsly (Violin Concerto In D, op. 35) CD2: Viennese Album Schon Rosmarin, Fritz Kreisler Liebesleid, Fritz Kreisler Liebesfreud, Fritz Kreisler Allegro, Marius Casadesus (Violin Concerto In D 'Adelaide', KAhn. 294a) Adagio, Marius Casadesus (Violin Concerto In D 'Adelaide', KAhn. 294a) Allegro, Marius Casadesus (Violin Concerto In D 'Adelaide', KAhn. 294a) Allegro Ma Non Troppo, Ludwig van Beethoven (Violin Concerto In D, op. 61) Larghetto, Ludwig van Beethoven (Violin Concerto In D, op. 61) Rondo (Allegro), Ludwig van Beethoven (Violin Concerto In D, op. 61) CD3: Virtuoso Album Salut D'Amour, ...inspired by classics Lullaby, ...inspired by classics Air On The G Striпg, ...inspired by classics My Favourite Things, ...inspired by cinema The Pink Painter, ...inspired by cinema Les Parapluies De Cherbourg, ...inspired by cinema One Moment In Time, ...inspired by pop culture Yellow Submarine, ...inspired by pop culture Frere Jacques, ...inspired by folk culture La Campanella, ...inspired by folk culture Chinese Folk Tune, ...inspired by folk culture Tambourin Chinois, ...inspired by folk culture Figaro, ...inspired by opera Summertime, ...inspired by opera Concert Fantasy On 'Carmen', op. 25, ...inspired by opera Fantaisie Brillante On Themes From Gounod's 'Faust', op. 20, ...inspired by opera 2001. Subject To Change Yantra White Bird Picante Destiny Night Flight Clear Like Ice Laughing Buddha Pasha Solace Love Is Only A Game Deep South Jamais 2002. The Best Of Vanessa Mae Art Of War Toccata And Fugue In D Minor Destiny Nessun Dorma From Violin Fantasy On Puccini's 'Turandot' I'm A-Doun For Lack O' Johnnie (A Little Scottish Fantasy) Storm I Feel Love Bach Street Prelude Aurora The Original Four Seasons - Winter (II) Contradanza White Bird The Original Four Seasons - Summer (I) Happy Valley Devil's Trill Solace 2003. The Ultimate Classical Gas I Feel Love Picante Red Hot (Symphonic Mix) Yantra Bach Street Prelude The power Of C Leyenda Cotton Eye Joe (Live) (I) Can, Can (You&) Widescreen Night Flight Toccata & Fugue In D Minor (live) Allegro (Spring - The Original Four Seasons) Scherzo in C Minor For Violin & Piano 2004. Choreography Sabre Dance Roxane's Veil Dolero For Violin And Orchestra Tango De Los Exilados The Havana Slide Emeral Tiger Tribal Gathering Raga's Dance Moroccan Roll Handel's Minuet ![]()
Seedów: 110
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2024-11-30 14:42:56
Rozmiar: 3.27 GB
Peerów: 41
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: VA Album: 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits Genre: Instrumental Pop, Easy Listening, Smooth Jazz, New Age Country of artist (group): Armenia, Russia Year of publication: 1998-2023 Audio codec: MP3 Rip type: tracks Audio bitrate: 320 kbps Duration: 16:55:03 ...( TrackList )... 1998 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 1 [76:36] 2001 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 2 [78:55] 2001 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 3 [79:57] 2002 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 4 [78:27] 2003 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 4/2 [74:21] 2018 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 5 [82:24] 2021 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 6 [80:25] 2022 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 7 [81:32] 2022 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits vol. 8 [76:03] 2023 — 100% Hits: Instrumental Hits - Special Edition [05:06:32] ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2024-11-03 00:31:08
Rozmiar: 2.36 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: vantablack Title: Immersive Epic Series - Vol.1 (EP Album) Type/Genre: Epic, Cinematic, Soundtrack, Film-score, Orchestral Release date: 18.01.2024 Source: Zmiksowane ze stemów / Mixed from stems Bit-depth / Sampling rate (3D Binaural): 24-bit/48kHz Bit-depth / Sampling rate (E-AC3 JOC Atmos): 16-bit/48kHz Channels (3D Binaural for Headphones): 2.0 Stereo (tylko słuchawki) Channels (E-AC3 JOC Atmos): Core - 7.1 (up to Atmos 9.1.6 - 16ch) (kino domowe) Format (3D Binaural): .WAV Format (E-AC3 JOC Atmos): .mp4 Size total: 591 MB Tracks total: 3 Duration total: [16:12] ...( Dane Techniczne )... (Example - TRACK 01) DDP7.1_Atmos: Audio ID : 1 Format : E-AC-3 JOC Format/Info : Enhanced AC-3 with Joint Object Coding Commercial name : Dolby Digital Plus with Dolby Atmos Format profile : Blu-ray Disc Codec ID : ec-3 Duration : 4 min 56 s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 1 664 kb/s Channel(s) : 8 channels Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs Tfl Tfr Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF) Compression mode : Lossy Stream size : 58.7 MiB (100%) Service kind : Complete Main Default : Yes Alternate group : 1 Complexity index : Not present / 16 Number of dynamic objects : 15 Bed channel count : 1 channel Bed channel configuration : LFE 3D_Binaural_Headphones (Lossless): Audio Format : PCM Format settings : Little / Signed Codec ID : 1 Duration : 4 min 56 s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 2 304 kb/s Channel(s) : 2 channels Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz Bit depth : 24 bits Stream size : 81.3 MiB (100%) Alternative Dolby Digital 5.1: Audio ID : 1 Format : AC-3 Format/Info : Audio Coding 3 Commercial name : Dolby Digital Codec ID : ac-3 Duration : 4 min 56 s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 640 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF) Compression mode : Lossy Stream size : 22.6 MiB (100%) Service kind : Complete Main Default : Yes Alternate group : 2 Encoded date : UTC 2024-01-15 17:06:42 Tagged date : UTC 2024-01-15 17:06:42 ...( TrackList )... 01. Mental Courage [04:56] 02. The Great Siege [05:30] 03. Victorious Tribal Run [05:46] ![]()
Seedów: 7
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2024-01-18 15:05:07
Rozmiar: 591.22 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists Album: Easy Piano Evening Year: 2023 Genre: Piano Format: mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Henrik Måwe - Nocturnes, Op. 9 No. 2 in E-Flat Major. Andante 02. Colleen Sharmat - Shallow Grave 03. Martin Hederos - Ogive No. 3 04. Henrik Måwe - Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 Aria 05. Scott Reinwand - Unbroken 06. The Weightless - Particles 07. Johannes Bornlof - The Heart Asks Pleasure First 08. Aaron David Anderson - Dahlia Coast 09. Dubravka Tomsic - Consolations, S. 172 III. Lento placido in D-Flat Major 10. Andrea Kauten - 6 Moments Musicaux, Op. 16 V. Adagio sostenuto in D-Flat Major 11. Kalla Niemi - Lanterns 12. Yoga - Body 13. David Silverman - Healing Sleep 14. Agni Bjark - Leaves 15. Martin Hederos - Reflections on Pièces froides, Set 2 Trois Danses de travers 16. Sarah Power - The Fields 17. Vitaly Margulis - Nocturnes, Op. 15 No. 1, Andante cantabile in F Major 18. Peter Schmalfuss - Préludes, Book I, L. 117 VIII. La fille aux cheveux de lin 19. Stefan Jeschko - 2 Elegiac Melodies, Op. 34 II. The Last Spring 20. Jura Margulis - Fantasiestücke, Op. 12 I. Des Abends 21. Peter Schmalfuss - Suite Bergamasque, L. 75 III. Clair de lune 22. Harald Lindell - Orchestral Suite No. 3, BWV 1068 II. Air (Arr. for Piano) 23. Scott Reinwand - Coming Home 24. Joshua Reeves - Townsville 25. Chase Baker - Feeling of Air 26. The Weightless - Portrait of You 27. Sylvia Capova - Songs Without Words, Op. 30 No. 6, Allegretto tranquillo in F-Sharp Major Venezianisches Gondellied 28. Aaron David Anderson - Belonging 29. Joshua Reeves - Into the Void 30. Gabriel Saban - Awakening of Life 31. Jacob Karlzon - The Last of Us (Main Theme) 32. Johannes Bornlof - Flower 33. Axel Gillison - 2 Pieces, Op. 10 I. Nocturne 34. Sarah Power - Night Sky 35. Axel Gillison - 3 Gymnopédies I. Lent et douloureux ![]()
Seedów: 16
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-12-24 09:35:44
