Title: Music for You [Vol.18]
Artist: VA
Year: 2021
Genre: Metal, Rock
Length: 02:39:12
Format / Codec: MP3
Audio bitrate: 320 Kbps
...( TrackList )...
01. Muse - Citizen Erased (XX Anniversary RemiXX) (07:19)
02. Times of Grace - The Burden of Belief (05:39)
03. Interloper - Idle Years (04:46)
04. Machine Head - Become The Firestorm (05:04)
05. Enslaved- Fenris (07:17)
06. Gus G - Fierce (04:13)
07. The Night Flight Orchestra - Burn For Me (04:03)
08. Matthew K.Heafy - Right Here Waiting (feat. Richard Marx) (03:32)
09. Paul Gilbert - Werewolves Of Portland (06:41)
10. Conception - Cry (live) (05:52)
11. Light The Torch - Let Me Fall Apart (03:30)
12. Devin Townsend Project - Stormbending (05:23)
13. Atomic Simphony - Enslaved (07:03)
14. Transport League - Me The Cursed (04:57)
15. Twelve Foot Ninja - Long Way Home (04:28)
16. Duskmourn - Deathless (07:14)
17. Amon Amarth - Masters of War (04:34)
18. Negentropy - The Inevitable (03:37)
19. Burning Witches - We Stand as One (05:11)
20. FireProven - Waves of Extinction (06:37)
21. Thy Catafalque - Koszontsd A Hajnalt (04:28)
22. At The Gates - The Paradox (04:55)
23. Mike Salow - So It Begins (07:25)
24. Vola - Napalm (04:58)
25. Insomnium - The Reticent (04:34)
26. Bottomless - Centuries Asleep (04:53)
27. The Omnific - Wax & Wane (05:26)
28. Seas on The Moon - The Regress (04:49)
29. Mammoth WVH - Mammoth (04:39)
30. Diatryma - The Tormentor (feat. Ronny Hemlin) (06:05)
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