Programy / Graficzne
Photo BlowUp 1.1 (1.0.6868.36646) [ENG / GER] [Crack UZ1] [azjatycki]

Dodał: azjatycki
Data dodania:
2020-07-11 12:57:19
Rozmiar: 11.95 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-02-14 22:26:12
Seedów: 8
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0

Chcesz powiększyć zdjęcie? Oprogramowanie Photo BlowUp pomaga powiększać obrazy. Nigdy więcej pikselowanych lub nieczystych zdjęć. Zastanawiasz się nad słabą jakością wydruku zdjęć uzyskanych z WhatsApp lub Instagram? Photo BlowUp rekonstruuje szczegóły twoich zdjęć i pozwala na powiększenie do 700%! Nawet jeśli masz zdjęcia w wysokiej rozdzielczości i chcesz wydrukować zdjęcia na płótnie lub plakaty XXL, szybko osiągniesz granice swoich zdjęć, a wydruki będą wyglądały pikselowo lub nieczysto. I właśnie dlatego opracowaliśmy Photo BlowUp: zmień rozmiar obrazu i uzyskaj wspaniałe i ostre zdjęcia! Nasz potężny algorytm zapewnia, że ​​oryginalny obraz można przeskalować w kilku krokach bez zauważalnej utraty jakości.

Oprogramowanie, oparte na unikalnych algorytmach, zapewnia doskonałe wyniki w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi metodami zmiany rozmiaru: krawędzie i szczegóły obiektów na zdjęciach wyglądają ostro i naturalnie.



You would like to enlarge a photo? Our Photo BlowUp software helps you to enlarge your images. No more pixelated or unclean photos. Wondering the poor print quality of photos you got from WhatsApp or Instagram? Photo BlowUp reconstructs the details of your images and allows a magnification of up to 700%! Even if you have high-resolution pictures and want to print poster photos on canvas or XXL posters, you quickly reach the limits of your pictures and the prints look pixel or unclean. And that's exactly why we developed Photo BlowUp: Change the image size and get brilliant and sharp images! Our powerful algorithm ensures that the original image can be scaled up several steps without any noticeable loss in quality.

Enlarge images without loss of quality with Photo BlowUp
Based on unique algorithms, our software delivers excellent results compared to traditional resize methods: edges and details of the objects on your images look sharp and natural. Your images get additional details in textured areas such as hair.

Photo BlowUp is the perfect software to enlarge and improve photos, graphics from the Internet, vector graphics, scanned text and hand-drawn images. Perfectly suited e.g. for archaeology or forensics. Create crisp images without blurring, jagged edges, or loss of sharpness or detail.

Test the photos of your first digital 2MB cameras or pictures of old mobile phones right away. With Photo BlowUp you can turn them into pictures in no time at all, which you can also show in A4 or A5 format without hesitation.

But you can also enlarge interesting details and excerpts on current pictures in best quality with Photo BlowUp.

Of course, the software can also reduce the size of your digital images, photos and graphics.

All functions at a glance:
- Clearly superior to the Bicubic magnification method
- Enlarge images without artifacts, blocks or stairs at the edges
- Lines, edges and details of the image objects remain sharp while enlarging
- Natural colors and shapes of the enlarged images are retained
- With low resolution, the structure of the image is imitated and built in
- Perfect for enlarging photos, web images, vector graphics, scans, graphics or drawings
- Enlarge, enhance and scale your images up to 700% with perfect sharpness
- Enlarge your photos to print large photos or create XXXL posters
- Quickly improve and resize images for printing, publishing, web design and more
- Convince yourself of the impressive enlargements
- Ideal for photos from smartphones, tablets or Internet services such as WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram
- Includes batch processing for entire folders, so you can process entire image series
- Including Photoshop plugin for Photoshop and compatible programs (starting with Photoshop)
- A modified S-spline technology is used
- Optionally you can crop your images
- Select the size of your images in pixels, cm or inches.
- An intuitive software interface and the possibility of processing several images in a batch process at once make it easy to work with the software.
- Multicore support, GPU acceleration and support for Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
- Real 64-bit application (of course also 32-bit compatible). Processes very large files under 64-bit!
- Supported input formats: JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PCX and RAW. All current RAW formats are supported: orf, 3fr, raf, nrw, dng, arw, nef, x3f, srw, pef, rw2, mrw, mdc, mef, dcr, erf, crw, mos, cr2 and sr2 except X3 CCD
- Supported output formats: JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, PCX
- RGB, grayscale, CMYK, LAB and meta data such as IPTC, Exif, XMP and ICC profiles are retained after processing


strona producenta:
strona programu:
system operacyjny: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (32bit - 64bit)


- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- zawartość folderu Crack 32bit lub Crack 64bit przekopiuj domyślnie do: C:/Program Files/Engelmann Software/Photo BlowUp/
- uruchom program


Win 10 64bit - screen po instalacji:

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