Frostpunk is a captivating survival game that masterfully combines city-building and survival elements in a frozen post-apocalyptic world. Developed and published by 11 bit studios, the game challenges you to build and govern the last city standing amid eternal winter. You are thrust into a world destroyed by an unexplained global catastrophe, forced to harvest coal, wood, and steel to sustain life, whilst also implementing laws and adapting to ever-evolving moral dilemmas. The frosty landscape, beautifully rendered with icy, stark aesthetics, adds to the grim mood of the struggle for survival. With real-time strategy, your choices can lead to prosperity or doom, as you balance resources, make tough decisions, and manage a society on the brink of extinction. Frostpunk's unique mechanics like a circular city layout and a society thermometer truly set it apart, immersing you in a narrative that examines the potential ethical trade-offs of survival in extreme scenarios. Be prepared for tense, challenging gameplay that tests your strategic, moral, and leadership skills in ways few games can.