reżyseria: Martin Scorsese
scenariusz: William Monahan / Felix Chong
gatunek: Kryminał
produkcja: Hongkong / USA
premiera: 26-09-2006
czas: 02:31:19
o filmie:
In this crime-action tour de force, the South Boston state police force is waging war on Irish-American organized crime.
Young undercover cop Billy Costigan is assigned to infiltrate the mob syndicate run by gangland chief Frank Costello.
While Billy quickly gains Costello's confidence, Colin Sullivan, a hardened young criminal who has infiltrated the state
police as an informer for the syndicate is rising to a position of power in the Special Investigation Unit. Each man
becomes deeply consumed by their double lives, gathering information about the plans and counter-plans of the operations
they have penetrated. But when it becomes clear to both the mob and the police that there is a mole in their midst, Billy
and Colin are suddenly in danger of being caught and exposed to the enemy - and each must race to uncover the identity of
the other man in time to save themselves. But is either willing to turn on their friends and comrades they've made during
their long stints undercover?
Zrealizowany z hollywoodzkim rozmachem i gwiazdorską obsadą, remake światowego hitu "Infernal Affairs" z 2002 roku.
Akcja filmu rozgrywa się w południowym Bostonie, gdzie policja stanowa toczy zażartą walkę z przestępczością
zorganizowaną. Młody tajny agent policji, Billy Costigan, otrzymuje od przełożonego Olivera Queenana rozkaz przeniknięcia
do struktur mafijnych, którymi rządzi Frank Costello. Podczas gdy Billy szybko zdobywa zaufanie bossa, Colin Sullivan
- zatwardziały młody przestępca, który już jako kadet Akademii Policyjnej pełnił rolę mafijnego informatora - zostaje
awansowany na stanowisko dowódcze w Wydziale Spraw Wewnętrznych. Każdego z nich pochłania podwójne życie. Kiedy zarówno
przestępcy, jak i stróże prawa, wpadają na trop wrogiej wtyczki we własnych szeregach, obaj bohaterowie rozpoczynają
wyścig o to, kto pierwszy odkryje tożsamość drugiego, by tym samym uratować własną skórę...
[size=3][color=red][i][b]Jack Nicholson, Martin Sheen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon...[/b][/i][/color][/size]
dane techniczne:
Video: VC-1 1920x1080 23.976fps [The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux (Video 1) (VC-1, 1920x1080, 23.976 fps)]
Audio: TrueHD 48000Hz 6ch 6912kbps [English, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_TrueHD_5.1 (Audio 1) (TrueHD, 48.0 kHz, 5.1 chn, 24 bit, 6912.0 kbit/s)]
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch 640kbps [English, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_AC3_5.1 (Audio 2) (Dolby AC3, 48.0 kHz, 5.1 chn, 640.0 kbit/s)]
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch 448kbps [Polish, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_AC3_5.1 (Audio 3) [Default] (Dolby AC3, 48.0 kHz, 5.1 chn, 448.0 kbit/s)]
Subtitle: PGS [English, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 1)]
Subtitle: PGS [Portuguese, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 2)]
Subtitle: PGS [Bulgarian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 3)]
Subtitle: PGS [Croatian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 4)]
Subtitle: PGS [Czech, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 5)]
Subtitle: PGS [Greek, Modern (1453-), The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 6)]
Subtitle: PGS [Hebrew, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 7)]
Subtitle: PGS [Hungarian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 8)]
Subtitle: PGS [Icelandic, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 9)]
Subtitle: PGS [Polish, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 10)]
Subtitle: PGS [Romanian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 11)]
Subtitle: PGS [Serbian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 12)]
Subtitle: PGS [Slovenian, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 13)]
Subtitle: PGS [Turkish, The Departed (2006)-alE13_BDRemux_PGS (Subtitle 14)]