Various Artists - Best of 2023 Experimental (FLAC Songs)
...( Info )...
Artist: Various Artists
Album: Best of 2023 Experimental
Year: 2023
Quality: FLAC 24Bit-44.1kHz
...( TrackList )...
01. Carlos Niño - Brooklyn Zoom, Brooklyn Zoom
02. Hinako Omori - a structure
03. Tengger, - PANAPTU
04. Infinite River - Track 2
05. Galya Bisengalieva - Degelen
06. L'Rain - Sometimes
07. Hyunhye Seo - Eel I
08. Beverly Glenn-Copeland - The Ones Ahead
09. Jason Moran - Onset I
10. Setting - Zoetropics
11. Deena Abdelwahed - Naive
12. Ki Oni - Reincarnation At The End Of The World
13. Hilary Woods - The Foot of Love
14. Zake - Ash
15. Laraaji - Kalimba 2
16. André 3000 - Ninety Three 'Til Infinity And Beyoncé
17. Sunwatchers - Tumulus
18. Matmos - Why?
19. Irreversible Entanglements - Celestial Pathways
20. Dustin Wong - Audhumla Thaw
21. Gregg Kowalsky - Brass Dolphins
22. William Eggleston - Ol’ Man River
23. Mute Duo - Night Guides
24. Patrick Shiroishi - There Is No Moment In Which They Are Not With Me
25. Natural Information Society - Stigmergy
26. New Age Doom - Intraterrestrial
27. Craven Faults - Odda Delf
28. Rich Hinman - The Raising of a Large Barn
29. Suss - Kingman, AZ
30. Off World - Impulse Controller
31. Spencer Zahn - High Touch
32. Sam Gendel - QR
33. Jeremiah Chiu - Echo Arp Hold
34. Saint Abdullah - Toes In The Hummus
35. Infinite River - Summer Session #5
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