Rozmiar: 273.26 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists Album: Unplugged Year: 2023 Genre: Instrumental Format: mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. Damien Rice - Cannonball 02. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Road Trippin' 03. Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 04. Jason Mraz - I’m Yours 05. Rene Miller - Standing in His Shoes (Acoustic) 06. Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You into the Dark 07. Graziella Schazad - Look at Me 08. Topic - Home (Acoustic Version) [feat. Nico Santos] 09. Maisie Peters - Stay Young (Acoustic Version) 10. Corey Taylor - London Calling (Acoustic Version) 11. Paolo Nutini - Last Request 12. Francesco Yates - Come Over (Acoustic) 13. Vance Joy - Riptide 14. Forest Blakk - Put Your Hands Up (Acoustic) 15. Bebe Rexha - Meant to Be (Acoustic) 16. JC Stewart - Bones (Acoustic) 17. Ed Sheeran - The A-Team 18. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (Acoustic Version) 19. Rod Stewart - The Great Pretender (Acoustic Version) 20. Bruno Mars - Grenade (Acoustic) 21. James Blunt - 1973 (Acoustic) 22. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite (Acoustic Version) 23. Charlie Puth - Attention (Acoustic) 24. Birdy - Wings (Acoustic) 25. Clean Bandit - Tick Tock (Acoustic Version) 26. Kaleo - All the Pretty Girls 27. Mina - How the Angels Fly (Acoustic Version) 28. Sam Ryder - All the Way Over 29. Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud 30. Vance Joy - Missing Piece 31. Bruno Mars - Talking to the Moon (Acoustic Piano) 32. Smyles - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) [Acoustic Version] 33. Sasha - This Is My Time (Acoustic Mix) 34. Ali Gatie - It’s You (Acoustic) 35. Jamie Lawson - Wasn’t Expecting That 36. Benson Boone - In the Stars 37. Ingrid Andress - Blue 38. Sara Kays - Watching TV 39. Lily Allen - Smile (Acoustic Version) 40. Omar Apollo - Evergreen (You Didn’t Deserve Me at All) 41. Graziella Schazad - Take On Me 42. Alanis Morissette - Ironic (Acoustic Version) 43. Jenniffer Kae - Do You Love Me (Acoustic Version) 44. Saint Lu - Rockstar Car (Acoustic Version) 45. Y'akoto - Without You (Acoustic Version) 46. The Baseballs - Hot n Cold (Acoustic Version) 47. Marquess - La histeria (Acoustic Version) 48. Crash Adams - Give Me a Kiss (Acoustic) 49. Solomon - listen up (Radio Edit) 50. Genevieve Stokes - 17 51. Lance Miller - The Beach (Acoustic) 52. Joanna Cotten - Humble Town (Acoustic) 53. Lina Maly - Als du gingst 54. Rhys - Wild (Acoustic Demo) 55. Jubel - So Sick (Acoustic) 56. Sasha - Lucky Day (New Radio Version) 57. Paramore - Ignorance (Acoustic Version) 58. Mina - I Will Not Let You Down (Acoustic Version) 59. Saint Lu - Don't Miss Your Own Life (Acoustic Version) 60. Ed Sheeran - Perfect ![]()
Seedów: 12
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-10-05 05:37:46
Rozmiar: 481.76 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Opis )... Karolina to niezwykle utalentowana wiolonczelistka, kompozytorka, muzykoterapeutka, absolwentka Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku i Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Na scenie muzyki niezależnej obecna jest od blisko 10 ciu lat. Współtworzy, bądź współtworzyła zespoły takie jak: Kings of Caramel, Cieślak i Księżniczki, Nathalie and The Loners , Anthony Chorale, czy zespół nominowanego do „Paszportów Polityki” Michała Bieli. Jest współautorką licznych wydawnictw płytowych, a także muzyki do kilkunastu spektakli teatralnych (w tym świetnie przyjętego „Pinokia” w Nowym Teatrze). Resina jako pierwsza polska artystka w historii podpisała na początku tego roku kontrakt płytowy z legendarną brytyjską wytwórnią FatCat Records, a dokładnie z jej „postklasycznym” oddziałem o nazwie „130701”. Karolina od prawie 10 lat związaną jest z polską sceną niezależną i współtworzy zespoły m.in. Maćka Cieślaka, Michała Bieli czy Natalii Fiedorczuk. Muzykę Artystki określa się jako owoc eksperymentów łączących wiolonczelę i proste narzędzia elektroniczne, w wyniku którego powstają czasem piosenki, a czasem bardziej rozbudowane intuicyjne impresje. Ogniwem spajającym wszystkie kompozycje jest chęć poznania i wykorzystania nieoczywistych właściwości instrumentu. Resina is the alias of Karolina Rec, a cellist/ composer based in Warsaw, who signed to 130701 having sent in this album as a hugely impressive demo late last year. A very accomplished performer with a background in Polish underground music, this eponymous album is her solo debut and sees a rich, atmospheric re-imagining of Polish music rooted in a feeling for indigenous nature / landscape and realized via an intuitive, experimental approach to playing. Her playing appears to mimic or suggest certain natural processes / locations / elements –the flocking of birds; the movement of water, clouds, light, wind; the gradual stirring of life in the forest. Track titles reiterate these themes, as does the very name ‘Resina’: the Latin form of resin, “the blood of the tree”. At times recalling the landscape-rooted drone of English composer Richard Skelton, Resina’s pieces feel similarly organic and evocative of nature. Their sprawling growth is awash with tonal / timbral intricacies. Her tracks shimmer and hang around the listener; slowly shift, unfurl and awaken; become increasingly active. Another reference point might be found in Werner Herzog’s musician of choice, Ernst Reijseger, whose powerful cello playing is grounded in a jazz-wise investigation of non-traditional/ non-academic techniques. The album was produced by Maciej Cieslak; a legendary, uncompromising Polish musician and producer. Rec cooperated on numerous projects with Cieslak, who composed the music on the Oscar-nominated Polish documentary ”Rabbit a la Berlin”, on which she played. Recorded in the last week of October 2014 at Cieslak’s Warsaw studio, the album was recorded almost entirely live, with only very minimal post-production (tape delay, reverb plate). ...( TrackList )... 1. Tatry I 07:10 2. Flock 04:18 3. Tatry II 06:08 4. Nightjar 03:47 5. Dark Sky, White Water 07:39 6. Afterimage 02:16 7. Not Here 07:09 ...( Obsada )... Composed By, Performer - Karolina Rec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8MiO5tYZA8 'Głupi ludzie wierzą w głupie bzdury, Mądrzy ludzie wierzą w mądre bzdury' CHURCH IS GIVING MORE LIGHT ONLY WHEN IT'S BURNING. SEED 14:30-23:00. POLECAM!!! ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2023-02-18 02:02:20
Rozmiar: 88.55 MB
Peerów: 3
Dodał: Uploader
Jacek Kaczmarski-Dyskografia (1979-2006) Gatunek- Poezja Śpiewana.Piosenka. Autorska Pochodzenie-Polska (Warszawa) Format-MP3@320 CAŁOŚĆ SPAKOWANE DO ZIP WYPAKUJ NAJNOWSZYM WINRAREM LUB INNYM PROGRAMEM... INFO DLA PIJAWEK JAK CHCESZ TO DZIĘKUJ LUB NIE DZIĘKUJ UDOSTĘPNIAJ INNYM SEEDUJ ILE MOŻESZ... NIE PRZEWALAĆ NA WAREZY... OPIS Jacek Marcin Kaczmarski (ur. 22 marca 1957 w Warszawie, zm. 10 kwietnia 2004 w Gdańsku) polski poeta, prozaik, kompozytor, piosenkarz, twórca tekstów piosenek. Znany głównie dzięki piosenkom o tematyce historycznej (Rejtan, czyli raport ambasadora; Sen Katarzyny II, Lekcja historii klasycznej) i społeczno-politycznej (Mury, Nasza klasa, Obława). Postać powszechnie kojarzona z etosem pierwszej Solidarności oraz stanem wojennym - okresem, kiedy jego liryka, rozpowszechniana w nieoficjalnych wydawnictwach, identyfikowana była jako głos antykomunistycznej opozycji. W opinii społecznej utrwalił się wizerunek Kaczmarskiego jako barda z gitarą, śpiewającego protest songi, choć jego twórczość wykraczała daleko poza ten stereotyp, a sam Kaczmarski nie przepadał za tym określeniem. Wieszanie zdrajców (Norblin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p1hV_rKzGU Modlitwa o wschodzie slonca (1992) - Gintrowski, Kaczmarski, Łapiński https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooOFIMVFET0 OBŁAWA 1-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHXuEyq3EUw Zaproszenie Do Piekla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW2Q1e8kShg KACZMARSKI,GINTROWSKI,ŁAPIŃSKI-Strącanie aniołów https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klpIaFFMpj0 JACEK KACZMARSKI-Katyń https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZz2M5E940s Szturm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlPPrVCwRbY GINTROWSKI,KACZMARSKI,ŁAPIŃSKI-Mur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDB6VlJJbZA Jacek Kaczmarski - "Dzień gniewu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=morE4m_Zd4Y Odpowiedź na ankietę "Twój system wartości" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc7KwJ5d1Os I MÓJ DOBRY KUMPEL-SĄSIAD MAREK K POLECAM... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eZ9gidxkeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTDRfknWZ0A TRACK 1.BANKIET-1992 2.CARMAGNOLE 1982 3.CHICAGO LIVE '83 4.DWADZIEŚCIA (5) LAT PÓŻNIEJ-2000 5.DWIE SKAŁY-1999 6.DZIECI HIOBA-1989 7.GŁUPI JASIO-1990 8.KONCERT PRYWATNY JACKA KACZMARSKIEGO [1989] RYCERZE O.S 9.KOSMOPOLAK-1987 10.KRZYK-1981 11.LITANIA-1987 12.LIVE-1990 13.MIĘDZY NAMI-1997 14.MURY W MUZEUM RAJU-1991 15.MURY-1979 16.MUZEUM-1981 17.POCHWAŁA ŁOTROSTWA-1995 18.RAJ-1980 19.SARMATIA-1993 20.STRĄCANIE ANIOŁÓW-1982 21.SZUKAMY STAJENKI-1993 22.WOJNA POSTU Z KARNAWAŁEM-1992 23.MIMOCHODEM-2001 24.SUPLEMENT-.EMI.-7CD-2006 1.RADIO WOLNA EUROPA-CD1 2.RADIO WOLNA EUROPA CD2 3.RADIO WOLNA EUROPA CD3 4.RADIO WROCŁAW CD4 5.RARYTASY I NIESPODZIANKI-CD5 6.DODATKI / WERSJE Z KASET MAGNETOFONOWYCH I INNE-CD6 7.WIERSZE-RECYTUJE ANDRZEJ SEWERYN-CD7 ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2022-03-06 16:05:36
Rozmiar: 4.61 GB
Peerów: 5
Dodał: myca1125
...( Info )...
