Muzyka / Heavy Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-08-25 12:31:36
Rozmiar: 180.11 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-08-25 12:31:36
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0


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Epic Doom Metal from Italy

The legions return... from even deeper depths! Here's the second reissue of the band's sold-out classic from 2012, "Legions of the Deep", remastered in 2015 and now featuring the "Hammerstorm" EP as bonus tracks for the total of 76 minutes of Lovecraftian madness.
With multiple albums, EPs and compilations under their belts, ARKHAM WITCH is a name that should be perfectly familiar to the old school heavy metal and doom fans, especially those into THE LAMP OF THOTH, the previous band of the vocalist Simon and drummer Emily. On their sophomore album the Brits serve one ridiculously catchy "hit" after another. Their influences are pretty obvious: DEEP SWITCH, HELL, WITCHFINDER GENERAL, JUDAS PRIEST, PENTAGRAM, SAINT VITUS, MANILLA ROAD, CIRITH UNGOL... but at the same time it's not possible to mistake them for any other band (except for TLOT perhaps), as their personality shines strongly through their music and attitude. It's straightforward doom- and NWOBHM-laden traditional metal, occult, but with a tinge of humor, with these trademark bard/brigand type vocals of Simon. And if it makes you do weird moves and speak in strange tongues, you are not alone... you've just joined the Legions of the Deep!


1. David Lund 08:41
2. At the Mountains of Madness 07:09
3. Iron Shadows in the Moon 03:59
4. Infernal Machine 04:29
5. The Cloven Sea 04:27
6. On a Horse Called Vengeance 06:02
7. Gods of Storm and Thunder 05:18
8. Kult of Kutulu 03:21
9. Legions of the Deep (Guest Vocals Leo Stivala) 06:02
10. We're from Keighley 04:06

Bonus Tracks:
11. Hammerstorm 11:46
12. For Metal 05:17
13. Metal Queen 05:16

The second reissue of, 'Legions Of the Deep', from 2012, remastered in 2015 and now featuring three songs from the 'Hammerstorm' EP as bonus tracks.


Vocals - Simon Iff?
Guitar, Guitar [Solos], Backing Vocals - Aldo Dodo Doom
Bass, Backing Vocals - 'Kinky' John 'Saxondale' Demaine
Drums, Backing Vocals - Emily Ningauble

SEED 14:30-23:00.

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