Książki / E-Booki
The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World (2012) - Sandor Ellix Katz, Michael Pollan [ENG] [EPUB]

Dodał: xdktkmhc
Data dodania:
2018-07-03 10:19:18
Rozmiar: 8.92 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2024-12-11 17:44:07
Seedów: 22
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0

The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World (2012) - Sandor Ellix Katz, Michael Pollan [ENG] [EPUB] [LIBGEN]


Format EPUB


The Art of Fermentation is the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. Sandor Katz presents the concepts and processes behind fermentation in ways that are simple enough to guide a reader through their first experience making sauerkraut or yogurt, and in-depth enough to provide greater understanding and insight for experienced practitioners.
While Katz expertly contextualizes fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, health and nutrition, and even economics, this is primarily a compendium of practical information-how the processes work; parameters for safety; techniques for effective preservation; troubleshooting; and more.
With illustrations and extended resources, this book provides essential wisdom for cooks, homesteaders, farmers, gleaners, foragers, and food lovers of any kind who want to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for arguably the oldest form of food preservation, and part of the roots of culture itself. Readers will find detailed information on fermenting vegetables; sugars into alcohol (meads, wines, and ciders); sour tonic beverages; milk; grains and starchy tubers; beers (and other grain-based alcoholic beverages); beans; seeds; nuts; fish; meat; and eggs, as well as growing mold cultures, using fermentation in agriculture, art, and energy production, and considerations for commercial enterprises. Sandor Katz has introduced what will undoubtedly remain a classic in food literature, and is the first-and only-of its kind

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