Artist: Piano Love Songs Album: Valentine's Day Date: Romantic Piano Music and Love Ballads 2021 Year: 2021 Genre: Instrumental Format/Quality: .mp3 320 kbps Source: https://amzn.to/3iXmBeQ ...( TrackList )... 01. Love Finds You 02. Holding Back the Years 03. Yesterday in Project 04. Can Not Forget You 05. Give Me Your World 06. The Way You Look 07. Paradise Refound 08. Park Street 09. Music Steps 10. Stay Positive 11. Easy Times 12. Dreaming Jazz 13. Positive Attitude 14. Serenity Instrumental Music 15. 50 Shades of Grey Color ![]()
Seedów: 1
Data dodania:
2021-01-27 10:24:59
Rozmiar: 112.29 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( TrackList )...
01. Countdown Singers - Crying [3:35] 02. The Dazees - The Second Time [3:42] 03. Chateau Pop - Oh Susie [3:15] 04. The Melodicas - Dance Little Bird (Birdie Dance) [2:09] 05. Graham Blvd - Press [3:54] 06. Countdown Singers - That Ole Devil Called Love [3:05] 07. Countdown Singers - Begin The Beguine (Volver A Empezar) [3:46] 08. Chateau Pop - Sealed With A Kiss [2:30] 09. Graham Blvd - This Is My Night [4:46] 10. 2 Steps Up - Mad About You [3:26] 11. Countdown Singers - To All The Girls I've Loved Before [3:30] 12. Blue Fashion - Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four) [4:18] 13. Graham Blvd - I'll Be Good To You [4:13] 14. The Nashville Riders - Always On My Mind [3:40] 15. Silver Disco Explosion - Why Me [4:05] 16. The Nashville Riders - Help Me Make It Through The Night [4:16] 17. Sonic Spheres Orchestra - I'll Find My Way Home [4:17] 18. Sweet Soul Express - Heartbreaker [3:59] 19. The Comptones - Day-In Day-Out [4:02] 20. Regina Avenue - Miss You Much [3:19] 21. Blue Suede Daddys - Breaking Up My Heart [4:06] 22. The Honey Sweets - Missing You [3:54] 23. KnightsBridge - Lover Come Back To Me [3:02] 24. Chateau Pop - Girls Are More Fun [4:17] 25. Countdown Singers - Gambler [3:36] 26. Chateau Pop - Life On Your Own [4:27] 27. Grease Jar - Midnite Dynamos [2:53] 28. Countdown Singers - Read 'Em And Weep [5:11] 29. Rainbow Connection - Some Guys Have All The Luck [3:31] 30. Starlite Singers - If I Loved You [2:15] 31. Countdown Singers - Ghostbusters [3:14] 32. Countdown Singers - Hey! [4:40] 33. Amarillo Sweethearts - Daydream Believer [3:07] 34. Countdown Nashville - I Just Came Home To Count The Memories [2:28] 35. Graham Blvd - Up Where We Belong [4:13] 36. Down4Pop - Cheek to Cheek (Heaven) [3:05] 37. Countdown Singers - Get On Your Feet [3:39] 38. Countdown Singers - Even the Nights Are Better [4:00] 39. Graham Blvd - (Just Like) Starting Over [4:06] 40. Countdown Singers - Lookin' For Love [3:19] 41. KnightsBridge - Flying High [4:10] 42. Silver Disco Explosion - There Goes My Baby [3:50] 43. The Blue Rubatos - Truly [3:22] 44. Countdown Nashville - We've Got Tonight [3:42] 45. Chateau Pop - New Song [3:42] 46. The Blue Rubatos - Mystery Lady [3:42] 47. The Blue Rubatos - My Love [3:52] 48. Chateau Pop - Tonight She Comes [3:46] 49. Starlite Singers - Woman In Love [3:58] 50. The Blue Rubatos - What's Another Year [2:09] 51. Countdown Singers - One-Two-Three [3:26] ![]()
Seedów: 38
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-14 20:29:59
Rozmiar: 436.22 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Title: Instrumental Covers: Greatest Hits Artist: VA Year: 2020 Genre: Instrumental, Pop Duration: 02:14:22 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 01. The Riverfront Studio Orchestra - The Entertainer [2:57] 02. Jahtones - Gimme Hope Jo\'Anna [3:45] 03. Starlite Singers - Buona Sera [3:00] 04. Countdown Singers - Felicità [3:19] 05. Countdown Nashville - We\'ve Got Tonight [3:46] 06. Countdown Nashville - Some Broken Hearts Never Mend [2:55] 07. Down4Pop - Sonata Mozart [2:57] 08. The Ragtime Entertainer - Borsalino [2:52] 09. Starlite Orchestra - We Three Kings Of Orient Are [2:48] 10. The Magic Time Travelers - Maybe [2:25] 11. Countdown Singers - Y Pensar [3:08] 12. Starlite Orchestra - A Promise Kept [6:06] 13. MoodBlast - Bellissima [3:13] 14. The Mandalays - Telstar [3:17] 15. Starlite Singers - Sentimental Journey [2:33] 16. The Mandalays - 36 - 22 - 36 [1:33] 17. Amarillo Sweethearts - D.I.V.O.R.C.E. [2:45] 18. Schlagerpalast Ensemble - Eloisa [3:29] 19. The Mandalays - Theme For Young Lovers [2:36] 20. Countdown Singers - Viejas Tradiciones [3:19] 21. Graham Blvd - Matador [4:24] 22. Silver Disco Explosion - Felicidad (Margherita) [4:27] 23. TV Sounds Unlimited - Hawaii Five-O [2:35] 24. Graham Blvd - You Belong To The City [5:33] 25. Countdown Singers - Morriñas [3:21] 26. Graham Blvd - C\'est La Vie [3:09] 27. Sonic Spheres Orchestra - I\'ll Find My Way Home [4:18] 28. The Mandalays - Cavatina (Theme from \'The Deer Hunter\') [3:14] 29. Amarillo Sweethearts - Blue Bayou [3:44] 30. Countdown Singers - Quijote [3:55] 31. Grupo Super Bailongo - Lambada De Maré Mansa [2:55] 32. Starlite Orchestra - Never An Absolution [3:01] 33. Countdown Singers - Nathalie [3:39] 34. Silver Disco Explosion - Sevilla Nights [6:18] 35. Countdown Singers - Pajaro Chogüi [3:01] 36. Countdown Singers - Quiereme Mucho [3:01] 37. Movie Sounds Unlimited - Emmanuelle [3:01] 38. The Eurosingers - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue [2:43] 39. Amarillo Cowboys - Let Your Love Flow [2:54] 40. Starlite Orchestra - Guaglione [2:19] ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-11-13 22:43:29
Rozmiar: 316.04 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Performer = Various Artists
Year = 2008 Genre = Instrumental Format = Opus ~128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 Instrumental-Hits (CD 1) Ado Rossi - Pigalle Carlten & Orchestra - Hasta mañana Charles Parker Orchestra - Rumba Gitana Charles Parker Orchestra - Valencia Enrico Scampo Orchestra - Aranjuez Enrico Scampo Orchestra - Quatermaster stores Enrico Scampo Orchestra - Sun of Jamaica Hellas Sound Orchestra - Sorba's dance Hellas Sound Orchestra - Weifte Rosen aus Athen Hotcha Mundharmonika Trio - Santa Lucia Jonny McDoodle Orchestra - Hawaiian war chant King Royal Orchestra - Ich hab' die liebe gesehen King Royal Orchestra - Mexico King Royal Orchestra - Schau mich bitte nicht so an (La vie en rose) Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchestra - Lady Rose The Fivetones & The Blue Stars - Danse can can The Fivetones & The Blue Stars - Guantanamera The Fivetones & The Blue Stars - Hava Nagila Tilo Matelli & Sein Orchestra - Mathilda Walt Miller's Hamonica Stars - Tequila 100 Instrumental-Hits (CD 2) Ambros Seelos Orchester - I just called to say I love you Billy Gorlt Orchester - Feelings Carlten & Orchester - All I have to do is dream Carlten & Orchester - For your eyes only Carlten & Orchester - Mandy Durham, Conte, Farao - Those were the days Ed Wernov & His Orchestra - Love me tender Enrico Scampo Orchester - Bye, bye love Magic Panpipe - Candle in the wind Magic Panpipe - Hard to say I'm sorry Magic Panpipe - Heal the world Panflute & Orchester - Against all odds Panflute & Orchester - Cherish Panflute & Orchester - Just the way you are Roy Etzel Und Seine Trompete - Tell Laura I love her Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchester - Anuschka Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchester - Butterfly Tilo