01.The Rasmus - October & April
02.Derdian - Why
03.Ensiferum - Tears (feat.Kaisa Saari)
04.W.A.S.P. - Keep Holding On
05.Helloween - If I Knew
06.Royal Hunt - Day Is Dawning
07.Timo Tolkki - Key To The Universe (feat.Michael Kiske)
09.The Poodles - Crying
10.Udo Dirkschneider & Doro - Dancing with an Angel
11.Thalion - Life Is A Poetry
12.Helloween - Windmill
13.Domain - Edge Of The Knife
14.ACCEPT - Can't Stand The Night
16.Zed Yago - The Pale Man
17.AT VANCE - Take My Heart
18.Thalion - The Encounter (feat. Michael Kiske)
19.Metallica - Fade to black
20.Luca Turilli - Silver Moon (feat.Bridget Fogle)
21.Circus Maximus - Zero
22.AXEL RUDI PELL - Forever Angel
23.Stratovarius - Liberty
24.Insania - Forever Alone
25.Helloween - A Tale That Wasn't Right
26.Edguy - Another Time
27.At Vance - Lost in Your Love
28.Insania - Angels in the sky
29.Bloodbound - Black Heart
30.Timo Tolkki - Are You The One (feat. Sharon den Adel)
31.Sonata Arctica - Letter to Dana
32.Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart
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