Muzyka / Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2025-03-09 10:03:53
Rozmiar: 287.90 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2025-03-09 10:03:53
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Drugi album miażdżącej kanadyjskiej załogi grającej masywny death/grind inspirowany twórczością BRUTAL TRUTH, CATTLE DECAPITATION, DEVOURMENT!!! 15 utworów w tym cover AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED!!!

Naprawdę imponująca 'oda do szaleństwa"!!!

I’m not sure what is going on on this album cover, but I’m pretty sure what’s going on with the music: bruising modern grindcore with elements of slam, death metal and even deathcore.

The 15 tracks short sharp bursts and less than 40 minute time plays into the classic grindcore tropes as do the trifecta of vocals (burps, growls squeals), as does the band’s lyrics themes of politics, war, society etc (and cover of Agoraphobic Nosebleed‘s “Vexed”) and many of the tracks’ furious stabs of classic anarcho-grindcore chaos such as “Oil Spills”, “Time to Panic”, “The Last Call” and ‘The Neighbors House is on Fire”.

But rather than go too muddy or the mid range Nasum/Rotten Sound delivery, there is modern undercurrent of polished and slamming, deathcore heft, especially in the pig squeals and exaggerated rhythm section (dat bass!), which plods and pummels with a massive presence, especially in the many slamming, loping grooves such as “Syrian Nato Meat Grinder”, “9 Meals to Anarchy-Riot Solves Everything”, “My Right to Medicate” “Overwhelming Positive Vibe” and “Dead Jeremians 2014″. It’s all pretty beefy and meaty with lots of downtuned bludgeoning, but its never too overdone or sterile and the songs hit that sweet spot between too short grindcore and more memorable, longer last death metal 3 and a half minutes or so to get all the burping, grooving and blasting in.

Fans of Blood Duster, Squash Bowels, less gurgly Cock and Ball Torture and even fans of the likes of Devourment or some deathcore will enjoy this. It’s a brutal, brainless listen that requires little effort.



1. Intro 00:25
2. Oil Spills 02:43
3. Prorogued Democracy 03:09
4. Syrian NATO Meat Grinder 02:49
5. Wing Clipper 02:48
6. Nostalgic Memories 03:23
7. Time to Panic 00:36
8. 9 Meals to Anarchy / Riot Solves Everything 04:08
9. My Right to Medicate 03:04
10. Eclipse of Personality 02:23
11. Overwhelming Positive Vibe 03:09
12. The Last Call 01:47
13. The Neighbor's House is on Fire 02:45
14. Dead Jeremians 2014 02:27
15. Vexed (Agoraphobic Nosebleed Cover) 00:41

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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