Matelli & Sein Orchester - Brown sugar Tilo Matelli & Sein Orchester - Meilenweit Tilo Matelli & Sein Orchester - Mein name ist Hase 100 Instrumental-Hits (CD 3) Billy Gorlt Orchestra - Sentimental journey Billy Gorlt Orchestra - Stardust Carlten & Orchestra - On the beach Charles Parker Orchester - Night and day Charles Parker Orchester - Route 66 Ed Wernov And His Orchestra - Basin Street Blues Enrico Scampo Orchester - Verde Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - Once again Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - Red river rock Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - What a wonderful world Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - You are my Sunshine King Royal Orchestra - Parlez moi d'amour Martin Schworm - Sommertraum Teddy Renard - Petit fleur Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchestera - Hot love Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchestra - El Cóndor Pasa Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchestra - Ma belle amie Teddy Reynold Mit Seinem Orchestra - Mademoiselle Ninette Teddy Reynolds Und Sein Orchester - Der pate (Speak softly love) Tilo Matelli Mit Seinem Orchestera - It don't come easy 100 Instrumental-Hits (CD 4) Alan Holmes Mit Seiner Cahrleston Band - Alexander's Ragtime Band Billy Gorlt Orchestra - A string of pearls Ed Wernov And His Orchestra - Sing, sing, sing Enrico Scampo With His Orchestra - Theater Gino Mariano - Kalinka Gino Mariano - Todesengel Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - California Sunset Helly Kumpusch Und Orchester Ambros Seelos - C'est si bon Henry Arland - Isle of Capri Hotcha Mundharmonika Trio - My Bonnie is over the ocean Hotcha Mundharmonika Trio - When the Saints go marching in Jacky Sprangers And His Famous Sound - Londonderry air Jimmy Black's Dixie Band - Good night ladies Jimmy Black's Dixie Band - My darling Caroline Jimmy Black's Dixie Band - Old McDonald Jimmy Black's Dixie Band - The yellow rose of Texas Magic Panpipe Orchestra - Because you loved me Magic Panpipe Orchestra - I'll be over you Martin Schworm - Auld Lang Syne Richard Bruhn Und Die Pop's - Oh Suzanna 100 Instrumental-Hits (CD 5) Carlten And Orchestra - Lady in red Carlten And Orchestra - Reality Carlten And Orchestra - Sealed with a kiss Carlten And Orchestra - Take my breath away Carlten And Orchestra - What's another year Carlten And Orchestra - When I need you Carlten And Orchestra - Wonderful tonight Carlten And Orchestra - Words Farad And Conte And Durham - Yesterday once more Hotcha Mundharmonika Trio - Sweet Georgia Brown James Kay Orchestra - Magic fly King Royal Orchestra - Children of the revolution King Royal Orchestra - Popcorn Magic Panpipe Orchestra - It must have been love Magic Panpipe Orchestra - Say you, say me Magic Panpipe Orchestra - To all the girls I've loved before Martin Schworm - Thank you for the music Tilo Matelli Mit Seinem Orchestra - I am, I said Tilo Matelli Mit Seinem Orchestra - I did what I did for Maria Tilo Matelli Mit Seinem Orchestra - What is life ![]()
Seedów: 10
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-09-27 04:38:16
Rozmiar: 314.62 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Title: 100 Piano Music For Relaxation, Sleep, Zen Artist: VA Year: 2020 Genre: Downtempo, Piano, Relax, Instrumental Length: 03:56:23 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 001. Piano For Studying - Peaceful Piano [1:59] 002. Piano Chillax - Piano Chillax [2:22] 003. Yoga Tribe - Yoga Zen [2:28] 004. Piano Sensation - Piano Solo (Original Mix) [2:25] 005. Study Chill - Positive Attitude [1:31] 006. Sad Piano - Serenity (Original Mix) [2:35] 007. Lounge Relax - Sleep Aid [1:15] 008. Workchill - Chillout (Original Mix) [2:16] 009. Raphaël Novarina - Lago Di Garda (Original Mix) [2:58] 010. Work Zone - Work Zone [1:22] 011. Piano Serenity - Meditation [2:54] 012. Tranquil Piano - Calm [2:45] 013. Raphaël Novarina - Notre Envol (Original Mix) [2:38] 014. Piano Calm - Zen [1:30] 015. Study Better - Study Better (Original Mix) [2:08] 016. Tranquil Piano - Ballad [2:43] 017. Student Concentration - Student Concentration [1:44] 018. Zen Mood - Piano Zen [1:32] 019. Piano Chillax - Piano Chill [2:30] 020. Sad Piano - Melancholy (Original Mix) [2:27] 021. Relaxed Attitude - Calm [1:53] 022. Tranquil Piano - Study [2:27] 023. Study Soft - Study Soft [2:11] 024. Piano Calm - Calm [1:40] 025. Quiet Piano - Relaxation [2:05] 026. Zen Mood - Deep Relaxation [1:57] 027. Piano Focus - Relax (Original Mix) [2:13] 028. Study Attitude - Peaceful Piano [2:21] 029. Study Soft - Piano for Studying [1:43] 030. Piano Concentration - Zen (Original Mix) [2:28] 031. Chillout Lounge Relaxation - Chillout Lounge (Original Mix) [1:40] 032. Zen Piano - Soft [1:36] 033. Piano Chillax - Zen [2:24] 034. Zen Music Garden - Zen Therapy [2:30] 035. Chillout Lounge Attitude - Yoga [3:19] 036. Piano Smooth - Therapy [3:10] 037. Piano Relaxation Mood - Sleepy Mood [3:20] 038. Calm Music Zone - Calm Piano [1:50] 039. Quiet Piano - Harmony [1:43] 040. Student Concentration - Chill [1:56] 041. Yoga Workout Music - Yoga Mood [2:47] 042. Study Attitude - Deep Concentration [2:30] 043. Relaxed Mood - Spa [6:19] 044. Piano Concentration - Harmony (Original Mix) [2:04] 045. Sad Piano - Sad (Original Mix) [2:29] 046. Piano Serenity - Chill [2:40] 047. Piano Concentration - Piano Solo (Original Mix) [2:23] 048. Meditation Zen Master - Meditation Zone [2:35] 049. Sad Piano - Sad Piano (Original Mix) [2:27] 050. Meditation Mantras Guru - Zen Meditation [3:09] 051. Study Soft - Exams [2:15] 052. Piano Relaxation Mood - Ballad [2:58] 053. Raphaël Novarina - Notre Envol II (Original Mix) [3:32] 054. Massage Therapy Music - Pure Massage [3:16] 055. Study Soft - Peaceful Piano [2:17] 056. Zen Mood - Chillout [1:20] 057. Study Learn - Learn (Original Mix) [2:36] 058. Chillout Lounge Attitude - Background [2:26] 059. Piano Serenity - Serenity [2:41] 060. Zen Piano - Serenity [1:11] 061. Piano Relaxation Mood - Beautiful [2:25] 062. Tranquil Piano - Meditation [2:26] 063. Zen Piano - Zen Piano [1:23] 064. Quiet Piano - Soft [2:08] 065. Chillout Lounge Relaxation - Lounge (Original Mix) [1:42] 066. Piano Focus - Focus (Original Mix) [1:33] 067. Focus Study - Relaxing Piano (Original Mix) [1:26] 068. Spa Relaxation - Tranquil Spa [2:29] 069. Relaxed Minds - Piano Relax [1:41] 070. Raphaël Novarina - A Year And A Day (Original Mix) [5:19] 071. Calming Music Academy - Pure Calm [2:05] 072. Musica Relajante - Piano Relajante [2:15] 073. Spa Music Collective - Zen Garden [1:49] 074. Ambiente - Breath [1:50] 075. Classical Study Music - Study Zen [2:43] 076. Piano Relaxation Mood - Sleep [2:53] 077. Study Focus - Study (Original Mix) [1:16] 078. Zen Relaxation - Piano Solo [4:04] 079. Musica Para Leer - Relajacion [2:24] 080. Piano Focus - Study (Original Mix) [2:12] 081. Mindfullness Meditation World - Deep Meditation [1:47] 082. Spa Music Paradise - Spa Zen [2:33] 083. Focus Study - Inner Focus (Original Mix) [1:34] 084. Musica Para Estudiar Academy - Be Relaxed [3:11] 085. Study Attitude - Reading [2:21] 086. Study Attitude - Working [2:29] 087. Dormir - Dreams [1:44] 088. Quiet Moments - Anxiety Relief [2:02] 089. Calming Sounds - Calm Zone [2:02] 090. Meditation Music Zone - Calm Serenity [2:33] 091. Quiet Piano - Therapy [2:10] 092. Piano Smooth - Relax [3:01] 093. Piano for Sleep - Relax (Original Mix) [4:53] 094. Study Chill - Study Piano [1:33] 095. Baby Lullaby - Baby Zen [2:36] 096. Meditation Spa - Spa Therapy [1:39] 097. Chakra Healing Music Academy - Chakra Piano [3:01] 098. Piano Focus - Chill (Original Mix) [2:10] 099. Exam Study Classical Music Orchestra - Perfect Concentration [2:27] 100. Relaxing Music Therapy - Deep Piano Therapy [2:18] ![]()
