Debiutancki album amerykańskiej death/grindowej formacji Lividity z 2000 roku wznowiony z nową oprawą graficzną.
Lividity. A brutal death band formed out of Illinois. Have established themselves as one of the sickest bands within extreme metal. But you may ask yourself. How have Lividity, a seemingly goofy prono gore death band? Rose in popularity as one of the best brutal death metal bands? Well, I’m here to say that Lividity is not only a fantastic death metal band. They fit perfectly together with bands like Regurgitation, Gorgasm, Deaden, and Skinless. And aren’t some joke of a band.
If you can get past all the dumb and goofy samples. This album is ruthless in its attack. The album is straightforward, fast, hooky, and groovy as fuck. Much like Waco Jesus, they have that tongue-in-cheek type of imagery and gory lyrics. But once again if you look just at the music. This is a very tight and brutal fucking album. Filled with everything a brutal death fan would love. And that’s a good production quality, chunky double bass, and memorable groovy riffs.
As I stated this album has a raw yet tasty mix and production quality. The guitars have a good low crunch to them, and the bass is probably more prominent or as prominent as the guitars. The bass has a great groovy tone that is heard across the whole album. The drums have a good meat and potatoes sound, and while the snare may be a tad quieter than the kick drums or the cymbals. Mainly during some blasts and turnovers. It still delivers a hella satisfying feeling and punch. Vocally this is way up in the mix. In a good way of course. It’s fucking sick overall.
This album is filled to the brim with yummy hooks and riffing. Songs like “Chamber of Bone” and “Oozing Vaginal Discharge” are packed full of meaty tremolos and obnoxious grooves. It isn’t all just blasts and frantic chords as well. You get some slower and doomy riffs and beats on the song “Anal Action Wife”. So there’s a good amount of variety of nice riffing and Slammy rhythms. You get a lot of good chugging palm-muted guitar riffs as well. But mainly it’s those nice grooves and tremolos that propel this record.
The album is a short yet sweet bash to the skull. There’s a ton of old-school death metal riffage thrown into the mix as well. So you kinda get a feel of both brutal death and osdm. Of course, those wouldn’t be complete without heavy ass Suffocation like breakdowns and riff patterns. The kinda riffs that have that creepy crawl feel to them. That is guaranteed to make your skin crawl as well.
Vocally it’s brutal as fuck as expected. You get two main vocal ranges here. You have Matt Bishop doing guitar and the lower gutturals. And then you got Dave Kibler on the other guitar doing higher shrieks as backup vocals. Both have a good vocal flow and bounce back and forth between each other perfectly. They also tend to be used at the same time layered on top of each other. Which sounds ungodly brutal. Overall the vocals have a good trade-off and flow well.
Finally, we got them drums. The drums on here are as blasty as you can expect. Tons of frantic blast beats, pummeling double bass, and heavy drum grooves are all over this fucking thing. Including the more slower doom-like sections that the guitars showcase as well. The drums are hella tight and flow well with the guitars and vocals on this album. While the drums are slightly quieter than everything else they don’t fail at delivering sickening brutality.
In conclusion, this album is an underrated classic in brutal death metal. Like I said if you can get past the goofy samples which is kinda the band's stick at this point. It’s a very well-written and tight brutal death metal album. But this is brutal death metal. Of course, it’s gonna be overly stupid and goofy. It’s sick and gory. The way extreme death metal should be. So give this band a chance. Because this truly is some very memorable and hooky brutal death metal. Good shit.
FFO: Suffocation, Deaden, Waco Jesus, Regurgitation, Broken Hope, FleshGrind, Skinless
1. Oozing Vaginal Discharge 03:53
2. The Urge to Splurge 01:37
3. Chamber of Bone 04:27
4. Anal Action Wife 04:38
5. Stench of Virginity 04:56
6. Food 03:55
7. Dismembering Her Lifeless Corpse 05:04
8. Bloody Horror (Impetigo cover) 03:11
9. Sodomy Ritual 03:06
Bass - Mike 'Papa' Smith
Drums - Nick Null
Additional Vocals - Aaron Heath, Rich Lipscomb
Guitar, Backing Vocals - Dave Kibler
Guitar, Vocals - Matt Bishop
SEED 15:00-22:00.