1. Imagine Dragons - My Life (Live in Vegas)
2. Imagine Dragons - Believer (Live in Vegas)
3. Imagine Dragons - Las Vegas, Our Home (Live in Vegas)
4. Imagine Dragons - It's Time (Live in Vegas)
5. Imagine Dragons - I'm So Sorry (Live in Vegas)
6. Imagine Dragons - Thunder (Live in Vegas)
7. Imagine Dragons - Birds (Live in Vegas)
8. Imagine Dragons - Follow You (Live in Vegas)
9. Imagine Dragons - Lonely (Live in Vegas)
10. Imagine Dragons - Natural (Live in Vegas)
11. Imagine Dragons - Next to Me (Live in Vegas)
12. Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life (Live in Vegas)
13. Imagine Dragons - One Day (Live in Vegas)
14. Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes (Live in Vegas)
15. Imagine Dragons - Younger (Live in Vegas)
16. Imagine Dragons - Sharks (Live in Vegas)
17. Imagine Dragons - Enemy (Live in Vegas)
18. Imagine Dragons - I'm Happy (Live in Vegas)
19. Imagine Dragons - Demons (Live in Vegas)
20. Imagine Dragons - On Top of the World (Live in Vegas)
21. Imagine Dragons - Bones (Live in Vegas)
22. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Live in Vegas)
23. Imagine Dragons - Walking the Wire / My Life (Live in Vegas)
Playing Time.........: 01:36:24
Total Size...........: 1165,93 MB
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