Muzyka / Death Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2025-02-12 17:56:47
Rozmiar: 74.97 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2025-02-12 17:56:47
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Bardzo cacy death metale z Białorusi!

'Sychodžańnie' to drugi materiał w trzyletniej historii zespołu, wydany w rok po premierze debiutanckiej demówki „Starazytnaje Licha”. Nową EP-kę wypełniają 32 minuty intensywnego black/death metalu, urozmaiconego tajemniczymi interludiami i filmowymi monologami, które nadają całości unikatowego charakteru. W muzyce LSZB pobrzmiewają echa takich zespołów, jak Necros Christos, Archgoat, czy Mortuary Drape. Materiał został zmiksowany/zmasterowany przez Ghostalgy Productions. Autorem okładki jest VR.

After releasing Staražytnaje licha demo last year, Belarusian black/death metallers Ljosazabojstwa are back with a massive new EP Sychodžańnie, set for release on June 30 via Hellthrasher Productions (CD/digital). With Sychodžańnie, LSZB take their brand of ancient thrashing black death to a whole new level, balancing barbaric riffage with mysterious interludes and spoken word samples that make for a unique experience. Prepare yourself for a 32-minute descent to the bottomless pit..

"At six tracks in thirty two minutes, LSZB’s follow-up EP, Sychodžańnie, is a mind-rattling hellride through the darklands of humanity’s subconscious. One minute you’re headbanging, rejoicing in malicious riffs and howls of ancient rancor; the next you’re cowering in deeply-embedded, instinctual fear beneath the wailing sirens of doom." - DECIBEL MAGAZINE

"As good as Staražytnaje licha was, Sychodžańnie is better. While that first demo was a multifaceted affair, there are even more facets on this new gem, and the band have pushed the dynamism of their compositions to even greater heights. The result is a half hour of music that keeps the listener tightly bound in the chains of its attraction." - NO CLEAN SINGING

The occult horror of a certain type of black/death generally somewhat influenced by or otherwise in line with Mortuary Drape is one of my favorite things, and Ljosazabojstwa clearly agree, given the content on Sychodžańnie and on the demo that came before it. From the first bits of atmosphere created by a haunting organ introduction through the very last chords, everything about this EP is massive; monolithic doom-driven rhythms do combat with the vocalist’s echoing snarl, subtle keyboards occasionally provide an extra layer, and the whole package is complimented by the immense production that ties the entire package together. Ominous interludes, sometimes mid-track, build tension, and whenever appropriate buildup has been reached, well-timed eruptions launch trudging doom into ripping hellfire before spiraling back to a horrifying crawl.

Though I mentioned Mortuary Drape as a point of comparison (and a clear influence), Ljosazabojstwa are by no means a clone of anyone; chaotic tremolo melodies, pretty leads, fiery death metal, and blazing thrash merge seamlessly to form a package that fits the mood that Mortuary Drape, Necros Christos, or similar bands put me into without feeling like a pointless ripoff at any point. Though sometimes the non-metal interruptions get a bit much for me, the overall package is startlingly strong, and a welcome change of pace from the onslaught of more straightforward death metal releases that I’ve been hearing from this year so far; as a point to their credit, the interludes are well written (or well picked, for the samples), and my general distaste for lengthy and frequent interludes may well be more of a problem for me than the interludes themselves.

Ljosazabojstwa fundamentally call for a return to the occult, and I welcome it with open arms. Sychodžańnie is catchy, memorable, and excellently performed, with more than enough variety and strength of both songwriting and pacing to keep the EP interesting from listen to listen. Most great EP’s leave me wanting more from the band, and as much as I’m looking forward to hearing Ljosazabojstwa’s first full length, this is a rare EP powerful enough to merit the repeat listens and reflection to occupy me until whenever the band feels that another release is necessary.



1. Pozirk u biezdań 02:06
2. Zhuba 07:37
3. Piekła 06:56
4. Šliach na Miehida 07:00
5. Sychodžańnie 01:36
6. Zabojstwa ljosu 06:48

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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