Artist...............: Johnny Cash
Album................: American IV: The Man Comes Around
Genre................: Country
Year.................: 2002
Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
...( TrackList )...
1. Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around (Album Version)
2. Johnny Cash - Hurt (Album Version)
3. Johnny Cash - Give My Love To Rose (Album Version)
4. Johnny Cash - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Album Version)
5. Johnny Cash - I Hung My Head (Album Version)
6. Johnny Cash - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Album Version)
7. Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus (Album Version)
8. Johnny Cash - In My Life (Album Version)
9. Johnny Cash - Sam Hall (Album Version)
10. Johnny Cash - Danny Boy (Album Version)
11. Johnny Cash - Desperado (Album Version)
12. Johnny Cash - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (Album Version)
13. Johnny Cash - Tear Stained Letter (Album Version)
14. Johnny Cash - Streets Of Laredo (Album Version)
15. Johnny Cash - We'll Meet Again (Album Version)
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