Alessia Cara - Scars to your beautiful
Astrid S - Hurts so good
Bea Miller - Fire n gold
Claudia Valentina - 4;15
Claudia Valentina - Seven
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put your records on
Deana Carter - Did I shave my legs for this?
Demi Lovato - Confident
Demi Lovato - Sorry not sorry
Diana Ross - I'm coming out
Donna Summer - She works hard for the money
Ellie Goulding - Anything could happen
Girl Power Hits (2021) (Front).jpg
Gwen Stefani - Hollaback girl
Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for?
Hope Tala - All my girls like to fight
Jessie J - Do it like a dude
La Roux - Bulletproof
Lorde - Liability
Lorde - Supercut
Miley Cyrus - Can't be tamed
Ne-Yo - Miss independent
Olivia Dean - The hardest part
Shania Twain - Man! I feel like a woman!
Spice Girls - Wannabe
The Pussycat Dolls - When I grow up
Zedd - Stay (& Alessia Cara)
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