Artist...............: Johnny Cash
Album................: American II: Unchained
Genre................: Country
Year.................: 1996
Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
...( TrackList )...
1. Johnny Cash - Rowboat (Album Version)
2. Johnny Cash - Sea Of Heartbreak (Album Version)
3. Johnny Cash - Rusty Cage (Album Version)
4. Johnny Cash - The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (Album Version)
5. Johnny Cash - Country Boy (Album Version)
6. Johnny Cash - Memories Are Made Of This (Album Version)
7. Johnny Cash - Spiritual (Album Version)
8. Johnny Cash - The Kneeling Drunkard's Plea (Album Version)
9. Johnny Cash - Southern Accents (Album Version)
10. Johnny Cash - Mean Eyed Cat (Album Version)
11. Johnny Cash - Meet Me In Heaven (Album Version)
12. Johnny Cash - I Never Picked Cotton (Album Version)
13. Johnny Cash - Unchained (Album Version)
14. Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere (Album Version)
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