1. Cat Stevens - Kitty (Stereo Version)
2. Cat Stevens - I'm So Sleepy (Stereo Version)
3. Cat Stevens - Northern Wind (Stereo Version)
4. Cat Stevens - The Laughing Apple (Stereo Version)
5. Cat Stevens - Smash Your Heart (Stereo Version)
6. Cat Stevens - Moonstone (Stereo Version)
7. Cat Stevens - The First Cut Is The Deepest (Stereo Version)
8. Cat Stevens - I'm Gonna Be King (Stereo Version)
9. Cat Stevens - Ceylon City (Stereo Version)
10. Cat Stevens - Blackness Of The Night (Stereo Version)
11. Cat Stevens - Come On Baby (Shift That Log) (Stereo Version)
12. Cat Stevens - I Love Them All (Stereo Version)
13. Cat Stevens - Here Comes My Wife (Mono Version)
14. Cat Stevens - A Bad Night
15. Cat Stevens - The Laughing Apple (Mono Version)
16. Cat Stevens - Kitty (Mono Version)
17. Cat Stevens - Blackness of the Night (Mono Version)
18. Cat Stevens - Lovely City (When Do You Laugh?)
19. Cat Stevens - Image Of Hell
20. Cat Stevens - It's A Super (Dupa) Life
21. Cat Stevens - Here Comes My Wife (Electronic Stereo Version)
22. Cat Stevens - Where Are You (Mono Version)
23. Cat Stevens - New Masters
Playing Time.........: 01:03:41
Total Size...........: 338,79 MB
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