reżyseria: Antoine Thomas
scenariusz: Alan Smithy, Alana Smithy
produkcja: Włochy, Kanada
gatunek: Horror
premiera: 21-04-2011
czas: 01:21:19
o filmie:
The scientist Susan Carter is researching the rehabilitation of addicts
using an experimental drug in her rehab center. After her death, her idle
son Brian Carter is forced by his friend Simon to travel to the property
that he had inherited. Brian and Simon travel with five other friends to
the spot and they find that the center is actually an ancient monastery
and they have to spend the night. Sooner they are murdered, one by one,
by creepy creatures that live in the place.
Brian odziedziczył po matce ośrodek medyczny. W podziemiach budynku odkrywa
dowody przerażających eksperymentów.
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