Muzyka / Pop
Gregorian - Discography (1991-2019) 96kbps opus

Dodał: Uploader
Data dodania:
2020-04-28 19:03:07
Rozmiar: 1.37 GB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-10-24 11:17:06
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 1

Komentarze: 2

...( Info )...

Gregorian - Discography (1991-2019) 96kbps opus
409 songs / 31:44:52

...( TrackList )...

1991 - Sadisfaction
1999 - Masters of Chant
2001 - Masters of Chant Chapter II
2002 - Masters of Chant Chapter III
2003 - Masters of Chant Chapter IV
2003 - Masters of Chant Chapter IV (Unplugged)
2004 - The Dark Side
2005 - The Masterpieces Decade I
2006 - Christmas Chants
2006 - Masters of Chant Chapter V
2007 - Chants & Mysteries
2007 - Masters of Chant Chapter VI
2009 - Masters of Chant Chapter VII
2010 - The Dark Side Of The Chant
2010 - The Dark Side Of The Chant (Special Rock Edition)
2011 - Masters of Chant Chapter VIII
2011 - The Best Of 1990-2010
2012 - Epic Chants
2013 - Masters Of Chant - Chapter IX
2014 – Winter Chants
2016 - Masters Of Chant Final Chapter Tour
2017 - Holy Chants
2019 - 20-2020

Gregorian is a German band headed by Frank Peterson that performs Gregorian chant-inspired versions of modern pop and rock songs. The band features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment.

iOS opus music players:
Neutron, Flacbox, HighAmp

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