Muzyka / Doom metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-12-15 14:17:08
Rozmiar: 89.86 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-12-15 14:17:08
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GRAND MAGUS po początkowej fascynacji metalem zawierającym dużą dawkę stonera w niemal czystej postaci przeszedł po roku 2003 na pozycje heavy/doom i taką muzykę zawiera ten album, wydany w Europie przez Rise Above Records w czerwcu, ale premiera miała miejsce w Japonii już w maju (Victor).

Trzeci album GRAND MAGUS sprawia wrażenie płyty niedokończonej. Nie tylko dlatego, że to niecałe 40 minut muzyki, w tym trzy skromne miniatury instrumentalne, ale przede wszystkim, ponieważ pozostałe kompozycje, także niezbyt długie, wydają się szkicami, szkieletami czegoś większego, czego tu zabrakło.
Utworów na miarę "Baptised in Fire" czy "He Who Seeks Shall Find" i tego "monumentalizmu" z poprzedniego "Monument" wiele tu nie ma. Jest zarys, ale jakby zabrakło pomysłu na wykończenie na obudowanie tego i rozwinięcie pewnych wątków. Tych znakomitych wątków i motywów jest tu wiele i skompresowane w krótszych numerach także robią spore wrażenie.
To przede wszystkim soczysty heavy metal jak w "Kingslayer" i kapitalnym "Blood Oath". Słychać, że Christoffersson, gdy z lekka odchodzi od doomowego stylu wokalnego, jest równie przekonujący i dominujący. Zresztą, jakby nie śpiewał, to i tak jest jednym z najlepszych i najciekawszych, a przy tym oryginalnych i niepowtarzalnych głosów europejskiej sceny metalowej.
Dostojnie brzmi "Nine" gdzie mistycyzm łączy CANDLEMASS i skandynawski gothic metal, ale najlepiej GRAND MAGUS zawsze prezentował się w takich granych w umiarkowanym tempie kroczących i podbarwionych epic doom metalem kompozycjach jak "Wolf's Return". Tu jednak właśnie po raz pierwszy zdecydowanie pojawia się wrażenie, że można było z tego wycisnąć więcej, tak w tych wolnych partiach z powtarzanym motywem gitarowym jak w tych momentach szybszych z kruszącymi riffami heavy metalowymi. Tego mroku i ponurego horror metalu, jaki nieraz usłyszeć można było wcześniej, nie brak tu w "Repay in Kind" oraz w "Ashes" najbardziej tu doom metalowym, również jednak w jakby w skróconej muzycznie formie.
Tak na skróty nieco idzie GRAND MAGUS na tym LP... "Light Hater" to z kolei taki najbardziej typowy przykład dominacji "JB" nad muzyką i tu on panuje całkowicie nad własną gitarą i super mocnym basem Foxa w mistycznym songu odnoszącym się do kategorii heavy/doom w skandynawskim stylu.
To czego zabrakło w "Wolf's Return" pojawia się w formie quotro w jego części drugiej na końcu albumu i pozostaje jakieś wrażenie niedosytu.

Trochę świeżych pomysłów się tu przewija, ale słychać i autocytaty z niedalekiej przeszłości, będące czymś więcej niż tylko dookreśleniem własnego wypracowanego stylu.
Doskonałe super soczyste brzmienie i nienaganne wykonanie, przy czym sekcja rytmiczna jak zwykle lekko w cieniu głosu i gitary "JB" wykonała po raz kolejny swoją robotę wyśmienicie.
Mimo wszystko jednak, album poniżej możliwości i poniżej oczekiwań, zarys, ale nie w pełni ukształtowane dzieło.


JB and co. are back with the latest release entitled "Wolf's Return." Any and all doubts that this swedish trio couldn't pull off another stellar release can be put to rest the moment you press play. Grand Magus is an interesting musical outfit in that they do retain a central "doom" like theme within their music, and yet they never seem to rehash their old work. This isn't an easy task to accomplish when making music of any genre, metal or not. The first release had a strong hard-rock stoner edge to it, then Monument followed with some of the slowest,heaviest doom tunes I've ever heard in my life. And this brings me to Wolf's Return, just what the hell were these dudes going to do to top themselves. Well folks, they did and with flying colors. If you're familiar with Magus' old material, don't expect a clone of what has already been done. While still wearing their doom colors proudly, the sound in this record seems to lean more towards old school heavy metal with a magus tinge to it.