Seedów: 5
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-22 15:40:40
Rozmiar: 552.43 MB
Peerów: 6
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Katherine Jenkins Album: Cinema Paradiso Year: 2020 Genre: Classical, Instrumental Quality: Mp3 320 kbps ...( TrackList )... 1. When You Wish Upon A Star (From ''Pinocchio'') (4:11) 2. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) (From ''Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence'') (4:08) 3. Cinema Paradiso (From ''Cinema Paradiso'') (3:30) 4. I'll Never Love Again (From "A Star Is Born") (4:22) 5. Moon River (From ''Breakfast At Tiffany's'') (3:34) 6. Singin' In The Rain (From ''Singin' In The Rain'') (3:14) 7. West Side Story (Somewhere/Tonight) (From ''West Side Story'') (5:56) 8. Danny Boy (From ''Memphis Belle'') (3:52) 9. Schindler’s List (From ''Schindler's List'') (4:01) 10. The Rose (From ''The Rose'') (3:35) 11. May It Be (From ''Lord Of The Rings'') (3:55) 12. Here’s To The Heroes (From ''Dances With Wolves'') (3:52) 13. The Rose (From ''The Rose'') (3:36) 14. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) (From ''Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence'') (4:08) 15. Cinema Paradiso (From ''Cinema Paradiso'') (3:32) ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2020-07-04 16:07:30
Rozmiar: 138.51 MB
Peerów: 2
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Artist: Apocalyptica Title: Cell-0 Year Of Release: 2020 Label: Silver Lining Music Genre: Cello Metal, Instrumental Quality: 320 kbps Total Time: 00:53:36 Total Size: 124 mb ...( TrackList )... 01. Ashes Of The Modern World 02. Cell-0 03. Rise 04. En Route To Mayhem 05. Call My Name 06. Fire & Ice 07. Scream For The Silent 08. Catharsis 09. Beyond The Stars ![]()
Seedów: 24
Data dodania:
2020-01-11 01:09:56
Rozmiar: 124.66 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
WYKONAWCA: VA TYTUŁ ORYGINALNY: Приятные Мелодии ROK WYDANIA: 2019 GATUNEK: Melody, EAP CZAS: 09:34:52 ...( TrackList )... 30 Seconds To Mars - L490 [4:26] Adam K & Soha - Need To Feel Loved [5:32] AKmusique - Sealed With A Kiss [4:06] Alan Parsons - Mammagamma [3:34] Andrey Pitkin & Alexander Gecko - Flying Emotion [3:48] Animatrix [3:38] Ash - Mosaique [3:42] Ballet - Exotique [4:11] Blonker - Sidewalk Cafe [3:13] Candy Dulfer & Dave Stewart - Lily Was Here [4:20] Central Seven - Party People [6:09] Chet Baker - My Funny Valentine [2:57] Christophe Beck - Hans [1:22] Club des Belugas - The Beat Is Rhythm [4:29] Conjure One - Dying Light [6:45] Conjure One - Miscreant [6:00] Daft Punk - Voyager [3:48] Dave Brubeck - Take Five [5:26] David Gilmour - Shine On You Crazy Diamond [12:33] Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby [3:54] Dirty Stab - The Music Inside [3:38] Double Zero - James Bond Them [2:19] El Tato-Brujeria [4:03] 181 kbps Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream [5:24] Enigma - Amen [4:02] Enigma - Boum Boum [3:44] Enigma - Return To Innocence [4:16] Enigma - Sadeness [4:16] Enigma - Temple Of Love [4:41] Enigma & & D-Emotion Project - Cang Ding [4:45] Ennio Morricone - Il Tramonto [1:16] Ennio Morricone - Le Vent,Le Cri [5:19] Ennio Morricone - Once Upon A Time In America [4:11] Ennio Morricone - Professhional [5:05] Ennio Morricone - The Wind, The Scream [5:22] Enya - Carribean Blue [4:00] Enya - May It Be [4:18] Enya - Watermark [2:26] Era - Infinity Ocean [7:34] Faithless - Code I [1:12] 256 kbps Faithless - Code [4:06] Faithless - Evergreen [4:36] Fausto Papetti - Emmanuel [3:20] Fausto Papetti - Little Flower [3:36] Fausto Papetti - Theme from Paradise [3:16] FC Kahuna - Hayling [3:46] Following Light - Forgotten Abode [7:24] Francis Goya - Concerto pour une voix [2:54] Gabin - La Maison [5:58] Geju - Plum [6:50] Giorgio Moroder - Flashdance [3:27] Goldmund - Dane Street [3:10] Gramatik - Just Jammin [6:29] Gramatik - Muy Tranquilo [3:54] Gregorian - Moment Of Peace [4:22] Gregorian - Still I'm Sad [5:00] Guy Sweens - Lord Shiva's Heart [8:41] Hans Zimmer - Now We Are Free [4:14] Hans Zimmer - Time [4:36] Hess Is More - Yess Boss [5:44] Instrumental [3:35] 207 kbps James Last - Тhe lonely shepherd [4:22] Jan Morks - You Don't Know How Much You Can Suffer [3:24] Jean Michel Jarre - Teo & Tea [3:29] Jeff Beck - Roy's Toy [3:35] Jeff Beck - Suspension [3:21] Julee Cruise - Twin peaks [5:00] Keiko Matsui - Bridge over stars [4:18] Kenny G - Feelings [4:16] Kenny G - Havana [6:43] Magic Ear - A Passage To India [4:29] Mandalay - Beautiful [4:34] Mandalay - It's Enough Now [4:54] Mandalay - This Life [4:19] Massive Attack - Baby Boy [3:29] Max Oazo & Cami - Stand By Me [5:15] Michel Legrand - El Bimbo [2:30] Minus Blue - Be As One [6:54] Modern Martina - Wind And Rain [4:26] Mono - Silicone [4:15] Mooryc - Communication Breakdown [5:48] Morcheeba - Mezcal Dream [4:46] Neil Young - Dead Man Theme [3:55] Nigel Stanford, Noah Caine - Cymatics [4:53] Nikolai - Ready To Flow [3:40] Ocarina - Moon Reggy [4:33] Ocarina - Ocarina II [3:26] Ocarina - Ocarina Song [3:36] Paul Marouni - Tocatta [2:40] Poe - Haunted [4:44] Poison - Strange Days Of Uncle Jack [1:40] Pourcell Orchestra - Besame Mucho [3:10] Queen - Forever [3:17] Ray Coniff - Shuberts serenade [2:31] Reflekt & Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved [5:59] Richard Clayderman - Fur Elise [2:26] Richard Clayderman - Romeo & Juliet [2:18] Rob Dougan - Clubbed To Death [4:01] Robin Schulz - Wrong [3:26] Rockefeller - Same Man [6:37] Ronan Hardiman - Gypsy [2:10] Ronan Hardiman - Scotland The Brave [2:48] Sacred Spirit - Legends [7:03] 256 kbps Santana - El Farol [4:51] Santana - Samba Pa Ti [4:24] Sergei Perez Berk - Laura Palmer's [3:39] Snow - The X-Files [3:23] Soul Ballet - Her Joyride [4:22] Space - Running in the city [4:11] Stoto - Still Can't Sleep [6:12] The Animatrix - Who Am I [5:59] The Crystal Method - Matrix Theme [4:47] The Rhythm Divine - Moment's In Love [7:32] TheFatRat & Phaera - Sunlight [2:50] Triplo Max - Shadow [2:57] U96 - Das Boot [1:56] United Deejays For Central America - Too Much Rain [5:37] Vangelis - Ask the Mountains [7:53] Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire [3:29] Vangelis - Conquest Of Paradise [4:48] Vangelis - La Petite Fille De La Mer [5:55] Vangelis - Prelude [4:30] Vangelis - Rachel's Song [4:47] Whitney Houston - Trust in Me [2:43] 256 kbps Wisehand - Manschoud [6:29] Yann Tiersen - Le Moulin [4:28] Андрей Петров - Вальс [2:13] Гарик Сукачев - А в прочем..[3:18] 256 kbps Гарик Сукачев - Перезвоны [3:24] 256 kbps Георгий Свиридов - Метель [3:54] ДиДюЛя - Седьмое чувство [3:12] Евгений Дога - Вальс [3:23] ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2019-10-06 19:20:12
