...( Info )...
Title: Pink Floyd - P.U.L.S.E
Starring: David Gilmour, Richard Wright, Nick Mason, Guy Pratt
Year of release: 1992
Director: David Mallet
Country: UK
Duration: 04:51:42
Translation: Not required
Napisy: angielskie, francuskie, niemieckie, włoskie, hiszpańskie, córki, portugalskie, polskie, chińskie, japońskie
"P.U.L.S.E" is a video version of the Pink Floyd concert that took place on October 20, 1994 at London's Earls Court. The concert was part of the tour in support of the album The Division Bell. The music was accompanied by a very colorful show with a huge number of spotlights and lasers, two large inflatable pigs, an airplane flying over the audience, and video clips on a round screen. Despite the fact that 16 years have passed since the performance, many consider this concert to be the best concert of this group. And in terms of spectacle and video effects, even now, after so much time, there are very few performers whose shows can be put on a par with the P.U.L.S.E concert. We offer you a restored and edited version of the video recording of the concert, released in 2022. The discs contain a variety of additional materials. Enjoy watching everyone!
...( Dane Techniczne )...
Codec: h.264
Quality: BDRemux 1080p
Video: 20 Mbps, 1920x1080, 23.976 fps
LPCM, 2 ch, 2304 kbps
DTS-HD MA, 6 ch, 8476 kbps
LPCM, 2 ch, 4608 kbps