Muzyka / Heavy Metal

Dodał: Fallen_Angel
Data dodania:
2024-07-10 11:50:22
Rozmiar: 338.72 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-07-10 11:50:22
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0



Po przesłuchaniu kolejnej płyty Grand Magus pierwsze co przychodzi mi do głowy, to pytanie: dlaczego większość ich albumów brzmi dokładnie tak samo? Czy muzycy zespołu nie potrafią wyjść poza prezentowaną, wąską jak źrenice narkomana, stylistykę na której zjedli zęby i w której niczego godnego uwagi już nie odkryją? Jest to oczywiście pytanie retoryczne, na które nie spodziewam się uzyskać odpowiedzi, a jednak irytuje mnie, że JB Christoffersson, były członek intrygujących Spiritual Beggars prezentuje słuchaczom taką sieczkę.

Oczywiście, muzycy potrafią sprawnie posługiwać się instrumentami (tylko czy nie jest to warunek sine qua non grania czegokolwiek?) a JB brzmi tak dobrze jak zawsze, nie tracąc nic z prezentowanej od lat chropowatej i równocześnie ciepłej maniery śpiewania. Niestety, Grand Magus zapomnieli, że w trakcie prac warto pomyśleć również nad melodią i ciekawymi riffami i, przede wszystkim, sensownie ułożyć je w ramach spójnego albumu. Na „Sword Songs” utwory zlewają się w przydługawą, monotonną papkę. W pewnym momencie miałem nawet wrażenie, że odtwarzacz przerzucił się na ich poprzedni album „Triumph and Power”.

Być może jest to odrobinę zbyt oczywista hiperbola, ale naprawdę łatwo się pomylić: obie płyty są niemal identyczne! Zastanawia mnie tylko, po co nagrywać kolejne niekończące się wariacje tego samego utworu. W przeszłości Ludwig Witt (perkusja) i JB (wokal) pokazywali już przecież, że wiedzą jak nagrywać intrygujące albumy (jak chociażby „On Fire” wspomnianych już Spiritual Beggars). Tyle, że wówczas nie oni odgrywali pierwsze skrzypce z obrębie formacji – w Beggarsach rządzili Michael Amott i Par Wiberg – z dobrym zresztą skutkiem. W Grad Magus na ostatnich albumach skupiają się niestety na tworzeniu gładkich ugrzecznionych i wyzbytych z energii papkowatych pseudo-metalowych utworów, jak „Freja’s Choice” , „Master of the Land” czy, o zgrozo, „Forged in Iron – Crowned in Steel”. Za to właśnie chętnie wymierzyłbym im siarczystego kopniaka. Nie ze złości jednak, a po to aby zmotywować – bo stać ich na więcej.

Kuba Kozłowski

I can’t help feeling with Grand Magus that they could be so much more if they only had a finishing touch. When these guys really get a bee under their bonnets and throw everything at a few songs, those cuts usually stand out on their respective albums, as ‘Storm King’ did on the The Hunt or like ‘At Midnight They’ll Get Wise’ on Hammer of the North. As a three-piece, the band’s simplicity is understandable, though the lack of energy and creativity that can be seen at times is what stands between recognition and greatness. As such, the Swedes’ occasional brilliance only serves to highlight their usual dependability and average quality albums, disappointing me more often than they meet my expectations. Sword Songs continues on the trio’s dogged journey in the same vein as before, melding classic heavy metal to a doomy guitar sound and soaking it all in a big barrel of warrior’s mead to produce that distinctive Viking flavour.

Stripped back to a mere 35 minutes, you would hope that this album is filled to the brim with great moments and a vigorous approach, which is certainly what the opening pair of songs provides. ‘Freya’s Choice’ kicks things off in unexpected fashion, with a chugging riff reminiscent of metalcore that ignites with a low growl, before a clattering drum fill sets up the more traditional Grand Magus riffing style. It’s nice to see the band trying something new, which also marks the heavier, grinding riffs in the chorus of ‘Master of the Land’, while ‘Varangian’ contributes to the same cause with a happily winding riff from the folk metal textbook, giving the song an easy momentum and buoyant rush of energy following the chorus. All of these extra additions gives Sword Songs something of a distinct character among Grand Magus’s work, especially since it binds itself rather tighter to the Viking metal/battle metal movement than ever before, in the lyrical content as well as the belligerent riffing.

However, this heralds the first time that Grand Magus could conceivably be thought of as part of a scene, their earlier work rarely settling comfortably among their neighbours. That means that at times it feels as if the band were too content to make simple hooks and capture the listener by the songs’ familiarity instead of attempting something more distinctive, as achieved by the raw power of ‘Master of the Land’ and the dramatic opener. The laidback feeling of some of the verses is totally at odds with the nature of the powerful riffs and the equally powerful voice of JB Cristoffersson when he makes full use of his pipes. ‘Last One to Fall’ is a prime culprit, simply pushing power chords into spaces where something more purposeful is needed – and indeed is expected if the pumping drum beat is anything to go by. The same thing happens to some extent in ‘Every Day There’s a Battle to Fight’, though, as the closer, the relaxed approach is more understandable and works to produce nostalgic atmosphere at the opening of the song. Upon reaching the chorus, it’s a different story however: lines like “Got to get up, be strong and fight them all / Never let the fear stand in your way” might sound better if sung with conviction, something that just isn’t present in either the vocals or the music, turning a potentially inspiring message into an ambiguous ending.

On the flip side, that simplicity also makes Sword Songs easy to get into. Even during the first listen, you’ll find it difficult not to join in with the “Viking metal!” refrain in ‘Forged in Iron – Crowned in Steel’, while after a couple more listens your house will resound with the tones of more exuberant numbers like ‘Born For Battle (Black Dog Of Brocéliande)’ as you roar them out from every room. None of the songs feel like total letdowns, similar to the case of the similarly balanced The Hunt, even ‘Last One to Fall’ pulling itself into shape with an immense doomy bridge and passionate chorus. The inclusion of ‘Hugr’ (another in the band’s tradition of awkwardly monikered instrumentals) seems unnecessary, though for anyone still hungry after eight proper songs, there’s a bonus track and an interesting cover of Deep Purple’s ‘Stormbringer’ on the digipack, both of which are worth a couple of spins.

Despite one or two underwhelming moments, Sword Songs wins out due to a good balance of tasty marching riffs, classic lead guitar, and anthemic bravado, rounded out by decent performances on all instruments. Seeing the band broaden their range also bodes well for the future. The best songs here are probably ‘Born for Battle’, ‘Freja’s Choice’, and ‘Frost and Fire’, which are also those that keep their energy and focus from beginning to end. One can always hope for more from a band as experienced and with such pedigree as Grand Magus, but in the end these guys still give most of what you want, just without that extra special something.

gasmask colostomy


Freja's Choice 4:00
Varangian 3:40
Forged in Iron - Crowned in Steel 5:38
Born for Battle (Black Dog of Brocéliande) 3:41
Master of the Land 3:51
Last One to Fall 4:01
Frost and Fire 3:16
Hugr (instrumental) 2:07
Every Day There's a Battle to Fight 4:31

Bonus Tracks:
In for the Kill 3:37
Stormbringer (Deep Purple cover) 5:03


Janne 'JB' Christoffersson – guitars, vocals
Mats 'Fox' Skinner – bass
Ludwig 'Ludde' Witt – drums

SEED 14:30-23:00.

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