Rozmiar: 1.28 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
Compilation: The Very Best Of Artist: James Last Year: 2019 Genre: Easy-Listening, Instrumental Country: Germany Label: Polydor / Universal Music Duration: 03:57:22 Format / Codec: FLAC (tracks) Audio Bitrate: Lossless ...( TrackList )... 01. Fanfare For The Common Man (Live At Palast der Republik, Berlin / 1987) 02. Alone 03. Tipitipitipso 04. Paradiso 05. Erinnerungen 06. Love Story 07. The Last Waltz 08. Rosen aus dem Süden 09. Ayacucho 10. Romance No. 2 / Theme From Elvira Madigan 11. Biscaya 12. Paradiesvogel 13. Root Beer Rag 14. Prelude No.6 In D Minor 15. Spiel noch einmal für mich, Habanero 16. The Seduction (Love Theme) 17. Ballade Pour Adeline 18. Rise (Single Version) 19. The Living Years 20. Der einsame Hirte 21. Violins In Love 22. Summer Serenade 23. Fantasy 24. Face In A Crowd (Choral) 25. Der Landarzt 26. Besinnung 27. Country Train 28. Happy Music 29. Beachrunner 30. Sorry Elton 31. Music From Across The Way 32. Der Kapitän 33. Rosita 34. Bella Italia 35. Happy Luxemburg 36. Grenzenloses Himmelblau 37. Maracaibo 38. Happy Heart 39. No Words 40. Lorentz & Söhne 41. Zwischen Tag und Nacht 42. Games That Lovers Play 43. On The Road Again 44. Orange Blossom Special 45. La Bamba 46. Mambo Nr. five 47. Summer In Dublin 48. Ril Mhor Bhaile An Chalaidh 49. Hora Staccato 50. Stories Of A Small Town 51. Yosaku 52. Drunken Tango 53. Säbeltanz 54. Last Tango In Paris 55. I Left My Heart In San Fransisco 56. Granada 57. La Malaguena Salerosa 58. Oh Waterlooplein 59. Tulpen Uit Amsterdam 60. Saute-Mouton 61. Tender Images (Theme From "Terre Humaine") 62. Jerusalem 63. Vieni, Vieni 64. Canto Dei Gondolieri 65. Missing ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2019-04-23 08:21:55
Rozmiar: 1.44 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
Title: This Merry Planet: Instrumental Disco Hits Vol2
Executor: VA Year: 2019 Genre: Disco, Instrumental Tracks: 24 Duration: 02:28:31 Format/Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 kbps File size: 344 MB Tracklist: CD1: Продолжительность: 01:15:29 01.Neil Cloud - Reflections (The good, the bad & the ugly) of my life & Finale (18:42) 02.Astor And The Potentials - Give Me What I Want (Part II) (03:21) 03.Disconnection - More And More (06:30) 04.Black Buster - Bump The Bump (Part Two) (Instrumental) (02:52) 05.Black Stash - Mighty Love Man (Pt. 2) (03:23) 06.Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle (Extended Version) (06:14) 07.Kai Werner's Oriental Express - Funky Harem (03:45) 08.L.E.B. Harmony - Feeling Love (09:29) 09.LaSo - Another Star (Single Edit) (04:19) 10.Bob Salton - Starknight (Instrumental Version) (07:38) 11.The Disco Fox - Forest Funk (04:00) 12.The Super Disco Band - Disco Symphony (05:10) CD2: Продолжительность: 01:13:01 01.Montana Orchestra - Heavy Vibes (05:36) 02.Aleph - Fire On The Moon (Instrumental Version) (04:09) 03.Rhythm Heritage - Caravan (03:20) 04.LaSo - Happy Smoke (04:04) 05.Rhythm Makers - Can You Feel It (Original Special Disco 12'' Version) (05:32) 06.Black Light Orchestra - Morricone ( 8:16) 07.Zig Zag - Disco Fever (06:07) 08.Foxy - The Way You Do The Things You Do (12'' Instrumental Version) (08:27) 09.Neil Cloud - Time Of The Season (TK 12'' Instrumental) (08:17) 10.Goody Goody - Dee Jay (instrumental).mp3 ( 7:35) 11.Shirley Lites - Heat You Up (Melt You Down) (Melt Down Mix) (06:24) 12.Hombre - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (05:08) ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2019-04-19 20:55:44
Rozmiar: 344.31 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: wojak999
Title: SEXofon [Relaxing and romantic saxophone music]
Executor: VA Year: 2019 Genre: Dream SAX, Romantic Relax, Instrumental Tracks: 50 Duration: 03:03:14 Format/Codec: MP3 Audio bitrate: 320 kbps File size: 426 MB Track list: 01. Fausto Papetti - I Just Called To Say 'I Love You' 3:12 02. Gil Ventura - Love Story 3:51 03. Peter Schilperoort Quintet - Petite Fleur 2:29 04. Sil Austin - Unchained Melody 2:44 05. Kenny G - Yesterday 2:59 06. Acker Bilk - Feelings 3:55 07. Fausto Papetti - Love Theme From The Godfather 2:31 08. Raimonds Pauls Orchestra - Long Road In Dunes 3:42 09. Gil Ventura - Je T`Aime... Moi Non Plus 3:10 10. The John Tesh Project - Tears In Heaven 4:51 11. Incognito Sax Band - Fever 3:20 12. Kenny G - Going Home 4:14 13. Sil Austin - Summertime 2:24 14. Brian Smith - Your Latest Trick / Smooth Operator 4:04 15. Spyro Gyra - In My Life [3:28] 16. Fausto Papetti - Strangers In The Night 2:37 17. The Gino Marinello Orchestra - Girl 2:59 18. Candy Dulfer & Dave Stewart - Lily Was Here 4:14 19. Gil Ventura - Imagine 3:15 20. George Saxon - What A Wonderful World 3:15 21. Fausto Papetti - Sleepy Shores 2:58 22. Sil Austin - Moon River 3:18 23. Max Greger - Wind Of Change 4:31 24. Gil Ventura - Memory 4:33 25. Richard Elliot - I'm Not In Love 5:03 26. Brancaster Studio Orchestra - Careless Whisper 3:54 27. Fausto Papetti - The Windmills Of Your Mind 3:10 28. Clous Van Mechelen - Don't Make My Brown Eyes Blue 3:05 29. The Gino Marinello Orchestra - Angie 5:57 30. Gil Ventura - Vina Del Mar 3:28 31. Kenny G - Havana 7:23 32. Brian Smith - Everything I Do (I Do It For You) 4:10 33. George Saxon - Only You 2:23 34. David Sanborn - The Dream 4:57 35. Fausto Papetti - Theme From Paradise 3:15 36. Stuart McDonald - Killing Me Softly With This Song 3:16 37. Kim Waters - Vision Of Live 4:22 38. Kenny G - Silhouette 5:28 39. Gil Ventura - El Condor Pasa 4:35 40. Sil Austin - Johnny Guitar 2:53 41. Fausto Papetti - How Deep Is Your Love 3:28 42. George Saxon - Take My Heart 3:02 43. George Castratos - Woman In Love 3:29 44. Sil Austin - Harlem Nocturne 2:51 45. Kenny G - My Heart Will Go On 4:19 46. Georgio Parreira - Samba Pa Ti 2:23 47. The John Tesh Project - I Will Always Love You 3:56 48. Gil Ventura - Petite Fleur 3:33 49. Fausto Papetti - Emmanuelle 3:21 50. Antony Donadio - Good Bye My Love, Good Bye 3:05 ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2019-04-08 20:50:04
Rozmiar: 426.55 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: wojak999
Name: Relax Piano Music Vol.02