The opening track "Kingslayer" was a brilliant opener for this mega album and gives you a bit of insight as to what the listener is in for. The song gets heavy from the start with a steady double bass kick complimented by some heavy ass guitar riffs with a bass sound so thick you could chew it. Defenitley has the potential to be a new metal anthem for the ages.

"Nine" is the kind of song that catches you off guard a bit, but not in a bad way by any means. A unique riff is emplpyed,almosy middle eastern like,at the beginning of the song and just takes you from there. Possibly my second favourite track.

Without going into every single fucking song, I'll jump to the real highlight track, "Blood Oath." This is where magus pays tribute to the heavy metal acts of the 80s such as Saxon, Maiden, Priest and Sabbath as well. It's fast, intense and incredibly well written. This track also offers some insight into the true vocal ability of JB which is nothing short of astonishing.

So all in all, this album blew me away. It is very different from the old stuff so be prepared, keep an open mind and don't break your neck while head banging to these soon to be legendary tunes. HAIL GRAND MAGUS!


This band is utterly superb. I thought "Iron Will" was the pinnacle of strength coming from this awesome group, but I was dead-in-the-sand wrong, and that's a fantastic thing to admit, because this record crushes in its raw, meaty rampage of true metal destruction. Grand Magus' brand of heavy/doom metal is simplistic at its core, but only a handful of squads can match the honest integrity and passion they streamline right into the golden heart of their work. "Wolf's Return," released in 2005, makes the competition look like a bunch of wimpy children playing dodgeball. I mean, this is totally heavy and savage in its own remarkable little way; Grand Magus grabs you by the throat and dumps liters of awesomeness down your throat without apology. Right from the start, "Kingslayer" refuses to relent its catchy, mid-paced onslaught of metallic bliss.

The great thing about Grand Magus is the simplicity of everything they do. They take a few riffs, add some vocal patterns, mix up a chorus, throw in a guitar solo, circle back to the track, and donezo. Easy as heating up chicken nuggets after reading Pre-made Frozen Foods For Dummies. However, every facet of their sound—take "Iron Will" for instance—is valorously enamoring: the guitar work strikes hard through its mid-paced endeavors and traditional slabs of vintage heavy metal reframed in Grand Magus' own prisms; the percussion has total mastery over its beats; and the bass is forceful and demands you give it respect. JB Christoffersson's reputation again remains untarnished, and I think he sounds better here more than anything else; songs like "Nine" change the record's tempo significantly, yet he shifts his vocal chords to cater to the needs of the emotion-heavy anthem regardless. His voice is legendary.

The album surprisingly steps up during the thudding grace of "Blood Oath," another stellar anthem that's addictive, epic, and yields a rich chorus boasting the valor of the gods; a proclamation that has been rightfully earned, I may add. Then Grand Magus kicks up the aggression a bit with more steel-glazed odes of ironclad excellence throughout "Repay in Kind" and "Light Hater"; the three-hit combo of tunes they heave on the listener (not including the brief instrumentals glued between the aforementioned portions) after the title track is just outstanding. Everything they touch feels graceful and natural; even the tiny interludes which give the listener some room to take in the pure dominance make their mark.

Joy itself finds joy in Grand Magus' smoldering display of the doom/heavy metal treasure lurking within "Wolf's Return." It's a release that literally grabs the authentic roots of heavy metal and condenses its habitual fundamentals into an amazingly digestible and glorious effort; Grand Magus seems to have no identity issues or noticeable declines in content throughout their stellar discography. Alas, "Wolf's Return" is an opus that doesn't flaunt otherworldly technicality or dazzling instrumentation, but once you hear it, you'll realize why Grand Magus resorts to keeping things on the simpler side of the spectrum. If you're looking for one band that understands the true essence of metal, look no further than Grand Magus and especially "Wolf's Return."



1. Kingslayer 4:10
2. Nine 3:27
3. Blodörn 1:11
4. Wolf's Return 4:51
5. Blood Oath 4:41
6. Järnbörd 1:09
7. Repay In Kind 5:11
8. Hämnd 1:34
9. Ashes 4:37
10. Light Hater 4:53
11. Wolf's Return Part II 2:30

Recorded at Resync Studio, Stockholm during mid-winter 2004-2005.


Bass - Fox
Drums - Fredrik
Guitar, Vocals - JB

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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