...( Info )...
Title: Flesh Requiem
Year: 2024
Genre: metal, black metal, deathcore
Country: Sweden
Duration: 12 / 40:35
Format/Codec: MP3
Audio bitrate: 320
...( TrackList )...
1. PAGANIZER - Life of Decay [3:01]
2. PAGANIZER - Meat Factory [3:21]
3. PAGANIZER - Flesh Requiem [3:39]
4. PAGANIZER - Hunger For Meat [2:17]
5. PAGANIZER - Viking Supremacy [3:12]
6. PAGANIZER - World Scythe [3:47]
7. PAGANIZER - Fare Thee Well (Burn In Hell) [3:19]
8. PAGANIZER - Necromonolithic [3:33]
9. PAGANIZER - The Pyroclastic Excursions [3:20]
10. PAGANIZER - Just Another Doomsday [3:22]
11. PAGANIZER - Suffer Again [3:39]
12. PAGANIZER - Skeletons [4:11]