Programy / Narzędziowe
Abelssoft SSD Fresh Plus 2025 v14.0 Build 56618 [PL] [Crack] [azjatycki]

Dodał: Lisek57
Data dodania:
2025-02-15 22:01:02
Rozmiar: 5.71 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2025-02-15 22:01:02
Seedów: 6
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0


Abelssoft SSD Fresh skonfiguruje Twój system Windows tak, aby optymalnie współpracował z dyskiem SSD, wyłączy dostęp do zapisu, zwiększy wydajność, zmniejszy liczbę operacji odczytu i zapisu oraz zatrzyma niepotrzebne programy. Narzędzie zrobi to wszystko szybko i za pomocą kilku kliknięć.

Główne funkcje:
- Wyświetl właściwości dysku.
- Przeglądanie danych SMART
- Wyłącz defragmentację systemu Windows.
- Wyłącz znaczniki czasu.
- Wyłącz preselekcję.
- Wyłącz defragmentację plików startowych.
- Zatrzymywanie dziennika zdarzeń systemu Windows.
- Wyłącz skrócone nazwy folderów i plików, starsze 16-bitowe aplikacje DOS.



Abelssoft SSD Fresh Plus - increase the lifetime of your SSD. Did you know that your precious SSD drive has a limited lifetime (number of write accesses per memory cell)? Do you want to increase the life of your SSD? SSD Fresh helps you to deactivate all unnecessary write acritivites of your system.


New! Adjust the system to the SSD.
SSD Fresh fits your Windows system to the use of an SSD.

New! Avoid write access.
SSD Fresh reduces the number of read and write operations and thus increases the lifetime of your drive.

New! Increase performance.
By disabling unnecessary services also the system performance is increased.

View drive information.
Get information about your drive and the manufacturer. SSD Fresh displays general information suitable for the hard drives that are installed in the computer. You can see for example the storage capacity and how much space is already occupied.

View S.M.A.R.T. data.
Modern hard drives use a system for self-monitoring, called S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) system. It analyzes the disk and already indicates defects before they can cause data loss. SSD Fresh reads this information and displays it in the window.

Disabling the Windows defragmentation.
Since SSDs have the same access time for all memory cells, there is no need to store them coherently. In addition this, the defragmentation process generates write hits, which reduce the lifetime of the SSD. Therefore, it is highly recommended to deactivate the defragmentation process.

Timestamp deactivation.
Windows stores the access time for each file access. This produces unnecessary write hits and thus will reduce the lifetime of your SSD. Disabling of this feature is highly recommended.

Prefetch off.
Prefetch supports preloading of frequently used applications into RAM. Because of the fast access times off SSDs, this function is useless and can be disabled.

Disabling the defragmentation of boot files.
Because of the way that files are stored in SSDs, a defragmentation of boot files makes no sense and should be disabled as it reduces the lifetime of your SSD.

Deactivation of the Windows event logging.
Windows permanently records system configuration changes, as well as crashes and other events from various services and programs. This creates unnecessary write accesses and reduces the lifetime of your SSD.

Storing short name off.
For compatibility with old 16-bit DOS applications, Windows creates short names for folders and files, which results in additional write accesses to your SSD. Current applications do not need those names, which is why they can be disabled.


strona producenta:
strona programu:
system operacyjny: Windows 7/ 8.1/ 10/ 11 (32bit-64bit)


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- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- zawartość folderu "Crack" przekopiuj do głównego katalogu programu
- domyślny katalog to: C:Program FilesSSDFreshProgram
- uruchom program


Opcjonalnie możesz wyłączyć sprawdzanie aktualizacji podczas uruchamiania programu:
- w prawym rogu okna programu, ikona "koło zębate"
- w sekcji "Aktualizacje oprogramowania" odznacz "Sprawdź aktualizacje podczas uruchamiania programu"


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