...( Info )...
Title: Seven (Japanese Edition)
Artist: Mors Principium Est
Year: 2020
Genre: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Finland
Duration: 00:52:23
Format / Codec: MP3
Audio bitrate: 320 Kbps
...( TrackList )...
01. A Day For Redemption [00:05:03]
02. Lost In a Starless Aeon [00:05:09]
03. In Frozen Fields [00:05:02]
04. March To War [00:04:59]
05. Rebirth [00:03:29]
06. Reverence [00:02:06]
07. Master of the Dead [00:06:38]
08. The Everlong Night [00:04:16]
09. At the Shores of Silver Sand [00:05:09]
10. My Home, My Grave [00:06:20]
11. Uprising [Bonus Track] [00:04:06]