Książki / E-Booki
Secret Behind Communism The Ethnic Origins of the Russian Revolution and the Greatest Holocaust the History of Mankind [ENG] [PDF skan]]

Dodał: sl_ko
Data dodania:
2021-09-14 21:54:39
Rozmiar: 25.51 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-07-15 16:53:09
Seedów: 2
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0

This is the most unified work on the ethnic origins of the Communist Revolution in Russia and the greatest Holocaust in the history of mankind. It documents the ethnic tribalism that drove Soviet Communism and and the Communist Internationale. This book shows how a Zionist publication, YNETNEWS, identifies Genrikh Yagoda as the Soviet leader who murdered at least 10 million people. He killed twice the number of victims alleged in the Jewish Holocaust but not one in a thousand people know of him. Dr. Duke argues that the media silence is related to what YNETNEWS reveals to its readers in Israel: Yagoda and his deputies were Jews. That Hollywood and the media conglomerates which hide the crimes of Communism are in fact dominated by the same tribal loyalties. Dr. Duke documents the Jewish role in Communism from its germination with Karl Marx and Moses Hess to the seizure of Russia and Eastern Europe and its satellite organizations in America and Britain, South Africa and even in early Communist China. The Secret Behind Communism incorporates the research of the author along with Nobel prizewinner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Frank Britton and others. The great Russian patriot Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who himself suffered greatly in the Jewish-run Gulags, stated these powerful words: "You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They Hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse..." This book brings the historical evidence together. It has key translations from Solzhenitsyn's book Two Hundred Years Together, a book never translated into English by the globalist media. Dr. Duke reveals that Jewish tribalist support for Communism has subsumed into Zionism. Jewish Trotskyite remnants have heavily influence progressive, and surprisingly, even conservative expressions through the neoconservatism that Trotskyites such as Leo Strauss, founded. It further shows that the same ethnic tribalist, genocidal mindset in Communism is present in Zionism and globalism and is just as much an enemy and threat to human rights and life as historical Soviet Communism.

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