Muzyka / Death Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-11-06 19:08:58
Rozmiar: 70.94 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-11-06 19:08:58
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Trzeci album z 2005 roku.
Fińscy mistrzowie nordyckiego death metalu!

The circumstances related to the recording of "Terror Of Thousand Faces" caused Jarkko Rantanen's band so many obstacles that this lp...could not be released! Problems with funds, production, release (as many as 3 years after the disc was ready in 2002) or the line-up (this is nothing new) are roughly what happened at Adramelech after "Pure Blood Doom" was released. Interestingly, all these adversities did not come into an lp that was detached from the style of these Finns or brought another reduction in form. Contrary to widespread (and wrong - as I will prove in a moment) criticism, "Terror..." looks much better than its predecessor.

"Terror Of Thousand Faces" much more often returns to "overwhelming" regions, neatly referring to the stuffiness of "Psychostasia". And here we should praise first of all Jari Laine, who made a sensible gain from the previous album and managed to find a golden mean between the riffs from their debut and those from "Pure...". The filthy patents and the "overwhelming" atmosphere are back, and all of this was obtained with more brutality than in the days of Rantanen's vocals, and without any technical tricks. Of course, these elements are not as good as in the times of "Psychostasia", although "Terror..." really doesn't bother to give a low note, and such songs as "Book Of Flesh", "Bleeding For Supremacy", "Slain In" The Grace Of Thy Name" or "Orphica Holodemiurgia" (the most atmospheric and my definite top1 from this album) immediately captivate with their gloomy atmosphere and classic death metal sounds. Disadvantages are the occasional uniformity (especially at the beginning of the album), not very unique vocals by Marko Silvennoinen (although better than Ali anyway) and a bit weird production (especially the drums - less "juicy" than before). Generally, tiny of disadvantages and without obscuring the pluses, which are definitely not missing here.

Surprisingly, the uninteresting problems that affected Adramelech at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries did not come into a reduction of overall level. Well, the Finns on "Terror Of Thousand Faces" managed to record a very sensible, death metal album in their characteristic style. Unfortunately, the determination was not enough to continue. "Terror Of Thousand Faces" is Adramelech's last release for many years.

Hames Jetfield


1. Intro 00:24
2. Halls of Human Tragedy 02:21
3. Descent to Eternal Torment 02:58
4. Bleeding for Supremacy 02:51
5. Suicide, Terrorize 02:03
6. I Don't Care About Your Murder 03:40
7. Slain in the Grace of Thy Name 04:05
8. Book of Flesh 03:42
9. Terror of Thousand Faces 02:53
10. Orphica Holodemiurgia 04:07


Jarkko Rantanen - Drums
Jari Laine - Guitars, Bass, Lyrics
Marko Silvennoinen - Vocals, Lyrics

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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