Muzyka / Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2025-03-13 17:25:00
Rozmiar: 108.22 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2025-03-13 17:25:00
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Mamy do czynienia ze 100% staromodnym black metalem, bardziej rytualnym, ale mniej brutalnym. Mistyczna atmosfera budowana jest za pomocą powolnych kompozycji, a nie za pomocą klawiszy. Wokale są bardziej narracyjne i idą w parze z satanistyczną i pogańską treścią tekstów. Amen Corner od lat konsekwentnie służy undergroundowi, a ich nowe dzieło to kolejny czysty i szczery depozyt duszy!

Hammerheart Records is proud to announce the European release for Amen Corner’s “Written by the Devil” on CD and LP, under licence from Metal Army Records! Amen Corner, one of Brazil’s Underground legends, is back with a new album “Written By The Devil”. Old school in body, mind and spirit this album tell us one thing: Death is imminent!

Amen Corner reaches the impressive milestone of seven Full-length, I've been following their releases for many years, but in Written by the Devil something would be different (and it was). Speaking about the past, Fall, Ascension, Domination from 1993 was a milestone and despite being an absolute classic, for me Iachol Ve Tehilá managed to climb the highest step in his discography, there are several reasons, but we will leave the details of this album for another opportunity, the EP from 1999 Darken in Quir Haresete closed the first phase (we can say it this way) establishing the name Amen Corner as a reference in Brazil. Only in 2007 with Lucification did they reappear, completely reformulated and with a sound that did not refer to the past, we can say that this work represented the second phase.

The triumphant return was with the excellent album Leviathan Destroyer, marking the return of Sucoth Benoth to his old home with his characteristic vocals. Chri$t Worldwide Corporation continued the saga with a high level of creation, it was an album that remained inside the cd-player for several days in a row, it came accompanied by a DVD with a documentary and historical recordings showing the great importance they had in Brazil. Under the Whip and the Crown came in the same four-year hiatus as the previous album, this is perhaps an album that lacked something, not musically speaking, but the impression I had is that they didn't elevate this work to the promotion it should have. This was something that was not lacking in this new work, Written by the Devil has inspired compositions, we can give the main merit to Murmúrio, the main composer since the early days, the album captivates from its intro followed by the powerful The War of the Antichrist, the third track The Protectors has a lyric that refer to an inspiration from King Diamond, interesting, lyric that differentiate from all the others. The fourth track Fall and Ascension is one of the most beautiful tracks ever composed by them, melancholic, sad, depressive, the guitar lines emerge all these feelings, having a rhythmic elevation at the end, a magnificent work in just over seven minutes, this track closes side A.

Signal from Beyond opens side B, it starts like the beginning of a nightmare, with Tenebrae Aarseth (drums) having a great highlight and importance in the change of pace of this track, ending once again with emphasis on the guitar lines, which walk in a disbelieving way followed by a saddened vocal. Next comes Inferno, which is one of the heaviest tracks on the album, followed by the title track, which ends up being another great highlight of this work, with precise breaks in the tempo, a fast and powerful chorus. The Splendor of Your Presence shows how competent Amen Corner is in creation, they transformed a relatively simple lyric into an excellent track, here we highlight Fernando Grommtt (bass), who was responsible for the composition, leaving his mark in the best way. Lúcifer, a Suprema Luz da Manhã closes the record, as we can infer, lyrics in Portuguese composed by Baal Seth Penitent (Torches of Nero), it is a prayer/narration with a perfect sound base to close this somewhat surprising album.

While many live only in the past, Amen Corner shows that the power of creation has not yet run out, after more than 30 years they managed to create one of the best albums in their history. Endless war, ideological wars!!!

Samir Souza (Crush the Cross zine)


1. Intro
2. The War of the Antichrist
3. The Protectors
4. Fall and Ascension
5. Signal from Beyond
6. Inferno
7. Written By the Devil
8. The Splendor of Your Presence
9. Lúcifer, a Suprema Luz Da Manhã


Murmúrio - Guitars
Fernando - Bass
Sucoth Benoth - Vocals
Tenebrae Aarseth - Drums

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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