Artist: VA Year: 2019 Genre: Downtempo, Instrumental, Relax, Classical Duration: 04:44:12 Format / Codec: MP3 Audio Bitrate: 320kbps Trax: 01. Ludovico Einaudi - Fly 4:39 02. Halo - An Isolated Railway 3:09 03. Young Bad Twinz - Seven Titans Gravity City 9:23 04. Study Vibes - Memory 2:00 05. Study Time - Harmony 2:27 06. Maciej Grzybowski - Una Suite De Pieces De Clavecin 4:12 07. Marielle Nordmann - La Truite 1:53 08. Misha Mishenko - Wandering Light 2:45 09. Simeon Walker - Hush 7:01 10. Paolo Cavazzini - Gay Divorce Night And Day 2:22 11. Theo Alexander - Aspects Withdrawn 3:02 12. Tim Linghaus - Song For S 1:15 13. Egor Grushin - Waltz 1:58 14. Neil Tatar - Freedom 4:31 15. Wouter Dewit - La Duree 6:44 16. Jim Brickman - The Journey 3:04 17. Peter Ries - Sky High 3:54 18. Megumi Sano - Mazurkas, Op. 24; No. 3 2:34 19. Tim Linghaus - Grandma\'s Deathbed (Part V) 1:17 20. Alexis Ffrench - Reborn 3:32 21. Ludovico Einaudi - Waterways 4:18 22. The Piano Guys - North Cape 3:00 23. Classical New Age Piano Music - S tring Trio In E-Flat Major 4:18 24. Neil Tatar - Welcome Home 4:08 25. Alberto Giurioli - Following Yourself 3:56 26. Steven C. - Feather Theme 2:09 27. Stanislav Artemyev - Ripe 1:24 28. Tony Ingham - The Heart Asks Pleasure First 2:34 29. Полина Осетинская - Sketches; Sketch Iii 3:10 30. The Piano Guys - Perfect 5:10 31. Study Success - Homework 1:49 32. Lynn Tredeau - The Time Machine 4:41 33. Chris Ingham - I Do It For You 4:11 34. Lang Lang - Nocturne In E-Flat Major, Op. 55, No. 2 6:04 35. Junior Bourcier - Celtic Fire 4:13 36. Rick Wakeman - The Boxer 5:15 37. David Ianni - Snowflakes 2:30 38. Matt English - Music Box 2:57 39. Benny Andersson - Thank You For The Music 3:43 40. Valentina Lisitsa - Comptine D Un Autre Ete L Apres-Midi 2:36 41. Mezzo Piano - Love Has A Name 5:56 42. Christian Reindl - Sleepless 3:16 43. Peaceful Piano - Figurine 4:00 44. Ludovico Einaudi - Berlin Song 4:25 45. Sophie Hutchings - Tomorrow 7:16 46. Philip Daniel & Shawn Williams - Juniper 3:25 47. Simeon Walker - Drift 3:39 48. Luis Berra - Tarantella 2:19 49. Kaleidoscope Of Colours - Emerald Green 1:43 50. Jo Blankenburg - Bittersweet 6:08 51. Danny Mulhern - December 2:23 52. Lynn Tredeau - Land Of Forgotten Dreams 3:21 53. Sophie Hutchings - Repose 2:50 54. Raphael Novarina - A Year And A Day 5:19 55. Matteo Myderwyk - Axioma Ii 3:42 56. Jenny Lin - Nocturnes, Op. 9; No. 2 In E-Flat Major 4:25 57. Alexandra Stréliski - Automne 2:12 58. Francesco Digilio - Jingle Bell Rock 4:24 59. Neil Tatar - Gentle Steps 4:38 60. Shoshana Michel - Anim Z’miros 3:48 61. Jennifer Thomas - Etude For The Dreamer 4:00 62. Aris Lytras - True Feelings 3:57 63. Rich Batsford - Lyndall 1:25 64. Helen Jane Long - Overwhelmed 3:29 65. Jane Antonia Cornish - Constellations 7:33 66. Helen Jane Long - Journey 2:09 67. Fabrizio Paterlini - As Far As I Know 4:49 68. Rich Batsford - Sensawunda 3:40 69. Fabrizio Paterlini - Bluesy Sunday 2:24 70. Roberto Cacciapaglia - Transparence 2:19 71. Martin Ermen - Unfaithful 4:05 72. Olafur Arnalds - Near Light 2:50 73. Benjamin Richter - Be Still My Heart 4:35 74. Misha Mishenko - Moment 4:05 75. Myleene Klass - Horner; For The Love Of A Princess 3:51 76. Stanislav Artemyev - Time 1:49 77. Brian Crain - Song For Sienna 4:02 ![]()
Seedów: 27
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2019-01-31 14:43:35
Rozmiar: 703.80 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: wojak999
...( Info )...
WYKONAWCA: Francis Goya TYTUŁ: The Best Of [2CD] GATUNEK: Instrumental, Easy Listening, EAP ROK WYDANIA: 2001 FORMAT: FLAC (tracks) ...( TrackList )... CD1 01. Francis Goya - Song Song Blue [03:18] 02. Francis Goya - El Condor Pasa [03:16] 03. Francis Goya - September Morn' [03:26] 04. Francis Goya - Yo Te Amo (And I Love Her) [03:50] 05. Francis Goya - Blue Eyes [03:21] 06. Francis Goya - Setembro [03:27] 07. Francis Goya - Scarborough Fair [03:26] 08. Francis Goya - Bagdad Cafe [05:16] 09. Francis Goya - If You Don't Know Me By Now [03:22] 10. Francis Goya - One Sunday Morning [03:30] 11. Francis Goya - All The Man That You Need [03:44] 12. Francis Goya - Moonlight Rhapsody [03:40] 13. Francis Goya - Rush Rush [04:07] 14. Francis Goya - Twinklin' Twilight [03:28] 15. Francis Goya - How Am I Supposed To Live [04:09] 16. Francis Goya - Cafe Concert [02:46] CZAS: 58:14 CD2 01. Francis Goya - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You [04:07] 02. Francis Goya - Melodia [03:09] 03. Francis Goya - Sacrifice [03:43] 04. Francis Goya - Be [03:57] 05. Francis Goya - Cry For Help [04:15] 06. Francis Goya - Send Me An Angel [04:17] 07. Francis Goya - Natacha [02:48] 08. Francis Goya - Sound Of Silence [03:00] 09. Francis Goya - Promise Me [03:30] 10. Francis Goya - Hello Again [04:00] 11. Francis Goya - Secret Love [04:09] 12. Francis Goya - When You Tell Me That You Love Me [04:03] 13. Francis Goya - Winds Of Time [04:09] 14. Francis Goya - Bridge Over Troubled Water [03:26] 15. Francis Goya - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest [03:46] 16. Francis Goya - Love On The Rock [03:40] CZAS: 01:00:07 ![]()
Seedów: 4
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2018-08-26 19:42:37
Rozmiar: 794.74 MB
Peerów: 1
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
WYKONAWCA: VA TYTUŁ: Long Live Guitar 2018 ROK WYDANIA: 2018 KRAJ: All World GATUNEK: Acoustic, Instrumental, EAP CZAS: 02:56:22 ...( TrackList )... 01. Boyce Avenue - Game of Thrones (Main Theme) 02. Chuck Ragan - In The Eddy 03. Jesse Cook - Broken Moon 04. Chequerboard - Like A Bell To A Southerly Win 05. Maurizio Carlini - White Clouds 06. Govi - Mosaico 07. Javier Fioramonti - Aire De Zamba 08. Govi - Tears of Joy 09. JP Soars - Lil' Mamacita 10. Royal Guitar Ensemble - La playa 11. 3rd Force - Here Comes The Night 12. New Dimension Orchestra - Killing Me Softly With His Son 13. Timo Tolkki - Guitar Concerto 14. Claude Ciari - Terminus 15. Javier Fioramonti - Vino Tinto 16. Novo Menco - Tigris Palaсe 17. Claude Ciari - White Guitar 18. Nicholas Gunn - Candle Dance 19. Orymus - One's Last Breath 20. The Doobie Brothers - Five Corners 21. Mark Knopfler & Evelyn Glennie - Altamira 22. The Spotnicks - Theme of Nadja 23. Ulver - Hoyfjeldsbilde 24. Peter Martin - Where the Rivers Run 25. Jesse Cook - Rain Day 26. Robern Michael - Sunset Samba 27. Sheldon Mirowitz - Leaving Home 28. Neal Schon - White Light 29. Felipe Mйndez - Morning Lights 30. Liona Boyd - Scarborough Fair 31. Maurizio Carlini - Old Style 32. Mike Oldfield - Turtle Island 33. Leo Kottke - Twice 34. Michael Hedges - Gospel 35. Roy Rogers - Slide zone 36. Vicente Amigo - Vivencias Imaginadas 37. J.K. - Seduction 38. Pedro Javier Gonzalez - Hotel California 39. Parijat - For Me for You 40. Felipe Mйndez - Honey and Milk 41. Kelly Simonz's Blind Faith - Pain 42. Rick Vito - Rick's Boogie Woogie 43. Jason Becker - Air 44. Chequerboard - Opening The Gates 45. Dorado Schmitt - Everybody Sings 46. Liona Boyd - Moonlight Sonata 47. Jesse Cook - Rattle and Burn 48. Los Angeles Guitar Quartet - Blue Echo Country Gentleman 49. Estas Tonne - Bohemian Skies 50. Ricky King - La Corrida ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2018-01-19 00:32:58
Rozmiar: 407.84 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
WYKONAWCA: VA TYTUŁ: Romantic Collection: Instrumental 2000 ROK WYDANIA: 2017 KRAJ: All World GATUNEK: Instrumental, EAP CZAS: 01:16:42 ...( TrackList )... 01. Fausto Papetti - Emmanuelle 02. Era - Flowers of the Sea 03. Giorgio Moroder - Love Theme from 'Flashdance' 04. Jan Morks - You Don't Know How Much You Can Suffer 05. James Last - The Lonely Shepherd 06. Paul Mauriat - Toccata 07. Nino de Angeles - Besame Mucho 08. Saint Preux - Amours Meteores 09. Acker Bilk - Feelings 10. Ocarina - After Bentha 11. Rondo Veneziano - Bettina 12. Richard Clayderman - The Phantom of the Opera 13. Henry Manciny - The Pink Panther 14. Frank Duval - Ballade Pour Adeline 15. Francis Goya - Romance De Amour 16. George Katsaros - Abrazame 17. Santana - Moonflower 18. Chet Atkins - Ave Maria 19. Vangelis - La Petite Fille De La Mer 20. Armik - Zingaro 21. Richard Clayderman - Fur Elise ![]()
Seedów: 1
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2017-10-25 07:50:32
Rozmiar: 176.65 MB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader
...( Info )...
