Muzyka / Alternative Rock

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-12-22 17:51:30
Rozmiar: 304.62 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-12-22 17:51:30
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Najnowszy album 'Podróż' to w zamierzeniu projekt scalający muzykę, obrazi słowa. A i sama podróż ma trzy wymiary. A wątków pobocznych jest jeszcze trzy razy tyle. Wnikliwi słuchacze dojdą, co i jak…Na płycie swoje talenty ujawniło kilkanaście osób, a wszystko po to, by zbliżyć się do absolutu, jakim jest

ściana dźwięku generowana przez przejeżdżający osobowy. To w końcu album, który zawiera w sobie wiele odniesień i przebogaty wachlarz inspiracji.
Album wydany we współpracy z Bat-Cave Production.
Edycja na CD w digipacku z załączoną mapą podróży i innymi niespodziankami.

The latest album “Podróż” is intended to be a project that brings together music and words. And the journey itself has three dimensions. And there are three times as many side plots. Attentive listeners will understand what and how…
A dozen or so people revealed their talents on the album, all in order to get closer to the absolute that it is
a wall of sound generated by a passing passenger car. After all, this is an album that contains many references and a wide range of inspirations.

OPOWIEŚĆ (A Story) is a group whose music is filled with noises, squeaks, clatters and other characteristic sounds for the trance motor skills of a moving train. On one website, the band’s work was described as NOISE RITUAL SPLEEN SONGS. And what’s not to understand?
The group has released two albums. The debut “Opowieść” (2021) is an album in the dreamlike manner radio play. The second album is not even so much a record as a handmade art zine with an attached a recording of the band’s concert during the 11th edition of the Zabobony festival. And the Tale performs not very well often, but in special places. The musicians could be heard both in the rooms of a Lower Silesian former German pigsty, as well as in the walls of a Czech one, neo-Gothic church. This is proof of skillful and graceful maneuvering between the sacred and profane areas. The band’s performances take the form of a musical ritualenriched with film projections and a visual performance in the form of live painting. Everything is there stories.
Album released in cooperation with Bat-Cave Production.


1. Bezdroża 04:35
2. Ostatni Będą Następni 06:04
3. Ku Końcowi 05:29
4. NIkt 02:24
5. Przejście 04:18
6. Las Krzyży 07:24
7. M.W. 04:59
8. Granatowy Kolor Boga 07:12
9. + + + 02:13
10. Coś 06:10

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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