Disc: 1
1. Come Together
2. Something
3. Maxwell's Silver Hammer
4. Oh! Darling
5. Octopus's Garden
6. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
7. Here Comes the Sun
8. Because
9. You Never Give Me Your Money
10. Sun King
11. Mean Mr. Mustard
12. Polythene Pam
13. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
14. Golden Slumbers
15. Carry That Weight
16. The End
17. Her Majesty
Disc: 2
1. I Want You (She's So Heavy) [take 32 + Billy Organ]
2. Goodbye
3. Something
4. Ballad of John and Yoko (Take 7)
5. Old Brown Shoe (Take 2)
6. Oh! Darling (Take 4)
7. Octopus Garden (Take 9)
8. You Never Give Me Your Money (Take 36)
9. Her Majesty (Takes 1-3)
10. Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight (Takes 1-3/Medley)
11. Here Comes the Sun (Take 9)
12. Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Take 12)
Disc: 3
1. Come Together (Take 5)
2. The End (Take 3)
3. Come and Get It
4. Sun King (Take 20)
5. Mean Mr Mustard (Take 20)
6. Polythene Pam (Take 27)
7. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window (Take 27)
8. Because (Take 1 - Instrumental)
9. The Long One (Trial Edit & Mix - 30 July 1969)
10. Something (Take 39 - Instrumental - Strings Only)
11. Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight (Take 17 - Instrumental - Strings & Brass Only)
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