Artysta: London Grammar
Gatunek: Indie Pop
Format: FLAC 24/16-Bit
...( TrackList )...
(2013) - London Grammar - If You Wait [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2013) - London Grammar - Metal & Dust (Switch Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2013) - London Grammar - Nightcall (Joe Goddard Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) - London Grammar - Devil Inside [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) - London Grammar - If You Wait - Remixes 2 [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2014) - London Grammar - If You Wait - Remixes [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2017) - London Grammar - Big Picture (Remix) - EP [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2017) - London Grammar - Hell to the Liars (K”lsch Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2017) - London Grammar - Non Believer (Remixes) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2017) - London Grammar - Oh Woman Oh Man (Remix) - EP [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2020) - London Grammar - Baby It's You [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) - London Grammar - Californian Soil [24Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) - London Grammar - How Does It Feel (Paul Woolford Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) - London Grammar - Lord It's a Feeling (High Contrast Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
(2021) - London Grammar - Lose Your Head (CamelPhat Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
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