Muzyka / Koncerty
Roger Waters - 2018-08-26 - Kaunas - Lithuania [1080p]

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Data dodania:
2023-04-09 21:20:48
Rozmiar: 28.46 GB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-09-15 01:48:08
Seedów: 11
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...( Info )...

Artist: Roger Waters
Zalgiris Arena, Kaunas, Lithuania
2018 August 26

...( Dane Techniczne )...

Audio: tape 1: BNZ - at831 - SP-SPSB-11 (Bass Roll-off at 107 HZ) - Edirol R05 at 24 bit 48 Khz - Mastering-Levels Audition/Waves/Izotope - 16 bit 48kHz
Video: cam 1: BNZ - Lumix - TZ200 4k
cam 2: bo baskal-NAS - Sony RX100MK6 FHD
other sources: youtube various quality
mix: Adobe Premiere CC 2020: rendered to 1080p50

...( TrackList )...

100 - intro
101 - Speak To Me
102 - Breathe
103 - One Of These Days
104 - Time
105 - Breathe (Reprise)
106 - The Great Gig In The Sky
107 - Welcome To The Machine
108 - Déjà Vu
109 - The Last Refugee
110 - Picture That
111 - Wish You Were Here
112 - The Happiest Days of Our Lives
113 - Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
114 - Another Brick in the Wall Part 3
201 - Battersea
202 - Dogs
203 - Pigs (Three Different Ones)
204 - Money
205 - Us And Them
206 - Smell the Roses
207 - Brain Damage
208 - Eclipse
209 - band intro
210 - The Bravery of Being out of Range
211 - Comfortably Numb

Total time: 2:26:30

Roger Waters - bass, lead vocals, guitars
Dave Kilminster - guitars, bass, talk box, backing vocals
Gus Seyffert - guitars, bass, keyboards, backing vocals
Jonathan Wilson - guitars, keyboards, lead and backing vocals
Drew Erickson - piano, keyboards, Hammond organ
Bo Koster - piano, keyboards, Hammond organ
Jon Carin - piano, keyboards, programming, lap steel guitar, guitars, lead and backing vocals
Ian Ritchie - saxophone, additional bass
Joey Waronker - drums, percussion
Jess Wolfe - lead and backing vocals, percussion
Holly Laessig - lead and backing vocals, percussion

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