Armin van Buuren - Wild wild son (Devin Wild remix) (ft Sam Martin)
Atmozfears - Move ma body (& Demi Kanon)
Atmozfears - Together as one (& Sound Rush)
Audiotricz - Don't say goodbye (ft Aloma Steele)
Bass Modulators - Ruffneck bass
Brennan Heart - Fight for something (& Coone ft Max P)
Da Tweekaz - Anything (& D-Sturb)
D-Block & S-te-Fan - World renowned (ft DJ Isaac)
Demi Kanon - Break the silence (& Inverze)
Demi Kanon - Grace (ft MC DL)
Devin Wild - Dream deferred
D-Sturb - The ultimate (& Emese)
E-Force - Kicked out (& Rejecta)
Ghost Stories (D-Block & S-te-Fan) - Open your mind
Hard Driver - Valley of the blind (& KELTEK)
Headhunterz - Amen (& Sub Zero Project)
Headhunterz - Follow me (& Sound Rush ft ...)
Hypnose - Save me
KELTEK - One Tribe (Defqon.1 2019 Anthem)
Noisecontrollers - Headlights
Psyko Punkz - Life is a game (ft Adosa & Mongoose)
Retrospect - Together
Sub Zero Project - Break the game (& KELTEK)
Defqon.1 (One Tribe) (CD 2: Phuture Noize)
Apexx - Machines don't bleed
Apexx - Painkiller
B-Front - Electronic symphony (& Adrenalize)
B-Front - The world
Digital Punk - Eclipse
Ecstatic - Aliens
Frequencerz - Sons of anarchy
Frequencerz - Starlight (& Phuture Noize)
Gunz for Hire - Blood brothers
Gunz for Hire - Kings of Mayhem
Hard Driver - Wild ones
MYST - Restless, hostile, unforgiving
Phuture Noize - Edge of glory
Phuture Noize - Monster
Phuture Noize - One Tribe (Defqon.1 2019 Anthem)
Phuture Noize - Wasted all of my time
Ran-D - The power of now
Sub Zero Project - Call of the sacred (& Phuture Noize)
Sub Zero Project - Patient Zero
Sub Zero Project - The solution (& Villain)
Zatox - Animals
Defqon.1 (One Tribe) (CD 3: Sefa)
Audiofreq - Fire power
Crypton - Artifact (& The Shade)
Cyclon - Skyfall
D-Sturb - Nothing like the oldschool (& Sefa)
Mr. Ivex - Galakc (& Captain Core)
Nosferatu - Killer beat (& Sefa)
Nosferatu - Rise or drop (& Furyan)
Nosferatu - Sanctity of space; Cassini's Journey
Project One - The art of creation (Sefa remix)
Rooler - Remember the name (& Sefa)
Sefa - God's plan (& Mr. Ivex)
Sefa - In de Hemel
Sefa - Loy loy
Sefa - One Tribe (Defqon.1 2019 Anthem)
Sefa - Pain
Sefa - Survive (& Para Italia)
Sefa - Wat zullen we drinken
The Prophet - Wanna play.
Vertex - The end
Warface - Robot gangbang (& Sefa)
Defqon.1 (One Tribe) (CD 4: Delete)
Artifact - Battle of the mind
Bloodlust - Pieces
Chris One - Stay
Crypsis - Woofer
Delete - Disco weapon (& Killshot)
Delete - Don't hold back (ft MC Livid)
Delete - Lunatic
Delete - Munky shit VIP
Delete - Payback (ft Tha Watcher)
E-Force - The bad guy
End of Line - Strive for domination
Genox - Inhuman 2.0
Malice - Be the one
Mind Dimension - The beginning
MYST - Take me away
Ncrypta - Transmission 2.0
Rebelion - The edge (ft Micah Martin)
Regain - Fist to fist
Riot Shift - OBLIVION
Rooler - The rules
Thyron - Crowd control
Vazard - Epilogue (Vyral remix)
Warface - I need you
Warface - Menace (D-Sturb 'The Next Level') (& Frequencerz)
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