Muzyka / Doom metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2025-03-12 19:07:17
Rozmiar: 133.87 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2025-03-12 19:07:17
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Piękne miasto Werona w północnych Włoszech jest dobrze znane ze swojej średniowiecznej architektury i jako miejsce akcji Romea i Julii Szekspira.
Być może mniej znany jest fakt, że w latach 80. i 90. miała również kwitnącą scenę doomową. To właśnie z tej sceny wyłonił się EPITAPH .

Wydali 3 dema, z których ostatnie ukazało się około 1994 roku. Zespoły doomowe znane są ze swojego wolnego tempa, ale EPITAPH potrzebowało prawie 30 lat od momentu, kiedy zaczęli, aby w końcu wydać swój debiutancki album.
Nawet jak na standardy doomu, szybkość POWALA!!!


“So let it be written, so let it be done…”; only that our friends here didn’t have to kill any pharaoh sons be it first or second born, although no one can explain why they hid from sight for whole 20 years after a string of pretty cool demos released in the late-80’s/early-90’s. This act is the continuation of the very-short lived trad doom metal stint Sacrilege, an act who only produced one demo in 1987 (later posthumously re-released under the “Demon Woman” title in 2013), founded by former members of the atmospheric doom/rock legends Black Hole, the drummer Mauro Tollini and the guitar player Nicola Murari.

The demo material was a faithful follow-up to the delivery from the Sacrilege only demo, classic traditional doom only served with a better, crisper sound quality and with less fast-paced deviations. However, instead of nailing the anticipated full-length, the guys vanished, literally without a trace. Their time eventually came, again some two decades later, with the album reviewed here. The delivery has moved a bit towards the epic side but the trad motifs are still quite prominent for one to immediately start screaming “Candlemass!” or “Solitude Aeturnus!” at the top of his/her lungs; in other words, think something along the lines of the Germans Mirror of Deception or Dawn of Winter, the bouncy dynamics of “Beyond the Mirror” not far from the belligerent doomisms of Trouble even, the more officiant setting instilled by ship-sinkers like “Sacred and Prophane” and the funereal-like masterpiece “The Battle of Inside”.

The seismicity reaches Richter-esque proportions on the mournful but restlessly effective 9-min saga “Daughters of Lot”, a great summation of all things doom after which the band switch to more volatile less doom-fixated rhythms with the strangely uplifting “Loser One” and the cantankerous power/doom blender “Necronomicon”, all more aggressive rebellions invariably mortified on the imposing piece of sorrow and lament “Confuse the Light”, a glorious encyclopaedic epitaph with sharp cutting guitars and a supreme quieter melancholic finale.

An act of the kind is bound to have a strong performance behind the mike, and the singer Emiliano Cioffi (also the doom-laden one-album-wonder All Souls' Day (“Into the Mourning”, 2001) by no means disappoints his soaring emotional croons leading the dark sombre procession with all the authority that can be mustered. The man neither wails not pitches it higher but his steady melodic timbre never falters, coming as a more composed lower-pitched Robert Lowe (Solitude Aeturnus, Candlemass), occasionally acquiring more quarrelsome tones on the more intense moments.

The sequel “Claws” was woven of pretty similar motifs and nuances, another fairly strong showing that placed the guys right next to primal doom providers from their homeland like Disharmonic, Black Oath, The Foreshadowing, Fangtooth, Crimson Dawn, Abysmal Grief, The Black, Night Gaunt, etc. Yes, Italy has grown into one of the biggest scenes for the supply of volcanic antediluvian reverberations in the last 10/15 years, and with our friends around it seems as though the word “epitaph” will be the last one to be spelt across the sky over there.



1. Beyond the Mirror 06:38
2. Ancient Rite 06:45
3. Sacred and Prophane 06:03
4. The Battle of Inside 06:41
5. Daughters of Lot 09:08
6. Loser One 06:13
7. Necronomicon 06:40
8. Confuse the Light 07:48


Nicola Murari - Bass
Mauro Tollini - Drums
Emiliano Cioffi - Vocals
Lorenzo Loatelli - Guitars

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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