Programy / Narzędziowe
NIUBI Partition Editor 10.0.9 Technician Edition [PL] [License by NEMO/SnD] [+Portable] [azjatycki]

Dodał: Lisek57
Data dodania:
2024-11-18 06:01:01
Rozmiar: 26.43 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-11-18 06:01:01
Seedów: 6
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0

Technician Edition, to najbardziej rozbudowana i wszechstronna edycja z grupy NIUBI Partition Editor.



NIUBI Partition Editor pomaga zmniejszać, rozszerzać, przenosić i scalać partycje bez utraty danych w celu optymalizacji miejsca na dysku. Narzędzie umożliwia również naprawę błędów systemu plików i defragmentację partycji w celu poprawy wydajności komputera.

NIUBI Partition Editor umożliwia wykonywanie różnych operacji na dyskach i partycjach, co pozwala na skonfigurowanie zarówno nowego dysku, jak i dysków z systemem operacyjnym lub dysków z przechowywanymi na nich informacjami. Unikalny algorytm przenoszenia plików pomaga zmieniać rozmiar plików o 30-300% szybciej niż inne podobne programy. Oprócz zmiany partycji program umożliwia sprawdzenie dysku pod kątem błędów i uszkodzonych sektorów.

Oprogramowanie NIUBI Partition Editor zawiera unikalną 1-sekundową technologię cofania, która chroni dane przed utratą w przypadku awarii oprogramowania lub sprzętu podczas operacji. Program automatycznie przywróci system do pierwotnego stanu, co pozwoli uniknąć utraty danych. Ponadto w wielu przypadkach operacje zmiany rozmiaru partycji nie wymagają ponownego uruchomienia systemu.

- Tworzenie i usuwanie partycji
- Zmiana rozmiaru partycji
- Scalanie i dzielenie sekcji
- Klonowanie dysków i partycji
- Test powierzchni i sprawdzanie błędów
- Konwersja MBR na GPT
- Konwertowanie partycji logicznych i podstawowych
- Konwertuj NTFS na FAT32
- Ukrywanie sekcji i ochrona przed zmianami
- Trwałe usunięcie danych
- Utwórz nośnik startowy
- Funkcja cofania operacji w ciągu 1 sekundy



Magic Partition Software for Windows PC. System C drive becomes full and no free space to install Updates or applications? Don't worry, NIUBI Partition Editor Professional Edition helps you solve this problem easily. Better than other utilities, this magic partition manager software integrated unique Roll-Back data protection technology, which is able to automatically roll back computer to the status before resizing in ONE second, if any software error or hardware issue occurred, so you don't need to worry about data safety. Optimized file-moving algorithm helps resize partition at least 30% faster than ANY other tools.

Working similarly with but much powerful than Partition Magic. This partition manger software supports Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP (both 32 & 64 bit). NIUBI Partition Editor Professional Edition is not only a partition resizer, but also an All-in-One toolkit. It helps copy partition to migrate data, create, delete, format, hide, active, defrag, convert partition and much more to better manage disk partitions and improve system performance.

What's it all about and what it can do for you
Just like most other comprehensive disk management tools out there, it too can help you resize, create, hide, format, move, rename, delete and performs a wide array of other operations on your computer's partitions, mostly without forcing you to reboot your PC.

Additionally, it's also capable of migrating data and changing the partitions' statuses between Logical and Primary without requiring anything more than a few mouse clicks on your part. What's more, it can just as easily convert NTFS drives to FAT32 and vice-versa.

Other noteworthy features include the app's Virtual mode that allows you to avoid potentially catastrophic disk management mistakes (meaning you can redo your steps before proceeding forth with the changes). It also comes with support for multiple storage options such as internal and external hard disk drives (Hyper-V, VMware virtual disk, all types of Hardware RAID).

A few insights regarding its installation and user interface and, more importantly, the paid editions
We're happy to report that NIUBI Partition Editor is just as user-friendly and as widely-accessible like most similar solutions of this sort, even though, you may have preferred it in a tad bit more stylish package.

Installation is simple when it comes to all its versions, and there aren't that many changes regarding overall user experience between the tiers. Since we're on the subject, we would like to point out that, unsurprisingly, some advanced features are only available through the paid versions.

For instance, by opting for one of the paid versions, you're provided with the useful RollBack data protection feature, as well as with the possibility of creating all sorts of bootable media. There's also a Server Edition that, as its name suggests, brings forth all the advantages of the Professional edition with the added bonus of being capable of running on Server editions of Windows. More information about the product's editions can be found here.

Comprehensive disk management tool that's well worth your attention, even though it's not all that different from the competition
To conclude, NIUBI Partition Editor is an all-in-one disk management solution that boasts enough useful and advanced features, available through various editions, that should come in handy to both day-to-day and professional users.


strona producenta:
strona programu:
system operacyjny: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11 Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003, Windows SBS 2011/2008/2003 (32bit-64bit)


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- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- zawartość folderu "License" przekopiuj do głównego katalogu z programem
- domyślny katalog to: C:Program FilesNIUBISoftNIUBI Partition Editor Technician Edition
- uruchom program


Wersja portable:
- otwórz folder "Portable"
- uruchom plik "NIUBIPartitionEditorPortable.exe"


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