WYKONAWCA: VA TYTUŁ: Instrumental Magic ROK WYDANIA: 2017 KRAJ: International GATUNEK: Instrumental, Neo Classic, EAP CZAS: 10:22:09 ...( TrackList )... 001. Gerd Bingemann - Edelstein 002. Cooltrane - Capture the Sun 003. LOS CHARLY'S ORCHESTRA - Music For The Soul 004. Swinging Sunlight - Flying in Circles 005. Daveed - Great Morning 006. Damian Luca - Caruso 007. Gipsy Lovers - Recuerdo 008. Armik - Midnight Bolero 009. Francis Goya - I Just Call To Say I Love You 010. Georgeo Moroder - Love Theme From Flasdance 011. The Intimate Orchestra - 3."Sadeness" 012. Sergio Fabian Lavia - Amanecer Campestre in A Minor 013. Fomichev - Seeing Off 014. Damian Luca - Unchained Melody 015. D.Marouni - Space opera part 3 016. Mike Oldfield - The Voyager 017. Nova Menco - And I Love Her 018. Origen - Mama 019. Michael Lucarelli - Variations On a Mozart Theme 020. Syntheticsax - Old Letters 021. Frank Duval & Orchestra - Ballade Pour Adeline 022. Omar - Passage into Midnight 023. Midnight Owner - Music Man (Soulful Sax Mix) 024. Diego Modena - Song Of Ocarina 025. Fernan Birdy - Volar Con Mi Amor 026. The Violents - Ghost Riders In The Sky 027. Francisco Garcia - What's A Woman 028. Andre Kornev - The Last Contact with Gravity 029. Duane Eddy - Trombone 030. Anthony Ventura - La Paloma 031. Milews - Cafe Del Mar Dreams (Buddha Bar Mix) 032. Benise - Long Kiss Goodbye 033. Kenny G - Paradise 034. Funky Juice Trio - Easy Come Easy Go (Into the Silence Mix) 035. Edward Simoni - The House Of The Rising Sun 036. Paul Gilbert - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 037. Mehdi - Bridge To Paradise 038. Miami Sound Machine - All Because Of You 039. Kenny G - Paradise 040. Piano Tribute Players - Titanium 041. KoolSax - Everytime You Go Away 042. Louis Clark & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Pachelbel's Canon 043. Francis Goya & Damian Luca - Memory 044. Steve Howe - Solitaire Excerpt 045. Isaac Shepard - Leaves in the Wind 046. Saint-Preux - L'amar Tendresse 047. Within Temptation - Bitter Sweet 048. Paul Mauriat - Sur Un Air De Vivaldi 049. Somerian - Sir Manchart 050. Buckethead - Chaos Of The Unconscious 051. Fausto Papetti - Feelings 052. Metallica - The Unforgiven II 053. Raimund Rahner - Berlin Waltz (Band Mix) 054. Richard Clayderman - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing 055. Blonker - Anak 056. Ennio Morricone - Chi Mai 057. Gino Marinello Orchestra - Ghost 058. Benjamin Richter - Enjoy the Silence Sonata 059. Panflute & Orchester - Against All Odds 060. Tom Barabas - After The Rain 061. Paul Mauriat - Je Ne Suis Que De L'amour 062. John 5 - Requiem 063. Carlten & Orchester - What's Another Year 064. David Palmer and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Wish You Were Here 065. Ottmar Liebert - Isla del Sol 066. James Last - Lay All Your Love On Me 067. Guitarra Azul - Tears in the Rain 068. Michel Pepe - Omnipresence 069. Osmoze - Garden Of Senses 070. Man From Ravcon - Monument 071. BGPONE - Introspektiv 072. Peter Schilperoort Quintet - Petite Fleur 073. Origen - Dance Of The Clouds 074. Enrico Scampo - Verde 075. Caravelli - Comme Toi 076. Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star - No World for Tomorrow 077. Johannes Linstead - September Remembered 078. Magic Panpipe - Because You Loved Me 079. Hiromi Sano - I Drink 080. Carlten & Orchester - Take My Breath Away 081. Pavlo - Sol Y Luna (Cha Cha) 082. Adam Panagopoulos - Alosis 083. Steve Howe - Tigers Den 084. Armik - Flames of Love 085. Imbaru - Vigias 086. Panflute & Orchester - Cherish 087. Magic Panpipe - It Must Have Been Love 088. P.Weekers - Wish you will here 089. Venja - L.A. Night Chase 090. Gil Ventura - La Prima Volta 091. Syu - Spearhead 092. Hideki Togi - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 093. Takefumi Haketa - Moshi Tsubasa Ga Attanara 094. David Bryan - Second Chance 095. Alex Bollard & London Symphonic Orchestra - You Are Lady 096. Guy Lafarge - La Seine 097. Raven of Light - Bloody Mary 098. Jesse Cook - Azul 099. Orchester Charles Parker - Rumba Gitana 100. Stef Burns - Love Monster 101. Ac G - Summer Lawns 102. Stephan Nikolai - Panflute 103. Vangelis - Titles 104. Jo Jasper - Zeitlos 105. Andre Kornev & Jiri Karpjuk - The Last Contact with Gravity 106. Hiromi Sano - Gardenia Flowers 107. Tim Janis - Ocean Rose 108. Shadows - Swimming 109. Dorine Hollier - Tonight... Crazy Night 110. D.Marinello - Sin Game 111. Ocarina - Moonlight Reaggae 112. B.Kaemfert Orchestra - Strangers in the night 113. Vanessa Mae - Contradanza 114. Jacek Jan Komiago - Prelude 115. The Ventures - We Wish You A Merry Christmas 116. LVA - Lichter 117. Roberto Citterio - My Old Guitar 17 118. Max Gregor - Raindrops keep falling on my head 119. Mark Snow - Bridge Of Sighs 120. Chris Spheeris - Psyche 121. Omar - Last Dance 122. Eugene Aberbach - Don't Cry for Me Argentina 123. The Ventures - Silent Night 124. Buckethead - Sled Ride 125. The Fivetones & The Blue Stars - Danse Can Can 126. Richard Clayderman - Love Story 127. Jason McGuire - 128. Wonders Of Nature - Orion Nebula 129. Carlos Santana - Moonflower 130. Steve Kimock - My Favorite Number 131. Carlten & Orchester - For Your Eyes Only 132. Akyrviron - Harmony Sanctum 133. Gino Orchestra - The wicked game 134. S. Blue - Orfeo Negro 135. Sangit Om - Falling Stars 136. JR & PH7 - Change (Instrumental) 137. Steve E. Williams - The Delta 138. Louis Landon - Is This Good-Bye 139. Orchester James Kay - Magic Fly 140. F.Duval - Me to you 141. Guitarra Azul - Lotus Flower 142. Orchester Enrico Scampo - Aranjue 143. Phases of Perception - The Drifting Duck 144. Jesse Cook - Once 145. Various Artists - Come as You Are 146. Raven of Light - Bloody Mary 147. Fever Ray Ft. De FROiZ - If I Had A Heart 148. Benjamin Richter - Der Kummer, der nicht sprich 149. Da Jungle - Mystical Fever 150. Berry Sarluis - Kustennebel ![]()
Seedów: 3
Komentarze: 0
Data dodania:
2017-09-09 05:00:21
Rozmiar: 1.33 GB
Peerów: 0
Dodał: Uploader