Muzyka / Progressive Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-10-06 17:26:26
Rozmiar: 136.42 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-11-22 21:45:09
Seedów: 2
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Rzadko można dziś znaleźć w metalu zespół, który naprawdę brzmi wyjątkowo.
Jasne, The Anchoret ma mnóstwo wyraźnych wpływów, ale robi też coś innego niż wszystkie i w większości przypadków robi to fachowo.

2023 has been a fantastic year for progressive music, especially for debut albums from promising and talented bands and artists like "Crowned Lands," "AVKRVST," "Lars Fredrik Frøislie," and "Tritop." However, none have impressed me as much as "The Anchoret" with their release, "It All Began with Loneliness."
What sets this album apart is its unique blend of melodic and experimental passages, incorporating sax, flutes, and clarinet seamlessly into the songs without sacrificing the genre's typical heaviness and aggression. Figuring out The Anchoret's main influences has been a challenge for me, as some tracks like "A Dead Man," "Buried," and "All Turns to Clay" remind me of Dream Theater, Riverside, and Opeth, but the majority, especially the instrumental sections, have an eclectic mix of elements reminiscent of King Crimson, Motorpsycho, Gentle Giant, and Steven Wilson's "The Raven That Refused to Sing."

One of the album's strongest points is its cohesiveness. Every song flows magnificently into the next, and the overall length of about 60 minutes is perfect to fully appreciate the talent and musicianship that The Anchoret brings to the table. While all members shine throughout the record, James Christopher Knoerl's drumming and Sylvain Auclair's vocals stand out and deserve special recognition.

"It All Began with Loneliness" breaks away from the repetitive and stagnant tendencies that sometimes plague the prog metal scene, offering a fresh and innovative approach. The Anchoret has proven that it is possible to bring new ideas and imagination to the genre, and that is why I consider this album a masterpiece of progressive metal music (5/5 stars).



1. An Office For... 02:40
2. A Dead Man 06:32
3. Until The Sun Illuminates 06:40
4. Someone Listening? 08:05
5. Forsaken 07:26
6. Buried 04:28
7. All Turns to Clay 08:32
8. Unafraid 07:18
9. Stay 07:00


Eduard Levitsky - bass
Sylvain Auclair - vocals
Leo Estalles - guitars
James Christopher Knoerl - drums
Andy Tillison - keyboards, synthesizers

Juan Ignacio Varela Espinoza - alto saxophone
Carina Bruwer - flute
Paulo Oliveira - flute (2)
Artem Koryapin - clarinet
Nimiwari - gospel vocals (2), additional vocals (7)
Reinaldo Ocando - percussion (5)
Thomson Knoles - additional keyboards (7)
David Gagné - additional keyboards (5), additional guitar (4)
Daniel Eliseev - additional guitar (8)
Ὀρφεύσ - Mellotron (9)

SEED 15:00-22:00.

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