Bluebeam Revu eXtreme to potężny program do przeglądania, tworzenia, edycji i oznaczania plików PDF. Bluebeam Revu eXtreme dodaje również przyciski do paska narzędzi aplikacji MS Office i AutoCAD w celu łatwej edycji i tworzenia dokumentów PDF. Bluebeam Revu eXtreme to całkiem dobra alternatywa dla Adobe Acrobat.
Kluczowe cechy:
- Tworzenie podpisów elektronicznych
- Tworzenie plików PDF z dowolnej aplikacji Windows lub CAD
- Oznaczanie, edycja i przeglądanie plików PDF
- Konwersja plików PDF do 9 innych formatów, w tym TIFF, JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, PNG, PSD, EMF, WMF i PCL
- Tworzenie broszur PDF
- Specjalne predefiniowane ustawienia dla najlepszych aplikacji CAD
- Dodaje przyciski Bluebeam do paska narzędzi AutoCAD LT
- Dostosowywanie zabezpieczeń PDF i podpisów cyfrowych
- Dodawanie znaków wodnych, zakładek PDF itp.
- Automatyczne zakładki w plikach PDF
- Transfer hiperłączy do pakietu MS Office
- Przeszukiwanie tekstu w plikach PDF
- Tryb prezentacji i przeglądania na pełnym ekranie
- I wiele więcej...
Data wydania 14 stycznia 2025.
Bluebeam Revu is a powerful software for PDF creation, markup, editing and collaboration for your design and construction workflows. It delivers award-winning PDF tools for creating, editing and collaboration in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) industry. Revu has advanced PDF markup, editing and collaboration tools that boost productivity by leveraging markup data across the entire project lifecycle, and streamline processes.
Bluebeam Revu eXtreme is specially designed for professionals in diverse fields, including architecture, engineering, construction and other fields. Revu eXtreme is a great application software that also can be used for converting Microsoft documents and CAD drawings into high-quality 2D and 3D PDF formats. The program provides PDF form creation, redaction, scripting, and a set of markup tools, including text, notes, clouds CAD symbols, stamps, highlights, and more. In addition, it also allows users to transform scanned images into editable and searchable text documents with OCR functionality.
Key features:
- Great tools for design and construction workflows
- PDF creation, editing, markup and collaboration
- Convert Microsoft Office documents and CAD drawings
- Transform images into high-quality 2D or 3D PDFs
- Customizable, easy-to-use and great markup tools
- Easy connect and collaborate with project partners
- Robust solution for automating complex processes
- Automatic form creation, batch link, and OCR support
- Advamced tools for AEC projects, and many more.
Revu 21.4.0 - 14 January 2025:
- Markup Selection Cycle – Cycle through and select from crowded overlapping markups with ease.
- Prompt to install Bluebeam PDF printer when trying to print to a different location.
- Printing via Microsoft Word plugin resulted in misaligned text.
- Printing to KIP & Canon printers inadvertently resulted in Pages printing in Gray Scale.
- ‘Lines Merge’ function was not producing the expected output.
- Revu not shown in Windows Task Bar while open.
- Tag Date Format was not respecting locale settings.
- Switching views in Revu could lead to a crash over time.
- Large discrepancies between the original and resulting .pdf when converting documents with Plug-In/Stapler.
- Export to Office programs resulted in 0kb file if the language in Region setting was set to certain English regional formats.
- Bluebeam plugin formatting was not matching original Word document.
- Studio Session Reports were incorrectly labeling the "Page Label" column.
- Additional improvements and fixes.
Release Notes & Version History:
strona producenta:
strona programu:
system operacyjny: Windows 10/ 11 (64bit)
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- przenieś folder "PROGRAM" na pulpit
- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- zawartość folderu "Crack 1" przekopiuj domyślnie do: C:Program Files (x86)Bluebeam SoftwareBluebeam Revu21Revu
- zawartość folderu "Crack 2" przekopiuj domyślnie do: C:Program FilesBluebeam SoftwareBluebeam Revu21Revu
- uruchom program
- Nie zakładaj konta w Bluebeam, gdy pojawi się okno rejestracyjne, zamknij je (niestety, trzeba to robić każdorazowo po uruchomieniu programu).
- Nie wykonuj aktualizacji programu.
Win 11 24H2 - screen po instalacji: