Muzyka / Death Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-09-08 11:20:31
Rozmiar: 284.70 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-09-08 11:20:31
Seedów: 0
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Konsekwencja to największy atut Atropos Doctrina.
Czterdzieści minut solidnego jak skała, ponurego death metalu, który 'cuchnie' tak przyjemnie...
Zdecydowanie krążek jest zabójczą kontynuacją albumu, któremu nie było łatwo dorównać...


Szwedzi z deathmetalowego Vanhelgd powrócili po sześciu latach studyjnego milczenia, wydając swój szósty album, zatytułowany "Atropos Doctrina". Ukazał się on 12 lipca 2024 roku, pod egidą Dark Descent Records.

Na "Atropos Doctrina" znalazło się osiem kompozycji, które muzycy zrealizowali w studio "Endarker". Produkcją, miksami i masteringiem zajął się Magnus "Devo" Andersson. Podobnie jak to miało miejsce w przypadku pozostałych wydawnictw Vanhelgd, okładkę przygotował Mattias Frisk pełniący w zespole rolę wokalisty i gitarzysty.

After six long years, Vanhelgd has finally installed a successor to 2018’s monumental Deimos Sanktuarium on the notorious Svensk Dödsmetall throne. But as the saying goes, good things are worth waiting for, and as the Fates would have it, the Swedes’ sixth opus Atropos Doctrina might just be the best of the bunch.

“Six years of pandemic, crisis and war have passed since we last announced the impending doom of mankind. Much and nothing has changed. Tragedy, ecstasy and doom are still our perpetual companions and the age of man is indefatigable crawling towards the end of its path. The moirai spun and measured your thread of life and now it’s in the hand of Atropos the Inflexible One…”

Atropos Doctrina was recorded under the watchful eye of Marduk’s Magnus “Devo” Andersson at Norrköping’s Endarker Studios, and the odds are you won’t hear a heavier production for a good wee while. Backed by ice-cold performances and precision from the band, Atropos Doctrina might just be the biggest sounding album of 2024 to date!

Despite its Latin title, all lyrics on the record are in the band’s mother tongue, marking an end to their Anglo-Swedish lyrical approach.

An indifference to trends and scene sentiments persists as Vanhelgd’s trump card. And after 17 years the band remains just as uncompromising as ever, honing their unique blend of atmospheric death and black metal to perfection.

Recorded, mixed and mastered in Endarker Studios by Magnus "Devo" Andersson.

Cover art by Mattias Frisk

Whenever I decide out of curiosity to take a look at the latest metal releases on the Swedish isles, I pretty much never come across anything lackluster or boring, in fact it actually turns out to be surprisingly great and highly enjoyable. Had it not been for some of my Swedish friends, I would have not known about the excellence of the death metal band Vanhelgd, which had released their sixth full-length album Atropos Doctrina on July 14, 2024 via Dark Descent Records, which I’ve seen being teased on social media and talked about couple of times before it was officially out in the world. Although generally unfamiliar with the previous works of Vanhelgd, I still wanted to give this album a try, because I always have very high hopes when it comes to Swedish death metal, so is there really anything I could possibly lose? Stay tuned to find out…

Atropos Doctrina is one dark and melodic work of death metal with a lot of emotions that flow through the solid riff work with frequent tremolo picking, double-bass drumming with occasional blast beats and intense shouting vocals, showcasing some contemporary approach for the subgenre with a lot of complexity and creativity that nicely carries over from one song to another. Aside from the extremity in the band’s very tight and heavy performance, there is also a lot of extremity in terms of the powerful emotions that each song expresses, especially when it comes to the slower doomy parts like on “Ofredsår” and “I ovigd jord”. The interesting thing about Atropos Doctrina is that it has a real death-defying vibe to it, especially because of the eerie and foreboding atmosphere that courses throughout the entire album, which is quite evident on a couple of tracks like “Galgdanstid” for example, where you truly feel like you’re being eaten from the inside. The further you progress with the album, the more it starts to feel like a real gradual descent into madness, as the songs slowly turn into the soundtrack to your life, where you’re feeling beaten down and on the verge of dying, questioning your own being with every second while persisting in this agony. Atropos Doctrina definitely has got a strong psychological factor that haunts the listener from start to finish, and right before you know it, this album has transformed itself into a very heavy turbulent journey that’s split into multiple chapters, where it only gets heavier by each chapter. I remember when someone mentioned that heaviness isn’t just about the musicality and the way you’re playing as a band, but also in the way how you express the emotions through your music, and I can definitely see Vanhelgd as an example that successfully utilizes that approach throughout the entire album, especially because they managed to nicely balance it with their intense performance.

Like I said before, this album has a lot of complexity, which applies a lot to its songwriting that structurally has a dynamic range of ideas with frequent tempo changes. Even though the album has a very strong stylistic consistency in its entirety, it never feels boring or soulless, because it always manages to hook you onto the songs so strong that it never lets you go, keeping you on the edge of your seat sweating with anticipation. There is no denying that Atropos Doctrina has a very grand sense of delivery to it, especially because you have ton of melodies on this album that further build up on those high expectations, while successfully expressing such heavy emotions, even on the final track “Gravjordsfrid” that serves as a great closure to this journey. It would be foolish to think that this album is one-dimensional or monotone, because it sure as hell isn’t, not with all the great tunes on this album that can really switch the mood between banging your head like crazy and then contemplating life itself, so it’s easily one of its biggest highlights. What I really like about Atropos Doctrina aside from the great musicianship, is the production by Magnus "Devo" Andersson, who gave us a top-notch modern sound that really cemented itself into Vanhelgd’s mighty output.

I honestly didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but holy shit was I left amazed with what I stumbled upon. Atropos Doctrina is one powerful and amazing album with such quality work of death metal that is really unlike anything I have heard lately. It’s easily one of the most chilling releases of this year that successfully fulfilled its task of entertaining and engaging you fully from beginning to end. If you haven’t yet checked it out, I highly recommend that you do, because words are not enough to describe its majesty and the might of Vanhelgd.



1. Saliga äro de dödfödda 03:12
2. Kom dödens tysta ängel 05:03
3. Ofredsår 05:34
4. I ovigd jord 05:47
5. Atropos Hymnarium 06:05
6. Galgdanstid 03:23
7. Kerernas törst 04:27
8. Gravjordsfrid 06:56


Guitar, Vocals - Jimmy Johansson
Guitar, Vocals, Artwork By, Layout - Matthias Frisk
Bass - Jonas Albrektsson
Drums - Mathias Westman

SEED 14:30-23:00.

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